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Sell Ninja Tabi late game for a Speed Pot and The Crusher
Sell Boots late game for a speed pot and bloodforge
Hey there guys, Ye Haw here, just a casual SMITE player. Thought I'd share these builds with you, they are my favorites to play with Thanatos in the Jungle, though you can use it anywhere. It's my first guide so I don't really know what exactly to do, but just take these builds and have fun I guess. I'll try to explain each build best I can. If you're looking for a viable build to use in a game, go to the 4 orangeish squares in the corner of the items up top and select the regular jungle build. Otherwise enjoy this, and thanks for coming here!
This build is a Auto Attack Build for Thanatos. This may come to a surprise for you since
Thanatos is known to be a Ability based God. If you're a new player I suggest you go ahead and skip this build, because it may be a bit difficult to play with.
First we have Hastened Katana. This item is to help you stick to the enemy God and keep hitting them with the crits. The movement and attack speed it provides is also helpful.
Ninja Tabi is in this build instead of
Warrior Tabi because of again, the attack speed. It helps you to hit faster and harder and coupled with
Hastened Katana and Wind Demon it makes a devastating impact.
Deathbringer makes your crits hit a lot harder, and with Wind Demon you have a 40% crit chance. Add in all the attack speed this build provides and you're hitting a lot of crits.
Hide of the Urchin is here to make you love longer. Nothing else to say really.
I've been talking about Wind Demon a lot, and this is because of its passive mainly. In a fight, if you manage to get 2-3 crits off, and the enemy God is still so.ehow alive, you'll be hitting really fast at this point.
Jotunn's Wrath provides the much needed pen and cool down.
If the game goes long enough and you decide to buy a Elixir of Speed and
The Crusher you'll be getting the extra pen and attack speed.
Again this build is not something I'd recommend for ranked games, it's just something I use for fun in casual conquest, which is what I mainly play. I wouldn't recommend this to new Than players either as it requires some skill and the inner workings of the god. But by all means, go ahead and try it out if you wish.
Here we get into the more common and more used items on Thanatos. This is a build I use if I ever end up playing Thanatos in jungle in ranked or if I'm getting more serious about a game.
Warrior Tabi, and
Hydra's Lament are all common items used on Thanatos. These items provide pen, cool down (which helps Than greatly) and a lot of power.
Arondight is something that I find extremely useful on Than, especially if you can auto attack cancel. With this item and full build, you can ult a squishy (ideally the hunters or mages) at full health, auto, scythe, auto and they should be dead. It also provides a massive amount of power, and when you complete this item is when you will have your greatest power spike.
Titan's Bane is necessary for you to be able to do damage to the tanks. It provides a lot of penetration which is never bad.
Heartseeker is a very expensive item. But the stats it provides, along with the passive are worth it. You can do a disgusting amount of damage with this item when you purchase it.
If you get late into the game and decide to buy a Elixir of Speed, getting a
Bloodforge to replace
Warrior Tabi is something I find to be the best. It provides a massive amount of power and the passive also helps with diving someone. You should also think to purchase a
Potion of Power as it gives you extra power and 10% extra CDR, which let's you hit your cap at 40.
In the end, I like to believe this is the best build to use for beginners and is the most commonly used items on Thanatos.
This is another build I use for fun, again I don't recommend this one to beginners either but you can use it if you want. This build provides a ridiculous amount of movement not including Than's Scent of Death and it's passive. I won't go into the details of each item, but I will give a warning, you should be really careful and choose your fights.
Bumba's Mask, though providing a lot of movement speed, makes you take a lot more damage as well.
Well that's all for me I guess. I've given you four builds to use in the jungle, though once again they can be used anywhere and not only in jungle. I would recommend the second build to new Thanatos users and new SMITE players. The first and third builds are basically troll builds, something that the enemy team wouldn't expect, well more so for the first build. This can help with getting kills, but I'm not sure how well it would work in Ranked as I haven't tried them out yet there. That's it I guess. Have fun and go ea-reap some souls!
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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His attack chain is 1x/0.75x/1.75x, which makes crit not really worthwhile because you're only doing 75% of your normal basic attack damage on your 2nd swing, which means your crit damage is also reduced by 25%. Crit is better on gods that either have a skill that can crit (e.g.
Items that are, in no particular order:
I'm sure I'm missing a few items, but the above will make your abilities hit like a freight train, especially when you weave basic attacks in-between them and process hydra's passive.
Your start should be
Like you said, the crit isn't too good on Than because of his attack progression. But with all the attack speed in this build, getting that third hit off is pretty easy. You've got a 45% crit chance (I'm pretty sure at least), and wind demon enhances your attack speed with each crit.
Anyways thanks for the feedback!
To prevent this confusion to newer players, Please consider replacing your troll build with what you actually use, since you know he's ability based.
As for damage reference on the 2nd hit, the 0.75 damage compared to a 1x progression would drop the crit damage from 200% of a basic to 150%.
That said, not that I'm advocating crits on Thana, but in a casual setting, well...only the 2nd hit of 0.75 makes the crit weaker, while if you'd be able to get the last hit off, that would be greatly enhanced. Honestly, devastating if they get a crit on the 3rd would be 3x the damage of a regular 1x basic.
And also, if you keep in mind attack canceling, most of his initial basics would be the more worthwhile 1x hits.
In any case, this is what I would deem a more "fun" build based on basic attack function (and not for use in more serious settings), but currently with inefficient build order and missing some potential items, such as those you've listed.
My initiation combo without the ult as the initiator in this case would be basic, basic,
Also, typically in Conquest, if you consider
With the Mid-Season patch, with the increased cost to
In any case, this type of build is usually not recommended due to many of the points Gulf indicated, and although he can be fun trolling with a basic attack build, your build order is inefficient and lacking in enough pen/protection reduction (protection reduction preferred due to his
bruiser thana
pen (depending on situation (antiheal) or what you like (cdr (aka jotun) crusher)
assuming you hit 7th any of the 4th or 5th items you don't have most common dual prot or
AA focused thanatos:
finish up with dual prot or
full damage thanny
finish with
7th item idk really can be a protection item or even something like