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Season 5 Ullr guide - "Im not broken, I swear" - Builds up to date with patch 5.3 - Rewievs and/or comments welcome!

18 1 348,763
by Agneus updated February 27, 2018

Smite God: Ullr

Build Guide Discussion 22 More Guides
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Ullr Build


Build Item Mage's Blessing Mage's Blessing
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Standard build (recommended)

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Items to consider (goes for joust aswell)

Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath

Defense (very situatonal, max one item)

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Relics (goes for duel and joust as well)

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Phantom Veil Phantom Veil

Ullr's Skill Order

Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe

1 X Y
Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe
1 3 5 7 9

Expose Weakness / Invigorate

2 A B
Expose Weakness / Invigorate
6 15 16 18 19

Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound

3 B A
Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound
2 4 8 10 11

Wield Axes / Wield Bow

4 Y X
Wield Axes / Wield Bow
12 13 14 17 20
Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe
1 3 5 7 9

Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe

1 X
Ranged: Ullr fires a bladed arrow in a line, dealing damage and passing through all targets it hits.

Melee: Ullr throws an axe in a line, hitting a single target dealing damage and Stunning it.

Ability Type: Line, Stun, Damage
Damage (Bow): 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Axe): 50 / 80 / 100 / 140 / 170 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration (Axe): 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4s
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Expose Weakness / Invigorate
6 15 16 18 19

Expose Weakness / Invigorate

2 A
Ranged: Ullr gains bonus Attack Speed for 5s.

Melee: Ullr gains bonus Move Speed for 5s.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed (Bow): 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Move Speed (Axe): 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Duration: 5s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14s
Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound
2 4 8 10 11

Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound

3 B
Ranged: Ullr fires a volley at his target location, dealing damage.

Melee: Ullr leaps to his target location, dealing damage in an AoE on arrival.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage (Bow): 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Axe): 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Wield Axes / Wield Bow
12 13 14 17 20

Wield Axes / Wield Bow

4 Y
Ullr changes stance. He gains half of the stat bonuses when in the opposite stance.

Ranged: Ullr uses his yew bow, removing Disarms and gaining additional attack speed.

Melee: Ullr uses his axes, removing Disarms and gaining additional Physical Lifesteal.

Ability Type: Buff
Physical Power (Bow): 20 / 26 / 32 / 38 / 44
Physical Lifesteal (Axe): 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 / 45%
Cooldown: 1s


Hey, I am Agneus and this is my first Smitefire guide about my favourite god Ullr. I play Smite since Season two and after a while I decided to instead of copying information from another guide to make my own. As you probbably already noticed, I am not an english native speaker, so execuse my imperfect language and please do not judge me too hard. This guide will cover builds, abilities, combos, pros/cons, general tips and tricks and much more. I will try my best to keep the guide up to date as long as possible.

Ullr is very unique god in terms of mechanics and overall gameplay experience. He is known to be one of the highest skill cap gods (high skill floor and high skill ceiling) and requires big amount of time and patience to master and use on high level of play. He is one of the four stance changing gods in the game others being Hel, Tyr and Artio and similarly to Hel his ultimate is a stance change while he has access to three unique abilities in each stance. In the last months of Season 5 Ullr recieved various buffs that made him arguably one of the best hunters in Smite. With patch 5.3 scalings on both Ullrs primary damaging abilities ( Bladed Arrow and Hail of Arrows) has been decreased, which will hurt both his poking and lane clearing potential, but he still remains one of the strongest concquest hunters as well as top tier god in both Duel and Joust.

So that is to the introduction of myself and Ullr and without further adue, lets jump into the guide itself.


10.5 2017 - First version of the guide published!

12.5 2017 - After a great struggle with BBcoding I finally finished the Starter builds section. Feel free to comment on anything

16.6 2017- Hey guys, after more than month I am finally back to writing this guide. I started playing duel so I added duel build and new info into items section.
Hope you like it and as always feel free to comment on anything!

17.6 2017 - Added Executioner and Titans Bane commentary into items section

8.1 2018 - I am finally back. Builds are now up to date with patch 4.25 ( Cerberus release). Commentary will be updated with Season five release.

1.2 2018 - All three builds as well as Starter and Core items commentary sections should be up to date with patch 5.1, as always feel free to comment if you have any suggestions/questions. Work on the guide is still in progress.

2.2 - Other options section was added into Items chapter.

14.2 - Builds and commentary up to datewith patch 5.2 Legend of the Foxes.


Starter builds

In most situations in concquest you should start with Mage's Blessing (one of Season 5 Starter items) and Morningstar (tier one Transcendence). This will bolster your already high early game ability damage and potentionally gives you advantage over auto attack based hunters starting with Hunter's Blessing and Spiked Gauntlet like Rama.

In Joust and Duel starting with Mage's Blessing is advised as this will give you cheap and fast damage early on. Along with this item Boots are the call, as cheap movement speed will do more work for you in teamfight/engage heavy gamemodes and you can start stacking in the second item slot without worrying about your lane pressure and overall preformance. In duel specifically Hunter's Blessing is viable and generally you will want to build it in situations where auto attack based build is going be more effective than ability based one. With Asi nerf in patch 5.2 ability based builds got hit as they relied solely on Asi for any lifesteal at all and decreased pen did not realy helped the situation. Still ability based builds are viable in duel but heavily depend on the matchup. Decision which build to go for often decides games so do not take it lightly. Generally speaking you want to build auto attack based build against other hunters and against gods who will have an advantage over you in early game and who you can beat in late game.

Other starter options are rather unconvential or even unviable at this time into the new season and therfore are not mentioned here.

Mana/health regeneration consumables and their amounts from all recommended starter item sets in this guide are recommended out of my own experience and therfore fits my own playstyle. If you think you can conserve your mana and health quite well taking who you are fighting into consideration purchase less consumables. On the other hand if you expect to do badly either because your facing a counter matchup (not many gods right now) or because you expect a lot of ganks and pressure, purchase more consumables. Saving gold is always important and can give you solid advantage but it is absolutely not worth if you are losing lane/jungle pressure or dying as a result.

Wards in form of Chalice of the Oracle are mandatory in current gank/rotation heavy meta. Buy Chalice of the Oracle as soon as possible, ideally after your first back. Than you will have basic or solid vision (depends if your support is also warding or not) on your side of the map which may and in fact probbably will save your life or your team a Gold Fury. Even late game Chalice of the Oracle is relevant so do not sell it if not in desperete need of Sentry Ward.

In Joust and Duel goes what I sad about mana/health regeneration consumables. They are important early game and lose importance as game goes on. Wards are generally situational in those two modes, but if you are playing from behind or just feel like the opposing hunter might easily burst down the Bull demon king, warding his lair might come into play.

Core builds and items

There is no Ullr build without Transcendence especialy now in early Season 5. It gives you bunch of mana to cast your abilities and power to boost your offense overall while providing handy amount of cooldown reduction in evolved(fully stacked)form which sets it aside from Devourer's Gauntlet. Lifesteal and lower physical power are not the call nowadays in Season 5 where damage and mobility matters the most.

Warrior Tabi is a must go in almost every Ullr build. It gives you necesarry early power and therefore boxing potential while also providing damage boost to your abilities scalings which stacks with bonus ability damage provided by Mage's Blessing. In current meta and how Ullr fits in it, there is never a valid reason to build Ninja Tabi. Completely auto attack based build is outclassed by other hunters like Hachiman or Rama and building this item into ability based build just does not make any sense.

The Crusher with its new passive is great item to build on any ability based hunter and Ullr is not an execption. Sporting decent stats including attack speed and flat penetration and passive that esentially boosts your ability damage output this item is great and in my opinion best item to build into third item slot on Ullr. At this point you might already have lead/lane pressure over/against the opposing carry and this item easily secures or even deepens this lead. Even if you are playing from behind, few lucky combos might put you back into play and that extra damage (which increases as you are getting into late game and finishing your build) might be your win condition.

Lifesteal is not as important on Ullr due to fact he has quite high lifsteal in his kit ( Wield Axes) and most of his damage comes from his abilities therfore he does not box other carries as often as other hunters. In most cases Asi alone should do the trick also providing you with flat penetration and attack speed. I personally think that Asi is one of the best hunter items considering its verstality. If you are playing arena, Bloodforge maybe viable due to high power it provides, but you are still missing good amount of pen and attack speed while passive is not worth it. With patch 5.2 Asi got unfortunately nerfed with decreased penetration which in the future may make it less viable, but for now it remains one of the primary hunter choices.

For most The Executioner has been a classic hunter item troughout seasons and Season 5 is not an execption. Decent power, good attack speed and protection shredding passive are perks that any auto attack based hunter build enjoys having. It works very well with crit too as after few autos it partially replaces penetration that crit builds often lack. In combination with Deathbringer this item shines the brightest.

In past seasons, penetration has always played lead role in builds for Ullr, yet this has changed with Season 5 item changes. Old Season 4 heavy pen/attack speed builds became unviable for the most part and they were replaced with flat penetration from versatile items like The Crusher or Asi which also provide other important benefits and with critical strike chance or more sepcifically with one now extremely powerful item that is a must on any hunter and honestly even on most assassin builds. If you are familiar with Season 5 like i am, you certainly know that i am talking about Deathbringer. Thirty five percent critical strike chance alone is so good that the physical power and this items passive seems like Ajaxs presence on 2018 HRX in comparison. Just by building Deathbringer you are adding high boxing potential and auto attack damage output into build that is generally based around ability damage. Yes you have heard correctly, with Deathbringer alone any hunter build is gaining enough crit that it does not have to buy any other critical strike chance items. Build Deathbringer while Hirez has not yet nerfed it and enjoy rekting scrubs like in the Cernunnos release days.

Other options

Wind Demon

Items I just covered form basic and in my opinion most effective concquest build and with slight changes they work in Joust as well. Duel was always more about counter building than anything so the build might change based off who you are fighting.
It would be wrong to say that building anything else than I just reccomended will put you into disadvantage, but most items I will cover here are situational and they will most likely work in less situations than the standard build will. I also haven't tested some of these items on Ullr so in few cases Im am judging from my overall experience with those items on other hunters or from past seasons.

Atalanta's Bow was unviable item in the last season due to its lack of important stats like penetration or lifesteal and average pas]sive. It enters Season5 with buff that might have made it somewhat worth building in certain situations. Like Odysseus' Bow, [color=#ff8000 Atalanta's Bow[/color] provides a good chunk of attack speed while also having some added physical power. Passive used to privide up to 28 percent movement speed buff that lasted three seconds and could be refreshed by hitting more auto attacks. The item was outclassed by almost any other item that provided more useful stats that in the end resulted in higher boxing potential (which was Atalanta's Bow purpose as it was meant to replace removed Fatalis). In Season 5 stacking movement speed buff duration was extended from three to seven seconds. If you realize how important is movement speed on the new map this movement speed that now lasts much longer might be very useful for rotations (if built early) or for significant mobility increase in late game teamfights where carry is a primary target. In patch 5.2 Atalanta's Bow was further buffed with increased attack speed and decreased cost. This along with the Asi nerf might get this item into play even tho most pros and/or streamers doubt it.

Qin's Sais and Titan's Bane have been both significantly nerfed and they do not seem to be viable out of maybe tank heavy comps or defense/health heavy duel matches. Their supposed counterbuilding potential is overshadowed by crit items like Deathbringer which in combination with flat pen provide same or even bigger benefits.

As mentioned above Deathbringer alone in its current state (as of 5.1 patch notes) provides all crit you need in your build. Wind Demon is mostly option for auto attack based hunters this season. This item might find some usage on Ullr in situations where you are so much ahead that you do not need to further boost your ability damage (you already oneshot squishies with 1,3 combo) or when you are playing against box heavy comp (double hunter comp). But keep in mind that Ullr builds were shifted back to old ability based combinations and as of now those will always be more effective than auto attack based ones.

Brawler's Beat Stick has always been a classic physical heal counter option and this has not changed with the new season, but if you consider how heavily is healing still countered by other items/certain gods Brawler's Beat Stick with its overall poor stats will hardly ever hit your screen. Let guardians and warriors build Pestilence and focus on getting items like The Crusher and Deathbringer online as fast as possible. This of course does not go for duel where Brawler's Beat Stick is still mandatory in numerous situations.

Last but not least Jotunn's Wrath. Out of all situational items Jotunn's Wrath is the most viable one. By replacing Deathbringer and building rest of the items in different order you trade critical strike chance for flat penetration, mana and most importantly cooldown reduction which in combination with evolved Transcendence finishes fully ability focused build. Such build almost eliminates the late game preformance decrease which Ullr experiences as long as you are hitting your abilities.

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Kriega1 (143) | July 18, 2017 9:27am
How good is Hydra's Lament in a bursty, ability based build for Ullr?
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 27, 2017 2:52pm
Hi Agneus,

I actually made my own comments but for whatever reason, they never showed up. It was pretty long (surprise surprise), so I'm only now gathering up the strength to comment again.

Points I'll be making are mechanical/theoretical. You may or may not agree, and I may be wrong.

Firstly, from your writeup, it's pretty clear you're familiar and comfortable with the god, with 2+ years playing him.
  • For your Core Attack Speed and Core Crit builds, no problems with the first 3 items, at least inherently. Trans/Warrior/Asi is an extremely common and effective early/mid progression.

  • For your "pen balance" build, I know that the combo of The Executioner + Titan's Bane was seen in pro builds recently, but I'd say it's very situational and only highly effective if you're facing a crazy tanky team. It's the lost efficiency Titan's Bane gets that's the issue. Since you don't mention this aspect in your builds writeup, I'll detail in case you don't know. % protection reduction is calculated before % penetration. If just considering these two aspects, in a base respect, you'd think that 36% + 33% = 69%, or the enemy only has 31% protections left. However, it's actually 36% counts first, so now the enemy has 64%. Then 33% is calculated from that...this means the enemy (at full stacks of Exe) has such, only best if most enemies have high protections and you really need to bust through those.

  • I know Trans has a ton of power, but you offset the power advantage by including 2 items with 0 power in your Core Attack/Core Crit builds. When you focus on Transcendence, you're usually looking to maximize your ability damage...and for Ullr, who has more damaging abilities than most hunters, that's a common direction for the build. I do find it a bit interesting that you don't have a build that focuses fully on that aspect.

  • Trans + Crit isn't really an optimal combo...not saying it doesn't work, but it's okay situationally. In the crit build, the one thing you're missing is a high pen item...probably The Executioner. That's the problem with Trans + Crit. 3 items out of the 6 are tied up...other key aspects of the build can only take up the other 3 spots. You generally need Boots, Pen, and lifesteal. In this case, you're missing Pen. So, Fatalis is sort of the odd man out...but I get why it's in there...great boxing potential. So, I see this build being most effective when the majority of the team is squishy. Otherwise, I'd replace Fatalis...or, better yet, I'd really only consider this as a full basic attack focus (e.g. your "core full auto attack oriented" build), and leave it out of Trans builds altogether. Just my preference and opinion.

  • With the full auto build, I think it's less efficient (and hurts your power curve) when building Devourer's Gauntlet 3rd. I get the Ichaival 2nd for early pressure, but at that point, you might be best going into Asi and of course replacing Ichaival later. Otherwise, I'd say Devo's 2nd, Ichaival 3rd, and the rest of the build is solid, with a late game replacement of Ich (and a possible switch from Warrior to Ninja).
Curious to hear your thoughts.
Agneus | July 4, 2017 2:04am
Hey Branmuffin

I am glad you made time to comment this and many things you mention here have fair points. Meta shifts every patch and exe titans build is a little outdated now but it still works against hyper defense teams as you claimed. i still build those items together because i like to keep hybid auto ability build but i agree on your points.

Crit build is the same case as with exe titans combo. I like the fact that you can crit people aswell as do fair amount of dmg with yr 1 3 1 combo. I understand the loss in overall dps, but who sad that this build is meant for ranked anyways?

Fatalis is another topic. Basically, if other hunter builds it and you box him often, you have to build it too, else yr screwed if you arent Zapman. Many people build dirty this season and fatalis while also being meta is a product of this.

What I dont generally agree on tho is the devs comment. I play a lot of duel lately (nothing hot, silver two, but still) and devs third item works perfectly fine. Even in other modes, I think that high lifestal from devs is still worth it even if stacked mid to late, considering how big advantage it provides against asi/bloodforge users.

Sorry for my delayed reply, being quite busy lately

Branmuffin17 (401) | July 4, 2017 10:14am
Hey Agneus,

Thanks for your responses. I was thinking this but didn't fully voice...I understand the function behind the dual pen. Titan's for stronger initial ability damage, Exe for better basic attack DPS, and basic attacks will always benefit also from Titan's. Once Exe is stacked, the pen is better than either alone. So you give up a slot, but you have functional pen no matter how you attack. Does make sense, as long as you're willing to give up that 2nd slot.

Regarding building for ranked or whatever...I'm just always looking to maximize my build efficiency and effectiveness, only because I need all the help I can get =P Many better players with a better mind and reflexes for the game. But I do get your ideas.

Good points on Fatalis.

Regarding Devo's, seems there's a split in terms of those who feel it's best 2nd, and those who think it's more than fine 3rd. For full efficiency, if you're going by exact numbers, I'll assume Devo's is perhaps better, but with so much variability in games, Ichaival is also fine. I mainly appreciate the early sustain, but others are better boxers and naturally play more aggressively, and so Ich might be the better item for them.

I don't play ranked anything, duel or Conq, so I don't know what it's like in there. I just hear Ranked Conq horror stories from Marki, and it scares me.

Anyway, thanks again for replying. You provide good arguments. +1
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AimlessMind (1) | June 7, 2017 8:52pm
Is hasten fatalis that strong currently?
Also what about shifters shield for a defense item
Agneus | June 9, 2017 7:52am
AimlessMind wrote:
Is hasten fatalis that strong currently?
Also what about shifters shield for a defense item

Fatalis is still very good item even after cost increase, especially on Ullr who has short auto range and can efectivelly chase with his axes. I dont think shifters very good on Ullr due to dps you are giving away. I could imagine it on Ullr solo or Jungle but thats probbably it
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 27, 2017 2:26pm
Hastened Fatalis is a great item depending on the god/application. Even with the price increase, it adds a lot to boxing potential. That said, for Ullr, not sure it's the best item for him. Since he's got long range via Hail of Arrows, a leap ( Glory Bound) and a stun ( Thrown Axe), he's got a bit more in his kit than some hunters to keep people close and hit them from far away. Not saying it can't be effective on him, but I'd say the rest of his build needs to be extremely solid so as not to severely hurt his damage potential.

As for Shifter's Shield, if you're utilizing Ullr up close a lot, I think he can very much take advantage of the high power and protections. It's definitely popular right now in the meta.
BestMinionEver (69) | May 19, 2017 6:10am
Isn't Rage the best crit item now? With DB ofc. I'm no adc player though but just looking at the stats.
I'm also not a fan of the Trans builds for hunters. I can understand it on Neith and Ullr, but I still think the mainstream adc build is better.

Always disliked how there pretty much is one default build as adc. You can't really make room for situational items as adc because you lose to much dps when you do.
CirclesAreRound (14) | May 19, 2017 7:10am
Rage<wind demon
Technotoad64 (46) | May 19, 2017 7:21am
If you have built-in crit chance, sure, but not everybody is Artemis or Ne Zha. 35% crit chance is kind of hard to turn down, and then there's the risk of overcapping attack speed.
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overld1 (18) | May 12, 2017 9:48am
The guide is looking much better now from before great work for first time with BBcoding. If you need more help with BBcoding check this guide this guide will help you a lot. If you need help with anything info wise or more BBcoding wise just PM me.
Agneus | May 12, 2017 1:19pm
Thx a lot for help. Will check the guide
overld1 (18) | May 12, 2017 2:02pm
Btw Boots doesn't give power only movement speed.
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Tlaloc1050 (17) | May 11, 2017 11:04pm
Try centering stuff too
Agneus | May 12, 2017 6:33am
Thx for the help. Will do.
overld1 (18) | May 11, 2017 7:15pm
Just a quick question do you know how to update a guide like re-publish it.
Agneus | May 12, 2017 6:33am
I do, thanks anyways
overld1 (18) | May 10, 2017 1:33pm
Hello Agneus so far the guide is looking pretty good I know you probably don't don't know that much BBcoding. Here's one tip that everyone uses on Smitefire


Doing this will create a hyper-link to the websites database that if you click on that word or phrase it will bring you the god's page, the ability's page, or that item's page.
[icon=bluestone pendant size=50]

What this code does it will create a image of a ability, god, or item. This is used commonly for tables or explanations. This is also a hyper-link that directs you to that image's page.

I hope this helps for you so far if you need anymore help just msg me.
Agneus | May 10, 2017 1:41pm
Thx a lot for help, im new here so this is exactly the type of information I need. Will try to implement it ASAP
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Agneus
Season 5 Ullr guide - "Im not broken, I swear" - Builds up to date with patch 5.3 - Rewievs and/or comments welcome!
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