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Solo Lane Builds 8.1

10 1 5,233
by Didacted updated January 31, 2021

Smite God:

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This guide is currently incomplete. If a god is missing I either haven't tested builds on them yet or they're unviable in solo lane. I will continue to work on this guide, I just don't know everything yet.


Start - Manikin Scepter, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Vs Physical Lane Opponent:

Build 1 - Ninja Tabi > Berserker's Shield > Frostbound Hammer > Talisman of Energy > Manikin Mace > Void Shield > Elixir of Speed and Stone Cutting Sword.

Vs Magical Lane Opponent:

Build 1 - Warrior Tabi > Talisman of Energy > Berserker's Shield > Frostbound Hammer > Manikin Mace > Void Shield > Elixir of Speed and Stone Cutting Sword.

Relics - Purificaton Beads > Magic Shell.

You can substitute Void Shield for a few items. Some games Caduceus Shield will feel better. Mantle of Discord or Spirit Robe is good too.

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Demonblood | February 6, 2021 4:19am
Hey didacted I was wondering if you know any updated damage build I just downloaded the game and I don't know what perks to start with
Kriega1 (143) | February 6, 2021 5:46am
What game mode / gods?
Demonblood | February 6, 2021 3:20pm
Arena/solo odin
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Big Damage (37) | February 6, 2021 5:08am
You shouldn't be building damage in Solo.
Demonblood | February 6, 2021 5:10am
What should I be using im using warrior physical type
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AmoralOne (11) | February 2, 2021 8:29am
Big Damage (37) | January 30, 2021 4:30pm
Do you think the Sundering Axe proc is worth the pick up? In my testing with it, it felt very 'meh' in my opinion.

Also some choices you have as core interest me, mostly Shifter's Shield and Ancile. Sorry for putting it bluntly but what is so good about those items compared to other tank items? They don't have very high prots and don't provide any HP, the higher power is nice but these are Warriors that don't exactly have Assassin ability scaling other than Achilles.
Edit: I was skimming through the patch notes for something else and noticed the Shifter's Shield buff for tanks, I don't know how I didn't notice it before but I'm still confused on the Ancile.

What about the lack of Gladiator's Shield? What has shifted it away from being a core item for you? I understand the lack of Shield of Thorns as it's been nerfed, I still like it and it can definitely be substituted for Magic Shell as you have but other than the Mystical Mail pick up on some gods I don't see Glad Shield being pushed out of the meta.

Also I know Achilles AA cancels are good but are they good enough to warrant Dominance instead of something like Heartseeker? I haven't tested it myself.
Didacted (6) | January 31, 2021 4:01pm
Sundering Axe is really strong. It’s also the only starter you can really upgrade unless you go Manikin’s so you don’t fall off late. You heal so much with it in fights if you can proc it on whichever tank is trying to peel for their squishy.

For Shifters its buff has made it bloated to the point where it’s worth getting over Glad Shield on more bruiser solos.

Ancile too is a bruiser item, it doesn’t have much defense on it but the gods you’re getting it on like Wukong and Camazotz want a lot of power and don’t need much defense to do their job. It looks weird on Cu Chu but I’ve tested it a lot on him and it feels much better over Talisman or Pestilence. He works really well with power.

On tanky characters who don’t go Shifters, I’ve been going Mystical and it feels much better because just 2 or 3 ticks of it does more than Glad Shield ever would to one person in team fights. Also since the solo meta is Manikin’s or Axe every game, bluestone on Wukong, Mystical does a lot more damage to them than it would last season since Manikin’s and Bluestone don’t have magical prots.

I think Dominance or Heartseeker is god dependent. Achilles autos a lot when he dives backliners because he weaves them in but his combo also leaves people with about 1/4 or so of their health left so you auto to finish the job. Heartseeker procs also dont do as much as they did last season because Sentinel’s Embrace (the best support starter) helps mitigate it.
Big Damage (37) | January 31, 2021 11:15pm
I'll keep these in mind as I do more testing and updating. I used to like Shifter's on Wukong before because it stacks with his passive but because it wasn't very good I'd never build it. However with the buff I'm liking it again. Thanks.
Junigii | January 30, 2021 3:14pm
Is bluestone bad? I notice on a lot of these builds bluestone was replaced with warriors axe
Didacted (6) | January 31, 2021 4:04pm
Bluestone is good for clear but since it has no prots it makes really vulnerable to early ganks. Bluestone also doesn’t do much to help you trade with the other solo since Axe and Manikin’s mitigate it with their damage taken reduction and prots. If you get it on anyone who isn’t Wukong or Achilles, you’ll want to sell it late for a defense item. At that point of the game you’re much weaker than someone who just upgraded their starter into Sundering Axe.
Big Damage (37) | January 30, 2021 4:35pm
I'm not the guide author but I don't think it's that Bluestone Pendant is bad, but its upgrades aren't very good, Corrupted Bluestone is niche to hybrid ability/AA warriors but it gets outclassed by Manikin Scepter / Manikin Mace.

Bluestone Brooch on the other hand just doesn't do enough damage, I had it in a lot of my theory builds but after testing I think there's only 3 or 4 warrior's I think it's worthwhile on.

Although Warrior's Axe isn't as strong in the laning phase it's upgrades are pretty nice. I asked the guide author what his thoughts on Sundering Axe are because I don't think it is amazing however hero's axe when you're building a lot of HP can be really useful to your team in a fight. Hence why he might get rid of bluestone for that late game presence.
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