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Sol - Burning up the way! (Season 5, Patch 5.2)

14 3 359,350
by xXDannTheMannXx updated February 16, 2018

Smite God: Sol

Build Guide Discussion 30 More Guides
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Sol Build

Starting Build

Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Build

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius

In case you forget...

Build Item Chalice of the Oracle Chalice of the Oracle

Sol's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 15 16 17 19

Stellar Burst

2 A B
Stellar Burst
1 3 6 7 9


3 B A
4 10 11 12 14


4 Y X
5 8 13 18 20
2 15 16 17 19


1 X
Sol burns bright, gaining a large amount of Heat, Healing herself over time, and igniting the ground around her. Enemies that walk onto the fire take damage over time. The damaging area persists for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+25% of your Magical Power) every 1s
Healing: 18% of missing Health over 5s
Heat: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
Cooldown: 11s
Stellar Burst
1 3 6 7 9

Stellar Burst

2 A
Sol's next basic attack explodes, creating a shockwave that travels out, dealing damage. At full size, the wave retracts, dealing damage again and slowing enemies.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Slow, Damage
Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% for 1.5s
Heat: 10%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 10s
4 10 11 12 14


3 B
Sol burns down her manifestation, gaining movement speed and immunity to Slows while leaving a trail of fire behind her that damages enemies. After 3s Sol loses corporeal form for a short time. Sol may leave her incorporeal form early.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+25% of your Magical Power) every 0.5s
Movement Speed: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Heat: 10%
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16s
5 8 13 18 20


4 Y
Sol unleashes all her flame and fury from the sky, striking 8 times along a moveable ground target location. Enemies are knocked back on the first strike, and take only 30% damage on successive hits.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Heat: 40%
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

God Introduction

Sol is a mage focused around harassing her opponents from a safe distance with her abilities and basic attacks, while staying in a very safe position herself, and can operate well in the Mid lane, and in the ADC/Carry position, and can work with plenty of items. This guide will help you build and play Sol correctly, and hopefully you won't get distracted by her heavenly body :3

The huge impact of Season 5!

Season 5 so far has been very impactful in terms of the changes it has brought, and Sol is no different. The changes brought by primarily patch 5.1 has been the best indirect buff that Sol has ever recieved in her time being in the game. But Dann, what has changed for our radiant beauty? Allow me to explain.

I’ll address the elephant in the room and immediately state that Typhon’s Fang is probably the best, if not one of the best items for Sol this season. Not only is this a high magical power lifesteal item, but the passive this item has makes it very valuable for any god that utilizes magical lifesteal to some extent. The bonus power gained from lifesteal (a 1 to 1 ratio, so 5% lifesteal from items would grant the player 5 extra magical power if they have Typhon’s Fang) is nice to have, but the real appeal is that Typhon’s Fang grants 50% increased healing from magical lifesteal. With just Typhon’s Fang and Bancroft’s Talon, Sol, and plenty of other mages, are able to heal for a ludicrous amount by simply casting one ability onto a wave of minions. And Sol is already a mage who loved the lifesteal tree, so you bet that you will want to build Typhon’s Fang- I would go as far as to call you a troll if you don’t build it on Sol.

And with mages shifting towards lifesteal items, it is at this time that I urge you not only on Sol, but on any god, to consider building anti-healing. Please. If you really hate the fact that an enemy mage lived because they built Typhon’s Fang and another lifesteal item, counter it. You have the tools at your disposal but they won’t do you any good if you ignore them because you selfishly think that they are unimportant or are too stubborn and think that they reduce your damage by a lot. Build anti-heal, thank you.

With the removal of starter items, and the introduction of Blessings, this has benefited Sol highly. Hunter’s Blessing allows Sol to outtrade most gods with just her basic attacks early on. And the MP5 this Blessing has helps in alleviating early mana consumption, allowing Sol to harass her opponents without needing to mind her mana pool. And yes I am saying that you should build Hunter’s Blessing on Sol because Sol isn’t a mage that uses abilities too often, and she only has one reliable damaging ability, which lessens the appeal of Mage’s Blessing- also take into account that Sol doesn’t really want or need cooldown reduction either. And while small, Hunter’s Blessing has more reliable and constant MP5 than Mage’s Blessing, which only gives MP5 with the lower mana you get, and you’ll only match Hunter’s Blessing’s MP5 when you are at 50% mana.

With the adjustments made to Obsidian Shard, it is no longer a “one size fits most” item, and is now a very situational item, only to be built against immensely tanky gods. Because of that, the main penetration you should see in Sol builds would be from Shoes of the Magi obviously, but also from Spear of Desolation, and either Divine Ruin or Spear of the Magus. I still don’t quite like Spear of the Magus on Sol, but it is a decent enough item for dealing damage versus low protection gods, even if your mage doesn’t stack it reliably.

With indirect nerfs towards hunters, Sol is now able to have better success as an ADC for her team as she’ll no longer have to worry too much about the superior and cheaper itemization options of hunters.

This pertains mainly to Conquest, but lately I have been taking a liking to prioritizing leveling Disapparate over Radiance. My reasoning is that the extra movement speed helps in rotations as the map is larger, and the extra damage helps in burning down early Gold Furies. However it is still perfectly fine to level Radiance as it still grants a large amount of Heat on cast.

There are other smaller changes that have affected Sol but to much lesser degrees, such as mid lane being mostly a 1v1 lane, but this should be enough information covered for now.

Ability Overview

For this section, I'll do my best to avoid sounding dull, but being truthfully honest, Sol's abilities are fairly straightforward- upon reading the ability descriptions, you should at least know what her abilities do. Nonetheless, I'll offer tips and tricks on how to use them.

Unstable Manifestation


Stellar Burst




Season 5 has greatly affected builds for most mages, and Sol is no different. For this section of my guide, I will explain my opinions for builds, why I build such items, and also items that are fine to build and which ones you should avoid.


Starting Items

Core Items

Situational Items

Experimental Items

Mid Lane Builds

Carry/ADC Builds


Sol is my favorite goddess in Smite and I hope that this guide was helpful to you <3

I'd also like to thank SmiteFire users branmuffin for his helpful insight, and nanoyam for his guide on creating guides.

Check out my other god guides!

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xXDannTheMannXx (2) | March 5, 2018 7:29am
I've decided that I will not update this guide nor any other guide in future. Upon learning that I don't include enough irrelevant and unnecessary information in my guides, I decided to discontinue my work on SmiteFire. I don't feel like my time and effort expended on updating my guides and making sure I have up to date information is worth it either.

Hey at least we have that other "guide" LOL
Kriega1 (143) | March 5, 2018 8:05am
There is a alternative option, you could still do builds instead of guides for Sol / any other gods.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 5, 2018 10:31am
@Kriega1, I believe the issue is something different.

@Dann, if your post above is serious, then I will state my personal disappointment. I think you have great knowledge of the game, and feel that your contributions to the community as a whole are helpful. Having you retract those contributions, at least on this site, is a loss.

That said, I can't help but feel that this is a reaction to the results of the contest. You state above that you've "learned" you don't include enough "irrelevant and unnecessary information" in your a general guide, it's what you want to put in it, and I feel the general info you provide is absolutely relevant.

However, in the context of the guide contest, I feel your statement is unfair to us. The original post about the contest was very clear in the things we'd be looking for, which not only included info on builds and skills, but also various aspects of gameplay that were honestly pretty clear in bullet point form, and that your own guide didn't address. Part of the point of the contest is to showcase the extensive possibilities of guide creation on SMITEFire, and that includes going very in-depth on information that you don't see on other sites.

What Will the guides be judged on?

On an individual level, I felt your guide's info on the builds was very good, but one major focus of both your mid and ADC builds is double-lifesteal, taking advantage of the strong 5.1 and 5.2 versions of Typhon's Fang. I know many pros were often using that type of build in their games, but I also had (and continue to have) strong concerns about not offering an alternative to getting these items. You can pretty strongly shut down that build with only a couple of anti-heal items like Divine Ruin, Brawler's Beat Stick, and Pestilence, and I posed that question in a separate comment below 2 weeks ago. I feel it's a very relevant question, and would still like to hear your thoughts.

Finally, it's disappointing that you mock the "other" guide I know you're referring to...which you commented on with generally positive original feedback ( This site and the community is meant to offer a place for people to learn and grow their knowledge of the game. The author of the other guide also put in a lot of time, and has been very open and responsive to feedback, and I think these are all qualities we want to see in players and content creators.

Well, I hope you reconsider your current position, and will be sad to see you go if you don't.
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SaltyThomas | February 21, 2018 5:20pm
Well done on the build, been doing really well as a adc with sol. bully's half the adc i pair up with. Ill def fav this one and look forward to more progression mid season.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | February 20, 2018 10:49am
~Just FYI, You can't get the 2nd upgrade to the ult at level 8! s2
Kriega1 (143) | February 17, 2018 9:47am
Why are you building Spear of the Magus on Sol? She isn't a tick damage mage or a low cooldown one, her Stellar Burst only procs it twice and it's unlikely her other abilities will proc it often at a distance. Just use Demonic Grip instead like you listed in your ADC build.
Also I would rather get 3 Mana Potion than 3 Healing Potion for the start since Sol already has Radiance for healing.

Futhermore, why Rod of Asclepius? Go for something better like Chronos' Pendant or Soul Reaver or Book of the Dead. Especially if you replace Spear of the Magus for Demonic Grip.

Telkhines Ring is a good substitute for Hastened Ring for last item, and deals slightly more damage, especially looking at towers (not talking about passive, just stats). Basically it narrows down to the very good passive by Hastened Ring or the damage increase from Telkhines Ring.

You could also mention for Polynomicon that it is a great tower pushing item since the structure shred removal from Obsidian Shard.

So a Sol mid build could look like this: Bancroft's Talon, Shoes of the Magi, Spear of Desolation / Demonic Grip (either order, depends on lane opponent), Typhon's Fang, Chronos' Pendant.

Also for your ADC build, sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for Telkhines Ring. You will still have faster movement speed than a god that has boots, and you gain attack speed and a useful passive.
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | February 16, 2018 9:11am
I have finally updated my Sol guide to season 5! I originally wanted it to update it sometime after the release of patch 5.1, but I didn't get enough time to test out all that I wanted to do on the PTS. Hopefully the wait was worth it.

I made sure to reduce the amount of colored text as it was disliked in its previous iteration.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 16, 2018 11:32am
This is a pretty big build overhaul, if I remember correctly from your previous build. Also, much nicer on the eyes, thank you.

My general understanding of standard Sol builds was to mostly build as standard mage (focusing at least partially on CDR to spam her Stellar Burst), and that lifesteal wasn't as important because she has some healing in her kit for some decent sustain. She had enough of a basic attack buff in her passive that a lot of people would just prefer to build one attack speed item max.

I know that S5 brought about some significant changes, but double-lifesteal and Spear of the Magus is a seriously massive shift...I did read your writeup of the item choices, so I know you acknowledge you might not get full Spear stacks. Also retooling due to the Obsidian and Tahuti nerfs is a major thing...

But damn if your standard mid build will be hard countered by anti-heal (which you also recommend everyone consider, which is a key tip). I'm looking through the guide, and not finding suggestions for if the enemy team is building a lot of anti-heal. Is your suggestion at that point to just deal with it because it's still strong enough, or would you consider re-kitting in the middle of a match, and how would you do so?
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | January 6, 2018 8:55am
The final update for this guide, for this season. I will look into updated the guide with better visuals in the future and will also continue to keep it updated with relevant and effective builds.
Drexler (9) | October 23, 2017 8:16am
I typically don't stack w/ her. I find a lot of success w/ Shoes of the Magi, Polynomicon, Obsidian Shard, Pythagorem's Piece, Rod of Tahuti, then Demonic Grip or Telkhines Ring or Hastened Ring...just depends how the game is going (probably could get one of these earlier in the build).
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | November 6, 2017 12:05pm
Your build isn't bad but I'd improve it by replacing the position of Polynomicon and Pythagorem's Piece. You'd get way more value from the sustain and cooldown reduction earlier from Pythagorem's Piece than you would from an early Polynomicon. I wouldn't build Telkhines Ring since your main damaging ability can't really make excellent usage out of it and if you want a cheap power item, Bancroft's Talon would be better (though then you'd have to drop Pythagorem's Piece as then you'd have too much magical lifesteal in your build) or even Ethereal Staff or Soul Reaver.
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | September 25, 2017 8:10am
I've updated by guide with a huge visual update. I'd like to thank the user, nanoyam especially for his guide on making visually appealing guides <3
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 25, 2017 8:43am
Nice update! (oh and I forgot to up-vote earlier, oops!)

In your item discussion, you don't list Hastened at the top, though you mention it's a good hybrid item for her. Where would you build it if you chose to get it, and would you think about adding it to the top?
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | September 25, 2017 11:35am
If I were to build it, I'd build after I had some form of penetration and power in my build. Not as early as Freya would since Sol doesn't benefit from it as much as she does.

Something like: Shoes of the Magi, Book of Thoth/Bancroft's Talon, Obsidian Shard, Hastened Ring, Rod of Tahuti, Spear of Desolation

Hybrid Sol generally isn't as good as burst Sol sadly which is why I hadn't mentioned it in the build section but I should've left it open as an unorthodox/fun way to build her.
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | September 25, 2017 8:28am
Also any suggestions for improvements are highly appreciated!
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | September 17, 2017 5:30pm
I updated my guide for patch 4.17. I did take down some of the formatting I did earlier since it was a mess with how disorganized I had it and I also wasn't happy with how it turned out. I'll try to learn how to better format on this website before I update my guide visually.
Papa Murmz (16) | July 21, 2017 5:02am
I've been playing Sol a lot as of late, and I've been building her like this

Shoes of the Magi
Warlock's Sash
Demonic Grip
Obsidian Shard
Rod of Tahuti
Situational Item - usually Soul Reaver though.

I play primarily Joust and Siege. Do you think this is a solid build or should I not even bother stacking with her? I'm also on Xbox so I don't have the 4.13 items yet.
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | July 23, 2017 1:29pm
I feel that with Warlock's Sash, you gimp your early damage potential for mid-late survivability. If you do like the extra health, then it's alright.
Kriega1 (143) | July 21, 2017 1:11am
Could add Divine Ruin as a situational item? Also Soul Reaver (as a situational) isn't a bad choice as Sol doesen't have the highest scalings for a mage as she mainly relies on base damage, so the true damage from the passive can be decent.
xXDannTheMannXx (2) | July 20, 2017 6:46pm
Guide has been updated for 4.13.

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Sol - Burning up the way! (Season 5, Patch 5.2)
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