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Normal starter for ability junglers
Lure red and speed camps together then clear back camps, then head to mid to use your shard and debuff the enemy mid for first blood.
Early pressure starter that can help Ravana's early game a bit better along with the attack speed to keep your passive up longer
Lure red and speed camps together then clear back camps, then head to mid to use your shard and debuff the enemy mid for first blood.
These items are a must on Ravana considering how much of a diver on the backlines you are.
Cooldown, Pen, and Power
Full damage build that will help you burst down ADCs and mages. Your slow and root plus your ult debuffing the enemy even more makes Ravana even more of a menace in the jungle
These are items you can get at anytime during the game depending on the enemies comp.
Brawler's Beatstick - Good pen with antiheal
Mantle of Discord - Great prots and cooldown, nice for late game and diving
The Crusher - Bonus damage on all your abilities and nice atk speed
Bloodforge - Great power & lifesteal w/ multikill potential
Executioner - Good attack speed and pen
Serrated Edge - Great pen and lifesteal for lategame
Qin's Sais - Nice antitank and atk speed
Max skill priority when in the Jungle
1st - Prana Onslaught - Main jungle clear ability and for initiation
2nd - 10 Hand Shadow Fist - CC for teamfight and setup with good heals
3rd - Mystic Rush - Ganking and diving backlines, good source of tankiness
4th - Overhead Kick - Tool for immunity and movement speed
Tap each threat level to view Ravana’s threats
Her early game is probably the best out of all junglers, dont try boxing her until you have your 2 active so you can CC immune her stun and punish her with your root and slow
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 2 [display_name] => Arachne [url] => arachne ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Her early game is probably the best out of all junglers, dont try boxing her until you have your 2 active so you can CC immune her stun and punish her with your root and slow[/color] ) 1
Hyperfarm early game but hypercarry mid then useless late game. Try not to box him unless you've ulted him
- Damage mitigation beats True Damage
- Ult on or out of his ult whether you want to commit to the fight or leave
- Roots will force him to use his only mobility when caught out of position
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 19 [display_name] => Bakasura [url] => bakasura ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Hyperfarm early game but hypercarry mid then useless late game. Try not to box him unless you've ulted him - Damage mitigation beats True Damage - Ult on or out of his ult whether you want to commit to the fight or leave - Roots will force him to use his only mobility when caught out of position[/color] ) 1
Cant do much against you besides apply her bleeds and poke with her cats. Wins at poking but loses the 1v1
- If she leaps on you, try to bait her out to not leap back and then win the fight
- Root her to make her waste her leap
- Time your 2 to immune her ult so she cant pull you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 7 [display_name] => Bastet [url] => bastet ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff] Cant do much against you besides apply her bleeds and poke with her cats. Wins at poking but loses the 1v1 - If she leaps on you, try to bait her out to not leap back and then win the fight - Root her to make her waste her leap - Time your 2 to immune her ult so she cant pull you[/color] ) 1
Lots of scaling and base damage can really set you back any stage of the game. Its a game of Bruteforce when against her. Save your 2 when she tries silencing you or when passing thru her ult line. Wait for her to use her dash then root her so she cant escape into a wall. Ult her anytime she wants a prolonged fight.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 117 [display_name] => Cliodhna [url] => cliodhna ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff] Lots of scaling and base damage can really set you back any stage of the game. Its a game of Bruteforce when against her. Save your 2 when she tries silencing you or when passing thru her ult line. Wait for her to use her dash then root her so she cant escape into a wall. Ult her anytime she wants a prolonged fight. [/color] ) 1
Not much of a threat early to mid game but can beat you late game 1v1ing. Try setting her back by pressuring her early and making sure she cant snowball.
- Save to your 2 when she gets blinks close to stun you
- Abuse your slows and roots against her since he cant immune them without her ult
- When she ults, just ult away or root her from afar til it runs out then turn the fight against her
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 20 [display_name] => Kali [url] => kali ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Not much of a threat early to mid game but can beat you late game 1v1ing. Try setting her back by pressuring her early and making sure she cant snowball. - Save to your 2 when she gets blinks close to stun you - Abuse your slows and roots against her since he cant immune them without her ult - When she ults, just ult away or root her from afar til it runs out then turn the fight against her [/color] ) 1
Very mobile and hard to lockdown, dont try winning the trades or chasing to kill since he can outrun you with his horse or ult away
- Save your 2 for his knockback to void the bonus dmg or his ult to dodge the cripple/dmg field
- Root him at a distance to force him to waste his skilled strikes, dont root him when hes on his horse since hes CC immune while on it
- Ult him if hes trying to flee on his mount when at low HP to break the shield and immediately dismount him, dont chase if he ults away unless he comes back then ult him to be tankier
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 121 [display_name] => Lancelot [url] => lancelot ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very mobile and hard to lockdown, dont try winning the trades or chasing to kill since he can outrun you with his horse or ult away - Save your 2 for his knockback to void the bonus dmg or his ult to dodge the cripple/dmg field - Root him at a distance to force him to waste his skilled strikes, dont root him when hes on his horse since hes CC immune while on it - Ult him if hes trying to flee on his mount when at low HP to break the shield and immediately dismount him, dont chase if he ults away unless he comes back then ult him to be tankier[/color] ) 1
Very mobile with some hard CC. Can only do damage to you when he has stun and ult combo'd you. Cant do much else to you.
- Dont waste your 2 on him since his CC is instant, try to predict it if he gets close or uses his 3 to get close to try and ult immediately
- Spectral armor makes his ult do half the dmg, buying it wouldnt hurt your build
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 34 [display_name] => Ne Zha [url] => ne-zha ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very mobile with some hard CC. Can only do damage to you when he has stun and ult combo'd you. Cant do much else to you. - Dont waste your 2 on him since his CC is instant, try to predict it if he gets close or uses his 3 to get close to try and ult immediately - Spectral armor makes his ult do half the dmg, buying it wouldnt hurt your build[/color] ) 1
Very mobile with good CC and semi-global ult, Can outrun you with his ult or dash be wary and counter gank if he on the other side of the map
- Save your 2 when he gets close to stun you or ult on you
- Cant really win the 1v1s, you can outbox him and sustain more
- Ult on him if his ult is down and he has used his dash
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 66 [display_name] => Ratatoskr [url] => ratatoskr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very mobile with good CC and semi-global ult, Can outrun you with his ult or dash be wary and counter gank if he on the other side of the map - Save your 2 when he gets close to stun you or ult on you - Cant really win the 1v1s, you can outbox him and sustain more - Ult on him if his ult is down and he has used his dash[/color] ) 1
Lots of poke and sustain. Anti-heal is a MUST on Camazotz, try to matchup his sustain with yours. Careful under tower since he can ult you over it.
- Can outpoke you at anytime, keep your shields up at all times
- Use to 2 against his 2 is good considering he only has ONE slow, but keep in mind it will still do tick damage afterwards and heal him
- Its a tough fight since he has alot of sustain and you have alot shields and mitigations
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 81 [display_name] => Camazotz [url] => camazotz ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Lots of poke and sustain. Anti-heal is a MUST on Camazotz, try to matchup his sustain with yours. Careful under tower since he can ult you over it. - Can outpoke you at anytime, keep your shields up at all times - Use to 2 against his 2 is good considering he only has ONE slow, but keep in mind it will still do tick damage afterwards and heal him - Its a tough fight since he has alot of sustain and you have alot shields and mitigations[/color] ) 1
You have no escape besides your ult to avoid his Brutalize, Try to ult to escape him or leap right on top of him to stop his 3 and save your 2 for his ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 35 [display_name] => Fenrir [url] => fenrir ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]You have no escape besides your ult to avoid his[/color] [color=#ff0000]Brutalize[/color],[color=#ffffff] Try to ult to escape him or leap right on top of him to stop his 3 and save your 2 for his ult[/color] ) 1
Glass cannon magical jungler with alot of sustain and attack speed
- Save your 2 if youre in execute range since most likely he'll want to immediately ult you
- Roots and slows will bully him good to use him teleport
- When 1v1ing, ult on him to be tankier and possibly turn the fight so he cant shred you down with his dragons
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 60 [display_name] => Ao Kuang [url] => ao-kuang ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Glass cannon magical jungler with alot of sustain and attack speed - Save your 2 if youre in execute range since most likely he'll want to immediately ult you - Roots and slows will bully him good to use him teleport - When 1v1ing, ult on him to be tankier and possibly turn the fight so he cant shred you down with his dragons ) 1
Maman deals alot of DoT damage and burst damage. Do your best to sustain all that damage with your mitigations and shield passive.
- Root her anytime to keep her away from stunning you with her 1
- Save your 2 to immune her ult but you will still be debuffed with her snake mark that deals bonus dmg but luckily you will have mits to reduce any damage afterwards
- If she dashes into you, be careful of your positioning stay near allies to trap her when she exits out of you. Ult back towards your allies or a tower if you need to
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 128 [display_name] => Maman Brigitte [url] => maman-brigitte ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Maman deals alot of DoT damage and burst damage. Do your best to sustain all that damage with your mitigations and shield passive. - Root her anytime to keep her away from stunning you with her 1 - Save your 2 to immune her ult but you will still be debuffed with her snake mark that deals bonus dmg but luckily you will have mits to reduce any damage afterwards - If she dashes into you, be careful of your positioning stay near allies to trap her when she exits out of you. Ult back towards your allies or a tower if you need to ) 1
Be sure to pick up a spectral if he goes crit. Try not to box him late game, can one shot you if you dont build hybrid.
Pressure him early game so he cant snowball. Try to predict his ult and dash grab so you can dodge it with your 2.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 44 [display_name] => Mercury [url] => mercury ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Be sure to pick up a spectral if he goes crit. Try not to box him late game, can one shot you if you dont build hybrid. Pressure him early game so he cant snowball. Try to predict his ult and dash grab so you can dodge it with your 2.[/color] ) 1
Her passive is almost on par with yours when boxing, you have more sustain than her but try to be more careful against her when she has ulted you and chasing you.
- No hard CC for use to immune off her, just save your 2 against her Slice and Dice
- Root her when she pops her shield to break it immediately
- If shes ulted you, ult her back to gain True Armour and mitigate alot of her damage from autos
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 49 [display_name] => Nemesis [url] => nemesis ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Her passive is almost on par with yours when boxing, you have more sustain than her but try to be more careful against her when she has ulted you and chasing you. - No hard CC for use to immune off her, just save your 2 against her Slice and Dice - Root her when she pops her shield to break it immediately - If shes ulted you, ult her back to gain True Armour and mitigate alot of her damage from autos [/color] ) 1
Somewhat mobile with high area damage. Antiheal is good against her passive when activated. Has to get close to use her only hard CC making it easy for you to time your 2 for immunity
- Save your 2 when she tries to knock you up or ults straight at you to immune the initial damage but be careful since she can still auto with bonus dmg afterwards
- Roots punishes her good since she has no leaps or escape with her 3. Has to waste her ult to escape
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 97 [display_name] => Pele [url] => pele ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Somewhat mobile with high area damage. Antiheal is good against her passive when activated. Has to get close to use her only hard CC making it easy for you to time your 2 for immunity - Save your 2 when she tries to knock you up or ults straight at you to immune the initial damage but be careful since she can still auto with bonus dmg afterwards - Roots punishes her good since she has no leaps or escape with her 3. Has to waste her ult to escape[/color] ) 1
Although he has no major CC to dodge with your 2, you can still try to outmatch him with your ult having more damage mitigation and shields to sustain against his ults heals and bonus dmg
Keep in mind, hes immune to slows while his sandstorm aura is active but not root immune so try to CC him as much as possible and use your 2 to avoid his Skewer/Clone dash damage
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 102 [display_name] => Set [url] => set ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Although he has no major CC to dodge with your 2, you can still try to outmatch him with your ult having more damage mitigation and shields to sustain against his ults heals and bonus dmg Keep in mind, hes immune to slows while his sandstorm aura is active but not root immune so try to CC him as much as possible and use your 2 to avoid his Skewer/Clone dash damage[/color] ) 1
Can be unpredictable at times but can be beaten anytime when face to face.
- Get crushers or arondight to counter his stealth
- Use your 2 to immune his ult, time it to immune the stun, dont use it immediately
- Roots can really lock him down when hes in stealth
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 25 [display_name] => Loki [url] => loki ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Can be unpredictable at times but can be beaten anytime when face to face. - Get crushers or arondight to counter his stealth - Use your 2 to immune his ult, time it to immune the stun, dont use it immediately - Roots can really lock him down when hes in stealth [/color] ) 1
Very mobile and has lots of utility and CC. Can easily escape you if you outperform her.
- If she gets close, its because she wants to taunt you to land her 1, time your 2 for that. You may immune the damage and CC but not the Catalyst passive effect on you
- When she ults on you, ult on her to get mitigation against her true damage and to kill her off since she used 3/4 of her kit.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 56 [display_name] => Serqet [url] => serqet ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very mobile and has lots of utility and CC. Can easily escape you if you outperform her. - If she gets close, its because she wants to taunt you to land her 1, time your 2 for that. You may immune the damage and CC but not the Catalyst passive effect on you - When she ults on you, ult on her to get mitigation against her true damage and to kill her off since she used 3/4 of her kit.[/color] ) 1
Heavy CC and big AoE damage, cant do much of that on you since you can immune half his kit.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 76 [display_name] => Susano [url] => susano ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Heavy CC and big AoE damage, cant do much of that on you since you can immune half his kit.[/color] ) 1
He has way more poke/range attacks than you do so try to close the gap between you two by ulting on him, also use your 2 to immune his disarm/stun
Tip: When he ults you, let him shoot his beams on you since that his only real movement to close the gap but as soon as he finishes shooting the 4 beams, use your 2 to dodge the follow up attacks. Then he will be forced to fight up close.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 111 [display_name] => Tsukuyomi [url] => tsukuyomi ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]He has way more poke/range attacks than you do so try to close the gap between you two by ulting on him, also use your 2 to immune his disarm/stun Tip: When he ults you, let him shoot his beams on you since that his only real movement to close the gap but as soon as he finishes shooting the 4 beams, use your 2 to dodge the follow up attacks. Then he will be forced to fight up close.[/color] ) 1
Very mobile but cant do much against you. Also very predictable.
- Wait until she uses two of her autos since that'll indicate shes gonna use her 2, that's when you'll use your 2 to immune it
- Roots will force her to use her only mobility
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 61 [display_name] => Awilix [url] => awilix ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very mobile but cant do much against you. Also very predictable. - Wait until she uses two of her autos since that'll indicate shes gonna use her 2, that's when you'll use your 2 to immune it - Roots will force her to use her only mobility[/color] ) 1
Lots of DoT damage but not much else. Dont root her when shes using her Thousand Cuts since she is slow and root immune.
- Save your 2 to cleanse yourself when she lands her ult on you, easily mitigate her bleeds with your ult
- Very limited mobility since she needs a target to leap to
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 88 [display_name] => Da Ji [url] => da-ji ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Lots of DoT damage but not much else. Dont root her when shes using her Thousand Cuts since she is slow and root immune. - Save your 2 to cleanse yourself when she lands her ult on you, easily mitigate her bleeds with your ult - Very limited mobility since she needs a target to leap to[/color] ) 1
Not much of a threat to you since you can outbox him but be aware when he will use his ult so you can time it to immune the CC and duration of it.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 38 [display_name] => Hun Batz [url] => hun-batz ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Not much of a threat to you since you can outbox him but be aware when he will use his ult so you can time it to immune the CC and duration of it.[/color] ) 1
Has the highest early game pressure, stick to jungle farming til you have your ult
- Save your 2 to immune his execute ult
- Stay shielded up in case he lands his scythe
- Roots can punish him since he'll have to ult to get away
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 43 [display_name] => Thanatos [url] => thanatos ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Has the highest early game pressure, stick to jungle farming til you have your ult - Save your 2 to immune his execute ult - Stay shielded up in case he lands his scythe - Roots can punish him since he'll have to ult to get away[/color] ) 1
Very high damage and constant global ult pressure.
His instant stuns are hard to predict but cant do much after that since him wasting his hammer throw will limit his mobility and you would have immune his ult and 2 by the time he has landed on you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 22 [display_name] => Thor [url] => thor ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very high damage and constant global ult pressure. His instant stuns are hard to predict but cant do much after that since him wasting his hammer throw will limit his mobility and you would have immune his ult and 2 by the time he has landed on you[/color] ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Ravana’s synergies
Whats better than double immunity? Triple immunity!
Staying linked with her makes you even much safer and harder to lockdown
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 32 [display_name] => Aphrodite [url] => aphrodite ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Whats better than double immunity? Triple immunity! Staying linked with her makes you even much safer and harder to lockdown ) 1
Both of you have roots which both are not affected by Diminishing Returns. Really helps with locking down an enemy.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 89 [display_name] => Cu Chulainn [url] => cu-chulainn ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Both of you have roots which both are not affected by Diminishing Returns. Really helps with locking down an enemy. ) 1
His big ult AOE will help you dive the enemy ADC and stay on them for the kill
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 17 [display_name] => Cupid [url] => cupid ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => His big ult AOE will help you dive the enemy ADC and stay on them for the kill ) 1
His stun can help you land your ult easier and your root can help him in lane when ganking solo lane
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 14 [display_name] => Guan Yu [url] => guan-yu ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => His stun can help you land your ult easier and your root can help him in lane when ganking solo lane ) 1
Him ulting you when you ult/dive the backline really lets you go off without any worries about dying since you have mitigations, but in case you fail then no worries since he revived you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 68 [display_name] => Khepri [url] => khepri ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Him ulting you when you ult/dive the backline really lets you go off without any worries about dying since you have mitigations, but in case you fail then no worries since he revived you ) 1
Her cripple/root and your root can really lockdown the enemy mage, considering her root is also a cripple, the enemy mid cant escape you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 50 [display_name] => Scylla [url] => scylla ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Her cripple/root and your root can really lockdown the enemy mage, considering her root is also a cripple, the enemy mid cant escape you ) 1
Traditional Solo starter
You wont outclear certain solo laners early game but as soon you buy your first item, your clear will be fine.
Cooldown, Health, Power and CCR are your core items when in the solo lane as Ravana. Every build should include at least two of the 4 core items.
Cooldown - Help alot with your base CDs and lets you sustain consistently
Health - Useful for your passive to get a bigger shield and to heal more
Power - Pretty high scaling on your abilities so it more rewarding to go more bruiser than full tank
Crowd Control Reduction - Anything involving CCR or anti-CC helps Ravana be extra slippery when against heavy CC gods with items like Winged Blade, Spirit Robe, etc.
The current meta build you'll be going when in the solo lane
Max mitigations build
Items you can grab anytime to counter build the enemy solo laner or to help in lane
Contagion - Good against healers in solo and alot of CC
Qin's Sais - Nice antitank item, helps when boxing
Pestilence - Magical defense in case theres a magical healer like Hel or Slyvanus
Spectral - 60% crit dmg reduction if theres at least 2 enemies building crit
You always wanna go Beads and Blink but you can go teleport if you want to rotate to duo/mid quicker or back to solo if behind on XP and GOLD
Max skill priority when in Solo
1st - Mystic Rush - The more mitigations and damage the better, you'll have at least 20% mitigation during the laning phase before rotations
2nd - Prana Onslaught - Will be your boxing ability and help finish off waves
3rd - 10-Hand Shadow Fist - Main source of sustain and wave clear
4th - Overhead Kick - Last ability to max since it's only used for immunity or initiation
Tap each threat level to view Ravana’s threats
Very high base damage and high CC. Can immune your slows and roots with his 1, bait out his abilities with your 2.
- Save your 2 for when he activates his 1 to stun you or to escape his 3
- Keep him crowd controlled with your roots and slows when his 1 is down
- If your stuck in his 3 or his ult, use your ult to escape
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 57 [display_name] => Cabrakan [url] => cabrakan ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very high base damage and high CC. Can immune your slows and roots with his 1, bait out his abilities with your 2. - Save your 2 for when he activates his 1 to stun you or to escape his 3 - Keep him crowd controlled with your roots and slows when his 1 is down - If your stuck in his 3 or his ult, use your ult to escape[/color] ) 1
Very tanky with alot of HP and high laning phase pressure.
- Do NOT fight him when entering lane, let him clear and waste his rage form
- Pick your fights wisely, fight him in human form ONLY
- Use your 2 to immune his ult, punish him when hes in human form and has wasted his leap
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 89 [display_name] => Cu Chulainn [url] => cu-chulainn ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very tanky with alot of HP and high laning phase pressure. - Do NOT fight him when entering lane, let him clear and waste his rage form - Pick your fights wisely, fight him in human form ONLY - Use your 2 to immune his ult, punish him when hes in human form and has wasted his leap[/color] ) 1
Lots of sustain, utility with some mobility. Has alot of base damage and long CC effects.
- His early game hurts alot if he catches you out of position, root him to distance yourself from his Taolu Assault
- Doesnt have CC immunity or lockdown potential besides his ult, Use your 2 when he dashes thru you or tries to stun you with his ult
- Late Game, Guan has better utility in teamfights, dont be afraid to ult him to debuff him and take him out first
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 14 [display_name] => Guan Yu [url] => guan-yu ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Lots of sustain, utility with some mobility. Has alot of base damage and long CC effects. - His early game hurts alot if he catches you out of position, root him to distance yourself from his Taolu Assault - Doesnt have CC immunity or lockdown potential besides his ult, Use your 2 when he dashes thru you or tries to stun you with his ult - Late Game, Guan has better utility in teamfights, dont be afraid to ult him to debuff him and take him out first [/color] ) 1
Alot of defense and CC can really pressure you out, try to distance yourself and punish him when he misplays.
- Very combo-ability intensive; ability spam can pressure you back
- Dont fight until you have at least some HP or Prots, Stone of Gaia is a good counter
- Be sure to pick up beads to cleanse his ult. Punish him when on cooldown, pick up a Frostbound to bully him and make his sword charge less
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 99 [display_name] => King Arthur [url] => king-arthur ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Alot of defense and CC can really pressure you out, try to distance yourself and punish him when he misplays. - Very combo-ability intensive; ability spam can pressure you back - Dont fight until you have at least some HP or Prots, Stone of Gaia is a good counter - Be sure to pick up beads to cleanse his ult. Punish him when on cooldown, pick up a Frostbound to bully him and make his sword charge less[/color] ) 1
Your lord...your savior...He's you but with better teamplay but keep in mind, he doesn't counter you entirely and you can still put up a challenge against him. You both have damage mitigation and CC immunity. Vegeta vs Goku
- Time your 2 when he tries to knock you up, you can immune the knockup CC but your attack speed will still be lowered.
- Don't bother attacking him while his in his pillar aura since he's cc immune and tankier, just ignore him but keep in mind he will get block stacks when out of it.
- When he's ulting, he can remove your passive shield in just two steps but this is where you need to Ult him so hes less tanky and receives more damage from you and teammates. Here's where you can possibly outshine him since you'll be the tanker target. Keep in mind you can't outrun him unless you Ult away or have full stacks of your passive so just try to sustain his Ult if caught out of position.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 119 [display_name] => Shiva [url] => shiva ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Your lord...your savior...He's you but with better teamplay but keep in mind, he doesn't counter you entirely and you can still put up a challenge against him. You both have damage mitigation and CC immunity. Vegeta vs Goku - Time your 2 when he tries to knock you up, you can immune the knockup CC but your attack speed will still be lowered. - Don't bother attacking him while his in his pillar aura since he's cc immune and tankier, just ignore him but keep in mind he will get block stacks when out of it. - When he's ulting, he can remove your passive shield in just two steps but this is where you need to Ult him so hes less tanky and receives more damage from you and teammates. Here's where you can possibly outshine him since you'll be the tanker target. Keep in mind you can't outrun him unless you Ult away or have full stacks of your passive so just try to sustain his Ult if caught out of position.[/color] ) 1
- Save your 2 when he tries to throw a rock to stun you OR when hes ulting on you to immune the damage and knockup
- Easy to lockdown since he has no movement abilities, abuse your root and slow on him alot
- Will outclear you anytime, wait til you have some defense to safely clear lanes and start boxing him
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 124 [display_name] => Surtr [url] => surtr ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]- Save your 2 when he tries to throw a rock to stun you OR when hes ulting on you to immune the damage and knockup - Easy to lockdown since he has no movement abilities, abuse your root and slow on him alot - Will outclear you anytime, wait til you have some defense to safely clear lanes and start boxing him[/color][color=#ffffff][/color] ) 1
Very high CC and defense in his kit. Cant really lose or win lane against him. Clear wave whenever and attack him if your jungler wants to gank.
- Let him clear wave so he wastes his only damaging abilities, fight him on cooldown
- Will always stalemate laning phase, dont try to win against him, it's a game of sustain and strategy
- Your root will bully him good since his only movement is his 1 or ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 41 [display_name] => Tyr [url] => tyr ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very high CC and defense in his kit. Cant really lose or win lane against him. Clear wave whenever and attack him if your jungler wants to gank. - Let him clear wave so he wastes his only damaging abilities, fight him on cooldown - Will always stalemate laning phase, dont try to win against him, it's a game of sustain and strategy - Your root will bully him good since his only movement is his 1 or ult[/color] ) 1
Average amount of CC and sustain from him. Very late game focused for his ult. He doesnt have that kind of pressure during the laning phase though.
- Antiheal is good against him so he doesnt heal much from his leap and passive
- Save your 2 for his ult, careful when used his Ghastly Breath since that means he'll want to use his stun
- Slow but effective wave clear, you can out clear him and possibly steal his mana buff
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 93 [display_name] => Cerberus [url] => cerberus ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Average amount of CC and sustain from him. Very late game focused for his ult. He doesnt have that kind of pressure during the laning phase though. - Antiheal is good against him so he doesnt heal much from his leap and passive - Save your 2 for his ult, careful when used his Ghastly Breath since that means he'll want to use his stun - Slow but effective wave clear, you can out clear him and possibly steal his mana buff[/color] ) 1
Strong base damage and lots of sustain but nothing to crazy for you to handle. Let him clear waves to waste his highest damage ability and get antiheal for his sustain
- Your root will force him to use two of his abilities just to escape, CC him alot
- Dont fight him under his rainstorm, thats where can possibly beat you
- Save your 2 for his ult so he cant knockup/silence you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 47 [display_name] => Chaac [url] => chaac ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Strong base damage and lots of sustain but nothing to crazy for you to handle. Let him clear waves to waste his highest damage ability and get antiheal for his sustain - Your root will force him to use two of his abilities just to escape, CC him alot - Dont fight him under his rainstorm, thats where can possibly beat you - Save your 2 for his ult so he cant knockup/silence you.[/color] ) 1
High attack speed and with good defense/offense. His Wave clear isnt great, has to waste his turtle/mink form to clear.
- Roots will punish him good since he cant escape after using his 3.
- Qin Sais can matchup against his passive and his 1
- Use your 2 to avoid his root if he taunts you after that, try to ult him to kill him off before he heals
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 78 [display_name] => Erlang Shen [url] => erlang-shen ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]High attack speed and with good defense/offense. His Wave clear isnt great, has to waste his turtle/mink form to clear. - Roots will punish him good since he cant escape after using his 3. - Qin Sais can matchup against his passive and his 1 - Use your 2 to avoid his root if he taunts you after that, try to ult him to kill him off before he heals[/color] ) 1
Lots of utility and poke and defense. Can outclear you during laning phase. Cant do much to her while she cant do much to you. Sunder relic makes her easier to deal with.
- Her barrier cant block your abilities so dont be afraid to get close
- Although her ult is instant damage and slow, you can still use your 2 to cleanse the slow and sunder her afterwards
- Dont stand in the wave when shes clearing, let her clear then fight her
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 83 [display_name] => Nike [url] => nike ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Lots of utility and poke and defense. Can outclear you during laning phase. Cant do much to her while she cant do much to you. Sunder relic makes her easier to deal with. - Her barrier cant block your abilities so dont be afraid to get close - Although her ult is instant damage and slow, you can still use your 2 to cleanse the slow and sunder her afterwards - Dont stand in the wave when shes clearing, let her clear then fight her[/color] ) 1
Big area damage and lockdown potential. Very slow laning phase. Can outclear you anytime but loses the boxing, relies on jungler for pressure
- If he attempts to stun you, wait for the 3 pulses before using your 2
- Bully him after he clears waves but dont stand near your wave so he cant bird bomb you
- If your caught in his ult, dont worry about leaving the ring with your ult, the damage mitigation you'll get will make the spear do less damage when you land
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 11 [display_name] => Odin [url] => odin ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Big area damage and lockdown potential. Very slow laning phase. Can outclear you anytime but loses the boxing, relies on jungler for pressure - If he attempts to stun you, wait for the 3 pulses before using your 2 - Bully him after he clears waves but dont stand near your wave so he cant bird bomb you - If your caught in his ult, dont worry about leaving the ring with your ult, the damage mitigation you'll get will make the spear do less damage when you land[/color] ) 1
Really tanky and powerful when his passive is active, your passive can help sustain against him when boxing, he cant win just boxing against you. Has the better teamfight presence, ult on him to take him out of the fights.
- You can outclear him early game but not mid game, watch where he goes when out of lane, hes mainly trying to farm or proxy clear lanes
- Use your 2 to dodge his Tiger/Ox form or Ult slam
- Dont root him if he uses Ox or Eagle form, only root his Tiger form
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 16 [display_name] => Sun Wukong [url] => sun-wukong ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Really tanky and powerful when his passive is active, your passive can help sustain against him when boxing, he cant win just boxing against you. Has the better teamfight presence, ult on him to take him out of the fights. - You can outclear him early game but not mid game, watch where he goes when out of lane, hes mainly trying to farm or proxy clear lanes - Use your 2 to dodge his Tiger/Ox form or Ult slam - Dont root him if he uses Ox or Eagle form, only root his Tiger form[/color] ) 1
Lots of defense, on par mitigations.
Slow time to apply CC. can easily be avoided with your 2
- Slows and roots can force him to retreat
- Cant win against you just boxing
- Save your 2 for his ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 69 [display_name] => Xing Tian [url] => xing-tian ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Lots of defense, on par mitigations. Slow time to apply CC. can easily be avoided with your 2 - Slows and roots can force him to retreat - Cant win against you just boxing - Save your 2 for his ult[/color] ) 1
Very versatile in terms of builds, can be a bit slippery at times. Focus on what stance he is in and what he build to know if you can win the fight.
- Dont fight too close to him, his consistent autos can hurt more, save your 2 for then he tries to execute you or stun you when he gets close.
- If in defense stance, he doesnt have much power against you or the wave, you can outclear him and pressure him there
- If in offense stance, he'll try to pressure you and pick alot of fights but be less tanky against you so be wary of his damage potential in early stages
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 94 [display_name] => Achilles [url] => achilles ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very versatile in terms of builds, can be a bit slippery at times. Focus on what stance he is in and what he build to know if you can win the fight. - Dont fight too close to him, his consistent autos can hurt more, save your 2 for then he tries to execute you or stun you when he gets close. - If in defense stance, he doesnt have much power against you or the wave, you can outclear him and pressure him there - If in offense stance, he'll try to pressure you and pick alot of fights but be less tanky against you so be wary of his damage potential in early stages[/color] ) 1
Very mobile, on par boxing potential. More of lose lane but win late game teamfights.
- Nothing she can silence from you, so if she wastes her dash then she can be punished with your root and force her to ult to get away
- Her ult is very slow and telegraphed and can be easily avoided with your 2, wait til the last slash so you can immune the stun
- Careful late game since she can stun almost half your team, try to pressure her back with your ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 72 [display_name] => Amaterasu [url] => amaterasu ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very mobile, on par boxing potential. More of lose lane but win late game teamfights. - Nothing she can silence from you, so if she wastes her dash then she can be punished with your root and force her to ult to get away - Her ult is very slow and telegraphed and can be easily avoided with your 2, wait til the last slash so you can immune the stun - Careful late game since she can stun almost half your team, try to pressure her back with your ult[/color] ) 1
Likes to poke and sustain alot and then brawl in her bear form with lots of debuffs.
- Dont be intimidated by her AOE cripple given you can always ult out of since youre CC immune. Just be aware you have less power when near it
- Save your 2 for her Life tap root ability
- Prots and mitigation are great against her, ult her when she wants to fight and root her when shes escaping in bear form
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 90 [display_name] => Artio [url] => artio ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Likes to poke and sustain alot and then brawl in her bear form with lots of debuffs. - Dont be intimidated by her AOE cripple given you can always ult out of since youre CC immune. Just be aware you have less power when near it - Save your 2 for her [color=#00ffff]Life tap[/color] root ability - Prots and mitigation are great against her, ult her when she wants to fight and root her when shes escaping in bear form [/color] ) 1
Tanky enemy that likes to get close for most of his damage
- If he tries boxing you, stay sustained against him and youll win the fight since all he'll be doing is trying to auto you down
- If he ults, dont worry about getting close by ulting on him to mitigate the extra damage he does, otherwise use it to get away from the ult
- Save your 2 if youre out of position and stuck in his slowing aura ult
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 129 [display_name] => Bake Kujira [url] => bake-kujira ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Tanky enemy that likes to get close for most of his damage - If he tries boxing you, stay sustained against him and youll win the fight since all he'll be doing is trying to auto you down - If he ults, dont worry about getting close by ulting on him to mitigate the extra damage he does, otherwise use it to get away from the ult - Save your 2 if youre out of position and stuck in his slowing aura ult ) 1
Hybrid AA-based and ability based damage, her early game hurts alot and can outclear you anytime. Try not to box her for too long. She falls off late game.
- Witchblade is good against her to slow down her atk speed, dont fight her in her shield stance
- Roots and slows can punish her good, forces her to use abilities for mobility
- Use your 2 to immune her ult but dont stand in it since she gains prots and power in it
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 63 [display_name] => Bellona [url] => bellona ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Hybrid AA-based and ability based damage, her early game hurts alot and can outclear you anytime. Try not to box her for too long. She falls off late game. - Witchblade is good against her to slow down her atk speed, dont fight her in her shield stance - Roots and slows can punish her good, forces her to use abilities for mobility - Use your 2 to immune her ult but dont stand in it since she gains prots and power in it[/color] ) 1
Large area damage and CC. Not bad early game but is late game centered. Becomes an ult bot late game
- Use your 2 to dodge his big AOE root or when hes in his ult and throws his knockup AOE
- Be sure to get anti tank items against him, he has alot of HP. Ult on him when he ults so he becomes squishier for your team to kill
- Root him often so he wastes his only movement ability
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 110 [display_name] => Cthulhu [url] => cthulhu ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Large area damage and CC. Not bad early game but is late game centered. Becomes an ult bot late game - Use your 2 to dodge his big AOE root or when hes in his ult and throws his knockup AOE - Be sure to get anti tank items against him, he has alot of HP. Ult on him when he ults so he becomes squishier for your team to kill - Root him often so he wastes his only movement ability[/color] ) 1
Alot of burst damage and CC in his kit. No real tankiness or defense in his kit, Ravana does though.
- Careful when he pops his Sun-Forged Scimitar, your passive can only keep up with so much bonus damage from it
- Use your 2 to avoid his drop kick or to escape his ult without any slow effects after leaving
- Try having some attack speed to keep your passive up more often or just build winged blade to immune his slows
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 114 [display_name] => Gilgamesh [url] => gilgamesh ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Alot of burst damage and CC in his kit. No real tankiness or defense in his kit, Ravana does though. - Careful when he pops his Sun-Forged Scimitar, your passive can only keep up with so much bonus damage from it - Use your 2 to avoid his drop kick or to escape his ult without any slow effects after leaving - Try having some attack speed to keep your passive up more often or just build winged blade to immune his slows[/color] ) 1
Very high base damage with Instant hard CCs. His early game will pressure you out but after getting some HP and CCR, he shouldnt be much of a problem.
- He always likes to follow up his knockup with his knockback, use your 2 to dodge his knockup so he cant follow up with that
- Witchblade is good against him when boxing since he has such a low swing time. Careful when he uses his knockback, might follow up with his ult. Time your 2 to immune his ult
- Prot Reduction and antiheal is good against his 3
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 28 [display_name] => Hercules [url] => hercules ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Very high base damage with Instant hard CCs. His early game will pressure you out but after getting some HP and CCR, he shouldnt be much of a problem. - He always likes to follow up his knockup with his knockback, use your 2 to dodge his knockup so he cant follow up with that - Witchblade is good against him when boxing since he has such a low swing time. Careful when he uses his knockback, might follow up with his ult. Time your 2 to immune his ult - Prot Reduction and antiheal is good against his 3[/color] ) 1
Early game centered pick, win lane but lose game type of god. Dont pick a fight early.
- Lots of area damage, not much to immune with your kit, dont immune her grapple cuz she'll come to you anyways with it
- When she ults, time your 2 for the knockup not the root or arrow shot
- Ult on her late game considering how weak she becomes to make her weaker
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 108 [display_name] => Mulan [url] => mulan ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Early game centered pick, win lane but lose game type of god. Dont pick a fight early. - Lots of area damage, not much to immune with your kit, dont immune her grapple cuz she'll come to you anyways with it - When she ults, time your 2 for the knockup not the root or arrow shot - Ult on her late game considering how weak she becomes to make her weaker[/color] ) 1
Big solo lane bully, Your passive can help when boxing him; on par boxing potential. His wave clear is consistent as yours.
- Keep in mind, he has no slow/root immunity in his kit so you can punish him there and force him to use his ult to get away
- Use your 2 to immune his stun when tethered; your 2 can dodge his ult damage but not the anti-heal effect
- Ult when he ults, youll have as much mitigations as he has when his passive is fully stacked. Try to time it where you land on him before he lands on you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 53 [display_name] => Osiris [url] => osiris ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Big solo lane bully, Your passive can help when boxing him; on par boxing potential. His wave clear is consistent as yours. - Keep in mind, he has no slow/root immunity in his kit so you can punish him there and force him to use his ult to get away - Use your 2 to immune his stun when tethered; your 2 can dodge his ult damage but not the anti-heal effect - Ult when he ults, youll have as much mitigations as he has when his passive is fully stacked. Try to time it where you land on him before he lands on you[/color] ) 1
Pretty much not a threat til his ult is up. That is where he can possibly win against you
- Root when he attempt to run at you with his 1, he has no mobility after afterwards
- When he ults, try not to attack him since that will make his ult last longer, just flee to bait him towards your tower or teammates to turn the fight
- Winged Blade is good against him since he only has one slow
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 21 [display_name] => Vamana [url] => vamana ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Pretty much not a threat til his ult is up. That is where he can possibly win against you - Root when he attempt to run at you with his 1, he has no mobility after afterwards - When he ults, try not to attack him since that will make his ult last longer, just flee to bait him towards your tower or teammates to turn the fight - Winged Blade is good against him since he only has one slow [/color] ) 1
Lots of CC with high area damage, very immobile outside of his ult.
- Save your 2 when wants to tremble you, thats his main damaging ability
- Slow and root him alot to proc his passive so youll constantly deal more damage
- Dont bother with his ult if hes chasing or fleeing, pretty easy to dodge
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 101 [display_name] => Jormungandr [url] => jormungandr ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => Lots of CC with high area damage, very immobile outside of his ult. - Save your 2 when wants to tremble you, thats his main damaging ability - Slow and root him alot to proc his passive so youll constantly deal more damage - Dont bother with his ult if hes chasing or fleeing, pretty easy to dodge ) 1
Good CCs with a little sustain, cant win boxing against you. You can easily avoid his most damaging abilities with half your kit.
- Save your 2 for the pluck or when he ults
- Ult on him when has missed his pluck since he has no getaway ability after that
- You can catch his pluck with your root, time it well
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 9 [display_name] => Sobek [url] => sobek ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => [color=#ffffff]Good CCs with a little sustain, cant win boxing against you. You can easily avoid his most damaging abilities with half your kit. - Save your 2 for the pluck or when he ults - Ult on him when has missed his pluck since he has no getaway ability after that - You can catch his pluck with your root, time it well[/color] ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Ravana’s synergies
Extra immunity and alot more sustain when shes linked to you
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 32 [display_name] => Aphrodite [url] => aphrodite ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Extra immunity and alot more sustain when shes linked to you ) 1
good warrior jungle if you decide to go solo as Ravana
Good CC combos with you two
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 78 [display_name] => Erlang Shen [url] => erlang-shen ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => good warrior jungle if you decide to go solo as Ravana Good CC combos with you two ) 1
Great warrior jungle when youre going solo
Good lockdown potential on a single target in ganks or teamfights
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 114 [display_name] => Gilgamesh [url] => gilgamesh ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Great warrior jungle when youre going solo Good lockdown potential on a single target in ganks or teamfights ) 1
Oh you died? Let me give you hand.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 68 [display_name] => Khepri [url] => khepri ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Oh you died? Let me give you hand. ) 1
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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Not sure if you're talking about Jungle or Solo here, or if you're talking non-Conquest. I would suggest against that mix of items personally, depending on mode. You're a bit split on offense and defense there...bruiser in general is fine, but if you're playing Jungle, you want to try to go as full damage spec as possible, and only counter-build when necessary.
When you commit to Trans, you really don't need the crazy MP5 of Genji. Yes, I know the CDR function there, but I think you might be better served if considering magical prots by looking at Shogun's as an alternative.
That said, I don't know if I would recommend Trans. Takes a while to build up and you could get some good early use out of
Another option would be to go Crusher into Trans, but then you continue your build as basically full damage...can consider Arondight, TB, Serrated, HS for example as other items.
And which starter are you typically picking up?
As for Crusher late, I think
I would remove the attack speed options, you don't need them at all on Ravana when there are other burst options. I mean you could maybe consider
Because of
The solo builds are all great, I think clarifying on the
Glad Shield is better than BoV for Ravana as it helps his clear with bruiser stats, going into
If you use
As for Dominance, its interchangeable with Titans Bane, I personally have found more success with Dominance, it's more useful when boxing than just waiting for the titans bane cooldown to get that extra 20% pen. But if you wanna go Titans then by all means
Alot of people also dont know when Ravana was shifted to an assassin, his attack speed has changed to be faster per level so you can afford to get a couple of attack speed items. You have one of the best attack chains in game so going attack speed isnt as bad as you think.
This is where going eye of the jungle helps as well, Ravana's early game isnt the best so going Eye helps alot and rushing ancile or Arondight boosts your early carry potential by alot, this is where you're going to be ganking the mid laner alot. And clearing camps without some flat pen isnt bad since you're getting extra 10 power from eye of the jungle and attack speed. This build is what I saw being built in the SPL so it could work
The solo builds, that section isnt quite finished so I'll explain why I would go those certain builds and when to go for them. Like I said before, cooldowns are a big necessity for Ravana. Breastplate solves that problem, warriors tabi gives enough power to then get void shield after BoV. The Sledge sure isnt a must build item, it's just a nice boxing item with all the stats you would need on a solo laner. So it could be swapped out for one the situational items like you said with Witchblade or Spectral
The Death Toll build is just more of a troll build that you could get away with. Like it says, that is what you would build back in Season 4 but you can get away with it, it works good against AA based warriors.