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Love, find your mark! - A (Lovely and) Complete Guide for all modes (Y11, 11.2)

456 76 1,033,739
by xmysterionz updated February 17, 2024

Smite God: Cupid

Build Guide Discussion 136 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Cupid Build


Notes Standard start for the standard build.

If you intend to pick Asi as first item, then get Light Blade instead of gauntlet.


Standard start for the standard build.

If you intend to pick Asi as first item, then get Light Blade instead of gauntlet.

Build Item Gilded Arrow Gilded Arrow
Build Item Spiked Gauntlet Spiked Gauntlet
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Nuke Love Bomb (Full Crit Build)

Notes Build made for when you want to melt objectives as fg and gf plus kill squishes extremely fast. It may also do decent damage against tanks. It also boosts the damage from your Glyphed DB and has CDR for utility and ulti spam.

If you have someone healing a lot, get green executioner as your glyph.

Unless it's absolutely needed, get your glyphs only at late game.


Build made for when you want to melt objectives as fg and gf plus kill squishes extremely fast. It may also do decent damage against tanks. It also boosts the damage from your Glyphed DB and has CDR for utility and ulti spam.

If you have someone healing a lot, get green executioner as your glyph.

Unless it's absolutely needed, get your glyphs only at late game.

Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item The Ferocious Executioner The Ferocious Executioner
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Fail-Not Fail-Not
Build Item Devoted Deathbringer Devoted Deathbringer

Love Machine Gun (Anti Tank build example)

Notes Build made for when you face tanky comps or tanks are your problem in the game, w keying you/focusing you. This build absolutely melts them.

Check Builds and Itemization for more info!


Build made for when you face tanky comps or tanks are your problem in the game, w keying you/focusing you. This build absolutely melts them.

Check Builds and Itemization for more info!

Build Item Leader's Cowl Leader's Cowl
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Envenomed Executioner Envenomed Executioner
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow

Starter Options

Notes Starter options you may pick. Pick the base tier based on what you want late game.
  • You can pick Leader's Cowl when you do not want crits and there are no basic attackers on your team. Provides free power and the more you win teamfights, the stronger you and your team gets.
  • You can pick Hunter's Cowl when you have multiple people basic attacking on your team, like Kali, Erlang Shen, etc... It's a weaker version of temper for you, but stronger if your team can take advantage of that.
  • Pick Ornate Arrow only if you intend to go crits, else avoid this starter. If you are going crits your main damage is absolutely from your basics so this is the choice.


Starter options you may pick. Pick the base tier based on what you want late game.

  • You can pick Leader's Cowl when you do not want crits and there are no basic attackers on your team. Provides free power and the more you win teamfights, the stronger you and your team gets.
  • You can pick Hunter's Cowl when you have multiple people basic attacking on your team, like Kali, Erlang Shen, etc... It's a weaker version of temper for you, but stronger if your team can take advantage of that.
  • Pick Ornate Arrow only if you intend to go crits, else avoid this starter. If you are going crits your main damage is absolutely from your basics so this is the choice.

Build Item Hunter's Cowl Hunter's Cowl
Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow
Build Item Leader's Cowl Leader's Cowl

Good items to build

Notes General items that are good to be built in an ADC build RN.
  • Titan's Bane - Pick if you need %pen and do not need more AS
  • Dominance - Pick if you need %pen and need more AS (notice only your basic get this pen)
  • The Executioner - Pick if you need "%pen" and need more AS for abilities, items and basics.
  • Asi - Great early option if you need lifesteal but do not want to stack or need attack speed quickly to be competitive.
  • Devourer's Gauntlet - Great early option that offers good lifesteal and flat pen when stacked but the power spike is slower than asi.
  • Qin's Sais - Your option together with +30% pen to melt tanks.


General items that are good to be built in an ADC build RN.

  • Titan's Bane - Pick if you need %pen and do not need more AS
  • Dominance - Pick if you need %pen and need more AS (notice only your basic get this pen)
  • The Executioner - Pick if you need "%pen" and need more AS for abilities, items and basics.
  • Asi - Great early option if you need lifesteal but do not want to stack or need attack speed quickly to be competitive.
  • Devourer's Gauntlet - Great early option that offers good lifesteal and flat pen when stacked but the power spike is slower than asi.
  • Qin's Sais - Your option together with +30% pen to melt tanks.

Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item The Ferocious Executioner The Ferocious Executioner
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Situational Items

Notes Items that can be useful to you on very specific situations
  • Transcendence can allow you to spam skills and have giant amounts of power, but it's hard to fit in a build without miss anything else.
  • Griffonwing Earrings has great stats for the cost and can help you hit basic attacks easier, but is completely unnecessary if you already hit them.
  • Envenomed Executioner is only useful against lifesteal/healing enemies ( Aphrodite) or a shield machine like Hera/ Nike.
  • Odysseus' Bow - Great if you want to maximize your attack speed and deal a bit of area damage on a teamfight, but you might have to not build any crit at all to fit this.


Items that can be useful to you on very specific situations

  • Transcendence can allow you to spam skills and have giant amounts of power, but it's hard to fit in a build without miss anything else.
  • Griffonwing Earrings has great stats for the cost and can help you hit basic attacks easier, but is completely unnecessary if you already hit them.
  • Envenomed Executioner is only useful against lifesteal/healing enemies ( Aphrodite) or a shield machine like Hera/ Nike.
  • Odysseus' Bow - Great if you want to maximize your attack speed and deal a bit of area damage on a teamfight, but you might have to not build any crit at all to fit this.

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Griffonwing Earrings Griffonwing Earrings
Build Item Envenomed Executioner Envenomed Executioner
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow

Crit options

Notes If you want crits you will probably have to choose from these options.
  • Deathbringer - Must buy on every crit build as your 5th or 6th item.Get the devoted because it will increase your crit chance until 100%. After 100% you start to gain power.
  • Fail-Not - extremely bloated item that has power, %pen since the first hit and 6the cdr is excellent to you spam your skills. If you don't need more AS, ALWAYS get this instead of Demon Blade.
  • Demon Blade - If you are needing AS, Crit and %pen on your build, get this item. If you don't need the attack speed, get Fail-Not.
  • Ornate Arrow - Your start if you want crits. Helps you gain more gold and has great stats on it, allowing you to pick just 1 or at very max 2 crits items, leaving you with more free slots on your build.


If you want crits you will probably have to choose from these options.

  • Deathbringer - Must buy on every crit build as your 5th or 6th item.Get the devoted because it will increase your crit chance until 100%. After 100% you start to gain power.
  • Fail-Not - extremely bloated item that has power, %pen since the first hit and 6the cdr is excellent to you spam your skills. If you don't need more AS, ALWAYS get this instead of Demon Blade.
  • Demon Blade - If you are needing AS, Crit and %pen on your build, get this item. If you don't need the attack speed, get Fail-Not.
  • Ornate Arrow - Your start if you want crits. Helps you gain more gold and has great stats on it, allowing you to pick just 1 or at very max 2 crits items, leaving you with more free slots on your build.

Build Item Devoted Deathbringer Devoted Deathbringer
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Fail-Not Fail-Not
Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow


Notes Pls read the relics section to understand each choice!!
  • Beads and aegis are your default choice for 99% of the games. The other 1% is assault, where you could consider meditation

Also, your clear sucks at the beginning, so I see no point in picking other shard.


Pls read the relics section to understand each choice!!

  • Beads and aegis are your default choice for 99% of the games. The other 1% is assault, where you could consider meditation

Also, your clear sucks at the beginning, so I see no point in picking other shard.

Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Aegis of Acceleration Aegis of Acceleration
Build Item Cloak of Ascetic Cloak of Ascetic
Build Item Golden Shard Golden Shard

Cupid's Skill Order Notes When you reach level 8, you may wait until level 9 so you can upgrade both your 1 and ulti.

Upgrade Flutter after hear bomb when you DPS (extra damage)

Upgrade Share The Love after hear bomb when you need sustain.

See the section "skill order" for more info.


When you reach level 8, you may wait until level 9 so you can upgrade both your 1 and ulti.

Upgrade Flutter after hear bomb when you DPS (extra damage)

Upgrade Share The Love after hear bomb when you need sustain.

See the section "skill order" for more info.

Heart Bomb

1 X Y
Heart Bomb
1 4 6 7 8

Share The Love

2 A B
Share The Love
3 15 16 18 19


3 B A
2 10 11 12 14

Fields Of Love

4 Y X
Fields Of Love
5 9 13 17 20
Heart Bomb
1 4 6 7 8

Heart Bomb

1 X
Cupid fires an arrow of love at the target, causing damage when it hits and slowing them. After a short time, the targets heart explodes, dealing the damage again to the target and all enemies within the radius. If Cupid has max Heart Stacks then all enemies in the explosion area are Stunned for 1s. Minions take 55% increased damage from Heart Bomb.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20%
Detonation Duration: 3s
Radius: 25
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Share The Love
3 15 16 18 19

Share The Love

2 A
Cupid places 3 floating hearts at his ground target location that heal himself or allied gods and provide a passive stack when picked up. Cupid regenerates Mana and heals for 60% of the value for each heart that is picked up by an ally.

Ability Type: Area, Heal
Heal per Heart: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125
Mana Regen per Heart: 30
Heart Lifetime: 8s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 13s
2 10 11 12 14


3 B
Passive: Cupid gains increased Attack Speed.

Active: Cupid flutters quickly forward, leaving a trail behind him that increases all allies' movement speed. Additionally, after dashing, Cupid doubles the Passive Attack Speed he gains from this ability for 4s.

Ability Type: Dash, Buff
Attack Speed: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20%
Movement Speed: 30%
Lifetime: 6s
Range: 55
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Fields Of Love
5 9 13 17 20

Fields Of Love

4 Y
Cupid fires arrows of love at his ground target location, slowing enemies in the area and crippling them, preventing movement abilities. The arrows grow and explode, dealing damage and Mesmerizing enemies. Any damage done breaks the Mesmerize effect. If Cupid has max Heart Stacks the Mesmerize duration is doubled.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 200 / 280 / 360 / 440 / 520 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30%
Mesmerize: 1s
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 100s

Cupid Threats

Tap each threat level to view Cupid’s threats


Cupid Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Cupid’s synergies



Art by Hadassa
My name is x MysTeRioN z, a majority Xbox Player but sometimes I play on PC too. I'm a Brazilian nice guy who likes to play FPS, Racing, Plataform and RPG games. I like to study and read when I'm not playing and I'm also studying to be a lawyer.
My Xbox Gamertag is the same as here: x MysterioN z.

Hello guys, today I'm bringing the most complete Cupid guide you will see on this site for now:v
My objective with this guide is to go into all possible details and describe almost any possible item/situation to you and explain what you should do and why and all tips possibles to play with him, no matter how much I will have to write to do so.

"Have you ever been so in love that you feel like
your heart will explode?...Do you wanna be?"

Best phrase in the entire game hahaha

Recently I have heard this God is the Teemo of Smite (Teemo is a character from League of Legends that is cute, small, annoying, and is only played by people that don't have souls). Yes, he is but who cares? :p
People that don't have a soul (and brain) play as He Bo, Ao Kuang (braindead as Master Yi)... (I'm just kidding). Anyway, let's go to what matters.

I'm open to suggestions to make this guide even better, so don't forget to like this guide (if you liked) and tell me what I should improve, what I should change, and if this guide was helpful for you.

You are reading a CERTIFIED GUIDE!!!

check here


"I'm so sweet" - Bee Cupid

Health: 623 (+72)
Mana: 230 (+39)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 55 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95 (+1.8%)
HP5: 8 (+0.67)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.35)
Magical: 30 (+1.6)
Physical: 17 (+3.2)
Basic Attack
Damage: 35 (+ 2.3)
(+ 100% of Physical Power)
Class Bonus
Extra B. A. Damage:
1% up to 10% at level 20

Pros / Cons

"Can't touch this, honey" - Bee Cupid

  1. Easy to play
  2. Great Burst Potential
  3. Decent Cooldowns
  4. Permanent Attack Speed Buff
  5. High Sustain in the lane
  6. Has a good escape
  7. Utility God
  8. Very cute and Lovely
  9. Cutest cards of all
    the game
Art by vangel4e via DeviantArt
  1. Very Squishy
  2. Your healing isn't useful in team fights
  3. Good escape but not great
  4. Mesme effect on ulti is broke by damage
  5. Only 2 damage Skills
  6. Falls at late game
  8. Extremely annoying VP (The Default)



"Love is a battlefield!" - Cupid

Type: Passive

Hearts to Stack: 8

Cupid fall in love with everything he hits, with more love, more powerful he becomes. He stacks a heart with each attack he hits. He will have the following additional effects with the stacks:
  • Each heart stacked will increase by 2% the damage of your skills
  • Each heart stacked will increase by 2% your healing
    When all the 8 hearts are stacked you also gain:
  • Mesmerized effect on his ultimate ( Fields Of Love) is doubled (from 1 secs to 2 secs).
  • Heart bomb when explode now will cause a 1s stun on all targets in the area.

    (These two skills will ALWAYS consume all stacks even when it's not at max.)


Heart Bomb
Type: Projectile
Cooldown: 12 secs

Hit Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+80% of your Physical Power) (Single Target)
Explosion Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+80% of your Physical Power) (In Area)

Cupid fires his famous arrow charged with a heart. The target hit with this arrow will lose 20% of movement speed and the heart will stick on him. After 3 seconds, the heart will explode causing damage to the target and all enemies in the area. If Cupid totally fell in love (your passive is fully stacked), the explosion will cause 1s stun to the target and all enemies in the area. Minions of all types take an additional 60% damage on both hits.


Example Video

Share the Love
Type: Ground Target
Cooldown: 13 secs

Healing: 25/50/75/100/125 Per heart

Cupid show to all teammates and himself the face of love throwing 3 hearts on the ground that heals allies or himself if picked up. If an ally gets it, it will regenerate Cupid's mana based on how much Cupid is feeling loved (how many stacks you have on your passive).


Example Video

Type: Dash
Cooldown: 16-12 secs

Attack Speed Increased: 3/6/9/12/15%

Cupid dashes forward leaving a trail of love that increases in 30% all allies' movement speed and himself when above it. Also Cupid gain a permanent attack speed buff by upgrading this skill to help him spread the love.


Example Video

Fields of Love
Type: Ground Target
Cooldown: 100 secs

Damage: 200/280/360/440/520 (+100% of your Physical Power)

Cupid quickly shoots all his love arrows into the air that quickly lands, forming a large radius circle in the ground, preventing enemies from use movement skills, keeping them close to his love, and slowing all the targets in 30%. Then, after 2 seconds the hearts on the arrows will explode causing damage and a hypnotizing (mesmerizing effect) for all the targets affected by the explosion.

Tips and how to use

Example Video

Skills Order

"True love never dies!" - Cupid

Art by pushimaru via DeviantArt
On this section I'm going to help you choose what skill you should upgrade first and what are the priorities depending of your play style. You can have a: High damage leveling order, focusing on DPS and damage, a High Sustain leveling order
focusing on maximize your sustain in lane, or even be Hybrid. I will explain each skill order right below click on the spoilers to understand each one.

A common mistake on Conquest
Something people do that is a huge mistake at the early game is upgrading Share The Love instead Flutter at lvl 2. And what if the enemy JG appears LVL 2? You will be at serious risk, so always go with Flutter. Better safe than sorry!!!

If your ultimate is down at level 9
then upgrade Heart Bomb first, if it is ready, then upgrade Fields Of Love

High Damage and Sustain (lifesteal is not enough)

High DPS over sustain (your lifesteal is enough)

High Sustain (Exclusive to Assault)

Skills Combos

"This arrow is aimed at your heart!" - Cupid

Wave clear

Heart bomb + Basic Attacks (AA)

Take my love (Details)

Poking your enemy

+ +
Basic Attack + Heart bomb + Basic Attack

Quick kaboom (Details)

Chasing your enemy

+ +
Flutter + Heart bomb + Fields of Love

Are you running from my love? (Details)

Exploding your enemy

Heart bomb + Fields of Love

Explosive Love (Details)


Fields of Love + Flutter

If you are the prey (Details)

How to play with Cupid

"Alright let's get it on, hahahahaha!" - Cupid

Art by ezpups via DeviantArt
Cupid, God of Love, a very nice and fun/funny God to play, and also a bit easy. Here I will help you by saying how you should play with him, the general gameplay.

If you haven't read the Skills sections right above, I suggest you do it before starts here.

I consider Cupid a Hybrid ADC, which means that you have 2 or all your 4 skills applying damage on the enemy, so the general recommendation is always to build something focusing a bit on power and pen for your skills but also a bit of Attack Speed and benefits from basic attacks so you can have the best of both worlds.

Early Game

Key parts of early gameplay: Farming, HP and Mana Care, Moderate Aggressive playstyle, Attacking the tower, Wards, Ganks, Positioning, Sustain, Fighting, and Poking.

early game in details

Mid Game

Key parts of mid gameplay: Keep the Farming, Staying alone at lane, Aggressive playstyle, Rotating, Wards, Objectives.

Mid gameplay in details

Late Game

Key parts of late gameplay: Farming Occasionally, Grouping Up, Self Peeling, Wards, Objectives, Late game Teamfights.

Late gameplay in details

Obs.: Change the skills from "default" to "instantaneous" in settings to get better responses (except Fields Of Love and the Heart Bomb if you have troubles aiming them).

Tips for Game Modes

"Don't be afraid of love! Nobody has ever been hurt by love!" - Cupid (that's a lie hahaha)

Here you will see specific tips to the game modes. Follow the conquest tips plus everything you find here.







Joust and Slash



"Watch over me please!" - Cupid

To do theses images, I CONSIDERED I SPAWNED AS ORDER SIDE, the light blue team.

I will show you how to warding the DUO, usually, the place you will play with Cupid and some places additionally that may be useful. To see a complete section about warding check these two options:

Bran's The Overarching Conquest Guide

What are all those circles?


"Something to spread the love!" - Cupid

How to Build

Now I will talk about how you should build the little chubby boy properly, what your build must have to be decent and viable on a Cupid.

how to build


Love Machine Gun

Nuke Love (Crit Build)

Don't forget to check the notes on each build on the top!!!
They have especially valuable information!!!

Situational Items



"I want it! I want it!" - Cupid

These are active items with a large cooldown that can help you in the battle or even save your life, so don't forget to get them before going to the battle. Relics are free, but can be upgraded for 300g. Then you can choose between 2 variants that has additional effects for extra 500 gold. Players unlock their first Relic at level 1, and their second Relic at level 12 over Vision Shard.

details about the relics

Random Facts

"What a scared bee calls? Boobees!!!" - Ghost Cupid
Best joke from the game hahahaha

about Cupid (the God)

About the Smite Cupid (the playable character)

cupid just want to ask…

Cupid after all the nerfs (again)

Final Considerations

"Hocus, Smokus, Simsalabim, I am here so now we are sure to win!"
(Mighty Mage Cupid)

My final considerations are that he is very funny to play and brings a big satisfaction feeling when you help a lot the team (killing or help to kill).

If you follow the tips and the builds here, I'm sure you'll be EXCELENT as Cupid.

Special Thanks:
  • Tlaloc - The guy who inspired me with his original cupid guide.
  • Zennore - The guy who did this amazing art of cute Cupid in the headers (Via DeviantArt).
  • branmuffin17- The big "brain", who helped me with some tips and builds to this Guide.
  • icecoldpappsi - Who helped me to solve some mistakes.
  • Everyone else that put feedback into comments section <3

Check my other guides:

Art by Zennore via DeviantArt
and Bomine via Artstation

This guide took me a lot of efforts to be made so let me know your opinion and if you liked it, don't forget to leave your comment and especially your upvote ;)

That's it, thank you for reading my guide.

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LightCC | February 1, 2024 7:54pm
You can't glyph 2 items (Executioner and Deathbringer) as of some time in year 10, I believe.
xmysterionz (72) | February 3, 2024 7:16am
When glyphs were introduced, they used to be as many as you wanted. Then hirez locked 1 per build until season/year 11. At this point, patch 11.1, you can build multiple glyphs.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 1, 2024 11:49pm
Year 11 has unleashed the glyph beast, and you now are able to build unlimited glyphs (if you really want to). Exe and DB glyphs are extremely common for late-game though.

In case you didn't see the 11.1 patch notes, here they are:
LightCC | February 4, 2024 12:34pm
Thanks - I missed that when I scanned the patch notes.
xmysterionz (72) | January 25, 2023 1:11pm
Updating the guide slowly to Year 10.
Fully Updated to Year 10 S1.
Comments below are from S9 and above from Y10.
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 25, 2023 2:25pm
For your crit build, you might consider going Asi into Rage, allowing you to get only 2 crit items (Rage + DB, Demon Blade as an option for basically max crit) and avoiding needing to pick up the stupid Bladed Boomerang drops. Allows you to get more AS as well, something like Temper Asi Rage Exe DB Qin's/Ata/Dom.
xmysterionz (72) | January 26, 2023 5:15am
What you think bran about this build?
Death's Temper, Devo, Fail-not, Wind Demon, Dominance, DB
20% pen in general, 40% on basics, 10 flat, 70%+ crit etc...
Seems pretty solid on cupid that takes huge advantage of CDR on his ulti + HB
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xmysterionz (72) | January 25, 2023 3:00pm
Yeah, definitely free slots are a massive problems of Y10. We will need a 7th slot soon lol
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Ahimenes | August 2, 2022 10:08am
Thanx, very nice crits build and very strange and hard-to-try no-crits build.
xmysterionz (72) | August 2, 2022 10:28am
I appreciate your comment :3

We are living in a meta where crits are totally dominant, so it's natural the non-crit build is extremely situational. However, it's a tradition since I started making guides to offer a crit and non-crit build variant, so I'll keep it unless crit becomes 100% mandatory.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 2, 2022 11:02am
Agreed. Should always offer a non-crit build. That build you currently have is solid for:
  • Sustain (using Death's Embrace + Asi provides very good health sustain, and Embrace can allow you to solo the FG if you really needed to.

  • Anti-Tank: Combination of Qin's, Silver, and Ferocious Exe means you should chunk tanks with high protections / high health. In these scenarios, you should be able to scare off those warriors that like to W-key you.

  • Objective Secure w/ other Physical teammates: Exe in particular will be really nice to help other physical damage dealers do more damage to the GF / FG / Titan.
It's definitely not a build you'd use every time, but it's got some very good function against certain comps.
TheEinherjar | April 21, 2022 3:31pm
Cupid also synergises well with Khepri!
xmysterionz (72) | April 24, 2022 11:27am
Yes indeed
DV-8 (35) | February 1, 2022 10:39am
xmysterionz (72) | February 2, 2022 6:28am
I mean, cupid doesn't have giant active AS steroids, so he wouldn't be able to take good advantage of the passive. Does it worth so much to completely ignore the passive?
Kriega1 (143) | February 2, 2022 7:55am
It's a 20% pen item?

You could do like:

Embrace, Crusher (Silver), Asi, Wind, Exe, DB

Temper, Crusher (Silver), Asi, Wind, Exe, DB (Alternatively, could consider, Temper, Crusher (Dom), Asi, Wind, Silver, DB but Exe is an nice cheap spike so i'd rather go the Exe version).

Ornate/Temper, Devo's, Ata, Wind, Silver, DB
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 2, 2022 7:55am
I would say, if you have % pen already in your kit (e.g. WD passive, maybe even Dom), Silver's 20% synergizes very well with it. The stats are strong, and that makes it probably a legitimate choice even if you don't use the passive, but it's also not one I'd consider as much on someone like Cupid.

But if you're facing a tank-heavy comp...Devo's or Asi, Temper or Ornate, WD, DB, Silver and Dom would give you crazy pen with otherwise very well-rounded stats.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 1, 2022 10:49am
Couple other thoughts...Ata looks like it's often replaced late game. One consideration you might make is when getting Ata, delay WD a bit, rush DB a bit earlier. Something like Temper Devo's Ata Exe DB WD replace Ata w/ Qin's.

For the non-crit build, additional situational items might include O-Bow (I see you mention replacing Crusher late w/ it, but you might just show 7 items w/ O-bow last), and if the enemy isn't bursty, you might consider switching Temper for Embrace. As DV8 likes to point out, Embrace by itself allows you to tank / solo the FG...not that you should be planning to do that, but your sustain is soooooo strong when you get Embrace.
xmysterionz (72) | February 2, 2022 8:54am
I will add qins replacement as an option and add the obow icon on the no-crits build
xmysterionz (72) | February 1, 2022 9:31am
Finally updated to season 9!!
Comments below this are from Season 8 and the ones above from Season 9!
Lalaboompoo | March 22, 2021 3:36pm
which of the builds available has the strongest late game? There are a lot of builds here and dont know what to go with as im still new, any advice?
xmysterionz (72) | March 23, 2021 9:46am
It all depends of the enemy composition. The "main build" is the most balanced, you can either kill tanks very fast (usually a warrior and guardian building hp and defenses) while also doing reasonable damage to squishy targets (people who don't bulid protections and hp).

However, on "burst crit" and "sustain crit" you can obliterate squishies but not so much tanks.

So if you have a standard composition, with 2 tanks (or more, like a bruiser/tank jg) I'd build the "main build", if the enemy Comp doesn't have tanks or just 1 tank I'd go with crit builds.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 18, 2021 10:54am
Yo Myst.

So to be honest, I've barely used the Death's Toll starter. I've tried both Cowl and Arrow, and like both. I'll start with that top DT build, but it's on theory rather than experience.

On the DT build, I feel it doesn't have enough AS to fully utilize Qin's. Berserker's is very popular right now, and I think is often built in the 4th spot. I'd personally delay Exe until later, or option it with Dom. Like...DT -> Devo's -> Ninja -> Berserker's -> Qin's or Exe -> Exe or Qin's. That gets you 2.165 AS base at level 20 (without Berserker's passive in effect which will be 2.355), which is sufficient for Qin's. If you don't have Berserker's in there, you'll be just below 2.0.

When I look at your Cowl Utility build, all I see is empty mana. When I've run it, your Share The Love at level 3 is barely enough to keep you up, and once the Supp leaves, you've got zero mana sustain.

To solve that, you can be weird and continue picking up a mana potion or two on backs, but the main solution is to get mana or MP5 fairly early.

As such, I think Cowl is best paired with Trans over Devo's...or you can go for Dom 3rd (after boots), since it has MP5. Cowl -> Ninja -> Dom -> Asi etc.

On the Cowl Crit build, I 100% would go Ninja Tabi over Warrior Tabi. You have the same mana issues there, so you could option into Trans over Devo's. Significantly less lifesteal, but Cowl does have the lifesteal.

On the anti-heal build, I think Toxic should probably come later. If anything, get Qin's in there early so your DPS curve is a bit better. Also, I think I'd personally go Arrow over DT in that build.

On the farm build, you can option into either Qin's or crits. I've liked Gilded -> Devo's -> Ninja -> Fail -> Wind -> Exe or Dom, upgrade to Ornate.

xmysterionz (72) | January 25, 2021 4:55pm
Comments below this are from Season 7 and the ones above from Season 8!
MegaMattEX | January 13, 2021 12:09am
If you want to be more effective, don't prioritise your 2. 3's passive 20% attack speed heavily outweigh's the Utility of 2. If you or your teammates need the 110 odd HP, they would just use Supp or hell, even a pot. Very valuable utility late game, but not your priority at all. You're better off buying health/multi's.
xmysterionz (72) | January 13, 2021 4:39pm
It is a very good healing if you pick all the 3 hearts plus you can outsustain your enemy if you have upgraded it. The AS is nice but honestly being 100% safe against pokes seems way more heavily on the balance
xmysterionz (72) | March 23, 2020 2:16pm
Reworked the Entire "How to play" section. Feedback is appreciate.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 23, 2020 3:14pm
"I consider Cupid an Hybrid ADC (Half of your skills is focused on damages)"

You should switch the part in parentheses to (half of your damage is provided by your skills) or something to that effect. Although it's also basically true that 2 of your 4 abilities deal damage, what you're mostly doing is focusing on your 1 to significantly support your damage output.

One thing you could add to the early game if you want to be extremely detailed is how you prefer to use your heart bomb. Front minions, back minions, use for poke, etc.

On the "attack the enemy tower" portion, you might also mention higher safety if you know where the jungle is and your ult is up. Say you've forced the enemy to back. If you're then pushing lane and hitting tower, when the enemy comes back to lane (you can easily throw your ult down across the lane behind you to slow them down...that's of course if you're not going for kills and focusing on tower and farm at the time.

In the "sustain" section, note the misspelling of sustain firstly. Then, you say "you also gain mana every time an ally heals you" so you should correct that.

In your late game objectives section, you say you don't have the highest DPS...but all the times before, you were saying you DO have the highest DPS.

After the game sections, I feel Heart Bomb is easy to aim (it's just like a basic with the same range), so it's less of a candidate...probably mention Share The Love along with Fields Of Love as candidates for normal casting, with Flutter and Heart Bomb being instant cast.
xmysterionz (72) | March 25, 2020 10:42am
Branmuffin17 wrote:
"I consider Cupid an Hybrid ADC (Half of your skills is focused on damages)"

You should switch the part in parentheses to (half of your damage is provided by your skills) or something to that effect. Although it's also basically true that 2 of your 4 abilities deal damage, what you're mostly doing is focusing on your 1 to significantly support your damage output.

I didn't edit this part but I rewrote it, I guess it's better to understand what I meant now.

Branmuffin17 wrote:
One thing you could add to the early game if you want to be extremely detailed is how you prefer to use your heart bomb. Front minions, back minions, use for poke, etc.

It is already on the tips for game modes on conquest spoiler.

Branmuffin17 wrote:
On the "attack the enemy tower" portion, you might also mention higher safety if you know where the jungle is and your ult is up. Say you've forced the enemy to back. If you're then pushing lane and hitting tower, when the enemy comes back to lane (you can easily throw your ult down across the lane behind you to slow them down...that's of course if you're not going for kills and focusing on tower and farm at the time.

Ok, done!

Branmuffin17 wrote:
In the "sustain" section, note the misspelling of sustain firstly. Then, you say "you also gain mana every time an ally heals you" so you should correct that.


Branmuffin17 wrote:
In your late game objectives section, you say you don't have the highest DPS...but all the times before, you were saying you DO have the highest DPS.
I said you don't have the highest DPS from the game (Smite) compared to other hunters nor have a decent escape to run away after trying to split push, anyway, I "fixed" that.

Branmuffin17 wrote:
After the game sections, I feel Heart Bomb is easy to aim (it's just like a basic with the same range), so it's less of a candidate...probably mention Share The Love along with Fields Of Love as candidates for normal casting, with Flutter and Heart Bomb being instant cast.

Nah, though all skills are not hard to hit the insta cast of Flutter and Share The Love doesn't change anything IMO. You might also want to see the ulti and Heart Bomb is just line which I don't think it's hard to hit, however, since it's your only ability damage source outside the ulti I think it's better to a newbie see where a line goes and don't miss it than miss it on insta :p

Any other thoughts? Or it's enough detailed? XD
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xmysterionz (72) | January 27, 2020 4:30pm
Comments below this are from Season 6 and the ones above from Season 7!
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