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Prepare for Doom- The Morrigan guide

14 0 174,291
by newbiemj updated August 14, 2017

Smite God: The Morrigan

Build Guide Discussion 29 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

The Morrigan Build

Boots- Pick 1

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

Items 2,3 (If Magi-get Poly, If Focus- get Spear)

Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation

Item 4

Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon

Item 5

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation

Item 6

Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Other Considerations- Sub for Bancroft's Talon

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Shaman's Ring Shaman's Ring


Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Starter Item start

Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Alternative Start-Early Poly

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Alternative Start- Mid Poly

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Alternative Start- Late Poly

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

The Morrigan's Skill Order

Deadly Aspects

1 X Y
Deadly Aspects
1 4 6 7 10

Dark Omen

2 A B
Dark Omen
2 8 11 12 14


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Deadly Aspects
1 4 6 7 10

Deadly Aspects

1 X
When activated, The Morrigan begins combining the power from all three of her forms. When activated again, they simultaneously damage and stun enemies in front of them. Jungle Camps take an extra +15% damage.

Ability Type: Charge Up
Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Dark Omen
2 8 11 12 14

Dark Omen

2 A
Morrigan launches a wave of dark magic at her enemies that deals damage, deals bonus damage to minions, and Dooming them for 8 seconds. Doomed enemies will take bonus damage the next time they are hit by one of The Morrigan's damaging abilities, including her passive ability.

Ability Type: Projectile
Initial Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Minion Bonus Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+20% of your Magical Power)
God Bonus Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 7s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
The Morrigan creates a phantom of herself while becoming stealthed and increasing her Movement Speed. The phantom runs to the targeted area, deals no damage, and will die if it takes any damage. If the Morrigan attacks or takes damage, she will be revealed and lose her increased Movement Speed.

Ability Type: Stealth
Movement Speed: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Range: 80
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
The Morrigan selects a God from the current match and becomes a copy of them. She copies all of their current stats and may use all of their abilities for the duration. She retains her own Relics and cannot use Consumables.

The Rank of her abilities will transfer to the skills of the god she copies. This ability's cooldown will be increased to match the target God's ultimate if she uses it while transformed.

Ability Type: Transform
Duration: 10s
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 140 / 130 / 120 / 110 / 100s


8/14- Updated through 4.15. Added Artio to Situational list. Changed order for Obsidian Shard



Hello all, Welcome to my build guide for The Morrigan.

I just hit Level 10 with her and my stats are here . I am shooting to give a short, sweet and simple explanation on how/ why these items work well with The Morrigan. I will assume you know the basics to Smite like, Buff camps, minions, rotating etc. If not feel free to check out any of the Overarching Guides done by Branmuffin17 to get a feel of the tactics used in Smite.

The Morrigan is mostly an ability based mage who can burst down her opponents with her kit late game. She does have some good things about her, but also some bad things.

..... Pros .....

- Can turn into a god that suits the situation
- Can burst down squishier gods
- Decent escape
.... Cons ....

- Squishy
- Can be Mana hungry
- Long cooldown on her Ultimate
- Early game is just terrible


Every 3rd attack will proc Doomsayer regardless of other attacks hitting the target or not. When it hits an enemy it deals damage to all enemies within range. Enemies afflicted will take additional damage over time as well. Unsure if this is before or after damage mitigation. If it is before mitigation, this passive will deal quite a bit of damage. If it is after mitigation, then it is slightly underwhelming.

Deadly Aspects
Her main damage option. It produces a stun for 1 second which allows for you to escape if needed or to finish the enemy god off. The cooldown is medium in duration.
I max this first in most game modes because it is the main damage output for her and with Dark Omen already having a short cooldown, you would want this on line quicker as well.
Deadly Aspects

Ability Video

Dark Omen
This is your poke ability. It causes enemies to be doomed which in turn they will take more damage from the next damaging ability from The Morrigan.
I max this second. I might max this first in Conquest, as this would be your main minion clearing move or in joust if you do not have a hunter teammate so you can clear the wave faster. It has a short cooldown if you have some CDR built so you would not need the cooldown scaling as much as you would for Deadly Aspects which is why I choose to upgrade this second.
Dark Omen

Ability Video

Either your initiator or your escape move. She sends out a clone of herself while you can move freely invisible. Getting hit or attacking removes the invisibility as well as if affected by DoT before casting. Use this to move to get into position to surprise attack. Or when you retreat, as you will have additional movement speed when cast. This has a relatively long cooldown
I max this third.

Ability Video

Her most unique move. She can turn into any god on the field. This can be a game changer, but can also be underwhelming. The cooldown is really long and only helps if you are familiar with multiple gods. Tip: You can preselect a god while walking, to give yourself a quicker cast time. Some of the best gods to turn into in my opinion are: Loki Vulcan Zeus Ares. I'm sure others as well just didn't want to list them all.
Max this when available, unless you do not have gods you like to turn into. Then put points towards other abilities first.

Ability Video

Quick Combos Revamp

Combo #1-Consistent Damage


Consistent Damage Explanation

Combo #2- Max Damage


Consistent Damage Explanation

Combo #3- Close the gap



I am not going to include any combos with Changeling because it is to dependent on team makeup and comfort. I am sure there are more combos at well, but they are her main ones where you will use them the majority of the time.

Combo Comparison

TL:DR Combo Comparison

A case for Polynomicon or not

I consider Polynomicon basically core for The Morrigan. With her stun from Deadly Aspects, you can hit its passive often and easily, producing a large chunk of damage as shown in the combo comparison section above. Let's compare some builds without Polynomicon to one with it and see the difference Polynomicon has on it.

Without Polynomicon- Soul Reaver substitution


Without Polynomicon- Ethereal Staff substitution


With Polynomicon


Let's now pit The Morrigan against herself with the builds and combos from above and with her at 1900 or 2100 health.

Combo#1- Consistent Damage

Soul Reaver- 805 + 190(Reaver passive) + 229 + 412 + 229 = 1865
Ethereal Staff- 795 + 95 (Ethereal passive) + 226 + 408 + 226 = 1750
Polynomicon- 780 + 223 + 450 + 400 + 223 = 2076 damage w/ 1 hit from Poly

Combo #2- Max Damage

Soul Reaver- 412 + 190(Reaver passive) + 229 + 805 + 412 + 229 = 2347
Ethereal Staff- 408 + 95 (Ethereal passive) + 226 + 795 + 412 + 226 = 2162
Polynomicon- 400 + 780 + 400 + 223 + 450= 2253 damage w/ missed first Poly

As you can see, Soul Reaver adds solid damage overall, but still comes up short on combo #1 but barely beats Polynomicon on combo #2. Ethereal Staff is a little weaker than Soul Reaver but you gain some health and the passive has a shorter cooldown. Other factors to consider is price and passive use. Polynomicon's passive can hit every 3 seconds while Soul Reaver's can only deal extra true damage every 40 seconds and Ethereal Staff every 10 seconds. Making it less appealing than Polynomicon. Lastly is the price. Soul Reaver is an extra 650 gold while Ethereal Staff is an extra 350 when compared to Polynomicon. That with all the other factors makes Polynomicon a better item for her.

If you feel you can't hit the skill shot to use Polynomicon's passive consistently, I would consider Ethereal Staff over Soul Reaver due to the passive being shorter on Ethereal Staff and the cooldowns of her abilities line up with the passive cooldown of Staff better. (20% CDR= 9.6 seconds for Deadly Aspects). Making it synergize with each other.

Items for Non-Conquest

Note: Most of this could work in Conquest, just probably in different orders. I have yet to play Conquest with The Morrigan so I can not give a good explanation for item choice in that mode


Provides the most power and some flat penetration along with your movement speed. I usually don't go with these, because I like the CDR on the other boots, but still solid otherwise
Slightly less power than Shoes of the Magi and no penetration, but it has 10% CDR which is extremely beneficial for her. The mana increase is also vital since she is ability based.

Good items to pick up for The Morrigan

I love Polynomicon on The Morrigan as you can tell from previous chapters. With her stun from Deadly Aspects, it makes it easy to hit the passive consistently. Resulting in heavy damage for the enemy late game. This is usually built later when you have more power to make the passive stronger, but I like to get it second as her early game is terrible and with the little bit extra damage from the passive helps mitigate that a little bit.
With the recent decrease in cost (2600 now), this is definitely an easier item to get mid game. +80 power, 20 Magical Penetration and also some CDR makes this item a go-to for her. I usually pick this up 3rd or 4th depending on my earlier items, which is easier to do in other game modes than Conquest. I feel this wouldn't be item 3 for Conquest, since gold is harder to come by then. For Conquest, Item 4 or 5
Reasonable cost (2300). Gives a lot of power (+100) as well. Gives you more lifesteal, which she needs especially if you do not build any defensive items on her. With this and Polynomicon you would have between 32-52% lifesteal (depending of health), which if you kill the minion chain, it replenishes most of your health. I usually get this after Spear of Desolation in Joust/Clash/Arena to give me more sustain. It you do not want to do double lifesteal, substitute this out with Gem of Isolation perhaps.
Decent price and gives good power (+60). But also provides some % penetration. This will help more with tower damage, but also could help against some of the tankier gods. This is usually item 4,5 for me but with the recent decrease in price, you could get this at item 3 instead. You could bypass this if facing squishier gods as the penetration from Spear of Desolation and Shoes of the Magi would be enough for true damage on squishier gods.
+100 power and +300 Mana, but the passive is the best thing about it. Basically when you hit a god with an ability, they will take normal damage but also 10% of their maximum health in true damage. However, it does have a long cooldown between uses, but an effective item nonetheless. This would be item 5 or 6.
Basically a given to get for a mage. It is pricey (3300) but it is worth it. +125 power, some MP5 and a passive that also increases your magical power by another 25%. When fully built, you will be able to combo kill squishy gods with Deadly Aspects and Dark Omen along with the additional damage from Polynomicon. This would be item 5 or 6. Item 5 in Arena since you would not probably be able to build it fully if item 6.

Alternative Items

I used to pick Book of Thoth as item 3 (after defensive item), but it recently has fallen out of favor for me. It takes awhile to get online with the stacks, especially early game Morrigan is pretty bad, so it would take even longer to get online. But once it is fully stacked, it is an effective item, but I think now there are better items. I would probably only consider this for Conquest now.
A useful item against healers. Relatively cheap and gives +80 power and +10 penetration. Would sub this in for one of my penetration items.
Gives good power (90), some health and some CC reduction. The slow from the passive is nice as you can potentially hit the Max Damage combo easier.
After Dark Omen they would be slowed so you could hit your basic attack for Polynomicon easier, then move in closer to finish with Deadly Aspects
A good alternative to Bancroft's Talon especially when in more team fights. Gives some power, CDR, Mana and lifesteal. In team fights, allied Gods within 70 units will gain lifesteal and power depending on their class.
Pricey, but gives quite a bit of cooldown reduction. Gives +80 power and +25 MP5. But you mostly just want it for the CDR. I am not to keen on it as I don't think full CDR on The Morrigan is needed, but is always an option.
With the rework of Shaman's Ring, it could become viable for The Morrigan in replacement of Bancroft's Talon. It is relatively cheap, with decent power. It gives you some additional movement speed as well which could be nice. The downfall is that the passive would take some time to get online as you have to deal 5000 damage total while you have the item fully built. The 10% increase in damage from abilities is nice and you don't have much drop off in total damage within the combo damage listed above. With this being new, additional testing would be needed so proceed with caution if you get this item.

Protection items

With The Morrigan being squishy, sometimes a little protection is needed. The best defensive items for her would be dual protection ones in my opinion.

Depending on the match up and how you are doing, I would get Spirit Robe later if needed, like at item 5 if doing okay without it. It provides solid magical and physical protections, some cooldown reduction and also some crowd control reduction. You also gain some additional damage mitigation when hit by hard crowd control. It is a little pricier (2500) but it is a solid item for her.
This item is best when gotten 2nd after boots. It is cheaper than Spirit Robe and also provides more protections (after some stacks) +250 health and mana. I would get this early if you are behind.
The more expensive brother to Spirit Robe. It provides a bit more protection and also 10% cooldown reduction. The passive can help you get out of some situations. This would be best gotten late game if needed, but I feel there are better options.


Solid relic that protects you from damage for 2s. Can help you get away. The downfall is that you can't use any actions.
Use to get away after Confusion is over or if it was on cooldown. Just something to help you get away.
Use against CC heavy opponents. It may keep you alive....maybe

Alternative Starts- Non-Conquest

Listed up top are alternative ways you can start out for The Morrigan. Now let's explain when to use each start.

Sands of Time start


Early Poly


Mid Poly


Late Poly


So which start to use? The best start would be either Sands of Time start if you want to run Polynomicon early. If you do not want to do that, late poly is probably the best as your power is there for a stronger passive for Polynomicon. I prefer early Poly with Shoes of Focus, but that is just me. No matter what you start with, The Morrigan will always have a terrible early game. There is no way around it, besides grinding through it. Spear of Desolation at item 2 is probably the strongest early game you can get, but it is a little pricier.

General Gameplay- Joust/Clash/Arena/Siege

The Morrigan has a terrible early game. It really is one of the worst. So it is best to play conservatively early in my opinion. If you can escape the early game with just a death or two, that would be considered a win in my book. After you get to the point where you have 3 items or so, that is when you can play a little more aggressive. The Morrigan shines mid to late game, when she gets her damage online, but with her being squishy, it all depends on the early game.

Early game

Mid Game

Late Game

Changeling tier list

Alright so I put together a tier list for good gods for The Morrigan to turn into. This could fail miserably because it is based on my opinion and god familiarity, which can be debated on and changed. I am mostly focusing on team fight capabilities and not necessarily 1 vs 1 fights, since her Cooldown is so long, you mostly want to use Changeling in team fights.

I know everyone's tier list could be different due to their knowledge of certain god kits, or on the builds of gods in match. I mean if you have an Auto attack build on Poseidon, he won't be as good of an option since you basically want him for Whirlpool Release The Kraken! combo, which wouldn't have as much damage due to the build focus. So take this with a grain of salt, with a basis of optimal builds for each god. I am going to put them into 3 categories: Always, Situational and Better options available.

So when Changeling is used, you have 10 seconds as another god to wreak havoc on the opposing team. She copies all of their stats and can use all abilities. However she keeps her own relics. Also the rank of her abilities will match the skills of the god you copy. So in my normal progression, I level up Deadly Aspects first, which then if you turn into Ares his Shackles will match the same ranking as Deadly Aspects. Something to keep in mind when turning into a god. Certain abilities won't necessarily be as strong due to the level ranking you do.

These are the gods that, when available, you should always change into with your ultimate Changeling. Changing into these gods will almost always give you a solid advantage over the enemy team.
Gods you should always change into

These are the gods that are niche picks to change into. Before changing into one of these, assess the situation (e.g. who are our enemies?) and then pick one of these gods that would make for a good counter to them.
Gods you should situationally change into

Practically never:
These are the gods that you should avoid changing into as much as possible. Of course, if there aren't any other gods available you might as well, but always opt for an option of one of the above 2 tables first, before looking to change into one of these.
Gods you should stay away from

So I know these are up for debate and are contingent on numerous things like familiarity and god builds, but I feel strong about the "Always" group and could see some from each category move up a category. I will take into account people's opinions as well if they convince me otherwise.


Huge shout out to Zerostrike for putting together some coding for the Changeling tier list. Turned out great and it took him like 30 minutes to put together. I am pretty sure I would still be working on it if it wasn't for him.

Also shout out to BranMuffin for some insight on the tier list.

Also shout out to the rest of you guys for the future insight I hope to get for this guide.

If you like this guide, check out my others!

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ApexSolrax | July 20, 2017 1:26pm
i still really love how you constantly update this build. and this is my go to build for morrigan. i am also building a conquest build for morrigan. she is a Mid Laner and a jungler. with the items you have on the build it is still perfect. prime example: (Midlane) Bumba mask, Sands of Time, the rest on Heal pots and Mana pots. or For jungler: Bumba mask, Soul stone, Rests on heal pots and Mana pots. after that *as a mid laner* you can build shoes of magi, then Spear of desolation, obsidian shard, rod of tahuti. *as a jungler* Shoes of Magi, obisidion shard, rod of tahuti and Polynimicon. this is what i do when i play as morrigan in Conquest.

Sidenote* sorry i couldnt make it a beautiful comment like other people but im still learning
newbiemj (12) | July 21, 2017 7:20am
Thanks for the comment. I really should try her out in Conquest, but I hardly play that mode so it would be hard for me to gauge a decent build for her, but I think my usual build would mostly work out with some modifications to starter items. It looks like you have something going for it as well. So might have to try your suggestions out since you have more experience in Conquest than I
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 11, 2017 12:25pm
Comments on current state of the guide (2017/7/11 update), and clarifying that this is based more on non-Conquest situations.
  • As I always do, I suggest listing an example build at the top, followed by the build list.

  • If building Sands of Time first (which is absolutely viable), suggest getting Shoes of the Magi for the early pen. This is a better setup for if you really prefer Polynomicon 2nd, since you won't have any other pen to that point.

  • As the other option, if you skip Sands and choose Shoes of Focus as your first item, Spear of Desolation would probably be a better 2nd item over Poly, so you get some pen. A bit expensive, but probably worth it. This would also make Polynomicon more effective as item #3, since it would have higher power and pen to increase the damage of the passive.

  • Your organization for item 4 / other considerations is a bit weird. You've got Sands in this considerations section, but it shouldn't be built as a sub for Bancroft at position 4 (I know you know this, just pointing this out). In item 4, you say if you don't want double-lifesteal, get gem...but then it's also listed below as a sub for Bancroft along with other items...I'd probably suggest only listing Bancroft if that is your suggested item, but titling it "Item 4 (Or choose from other considerations list below)" or something like that...that's a bit wordy perhaps, but better clarification would be good. Thoth probably shouldn't be an item #4 option. I'll probably suggest different organization in a bit.

  • Depending on mode and how enemies are building (and what kind of enemies they are), you could even consider delaying Obsidian Shard until item #6, if you have enough flat pen beforehand. If 2 are squishy and you don't worry much about a tank, you might even forego Obsidian altogether and get a 2nd situational item. Most squishies have a base magical protection around 30. You're cutting into most of it with just Spear of Desolation...or if you got Shoes of the Magi also, you're doing true damage at a very early stage of the game.
So here are some different build options the way I see it.
  1. Your early Poly preference: Sands of Time, Shoes of the Magi, Polynomicon, Spear of Desolation (or Divine Ruin to counter healers), situational, Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti (whichever order needed)

  2. Poly 3rd: Shoes of Focus, Spear of Desolation (or Divine Ruin to counter healers), Polynomicon, situational, Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti (whichever order needed)

  3. Late Poly: Start of choice (Sands + Magi or Focus as a standalone), Spear of Desolation (or Divine Ruin to counter healers), [[

One other, major consideration. If going Poly early, you're basically committing to getting in close to do damage and proc that passive. In this case, it makes the most sense prioritizing Deadly Aspects first. However, if as you say lane-clear is needed...or it's REALLY dangerous to get in close (at least until you have enough burst damage), or you just want to build Poly later...then prioritizing Dark Omen first is probably best.
newbiemj (12) | July 11, 2017 1:54pm
Thanks for the comments as always.

Branmuffin17 (401) | July 11, 2017 2:36pm
Forgot how weak Dark Omen is. Not really a good waveclear ability. That's why she's a better Jungler I guess.

In a non-Conquest mode, you'll always have others with you. Since her escape isn't an escape really (not a leap/teleport), I think best situation is always to rely partially on teammates. Not the most convenient (have to wait for a teammate to CC an enemy or something), but if you've got someone that can help lock down an enemy, with a slow, root, stun, or whatever, the Omen / Basic / Deadly / Basic combo would be generally easy to pull off, and allowing you to keep your Confusion to aid in creating distance afterward.
newbiemj (12) | July 11, 2017 8:10am
Updated Combo chapter with additional Math to argue one combo over the other. Added Cu Chulainn to practically never tier list.
Kriega1 (143) | June 26, 2017 5:31am
For your "changeling" tierlist, you placed Thoth and Chronos there at "Practically never" , but you forget that their lategame is extraordinary, maybe you could tweak them to mention that they can actually be worth changing into just maybe not at all stages of the game. Also Bellona IS worth changing into for her good teamfight potential. Thor is also amazing if you have another Thor on your team , as the double ult + 2, 1 , 3 combo can do a ton of damage. Hercules is also INSANE and should definitely be a good pick as well, as not only only does he tank a ton of damage he dishes plenty as well, and if the Hercules is on your team a double Hercules ult can put out some high damage numbers. I would move all of the gods I mentioned to Situational, except Hercules who could be an "Always" pick but if not then Situational.
newbiemj (12) | June 26, 2017 7:53am
Hey Kriega,

Thanks for the comment. I updated the guide moving all mentioned to situational as I generally agree with your arguments. I could see turning into Thoth and Chronos late game as their power is fully online, other than that I would think there would be better options available. I like to change into gods that have AoE damage like Poseidon, Zeus and Vulcan which is why they are in the "Always" category and my main criteria.

I also agree that Bellona is worth changing into. I am mostly unfamiliar with her but have played her a couple lately so I am more comfortable with her. She can be a great disruptor and also be a good damage dealer.

I can see Thor doing well, but the initial downgrade was that it takes him a while to ultimate. Since you only have 10 seconds, a few seconds will go towards the ultimate start. Then maybe another second or 2 to aim and land. Then another couple seconds to use the rest of his kit. You could be cutting it close to get all the way through which could leave you vulnerable when you change back.

Herc could be good I agree, but it is just hard to hit all his abilities and combos. Even his ultimate is easy to miss which makes him situational to me. Granted if all goes well, he could be lethal.
Kriega1 (143) | June 22, 2017 9:58am
I dont understand, your early defense build has Soul Reaver but your "Glass Canonish" build dosent?
A Morrigan "Glass Cannon" build should have Poly and Soul Reaver so enemies are bursted quickly, theres no point in Bancrofts. (I can understand Spear of deso though due to the high flat pen). Also why are you building defense on Morrigan shes not a bruiser like Hades or Zhong, if you want survivability go the excellent item that is Ethereal Staff (Or if u are even more concerned about early game , get Dynasty Plate as well), just dont get hide of the urchin it offers no damage. Also I wouldnt get Polynomicon second item , its an item that works better with high power already present in a build so restrict it to fourth or fifth item.
newbiemj (12) | June 22, 2017 10:53am
Hi and thanks for the comment.

More or less, my example builds are just items taken from the considered items and put into a build that could work. You can mix and match items in each build. They are there for mere suggestion on what you can do with her. I will add Reaver to it as it does make some sense to have it.

The reason why I get some defense early is that she is so squishy. Yeah she has Confusion to act as an escape, but it is not always viable because DoT or getting a random hit will make you lose your invisibility and your movement speed buff. Plus she has to get in close to use Deadly Aspects which could cause issues in regards to getting CC'ed to death. Hide offers a little bit of health and protection making you potentially survive a battle. Granted lately, when I do play her, I build full damage as I have learned on when to engage and when not to, but early on when just learning her, a little protection goes a long ways. It doesn't hurt her damage output much either as her other items make up for it.

I understand your appeal for Soul Reaver instead of Bancroft's Talon. The two offer the same amount of power, but Reaver gives off a little more when hitting gods every once in awhile.

The big difference for me is functionality. Bancrofts offers the same base power as Reaver for 650 gold less. Yes Reaver can hit a little harder every 40 seconds giving you additional true damage, but Bancrofts can do additional damage as well, when missing health of course, but just not as much but more often. Plus Bancrofts gives some more lifesteal to help with sustain. That is why I like Bancrofts more than Soul Reaver. Reaver does a little more damage, but Bancrofts offers more function to me at a cheaper cost.

Yes, Poly's passive does better later on when more power is in the build. In my experience with her though, I get it early for the nice power increase for 2300 gold, while giving me early sustain with lifesteal. Her early game is terrible, so Poly's passive helps a little bit with that when using the passive. Yes the additional power isn't as great as it could be, but it is still additional power on a basic attack. Plus it is really easy to hit after using Deadly Aspects stun so I like getting it online early so I can use it often. What item would you say to get second instead of Poly?

Hopefully I answered your questions. If not please let me know.

*Edit- My focus is Joust/Clash/Arena, not Conquest as I am terrible at it and rarely play it.
Kriega1 (143) | June 23, 2017 2:43am
I would either get Bancrofts, Spear of Desolation, Dynasty Plate Helm , Book of thoth or Pythagorem's piece maybe even a Gem of Isolation as a second item after boots.
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AngryPotato2 | May 13, 2017 8:54pm
In Joust, if Im facing a bad matchup, ill sometimes build dynasty plate helm and void stone first after boots. Then, once i reach late game, i sell those items for more damage. The early defense really helps with the bad early, while the penetration still gives you respectable damage until you hit late game when you can instakill. What do you think of this idea?
newbiemj (12) | May 15, 2017 6:44am
Hi there and thanks for the comment.

I think that can work out perfectly well for her. With her early game being pretty weak and her being squishy, a little early defense should help you in some early fights. This will help you with farming as you can withstand some damage from minions and enemy gods. You won't be much of a threat to kill enemies, but you will be able to be a nuisance with her Deadly Aspects stun.

If you think you can survive the early game without the protections, I would go without protections and go damage, but if you can't survive you aren't any help to your teammates, so more early defense would be a wise choice then sell late when you have your damage online and you more of a threat. The downfall is that it could put you behind since you have to sell items, so you might not be able to fully finish out that aspect before match end.
DetectiveSKT | April 25, 2017 8:27am
do you recommend this build for conquest ? :)
newbiemj (12) | April 25, 2017 8:46am
Most of my experience comes from other games modes, but I could see some of the items listed being used in Conquest as well. If in the Mid role, you could go Sands of Time, Boots start. Then go into Book of Thoth to give you more mana sustain over the match. Depending on how you are doing, I would probably go with a late (5th item) defensive item like Spirit Robe to give you some protection, but if things are going bad, you would go defense after Thoth. So maybe the build of Sands of Time, Shoes of the Magi (for clear help), Book of Thoth, then either protection Spirit Robe, Penetration Spear of Desolation or lifesteal Polynomicon or more team focus Pythagorem's Piece. I would get those 3 item categories in varying order depending on what you need at the time. Sell Sands of Time for Rod of Tahuti. If say you are Jungle role, get your normal Jungle starters then go full glass cannon since you will be able to sneak in and out hopefully.

Again, not the most familiar with Conquest with her, but feel that would be a decent start for her.
CaptainNensho | April 13, 2017 9:56pm
Love the guide! Just tried The Morrigan out for a bit am I am in love with her! Crazy damage potential and the ultimate is satisfying to use when used right :D Also, nice heads up on using the stun before Dark Omen, I've always been doing it the other way around and was quite unsuccessful. The Changeling tier list is also an awesome touch!
newbiemj (12) | April 14, 2017 6:08am
Hey! Thanks for the comment and I am glad you love the guide! Yeah it is a great feeling using your ultimate as an enemy god on the god you chose. Her damage early game is lackluster, but when it is late game she can do some really good damage. Using Deadly Aspects before Dark Omen isn't the most optimal option for damage but it is the most reliable and I would take reliable over optimal most often than not. I would use Dark Omen first if you have a good CC support god with you, makes it easier to hit the Omen/Aspect combo easier since they are already stunned. I am glad you liked the Tier list, I spent quite a bit of time on it and was hoping it would be helpful for people on who to change in to.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 29, 2017 12:47pm
Yo. I have played The Morrigan a total of 0 times. As such, I feel 100% qualified to comment on your guide. Prepare to learn, young padawan.

newbiemj (12) | April 3, 2017 11:45am
Like always, thanks for taking the time to comment. Didn't realize you edited your last comment so I just now saw it.
ApexSolrax | March 25, 2017 12:39am
Very Well Written. i love morrigan alot. in fact, im a mage type of a player. mages are the only role i play but this guide i love. with the changeling guide you have. i have friends who has taught me what to do. believe me, getting beaten down by loki for 16 times (i'm not joking, i lost 16 times to loki players). my friend who main loki taught me everything about him and now i kick his arse like nothing. but this build you have, i will try this out after work tomorrow. i feel like it has great potiential for morrigan.
newbiemj (12) | March 27, 2017 7:07am
Thanks for the comment. Yeah I am sure it helps a lot if you have teammates that you can communicate with... I usually solo queue and not many people wear mics as well. I hope you enjoy the builds and let me know how you like them. I mostly go glass cannon build with her lately, but like Hide of the Urchin on her as a 2nd item. The early defense helps out a lot while the rest of build can focus on power and pen. What is your usual build with her?
ApexSolrax | March 29, 2017 6:14pm
my build (if i can remember right) Shoes of Focus, Chronos Pendent, Polynomicon, Soul Reaver, Spear of Desolation and Rod Tahuti. it a focus on her burst damage while keeping the CDR high enough.
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newbiemj (12) | March 24, 2017 7:54am
Any constructive comments for gameplay, tier list or item choice would be appreciated and taken into consideration
Luku_Zuku | March 27, 2017 4:06am
I would personally bump Sylvanus up to "Situational" in the changeling list. His pull is indeed very hard to hit, but his Ultimate can easily turn the tide of a team fight, whilst giving out enough CC for you to get to a safe distance to transform back and pull a Dark Omen, Deadly Aspects Combo and Confusion out. If the usual combo doesn't hit, the burst will push them low and the tick damage from the Sylvanus will finish them off.

Plus, if the Sylvanus happens to be building Crowns, you can help bring some support the field, especially if they're down and returning to the fight. It'll either bide enough time to focus the enemy team so he has a harder time supporting, or it'll keep your team alive long enough in a team fight for Sylvanus to return and carry on supporting.

It's very situational, but if the stars align, it will be glorious.
newbiemj (12) | March 27, 2017 7:03am
Thanks for the comment. Yeah I agree that Sylvanus can be situational, in a very specific situation, but a situation none the less. So with your comment and my agreement I will update him next time I update the guide. Gonna wait and see if have other suggestions as well and do a full update then instead of multiple updates.
xZeroStrike (46) | March 24, 2017 11:01am
Only thing I can suggest for sure is that you should play those gods whom you're unfamiliar with. This to give you a better understanding about them so that you can add something more informative to your tier list other than: "I'm unfamiliar with this god, which is why the god is in the "don't use" table."

Aside from that, pretty solid guide as far as I can tell!
newbiemj (12) | March 24, 2017 11:44am
Agreed. I have played all of the gods and know their kits, just not sure on how to play them well enough and how to utilize them in team fights to include them yet. Hopefully get some more feedback on the do not use list to help me understand them better.

I originally wasn't going to include everyone, but I decided to hate myself and try it out haha. I figured I was in a decent spot for the first draft of the tier list, so I will update more in future attempts.
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