Thor is a team oriented god, as I stated before. He's really good at setting up your mage, diving during teamfights, and surprisingly, peeling. So how, in general, do you accomplish all these goals? Let's take a dive into how to actually PLAY Thor.
Pros and Cons- First off, why are you picking the God of Thunder? Well, his biggest selling point, as I've mentioned a few times, is his global presence. He can be anywhere in the team fight, and also rotate much quicker than most junglers, allowing you to have access to more farm and still gank or counter-gank in time. Also, this means you can dive freely lategame, without worrying how to sneak around into the back or buy blink. He also offers a good matchup into many auto attack junglers, so you're able to pick a counter matchup whenever you need. However, Thor does have a few flaws. Currently, he doesn't do a lot of damage, especially late. He has trouble killing tanks as well, which isn't always an issue as a jungler, but is a downside. His only CC immunity is long and channeled, so using it as an escape can get you killed. Finally, and mostly impactfully in my opinion, since he is a set-up teamfight god, it's very hard to solo carry a ranked game. He definitely requires a team to effective, unless you are VERY good at him (which might be a downside in it's own right; he requires a lot of skill). Overall, I would say Thor is a middle of the road god, but his potential is definitely increased based on your skill.
Early Game- Thor has 2 main functions: ganking with his ultimate, and poking with his 1+2 combo. How you level determines your exact playstyle, as we discussed previously, but in general, Thor is best used to just constantly gank a lane with his ult, as it forces beads every time you hit, or kills them if they don't have beads (since you'll have boots by time you're level 5, you're basically guaranteed to kill any squishy). My favorite tactic is ulting duo right at level 5, or mid, then doing it again as soon as my ult comes off cooldown. Since your ult has a 1 minute shorter cooldown than beads, you'll know almost exactly how much time you have to gank, and assuming you hit, get a free kill. In between ganking, you want to focus on farming, like every other jungler, but also using your 1+2 combo to poke the enemy mid or jungle whenever you have a safe chance. Emphasis on safe, because you are using your escape as a poke tool. As another note, I tend to try to farm until I get ult, as Thor is fairly weak pre-level 5.
Mid Game- About level 9 or so (when you have an ability maxed), you'll be hitting quite hard. Make sure you're constantly grouped with someone who can take advantage of your ultimate, as it's critical you have followup or just someone to peel you out. Really, your role doesn't change much here. You're an early to mid game character, so just assume you have the same role, it's just a bit more dangerous.
Late Game- About when you have 4+ items (and your starter), or when people are consistently grouped for teamfights, your role actually does shift. It becomes a bit less "kill one person on your own" and more "set up your team to do damage." This comes in a couple different ways, and is personally the time I find Thor the most interesting to play. Your goal is to hit as many squishies with your ult as you can, but you want to do it early. Burn beads with you ult, or try to hit someone you know doesn't have beads. Your most important priorities are the mid and adc, although hitting both tanks or the jungler can be valuable at times too. I would try for this order: mid, adc, jungler, solo, support, and would try to hit a squishy + a tank over any individual squishy. Of course, this is just with your ult (which, by the way, I would suggest just using your ult + 3 in most cases, as we discussed before). There are other nuances you want to be looking for as well.
Thor also has very strong peel for his team, as he doesn't need his wall for anything but CC. Using it to peel for a carry, who is much more valuable in the fight than you are in almost every case (assuming equal skill level, it's hard to interpret every individual case, so use your best judgement). Try to peel your ADC primarily, as they are probably the main damage dealer, and late game will kill the quickest if a tanky diver is stunned in front of them. Be vigilant; this is what you want to be doing in the 2nd part of your personal teamfight. First you dive with ult, try to get off a lot of damage with your 3, then hammer back to your team and peel someone off your backline with your 2. In the very late game, when you have your
Bumba's Hammer, you'll be able to use your 1+3 pretty soon after that as well, allowing you to potentially get even more damage off. Of course, you don't have to follow this script always; sometimes the enemy team won't be diving, and you can help CC their backline for your carries. Thor's fight is very flexible after he uses his ult, so pay attention to all the opportunities that present themselves.
Some very important things for late though; don't hammer into big groups to try to 3 someone. Don't use your 1 to pick off that 1 hp target unless you are 100% that you will kill them. Don't try to full combo someone off your ult unless they've used beads IN THAT FIGHT. Basically, don't waste your hammer. It's too important late game. Also, if you get shell for a relic, don't be afraid to use it both selfishly to save you in a 1v1 or use it to save your fellow backline. If your backline is safe, don't be afraid to get in there and get your hands dirty. Also, use your autos. A lot. They do a lot of damage, and free damage in a fight is never a bad thing.
Phoenix Sieges- Our main function is creating space. So, split push mid while your team is at a different phoenix so you can ult in after they send someone over to stop you. It's a dirty split push tactic where you don't actually split push, you use your range advantage to get a slight lead on whoever is stopping you. And if you dive the enemy backline during this fight, you can create the necessary room needed for your carries to hit the phoenix (and you. Remember, your autos hurt). Of course, you don't HAVE to split push. You can use your 2+1 to try poking someone to half hp before you engage, forcing them to back off and creating space for your team that way. This works best against unaware carries that push up, or if your team is just jamming a phoenix and you don't have time to wait for waves to push up in multiple lanes.
Phoenix Defenses- It's important to be patient. Don't ult right away, because then they'll just back off and you'll either die ulting it, or simply waste your ult by landing down safely. Be patient, and try to hit both carries, because they'll very likely be grouped trying to hit the phoenix. Use your wall to block autos from the ADC, as this can buy valuable time for your team's cooldowns to come up. You can also use it to poke from behind the safety of the phoenix wall, but only do this if you have your ult up, otherwise you might get caught in a bad spot. Try to avoid ulting too deep into the enemy team, as your team might not be able to follow up properly or peel you out, leaving you stranded and probably dead.
Lastly, mostly as a quick note, don't be afraid to use your ult to scout while your team takes fire giant or gold fury. This allows you to peel off anyone potentially looking to steal, or simply scare them away. You can always just land back down for damage if you aren't forced to hit an enemy, so think of it as secure. Although, if your team needs to tank or DPS, this is a different story; you can still ult, just make sure it's appropriately timed so your team can still do the objective without you!
Now, why don't you need blink? This is mainly because you're almost always initiating with ult, and you really need your defense relics to survive afterwards. Also, what do you even do with blink? Your wall is long range, your hammer is ranged, and your ult is ranged; your only non-ranged ability is your 3, and you really don't want to blink in so you can use your 3.
would appriciate it
Damage Thor: Axe/Bluestone > Jotunn's > Crusher/Brawler's > Hydra's (can get after Jotunn's) > Serrated / Titan's > Heartseeker > upgrade Bluestone to Brooch / upgrade Axe to Hero's Axe or sell starter for Runeforged / a defense item.
Bruiser Thor: Bluestone > Blackthorn > Breastplate/Glad > Genji's > Void Shield/Spectral > Bulwark
or Sundering Axe > Runeforged > Breastplate > Genji's > Void/Spectral > Bulwark
I believe your most consistent bet right now is probably to go
Any help is highly appreciated.
Alright, so let's consider this build / guide overall. The build, and recommended items, as of now, are very solid. So we can use this as a base.
You've got 4 item slots in your customization options within each category.
I'll list what I would probably put as my recommendations:
For the Starter section, it allows you to quickly click on all of those at the top to purchase your starting items without having to covers your "starter item," your T2 shoes, and your standard first relic. Note also that if you put a
Note that when you click on one item in a tree, it actually pops up all of the items in that tree. So clicking on
In some cases it doesn't hurt putting in 2 items from the same tree, if those are the overwhelming favorite items. E.g. you might choose between
Anyway, hope this helps. If you still have questions feel free to ask.
One thing I think is lacking in your build options is
Anyway, solid information, it's obvious you're very familiar with him. Thanks for contributing!