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This guide is currently incomplete. If a god is missing I either haven't tested builds on them yet or they're unviable in solo lane. I will continue to work on this guide, I just don't know everything yet.
Start - Warrior's Axe,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions,
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Shifter's Shield >
Ancile >
Void Shield >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Build 2 - Warrior Tabi >
Shifter's Shield >
Frostbound Hammer >
Ancile >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Ancile >
Shifter's Shield >
Void Shield >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Build 2 - Warrior Tabi >
Ancile >
Shifter's Shield >
Frostbound Hammer >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Relics - Blink Rune >
Purification Beads.
Start in power stance and switch to armor stance once you finish Shifter's Shield or
Ancile, whichever one you went first. Stay in armor stance for the rest of the game.
If you don't need Purification Beads, go
Magic Shell.
Start - Manikin Scepter,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions.
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Ninja Tabi >
Berserker's Shield >
Frostbound Hammer >
Talisman of Energy >
Manikin Mace >
Void Shield >
Elixir of Speed and
Stone Cutting Sword.
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Talisman of Energy >
Berserker's Shield >
Frostbound Hammer >
Manikin Mace >
Void Shield >
Elixir of Speed and
Stone Cutting Sword.
Relics - Purificaton Beads > Magic Shell.
You can substitute Void Shield for a few items. Some games Caduceus Shield will feel better.
Mantle of Discord or
Spirit Robe is good too.
Start - Manikin Scepter,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions.
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Soul Eater >
Shifter's Shield >
Ancile > Caduceus Shield >
Manikin Mace >
Elixir of Speed and
Build 2 - Warrior Tabi >
Soul Eater >
Shifter's Shield > Caduceus Shield >
Void Shield >
Manikin Mace >
Elixir of Speed and
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Soul Eater >
Ancile >
Shifter's Shield > Caduceus Shield >
Manikin Mace >
Elixir of Speed and
Relics - Blink Rune >
Purification Beads.
Start - Warrior's Axe,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions,
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Mystical Mail >
Stone of Gaia >
Ancile >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Build 2 - Warrior Tabi >
Mystical Mail >
Gladiator's Shield >
Ancile >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Stone of Gaia >
Mystical Mail >
Ancile >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Relics - Blink Rune >
Purification Beads.
Alternate Items:
Reinforced Greaves over
Warrior Tabi.
If you don't need Purification Beads, go
Magic Shell.
Start - Warrior's Axe,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions,
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Breastplate of Valor >
Genji's Guard > Caduceus Shield >
Sundering Axe >
Void Shield >
Elixir of Speed and
Mantle of Discord.
Build 2 - Warrior Tabi >
Breastplate of Valor >
Genji's Guard > Caduceus Shield >
Sundering Axe >
Witchblade >
Elixir of Speed and
Mantle of Discord.
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Genji's Guard >
Breastplate of Valor > Caduceus Shield >
Sundering Axe >
Void Shield >
Elixir of Speed and
Mantle of Discord.
Build 2 - Warrior Tabi >
Genji's Guard >
Breastplate of Valor > Caduceus Shield >
Sundering Axe >
Witchblade >
Elixir of Speed and
Mantle of Discord.
Relics - Blink Rune >
Purification Beads.
Into slows buy Winged Blade instead of
If you don't need Purification Beads, go
Magic Shell.
Sell Breastplate of Valor for
Pridwen late game in every
Guan Yu build.
Start - Warrior's Axe,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions,
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Reinforced Greaves >
Mystical Mail >
Stone of Gaia >
Genji's Guard >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Void Shield.
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Reinforced Greaves >
Stone of Gaia >
Mystical Mail >
Genji's Guard >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Void Shield.
Relics - Blink Rune >
Purification Beads.
Start - Bluestone Pendant,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions.
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Soul Eater >
Shifter's Shield >
Ancile >
Void Shield >
Bluestone Brooch >
Elixir of Speed and
Build 2 - Warrior Tabi >
Soul Eater >
Shifter's Shield > Caduceus Shield >
Void Shield >
Bluestone Brooch >
Elixir of Speed and
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Soul Eater >
Ancile >
Shifter's Shield >
Void Shield >
Bluestone Brooch >
Elixir of Speed and
Relics - Blink Rune >
Purification Beads.
Start - Warrior's Axe,
Chalice of Healing, 2
Healing Potions,
Vs Physical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Shifter's Shield >
Ancile >
Winged Blade >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Void Shield.
Vs Magical Lane Opponent:
Build 1 - Warrior Tabi >
Ancile >
Shifter's Shield >
Winged Blade >
Sundering Axe >
Mantle of Discord >
Elixir of Speed and
Void Shield.
Relics - Blink Rune >
Purification Beads.
Alternate Items:
Witchblade over
Winged Blade
Witchblade over
Mantle of Discord
Caduceus Shield over Void Shield
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Late game: Buy
The reason you build defences on Warrior's is because the majority of them have higher base damage on their abilities, which means hitting them more often has a better impact than having power to hit harder, having protection allows you to deal that high damage without dying.
Also some choices you have as core interest me, mostly
Edit: I was skimming through the patch notes for something else and noticed the
What about the lack of
Also I know Achilles AA cancels are good but are they good enough to warrant
For Shifters its buff has made it bloated to the point where it’s worth getting over Glad Shield on more bruiser solos.
Ancile too is a bruiser item, it doesn’t have much defense on it but the gods you’re getting it on like Wukong and Camazotz want a lot of power and don’t need much defense to do their job. It looks weird on Cu Chu but I’ve tested it a lot on him and it feels much better over Talisman or Pestilence. He works really well with power.
On tanky characters who don’t go Shifters, I’ve been going Mystical and it feels much better because just 2 or 3 ticks of it does more than Glad Shield ever would to one person in team fights. Also since the solo meta is Manikin’s or Axe every game, bluestone on Wukong, Mystical does a lot more damage to them than it would last season since Manikin’s and Bluestone don’t have magical prots.
I think