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I like to finish Book of Thoth before picking up boots, as each stack of the item gives you power through Kuks's passive.
In this example I sell boots late for Chronos' Pendant, which brings me to a total of 40% CDR (20% from item stats, 10% from Pendant's passive, and 10% from power pots)
Polynomicon is an extremely strong item on Kuks, as your 1 ability basically confirms a basic attack after, and Kukulkan is a high power mage, which allows him to do basically get a free 600 damage auto attack.
Build these after book if possible, however if you are going against a seriously annoying healer that will give you issues, you can build right after boots
Aggressive options for Kuks. I almost always get Spear of the Magus into Rod of Tahuti, as that gives you good options for both flat and percent penetration. However if you have very tanky tanks, Charon's Coin is your best option.
Build one item from this list unless you are trying to go full aggressive. I usually go for Gem of Isolation from here, as it has good power and CCR which can be quite useful
Backing at 2k gold allows you to finish Book of Thoth, as well as purchase wards. You are safe to rush Book early, as long as you ward jungle well and use your Slipstream to retreat to tower in the event of a gank.
Skip ability at level 8 so that you can level Whirlwind to 5 at level 9 alongside your ult.
Hello everyone! 5 Star Kukulkan main here!
Kuks has been my main since the 2015 Odyssey event, and has been one of my favorite mages, and characters in general, ever since.
Please please please leave feedback on this guide, as I put a lot of effort into it, and I am open to feedback wherever its applicable. Your feedback will not only help me improve the guide, but it is also useful to me as a Kukulkan main, since what I put into this guide is what I as a player have been doing, and so the more feedback I get, the more I can improve as a player.
I will admit that I am not good at formatting with this website, so please bear with me as this probably won't look the prettiest when I'm done, but in the following sections I would like to:
Briefly go over some pros and cons of Kukulkan
Explain some of my item choices and why I start him the way that I do
Discuss each of his skills in some more detail
And finally, summarize everything in a little Tl;dr section
In the future, based on the reception that this gets, I could potentially add a section with video clips as well, if that would be appreciated.
I will start by introducing the pros, then the cons, and then I will go over both in more detail later in the section
I will only be going over the main items that I recommend in this section, though I may choose to update it to full builds later on if this is well-received
Conduit Gem/Archmages Gem - Great starter for being aggressive, allows you to clear wave faster and more efficiently in the early game, and in the late game once you have upgraded it, it adds a juicy 450+ damage to your abilities. All around a good item for Kuks
Shoes of Focus - Good mana and cooldown for Kuks, I would only recommend this if you start with Conduit Gem, because you need some early game cooldown on Kuk just to have your tornado up more often.
Sands of Time/Pendulum of Ages - Also a great starter item for Kuks, the cooldown is great for your early game, and late game when it is upgraded, its passive will add a nice amount of damage to your abilities, although nothing close to what Archmages will offer, the tradeoff is that you can afford to build more damaging items as opposed to CDR, as lategame with this item alone you will have 30$ CDR (20 from pendulum, 10 from potions). Overall a safer starter item than Conduit Gem, but at the price of raw damage.
Book of Thoth - This item works great with Kuks passive. Each stack of the item gives you mana, and then through your passive that mana is converted into magical power, so basically with each stack of Book of Thoth you are not only getting mana, but also power with every stack. Plus once you're done stacking, the item gets its second passive, which is basically just a better version of Kukulkan's base passive, and the two stack, which equates to 13% of your mana being converted into magical power. Very strong item overall.
Polynomicon - Perhaps the most important item for almost any Kuks build. Gives you some lifesteal while making it so that your basic attacks can hit for an additional 75% of your magical power. When you have 900+ magical power at lategame, this basically makes your auto attacks hit for 800+ damage. So yeah, this item hurts just a little bit. If you manage to hit your 1, you will do about 1000 damage lategame, and slow the enemy, which almost guarantees that your next basic attack will hit. If you have Poly, that basic attack will hit for 800 damage. So basicaly, every time you hit your 1 you will do 1800 damage (before protections) to the enemy... I have seen this combo 100-0 many a jungler, and it is something that is very satisfying to do. I build this item into any build that I make for Kuks, as it it makes your 1 delete people faster than they can pop Aegis.
Don't expect any fancy graphics or images... I have no clue how to add that, so it's going to look awful and I'm sorry for that.
1 - Zephyr - Line attack with a small AOE around your target. This attack does high damage and slows your target for 20-40%. Use this to poke, or to set up an attack with Polynomicon. It can also help you escape a gank if combined with your 2.
2 - Slipstream - One of Kuks's most underrated abilities. This gives you a hefty speed boost, but doesn't count as a dash, so you can use it while crippled. In addition, it gives you temporary immunity to slows, which can make the difference between life and death. Try not to use this ability casually, it is the closest think Kuks has to an escape tool. Use it to retreat back to your tower if you are worried about getting ganked, or use it after your beads to escape death. It can also be used to chase an enemy or arrive to a teamfight/objective faster, though be careful when using it like this. Can also be used as a fast way to proc Poly without putting your damaging abilities on cooldown.
3 - Whirlwind - Kuks signature ability... The tornado. This thing does so much damage its actually insane. It is a circle on the ground that puts a DoT on any enemy that steps into it. This DoT ticks 5 times and does A LOT of damage, and mid to late game you can expect to see it hitting for roughly 200 damage a tick, if not more. Very useful for just about everything. Zoning, clearing wave, poking, killing enemies, and also you can put it at your feet and stand in it if any global ult is happening and you're worried that an enemy is about to land on you. By putting the ability at your feet you force them to take a loooot of damage just to land on you.
4 - Spirit of the Nine Winds - If you like seeing big knockups combined with big damage numbers, then boy is this the ultimate for you. This thing does so much damage that you can oneshot squishies with it if you get a level advantage. I mean seriously, this ult HURTS. Big line attack that knocks up and damages any enemy hit, and it can go over walls. Use it offensively in teamfights to turn the fight in your favor or to clean up kills, use it when someone is out of position and you can secure the kill with it, use it defensively when you're being chased to remind your enemies how bad of an idea it is to chase you. I mean seriously, this ult is very good, and the more you play Kuks the more uses for it you'll find
Passive - Power of the Wind Jewel - 4% of your max mana is converted into magical power. Basically a diet Book of Thoth that you get for free, and roughly equates to 120 free magical power by the end of the game with most builds.
Overall, Kuks is one of the most fun characters that I have found in Smite, and he is my favorite mid laner, and god in general, by far. I hope that with this guide you learned a thing or two about him, and that you enjoy him as much as I do. I hope that this was able to help you, and I would appreciate any and all feedback you have to give after reading this guide.
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After that, you'd probably look to a standard power/pen item, and would likely choose between
Then as needed / preferred, go for your standard % pen and damage items...when getting BoT, probably go for
Depending on the god and build, you might still buy a starter. That said, for someone like Kukulkan, I probably wouldn't. With quick gold spooling, it's usually better just to go straight for the full items.
Keep in mind, this build you're looking at has not been updated since April, so it still has outdated items like
Currently for Arena, because Kuk can be a big pest, you might go for more early CDR to throw a lot of
While you could go