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Sobek: "Is This An Open Buffet?" (Arena Patch 7.12)

18 2 87,937
by silentshell updated December 28, 2020

Smite God: Sobek

Build Guide Discussion 25 More Guides
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Sobek Build

Vs Magical

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff

Vs Physical

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Jade Emperor's Crown Jade Emperor's Crown
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth

Balanced Aggression

Notes you can still go Shoes of Focus to start with this build but i chose the Reinforced Shoes to compensate a bit for the lower health.

If feel like you will be focused a lot you could also go Oni Hunter's Garb instead of Pythagorem's Piece at the last spot but if you plan on doing that go with Shoes of Focus


you can still go Shoes of Focus to start with this build but i chose the Reinforced Shoes to compensate a bit for the lower health.

If feel like you will be focused a lot you could also go Oni Hunter's Garb instead of Pythagorem's Piece at the last spot but if you plan on doing that go with Shoes of Focus

Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece


Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

Early Aggression

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff


Notes Rod of Asclepius
shield of regrowth
are options here if not used in the 2nd item slot


Rod of Asclepius
shield of regrowth
are options here if not used in the 2nd item slot

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes

Pick One--Early Offense/Sustain/Aggression

Notes Gauntlet of Thebes and Hide of the Urchin can be placed here for sustain, but not as aggressive a start due to sacrifice of power. Both items are flexible and I have placed them anywhere between slot 2-5 in my builds.

Ethereal Staff and Spear of Desolation can be options at the end of your build if you don't use them here.


Gauntlet of Thebes and Hide of the Urchin can be placed here for sustain, but not as aggressive a start due to sacrifice of power. Both items are flexible and I have placed them anywhere between slot 2-5 in my builds.

Ethereal Staff and Spear of Desolation can be options at the end of your build if you don't use them here.

Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Jade Emperor's Crown Jade Emperor's Crown
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Mid Build Defense

Notes BoV core as 3rd or 4th item(take Pestilence or Contagion 3rd if you need one of them). pick any of the other items as the other mid-build item. Void Stone and Genji's Guard are pretty flexible and i regularly find myself building them anywhere between slot 3-5.


BoV core as 3rd or 4th item(take Pestilence or Contagion 3rd if you need one of them). pick any of the other items as the other mid-build item. Void Stone and Genji's Guard are pretty flexible and i regularly find myself building them anywhere between slot 3-5.

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard

Mid or End Build Defense

Notes I have this category in here because these items can work well mid build or late build depending on what you are trying to do.


I have this category in here because these items can work well mid build or late build depending on what you are trying to do.

Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy

End Build Defense/Sustain

Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth

End Build Offensive Options

Notes Ethereal Staff is an options here if not used in the 2nd slot. If you choose Charon's place it in the 5th spot or possibly in the 4th slot as well if it feels like you can get away with it in a match.


Ethereal Staff is an options here if not used in the 2nd slot. If you choose Charon's place it in the 5th spot or possibly in the 4th slot as well if it feels like you can get away with it in a match.

Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin

Sobek's Skill Order

Charge Prey

1 X Y
Charge Prey
1 15 16 18 19

Tail Whip

2 A B
Tail Whip
3 10 11 12 14

Sickening Strike

3 B A
Sickening Strike
2 4 6 7 8

Lurking In The Waters

4 Y X
Lurking In The Waters
5 9 13 17 20
Charge Prey
1 15 16 18 19

Charge Prey

1 X
Sobek charges forward at a frenzied pace. If Sobek hits an enemy, he does damage, becomes briefly CC Immune, and throws the enemy behind him. Sobek is immune to knockups while dashing.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
Tail Whip
3 10 11 12 14

Tail Whip

2 A
Sobek whips around in a circle, knocking enemies back and doing damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Sickening Strike
2 4 6 7 8

Sickening Strike

3 B
Sobek does an axe attack that damages all enemies in front of him and lowers their healing received. In addition, Sobek heals for each enemy hit, up to 4.

Ability Type: Cone, Heal, Damage
Damage: 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 / 230 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Healing Reduction: 40%
Healing Reduction Lifetime: 5s
Heal: 22 / 29 / 36 / 43 / 50
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Lurking In The Waters
5 9 13 17 20

Lurking In The Waters

4 Y
Sobek submerges himself, where he gains 20% protections, regenerates Mana, is immune to Crowd Control, may pass through player-made walls, and he Slows all enemies. When Sobek emerges, he damages all enemies in the radius. Cancelling the ability decreases the damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 300 / 450 / 600 / 750 / 900 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Submerge Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Submerge Lifetime: 5s
Submerge Mana Regen: 10% per second
Radius: 30
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s


Hi there, and thank you for taking the time to go through this guide. I will be explaining my personal arena build for Sobek and the reasoning behind it. I will also be offering build choices for each phase of your build. I will not being going in depth on those choices but feel free to leave a post in the discussion if you have any questions about those choices.

Skill Leveling

This section is just to briefly discuss my skill order leveling sequence. After getting my main three abilities leveled I like to level up Tail Whip first because of the disruption it provides. Despite the heal from Sickening Strike I like to level Tail Whip first because it is also easier to hit enemies with. You really don't have to aim it. Tail Whip jut automatically hits any enemy around you in it's radius of effect.

Sickening Strike with it's extra utility is leveled up next. Since it can damage multiple enemies, give you a heal from up to 3 enemies hit and also applies a healing reduction to enemies hit I give it priority over Charge Prey.

Charge Prey is finished next and I follow a standard balance leveling sequence for Lurking In The Waters because with the combination of scaling with it's damage and the scaling of the slow applied at each level I feel it is worth it to do so.

My Builds

My builds provide sufficient protections for the purpose they each serve in arena, 30-40% CDR, decent health and the ability to contribute to team fights and hold your own in solo fights throughout a match.

I have builds listed with Breastplate of Valor core and builds listed with Pridwen core. Either style can work fine, personally though, I feel like i have more flexibility when i run Pridwen.


Charge Prey
Tail Whip

This is a useful combo because you can isolate a member of the enemy team and then disrupt their movement immediately after to give your team time to lockdown/kill them. This can become a 3 move combo if you can hit the enemy with sickening strike after, but this is a difficult move because you don't know which way the enemy will be going as you turn around to aim the cone of affect. It can also become a 3 hit combo if you hit Lurking In The Waters it can become a 4 move combo if you manage to land Charge Prey Tail Whip Sickening Strike and then Lurking In The Waters

Combo 1
Tail Whip
Charge Prey

Combo 2
Charge Prey
Tail Whip
sometimes Tail Whip will miss if enemy has high movement

Combo 3
Charge Prey
Lurking In The Waters

Combo 4
Charge Prey
Tail Whip
Sickening Strike
another more difficult combo like combo 2, because you may miss with Tail Whip and the enemy may go the opposite way from where you turn around to hit them with Sickening Strike

Combo 5
Tail Whip
Sickening Strike
Charge Prey

Combo 6
Sickening Strike
Tail Whip
Charge Prey

Combo 7
Sickening Strike
Tail Whip
Charge Prey
Lurking In The Waters


Thank you for taking the time to go through my guide for Sobek. I really enjoy playing him and hope that all of you will give him a try or a second run if you've tried him already.

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boogiebass (46) | June 8, 2020 5:09pm
Ok, so my disagreements.
Gluf covered the majority of them:
1) Ethereal Staff is better late when targets have more health to steal
2) Gauntlet of Thebes is better early so you can stack it and get more use out of the protections (late game, 15 protection aura is practically nothing to a burst mage or adc)
3) Void Stone is in too early for some of your builds. Unless enemies are building early magical defenese (or a support is building Heartward Amulet + Gauntlet of Thebes), I don't recommend Void Stone earlier than 4th. Typically in my matches, 5th/6th is a good spot for it.
4) My personal preference here: For your vs Magical build, you reach max cooldown a little too late into the game. By that point, you can just by a Potion of Power to get an extra 10% CDR. If you want to rush CDR to spam abilities, get it earlier. Again, my preference, you're free to disagree. Instead of Genji's Guard, I probably would have just gotten Oni Hunter's Garb. I don't know about you, but my arena games don't go on long enough for me to get Elixir of Speed and a 7th item, so I just settle of Potion of Power and maybe upgraded relics.
5) Not sure about Pridwen in the middle of your builds. I thought it'd be more useful near the endish, when you have some protections to make full use of the passive. On top of that, for your "Full Aggression" Build, I'd say remove Pridwen.

6) Just my personal preference, but a lot of people don't like to read long and lengthy guides. Get to the point without the fluff.

For example: "This is a useful combo because you can isolate a member of the enemy team and then disrupt their movement immediately after to give your team time to lockdown/kill them. This can become a 3 move combo if you can hit the enemy with sickening strike after, but this is a difficult move because you don't know which way the enemy will be going as you turn around to aim the cone of affect. It can also become a 3 hit combo if you hit Lurking In The Waters it can become a 4 move combo if you manage to land Charge Prey Tail Whip Sickening Strike and then Lurking In The Waters"

Just say this instead:
2 hit combo:
Charge Prey
Tail Whip

3 hit combo:
Charge Prey
Tail Whip
Sickening Strike

4 hit combo:
Charge Prey
Tail Whip
Sickening Strike
Lurking In The Waters.

Speaking of combos, I recommend you try this one out:
There's an option to add lines and rulers onto your screen. Add them. Put all of your skills onto instant cast. Try Tail Whip and Charge Prey in that order, and tell me how you like it.

If you want an aggressive damage sobek build, try this:
Shoes of Focus
Spear of Desolation
Breastplate of Valor
Ethereal Staff/ Void Stone
Ethereal Staff/ Void Stone
Soul Reaver

Sell shoes for whatever you want late game. You can also replace Breastplate of Valor with Divine Ruin and Void Stone with Mantle of Discord.
silentshell (5) | June 8, 2020 7:51pm
boogiebass wrote:
Ok, so my disagreements.
Gluf covered the majority of them:
1) Ethereal Staff is better late when targets have more health to steal
2) Gauntlet of Thebes is better early so you can stack it and get more use out of the protections (late game, 15 protection aura is practically nothing to a burst mage or adc)
3) Void Stone is in too early for some of your builds. Unless enemies are building early magical defenese (or a support is building Heartward Amulet + Gauntlet of Thebes), I don't recommend Void Stone earlier than 4th. Typically in my matches, 5th/6th is a good spot for it.
4) My personal preference here: For your vs Magical build, you reach max cooldown a little too late into the game. By that point, you can just by a Potion of Power to get an extra 10% CDR. If you want to rush CDR to spam abilities, get it earlier. Again, my preference, you're free to disagree. Instead of Genji's Guard, I probably would have just gotten Oni Hunter's Garb. I don't know about you, but my arena games don't go on long enough for me to get Elixir of Speed and a 7th item, so I just settle of Potion of Power and maybe upgraded relics.
5) Not sure about Pridwen in the middle of your builds. I thought it'd be more useful near the endish, when you have some protections to make full use of the passive. On top of that, for your "Full Aggression" Build, I'd say remove Pridwen.

6) Just my personal preference, but a lot of people don't like to read long and lengthy guides. Get to the point without the fluff.

For example: "This is a useful combo because you can isolate a member of the enemy team and then disrupt their movement immediately after to give your team time to lockdown/kill them. This can become a 3 move combo if you can hit the enemy with sickening strike after, but this is a difficult move because you don't know which way the enemy will be going as you turn around to aim the cone of affect. It can also become a 3 hit combo if you hit Lurking In The Waters it can become a 4 move combo if you manage to land Charge Prey Tail Whip Sickening Strike and then Lurking In The Waters"

Just say this instead:
2 hit combo:
Charge Prey
Tail Whip

3 hit combo:
Charge Prey
Tail Whip
Sickening Strike

4 hit combo:
Charge Prey
Tail Whip
Sickening Strike
Lurking In The Waters.

Speaking of combos, I recommend you try this one out:
There's an option to add lines and rulers onto your screen. Add them. Put all of your skills onto instant cast. Try Tail Whip and Charge Prey in that order, and tell me how you like it.

If you want an aggressive damage sobek build, try this:
Shoes of Focus
Spear of Desolation
Breastplate of Valor
Ethereal Staff/ Void Stone
Ethereal Staff/ Void Stone
Soul Reaver

Sell shoes for whatever you want late game. You can also replace Breastplate of Valor with Divine Ruin and Void Stone with Mantle of Discord.

Thanks for the feedback. A couple of things that i'll just kind of address on the general scope of my builds. When i am looking at aggression, I understand that most of the community on this board is going to probably interpret this to mean a good deal of pen. For me, pen is included in that but i very highly value anything that will add extra punch and while also increasing health. So, while you will see my builds have some pen, a lot of times health+power will be my early focus right after boots and before prid. While ethereal early goes against the grain, I have had a lot of success with it in that spot, so based on my own experience i will leave that as an option early, but i did already have a note that it can be used late game as well on the early item options listed. On the physical build i will place JEC in ethereal's spot so newer players have a more traditional defensive item that still does what i want to do there and also optimizes the passive for JEC.

In arena I feel like usually BoV builds are lackluster and i don't have as much survivability for ulting. This isn't to say that i don't use them and i haven't had some that are effective i just have more success using my prid builds.

With prid, even when getting it earlier than what is usually common, i have found my ability to survive after ults is a lot better. I can usually almost always get away in bad situations after ulting with prid where i usually am lucky to have a 50/50 chance of getting away after ulting in bad situations without it.

With void, a lot of times I am sacrificing some defense for more offense, so usually if i get void early I am basically using that as my magic resistance and then supplementing that with what prid gives and then going for more health/sustain, team utility and continuing to add a bit more pop to the build at the same time. I know that adding SoB early combined with Void late can do that but the health element that i prioritize is then severely limited if i do that and go prid, so i would rather personally have the health, the shield from prid to go with those late game preferences. I do go JEC pretty often early as well against balanced comps with void right after and that typically goes well for me with ethereal and pythag's late. As far as the GoT, i had already covered that with Gulf, but i had forgotten to make the change with it as of late because I got wrapped up in editing my other guides. I have already listed it in the early offense/sustain/aggression item listing for the guide but had not updated the actual early aggression build to rework with either GoT early or removed from the build entirely.

As for the vs magical build, i did have Oni Hunter's Garb and Spirit Robe as replacement options for Genji's Guard in the notes for that build, but i just reworked it so I don't think there will be any issues with it. That was just an oversight on my part.

I just redid the combo's section and i did not see the lines option you mentioned but i will look for it again later this week. I have used Tail Whip Charge Prey plenty of times. I zig zag back and forth through builds when i think of different things and that just fell through the cracks. lol.

I will give that build and those alternate choices a try when i get the chance. It looks similar to things i have done with BoV before, just as i mentioned before i stopped doing a lot of those builds because i just have more success with the prid builds in arena.
boogiebass (46) | June 8, 2020 8:15pm
The options i mentioned:
Start at 3:13
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Gulfwulf (81) | June 6, 2020 3:03pm
  1. Ethereal Staff is more of a late game item when gods have health and mana.
  2. Gauntlet of Thebes' passive is better early game for your team because the enemy team won't have much power or pen by the time you have it stacked.
  3. You're missing Pridwen in the item listing.
  4. Mystical Mail is a good early item due to its passive. Also, the CCR helps and over-capping CCR isn't a big deal like it is with CDR.
  5. I wouldn't bother with Spear of Desolation. Void Stone combined with Mail is a pretty dangerous combination. Soul Reaver is also good if you need that extra power to finish enemies off with, but it's like staff in that it's a late game item.
  6. Stone of Binding should be a core item built after Thebes.
  7. There's no mention of Winged Blade or Witchblade.

I know this is Arena, but I still prefer to build items on guardians that will directly or indirectly help my team and Deso isn't really one of them. Reaver isn't either, but I can see using it to either finish off an enemy or force them to back out of a fight.

By the way, I apologize for not getting back to you about your Vulcan build questions, but I had a lot going on at the time and Bran pretty much covered everything. Everything's back to normal (well, as normal as can be with the virus going around), so I should be able to actually discuss your builds with you. Also, it's good to see you back, brother; it's been too long.
silentshell (5) | June 6, 2020 6:13pm
Gulfwulf wrote:
  1. Ethereal Staff is more of a late game item when gods have health and mana.
  2. Gauntlet of Thebes' passive is better early game for your team because the enemy team won't have much power or pen by the time you have it stacked.
  3. You're missing Pridwen in the item listing.
  4. Mystical Mail is a good early item due to its passive. Also, the CCR helps and over-capping CCR isn't a big deal like it is with CDR.
  5. I wouldn't bother with Spear of Desolation. Void Stone combined with Mail is a pretty dangerous combination. Soul Reaver is also good if you need that extra power to finish enemies off with, but it's like staff in that it's a late game item.
  6. Stone of Binding should be a core item built after Thebes.
  7. There's no mention of Winged Blade or Witchblade.

I know this is Arena, but I still prefer to build items on guardians that will directly or indirectly help my team and Deso isn't really one of them. Reaver isn't either, but I can see using it to either finish off an enemy or force them to back out of a fight.

By the way, I apologize for not getting back to you about your Vulcan build questions, but I had a lot going on at the time and Bran pretty much covered everything. Everything's back to normal (well, as normal as can be with the virus going around), so I should be able to actually discuss your builds with you. Also, it's good to see you back, brother; it's been too long.

Thanks for all the feedback man. I understand with continuing the trend on directly and indirectly helping with build choices. Deso is a selfish pick for sure and I don’t use it all that often myself early, but I have had plenty of success using it early in the right situations. I don’t use it much late either but also has worked pretty well situationally. I usually prefer health with power when looking at being more aggressive and I have kind of gotten to the point where I take the feedback I can from everyone and measure it against how different arena is from the other modes and my own experiences with things I’ve tried and sometimes I end up staying against the grain on some things. I prefer myself to go sustain/power early i.e. Ethereal/Jade Emperor’s Crown.

I understand your points on Ethereal, Bran has explained that in depth to me as well. It just works out pretty well for me a lot of times in that spot when I get a feel for a match and don’t really think I need the defense started out quite so early. I would put pythag’s as an option there instead as well but as Bran has discussed with me about it, that would be wasting pen early because a lot of the time no one is going to have defenses built up enough to make full use of it then.

I do usually prefer to get Thebes early but I have also gotten it later in builds where I am more aggressive early and it has typically worked out for me but I’ll go ahead and modify that portion.

I don’t have Pridwen listed here because I very rarely double up on BoV and Prid due to it causing me to have two core items with no health. It is great to have full cdr in two items and I have done it in the past with mixed results but I just omitted it mainly because I have the separate Prid build tab. I’ll go ahead and add it though because I have seen it work.

With Mystical Mail I have pretty much seen about everyone on here say it isn’t really all that great and the times I’ve tried it on different gods it kind of seemed lackluster to me. I will have to give it a go when it could be feasible to see for myself and pair it with void like you mentioned.

I like SoB but more and more I’m seeing that comparing to getting something like JEC or Ethereal that the extra health/power from those items has seemed to serve me better than the passive from SoB. I still use SoB but usually when I feel like or have seen early on that I can just run aggressively the whole match and not have to worry so much about having more health.
The Winged Blade Witchblade is more an oversight than anything else. I don’t really ever have to use them on Sobek and if I feel like I need an extra movement item I’ll get shield of regrowth because I usually have my Charge Prey up frequently enough that I can get out of tight spots. I will add them though because they can be useful for sure.
Just some builds I’ve used in the last couple of days as example of things I’ve run:
Won’t really list the whole match but just to show how I’ve been doing(despite what competition might be like lol)

7/5/21 loss
4/1/25 loss
Shoes of Focus Hide of the Urchin Contagion Pridwen Spirit Robe oni hunter’s garb

5/4/21 win
Shoes of Focus Stone of Binding Contagionpridwin Void Stone Ethereal Staff

7/7/13 win(did 27k, mitigated 97k and took 47k damage. Combo of too aggressive early with no help in that one that was a by the hair of our chinny chin chin win me and another player got one of theirs when we had 5 points and they had 10)
Shoes of Focus Hide of the Urchin Pestilence Pridwen Spirit Robeoni hunter’s garb
3/5/20 loss—same as above build but Gauntlet of Thebes instead of urchin
10/3/17 win

Shoes of Focus Stone of Binding Spectral Armor Pridwen Spear of Desolation Soul Reaver
11/7/12 win

Shoes of Focus jade emperor’s crown Void Shield Pridwen charon’s coin Rod of Tahuti
6/8/19 loss—same as above but deso instead of tahuti.

0/2/18 loss
Shoes of Focusjade emperor’s crown Void Stone Pridwen Ethereal Staff pythagorem’s piece (this was just one of those matches..i basically had 4-5 kills but someone bursted them before I got the last little bit. Did 30k damage, mitigated 62k and took 45k damage)

I can provide match id’s on any if you want to look at any.
Don’t worry about it man. This has been a crazy year and life can be busy without all the bs that has been going on. I was actually surprised it was still in the top rated builds section. I see all these other builds with 300-400k+ or a 1mil+ views and there that Vulcan is in the middle of that list with like 118k I think. Lol.

Also, thanks for the warm welcome back, especially as the clueless arena main i am. XD I am lurking a lot..just not contributing much lately.
Kriega1 (143) | June 6, 2020 3:16pm
I don't agree with 2 100%. Ideally if you build it, you build it early yes, but it's not always necessary in that spot after boots. Sometimes you can get it 3rd or 4th just fine.

And number 6, really? I mean it's a good item, but core?
Gulfwulf (81) | June 6, 2020 3:45pm
For Arena, yeah.
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boogiebass (46) | June 6, 2020 7:45am
Hey silent, I have some disagreement with few of your builds. I'll discuss when I get on a PC
silentshell (5) | June 6, 2020 9:50am
boogiebass wrote:
Hey silent, I have some disagreement with few of your builds. I'll discuss when I get on a PC

Ok. *readying disagreement face*
ValynStyx | May 23, 2020 11:32pm
I like how much thought you've put into this guide, good job!
silentshell (5) | May 24, 2020 5:06am
Thanks. I have some edits pending so i should have some changes in the next week.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 30, 2020 2:46pm
So here's my own feedback. One thing to keep in mind is that certain item stats promote better late-game purchase than early-game. Usually it's due to bonus damage based on own/enemy stats, or % this or that.
  • % Pen. Examples include Soul Reaver, The Executioner, Titan's Bane, Charon's Coin, Pythagorem's Piece, Charon's Coin, Demonic Grip, Typhon's Fang. Early game, enemy protections are low (due to low level starting stats, lack of protection items, etc.). 10% pen off of 30 is the equivalent of 3 flat pen. 10% pen off of 100 is 10.

  • Bonus damage on total enemy health. Examples include Ethereal Staff (steals more), Qin's Sais, Soul Reaver. Obviously all gods start with lower health and gain with each level. Certain items also provide added health. Later game makes more sense for these items, and these tend to be higher cost as well.

  • Bonus damage from your own power. Examples include Soul Gem, The Crusher, Heartseeker, Polynomicon, Odysseus' Bow. The more power you build, the higher the damage output. That said, 2 of these items are pretty common to be built earlier: The Crusher and Odysseus' Bow (sometimes). O-Bow has both base damage and added damage, and the chain lightning effect can really help with early and mid-game wave clear. The Crusher's base stats make it appealing in the early game, as it provides good power, attack speed, and flat pen. The other items are usually built a bit later... Soul Gem is typically mid-game when you want lifesteal, Heartseeker is a late-game item due to the price, etc.

  • Increased effect from protections. Examples include Pridwen and Stone of Fal. Prid's shield increases the more protections you have, so previous tank items are key to getting the most out of the passive. The explosion damage is based on the shield's initial health. Stone of Fal gives you 20% of a teammate's magical prots (as long as they're close enough).
So I get what you're trying to do. You want a bruiser build that can deal good damage, while also being tanky enough to soak some. You're fortifying that as much as you can by adding lifesteal (3 lifesteal items in your example build!!!) to help you stay alive.

That said, Sobek already has some healing in his kit (granted it's not a ton and is much more useful for early laning in Conquest Solo-lane as opposed to Arena). And you can argue either way, but building into that much lifesteal to me means it's easier to shut down the majority of the purpose of that build direction with anti-heal items. You might argue that it helps counter any anti-heal the enemy builds, but to me that's just decreasing your build's efficiency instead of going in a different direction and fighting against the current.

And when you don't focus fully on damage, you're cutting into the amount of healing you're getting from lifesteal.

So I don't feel SG is a good item for him. He's got a ton of CC in his kit, so as you mention Stone of Binding, it's an item I'd almost always consider in that 2nd spot. To balance out the loss of CDR you get from SG, I'd switch from Shoes of the Magi to Shoes of Focus.

Although the argument that you haven't built much protections means a weaker Pridwen passive, you can counter that by the fact the 20% CDR is really appreciated mid-game. It's up to you when you get it, but I can understand wanting to get it somewhat earlier.

But if you consider those 3 things (Focus, Binding, Pridwen), it means you're really lacking in one other tank You might consider one of two things in a 3rd position, with Prid in the 4th...either Hide of the Urchin or (counter to what I said above) Ethereal Staff. Ethereal has decent base health, and the health steal will give you more.

I would never, ever consider Rod of Asclepius for him. He only heals himself (except with SG's passive / situational local healing). It's just not worth on him, IMO.
silentshell (5) | May 23, 2020 8:32pm
Branmuffin17 wrote:
So here's my own feedback. One thing to keep in mind is that certain item stats promote better late-game purchase than early-game. Usually it's due to bonus damage based on own/enemy stats, or % this or that.
  • % Pen. Examples include Soul Reaver, The Executioner, Titan's Bane, Charon's Coin, Pythagorem's Piece, Charon's Coin, Demonic Grip, Typhon's Fang. Early game, enemy protections are low (due to low level starting stats, lack of protection items, etc.). 10% pen off of 30 is the equivalent of 3 flat pen. 10% pen off of 100 is 10.

  • Bonus damage on total enemy health. Examples include Ethereal Staff (steals more), Qin's Sais, Soul Reaver. Obviously all gods start with lower health and gain with each level. Certain items also provide added health. Later game makes more sense for these items, and these tend to be higher cost as well.

  • Bonus damage from your own power. Examples include Soul Gem, The Crusher, Heartseeker, Polynomicon, Odysseus' Bow. The more power you build, the higher the damage output. That said, 2 of these items are pretty common to be built earlier: The Crusher and Odysseus' Bow (sometimes). O-Bow has both base damage and added damage, and the chain lightning effect can really help with early and mid-game wave clear. The Crusher's base stats make it appealing in the early game, as it provides good power, attack speed, and flat pen. The other items are usually built a bit later... Soul Gem is typically mid-game when you want lifesteal, Heartseeker is a late-game item due to the price, etc.

  • Increased effect from protections. Examples include Pridwen and Stone of Fal. Prid's shield increases the more protections you have, so previous tank items are key to getting the most out of the passive. The explosion damage is based on the shield's initial health. Stone of Fal gives you 20% of a teammate's magical prots (as long as they're close enough).
So I get what you're trying to do. You want a bruiser build that can deal good damage, while also being tanky enough to soak some. You're fortifying that as much as you can by adding lifesteal (3 lifesteal items in your example build!!!) to help you stay alive.

That said, Sobek already has some healing in his kit (granted it's not a ton and is much more useful for early laning in Conquest Solo-lane as opposed to Arena). And you can argue either way, but building into that much lifesteal to me means it's easier to shut down the majority of the purpose of that build direction with anti-heal items. You might argue that it helps counter any anti-heal the enemy builds, but to me that's just decreasing your build's efficiency instead of going in a different direction and fighting against the current.

And when you don't focus fully on damage, you're cutting into the amount of healing you're getting from lifesteal.

So I don't feel SG is a good item for him. He's got a ton of CC in his kit, so as you mention Stone of Binding, it's an item I'd almost always consider in that 2nd spot. To balance out the loss of CDR you get from SG, I'd switch from Shoes of the Magi to Shoes of Focus.

Although the argument that you haven't built much protections means a weaker Pridwen passive, you can counter that by the fact the 20% CDR is really appreciated mid-game. It's up to you when you get it, but I can understand wanting to get it somewhat earlier.

But if you consider those 3 things (Focus, Binding, Pridwen), it means you're really lacking in one other tank You might consider one of two things in a 3rd position, with Prid in the 4th...either Hide of the Urchin or (counter to what I said above) Ethereal Staff. Ethereal has decent base health, and the health steal will give you more.

I would never, ever consider Rod of Asclepius for him. He only heals himself (except with SG's passive / situational local healing). It's just not worth on him, IMO.

Okay, so i didn't realize you had posted here Bran and so fast forward almost 2 months. lol. I was able to get back around to looking at things today and I'm modifying some things. I am going to have a tab for BoV builds and one for Prid builds. I prefer the prid builds..i tend to survive significantly better with them in arena, but he definitely works with BoV(despite it not being my prefernce) and I think BoV is a much more popular item on him for most who use him. I have been pretty much running Ethereal second(similar to a lot of warriors i play, i have had success bumping some guardians' health with some extra power early and then going defensive after that). I do use Urchin at times and i like it on plenty of gods. With your input on Asclepius i am taking it completely out of any builds and build choices.
silentshell (5) | March 30, 2020 12:27pm
okay, so i am looking at my build rework and i may set my build for 3 different set ups, basically a more balanced, one leaning more toward magical defense and one leaning towards more physical defense. I still want to keep with my guide concept of having a sustain/offensive item in the second slot, although i do really like stone of binding and have used it in plenty of builds as i discussed with Devampi below.

build concepts
against magical
Shoes of Focus Rod of Asclepius Void Stone Pridwen Pythagorem's Piece Spirit Robe

against physical
Shoes of Focus Jade Emperor's Crown Void Stone Pridwen Pythagorem's Piece Ethereal Staff

here are my aggressive build ideas which are not set in stone, they would be modified somewhat by the end of the match based on if extra offense/defense is needed or if specific counters would be needed. Even with aggressive build styles i have found that prioritizing defense mid match works best for me and then i have the flexibility to build the extra defense or offense late. more aggressive end builds might be Charon's Coin Soul Reaver Divine Ruin Pythagorem's Piece at the 5 slot and Rod of Tahuti Ethereal Staff Staff of Myrddin(forgot this completely on my earlier write ups) Spear of Desolation at the 6 slot or even other items I listed in the 5 slot not used there.

Also, generally, aggressive for me in the context of a guardian is not necessarily stockpiling the most pen and power. I do like my Rod of Tahuti Soul Reaver Divine Ruin etc late but i usually won't pick those up unless i don't feel like the extra health from pythagorem's piece]] Ethereal Staff Rod of Asclepius is needed. There is plenty of power to supplement late build from items and still continue to build on sustain as well.

I really would have liked to have Tyrannical Plate Helm somewhere in this build as an option in the build scheme as well, but the passive really wouldn't be nearly as helpful late and in that second item slot where I would want it to serve the same purpose of the other items there or even a bit later in the build it really wouldn't be helpful unless you spent most of your time around the minions.

MiMiiQ, in reference to Charon's Coin from your feedback earlier sometimes my matches go long enough were it is possible to stack Charon's at the end of a build but i do prefer to put it in no later than the 5th slot and i almost never go a fully offensive item like that with no health or defensive benefit on a guardian before the 5th slot. As an example Devampi has Divine Ruin 4th in his aggressive build. More often than not in arena if my 2nd-4th items don't have some type of sustain and/or defense to go with them I get blown up too much.

aggressive physical
Shoes of Focus Stone of Binding Jade Emperor's Crown Pridwen Void Stone Pythagorem's Piece

aggressive magical
Shoes of Focus Stone of Binding Void Stone Pridwen Pythagorem's Piece Ethereal Staff
silentshell (5) | March 29, 2020 11:48pm
Also testing out my other options to compare with my results with Soul Gem. I do like Ethereal Staff in that slot and the numbers are comparable but it just feels like i am getting better results from Soul Gem but i have only had a couple of chances to work on Ethereal Staff there since posting here earlier. I need to do another round of testing with Rod of Asclepius there as well. I feel like that might be my better bet as an alternative for Soul Gem and what i want at that second slot in the build. I had originally thought of having Gem of Isolation as a choice there as well but with his abilities doing damage off of a single hit per target I didn't feel like it was worth it. I don't know that I will end up changing it but I will do my due diligence since it seems there is a strong dislike for where i have Soul Gem placed even though it seems to fit what i want out at that spot. I really feel like the burst damage has actually helped me pretty well early despite it's niche more in high power builds.
silentshell (5) | March 29, 2020 11:38pm
Ok, so i did a more staggered progression for Sickening Strike prior to fully leveling Tail Whip but I still max Tail Whip first for arena for the reasons i already discussed.
Kriega1 (143) | March 29, 2020 4:07pm
Please don’t build soul gem in low power builds
silentshell (5) | March 29, 2020 5:06pm
Kriega1 wrote:
Please don’t build soul gem in low power builds

Fret not Kriega, i am going to do another round of testing to see if i get different results with my other choices in the 2 slot, but it has been working for me better than my other choices listed in that spot.
Devampi (105) | March 29, 2020 1:05pm
Hey silent, gotta love a "solobek" (or well bruiser sobek) build.

However like MimiiQ already noted some things are better to do.

gonna agree with him on lvling Sickening Strike it may do slightly less damage but gives you a ton of sustain and utility (the anti heal).

another thing is that bruiser guardian mostly scale on CDR and pen instead of power. Therefore is shoes of focuss a better choice.

So I dunno about the pridwen interaction with his ult, however I do know Soul Gem is a terrible choice. IMO you are better of rushing Breastplate of Valor for the CDR so you can use you abilities a lot in a fight. only exception would be Stone of Binding first.

then after Void Stone the core is finished. afterwards you are considerably tanky that normally you can grab a flat pen item (flat is better then % mostly because you want to smack the squishier targets) which is either Divine Ruin (my preffered pickup) or if you're not planning on getting a power potion deso. Afterwards you can fill it up with an dual prot item Cloak tree (urchin preferably) HP/tank item. Or for more damage soul reaver, phytags and estaff do quite well.

my own preffered build is:
Shoes of Focus- Stone of Binding (would probably start this in arena/assault sell it for 6 item)-breastplate of valor- Void Stone- Divine Ruin- Hide of the Urchin- Ethereal Staff/ Spirit Robe (depending on if I sell binding or boots first for more damage insert spear of desolation last)
silentshell (5) | March 29, 2020 5:04pm
Devampi wrote:
Hey silent, gotta love a "solobek" (or well bruiser sobek) build.

However like MimiiQ already noted some things are better to do.

gonna agree with him on lvling Sickening Strike it may do slightly less damage but gives you a ton of sustain and utility (the anti heal).

another thing is that bruiser guardian mostly scale on CDR and pen instead of power. Therefore is shoes of focuss a better choice.

So I dunno about the pridwen interaction with his ult, however I do know Soul Gem is a terrible choice. IMO you are better of rushing Breastplate of Valor for the CDR so you can use you abilities a lot in a fight. only exception would be Stone of Binding first.

then after Void Stone the core is finished. afterwards you are considerably tanky that normally you can grab a flat pen item (flat is better then % mostly because you want to smack the squishier targets) which is either Divine Ruin (my preffered pickup) or if you're not planning on getting a power potion deso. Afterwards you can fill it up with an dual prot item Cloak tree (urchin preferably) HP/tank item. Or for more damage soul reaver, phytags and estaff do quite well.

my own preffered build is:
Shoes of Focus- Stone of Binding (would probably start this in arena/assault sell it for 6 item)-breastplate of valor- Void Stone- Divine Ruin- Hide of the Urchin- Ethereal Staff/ Spirit Robe (depending on if I sell binding or boots first for more damage insert spear of desolation last)

As much as I love my Sickening Strike I feel like in the constant team fighting in arena, for the reasons i have mentioned already, plus that if you are going to get focused the extra little bit of healing per level doesn't help as much when you have 3-5 players attacking you quite often as being able to Tail Whip them off to get some space and then Charge Prey out of a bad situation or even Lurking In The Waters if you disrupt them before they do a lot of damage to you. It also gives you the extra space to use an appropriate relic if you need to after Charge Prey out of there. I can look at it to see about some sort of stagger sequence to build a bit more Sickening Strike earlier similar to how i build 1-2 extra levels of Bludgeon early on bellona and still have it make sense in the total skill level scheme.

I do like Breastplate of Valor, but in arena i prioritize health early, and more often than not that preference is validated for me. I do love Shoes of Focus and really i am fine with either, i have really liked the Shoes of the Magi with the changes and with this build. I am regularly doing my job mitigating and taking damage and have top damage through the beginning to middle of matches with this setup.

With Pridwen i really feel like it is core in arena for me on Sobek(it is getting that way with a good deal of my tanky types). I feel like any Guardian/Warrior or even other characters that can be build tanky whose ult's operate best and/or do the most damage in close can really benefit from Pridwen. I don't know how many times I have been killed as soon as i finish Lurking In The Waters but with Pridwen i am able to escape after, more often than not or do that extra bit of damage while using basics and other abilities if i don't have to run.

Sometimes I do run with two power and/or pen items after void at the 4th spot, but I usually build regularly based on how my matches go. A lot of times lately I need the extra protections AND health from Hide of the Urchin but it is always a judgement call. Even though this has been my preferred build it doesn't mean that I won't adjust based on who we are facing or from how the match is going.

I like your build. It looks pretty solid. I like Stone of Binding in that spot as well and have used it frequently there. My SoB build would typically be something like Shoes of Focus Stone of Binding Pridwen Void Stone Pythagorem's Piece Ethereal Staff or
Reinforced Shoes Stone of Binding Breastplate of Valor Void Stone Pythagorem's Piece Ethereal Staff

I feel like, given the paremeters I have placed for a build similar to the build I have been using that the option choices I have set are valid. I realize that it seems that no one likes soul gem in this build on him and i will do some runs with the other items i like in that spot, but it seems like i have had the best results in those paremeters with this set up. Who knows, i could have just been having a bad run of it to sufficiently being give my aother item 2 choices an honest go. I can definitely re-evalutate that, especially with all the social distancing going on, i have nothing but time. lol.

On the low end i have been averaging 25-30k mitigated and taken(usually steam rolls either way) with about 19-22k damage. On most "normal" matches i am averaging probably around 45-50k mitigated and taken and usually run between 25-35k damage. I have matches with this setup where i am getting up into the 60-70k mitigated range as well. I feel like those numbers for Sobek are pretty good for me on a consistent basis vs the variance i have had with him in the past.
MimiiQ | March 29, 2020 10:36am
I can't find myself comfortably building into Soul Gem not only this early in a build, but I also think there are better options to get as a Guardian. With the final power of the build being at 235, the Soul Gem bonus damage would only be around 70-80, and that's with the final build, not counting the time until you get to that point. If you are really needing lifesteal this early, I think Pythag's Piece directly after boots is the correct choice. I also think that having Shoes of Focus is better than lifesteal boots on Sobek, the CDR for your built-in heal will be reduced and can be used more often. If that isn't enough healing, then you can always start Warrior's Blessing and have an extra heal every 10 seconds.

I think that you need to have some Physical defense earlier in the build, as it's the more common damage type, and physicals have more base damage which means more early game damage. I would say either a Breastplate of Valor after Pythag's for some mana sustain and CDR, or you can go a higher damage route in something like a Jade Emperor's Crown.

For the endgame power items, I wouldn't recommend Spear of Desolation or Charon's Coin, while these are both good items, they aren't good that late in the game, especially with a Guardian that isn't building full power. Spear of Deso is a cooldown tool and you should have enough CDR at that point to replace it. Charon's Coin will be impossible to get stacked last item in arena.

Another issue I had with reading this is ability leveling. Sickening Strike absolutely needs to be leveled first over anything. It's your main damage, and the healing scales with it. Tail Whip does have higher base damage and higher scaling, but the damage and the healing that scale are more important in my opinion. It also eliminates your need for lifesteal early the build.

Not trying to sound too critical, especially if it's something you enjoy. I did enjoy the guide, I hope you have a wonderful day :)
silentshell (5) | March 29, 2020 1:53pm
MimiiQ wrote:
I can't find myself comfortably building into Soul Gem not only this early in a build, but I also think there are better options to get as a Guardian. With the final power of the build being at 235, the Soul Gem bonus damage would only be around 70-80, and that's with the final build, not counting the time until you get to that point. If you are really needing lifesteal this early, I think Pythag's Piece directly after boots is the correct choice. I also think that having Shoes of Focus is better than lifesteal boots on Sobek, the CDR for your built-in heal will be reduced and can be used more often. If that isn't enough healing, then you can always start Warrior's Blessing and have an extra heal every 10 seconds.

I think that you need to have some Physical defense earlier in the build, as it's the more common damage type, and physicals have more base damage which means more early game damage. I would say either a Breastplate of Valor after Pythag's for some mana sustain and CDR, or you can go a higher damage route in something like a Jade Emperor's Crown.

For the endgame power items, I wouldn't recommend Spear of Desolation or Charon's Coin, while these are both good items, they aren't good that late in the game, especially with a Guardian that isn't building full power. Spear of Deso is a cooldown tool and you should have enough CDR at that point to replace it. Charon's Coin will be impossible to get stacked last item in arena.

Another issue I had with reading this is ability leveling. Sickening Strike absolutely needs to be leveled first over anything. It's your main damage, and the healing scales with it. Tail Whip does have higher base damage and higher scaling, but the damage and the healing that scale are more important in my opinion. It also eliminates your need for lifesteal early the build.

Not trying to sound too critical, especially if it's something you enjoy. I did enjoy the guide, I hope you have a wonderful day :)

Thanks for the feedback. On the Soul Gem, I feel that your points are valid but I find that usually early I am not lacking that much extra damage to finish off enemies or enough damage for teammates to finish off enemies after I hit them. I have also found that on a good amount of Warriors and also Guardians you can get additional health/utility early over a comparable defensive pick and be fine in arena. I don't feel like that early the defense over offense does really any more than extra health in general to increase my survivability. When i get blitzed early with no offensive output I have no way to get them off me when a lot of times teammates are not willing to assist even on very reasonable initiation of combat. What I have found(not every time, but a good bit of the time) is that the extra health + offensive output early does more to peel enemies off me and does a better job of securing kills for myself or teammates when focused then.

On to your points about Pythagorem's Piece(and there have been times i have gotten it this early) with the transition of it from a CRD to a pen % item in most cases you are not going to be getting your full %pen value until at least building your 3rd item, depending on how the other teams guardians/warriors or other tanky support characters are building.

I like to run high cooldown on Sobek(30-40%). Soul Gem gives 10% CDR(sometimes i do run Shoes of Focus and so then there is 20% cdr already and if i don't build focus I get the rest of my cdr by my 4th item and if i build my straight build it will be 30%) it gives an early bump to health and aside from the burst it significantly raises my early game damage and magical power I go from 83 basic attack damage and 75 physical power to 99 basic attack damage and 155 magical power pretty early. The more defensive option I do happen to go with when i feel the situation dictates it is Breastplate of Valor. With that option I get no extra health. Another option is Genji's Guard early but i really prefer to get Void Shield in it's spot as my static magic protection item for it's pen at that time in the build, an extra boost in power and additional health(this isn't to say i won't counter if needed but i stick to the main build whenever i feel possible). I know other options i listed fit what i am looking for with Soul Gem in a general sense but it feels like it has worked best for me in that role.

I forgot about Jade Emporer's Crown providing some HP along with the physical defense and power. I do like that item and have used it in the past, but for the reasons I mentioned I do prefer Soul Gem normally in that 2 spot. I will list it as an early aggression/sustain item though since i forgot about the health it provides(which is a key staple for me for that part of my build sequence paired with offense early).

I understand your issues with Charon's Coin and Spear of Desolation but where i have them listed does not mean that you would be limited to one of those choices late. If you felt more offensively inclined you could build similar to what i do in my main build and instead of going Hide of the Urchin and Pythagorem's Piece you could go Charon's Coin Spear of the Magus and would have magical power of 385 and basic attack damage of 145. I have had matches where i have build like this or similar to this and it seemed to work fine for me(assuming i guessed the flow of the match correctly. lol)

As for Sickening Strike I understand those concerns, but in arena, where there is a lot more open space it can be a lot harder to hit enemies you need to hit with it because of their positions relative you your cone of affect. Tail Whip is pretty much a guaranteed hit for an enemy within striking distance every time(barring use of relics or abilities) where using Sickening Strike you may not get aimed correctly or even get to the right position to hit them with in time when you have to turn around.

Don't worry about being too critical. I welcome any feedback and if I feel points are valid enough I will make modifications as necessary(as i did adding jade emporer's crown to build choices) Thanks for taking the time to look through my guide and comment on it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author silentshell
Sobek: "Is This An Open Buffet?" (Arena Patch 7.12)
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