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What can I say except, "You're welcome" - Full Maoi Solo Guide (S9)

18 3 30,467
by xFllekzZ updated November 17, 2022

Smite God: Maui

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Maui Build

Start Items

Build Item Manikin Scepter Manikin Scepter
Build Item Spellbook Spellbook
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment

Core Items

Build Item Manikin Scepter Manikin Scepter
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Manticore's Spikes Manticore's Spikes

Situational (Starter Items)

Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Manikin Scepter Manikin Scepter
Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll

Situational Items (Damage)

Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

Example Full Build

Build Item Manikin Hidden Blade Manikin Hidden Blade
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Manticore's Spikes Manticore's Spikes
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Situational Items (Defense/Tank)

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor


Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Sundering Spear Sundering Spear

Maui's Skill Order

Master Fisherman

1 X Y
Master Fisherman
1 4 6 7 10

Mystical Ulua

2 A B
Mystical Ulua
3 15 16 18 19

Solar Swing

3 B A
Solar Swing
2 8 11 12 14


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Master Fisherman
1 4 6 7 10

Master Fisherman

1 X
Maui charges up, spinning his hook and preparing it to go farther the longer he charges. When he refires, the projectile damages enemies and stops on first god hit. If Maui hits an enemy god he reels them in, crippling and vortexing them towards himself for 1.5s. Maui can cancel this ability at any time.

Ability Type: Line, Vortex, Damage
Hook Damage: 100 / 165 / 230 / 285 / 360 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Max Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Mystical Ulua
3 15 16 18 19

Mystical Ulua

2 A
Maui throws an Ulua made of magical water that explodes on landing, giving all allied gods within 35 units Protections and Movement Speed for 5s. The Ulua creates a pillar of water that lasts for 10s. If an allied god stands on the water for 1s, a bubble forms and carries them to Maui's location, where they receive Protections and Movement Speed for 5s. If Maui leaves the aura radius and no ally is on the water, it is destroyed.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff
Protections: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Movement Speed: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16%
Aura Radius: 110
Cost: 55
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Solar Swing
2 8 11 12 14

Solar Swing

3 B
Maui leaps, latches his hook onto a ray of sunlight, and swings from it. He swings back and forth before he leaps from the rope and slams his hook into the ground, damaging and stunning all enemies in the area. While he swings, Maui can reactivate this ability at any time to leap early.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Landing damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 315 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1.5s
Range/Radius: 55/17.5
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 15s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Maui selects an area, becomes CC immune and leaps into the air. He throws his hook at the target area and pulls up an island, knocking all enemies in the area up into the air and pulls them in front of himself. The island remains on the battleground, blocking player movement for 4s. Maui can reactivate this ability to destroy the island early.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 275 / 375 / 475 / 575 / 675 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Knockup Radius: 22.5
Minimum Range: 20
Maximum Range: 60
Range/Radius: 60 / 22.5
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Maui The Hero of Hawai‘i - Guide Introduction

Hey and welcome to my Maui guide for season 9 and upcoming season 10. I'm xFllekzZ and this is my first guide here in Smitefire. I've been playing Smite since season 3, and I'm quite experienced with other moba games too. Most of the times I find myself playing Conquest. My peak rank was Diamond 1 close before Masters, and can say im fimiliar with every role.

I started playing with Maui since his early released, and from the first game, I fell absolutely in love with this god and his unique kit. On my journey to mastery level this specific god, I've become very familiar with Maui, and I really wanted to share some of my knowledge with you.

In this guide, I'll be introducing you Maui's kit in its entirety. Along with the basics, I'll cover everything you need to know to play Maui successfully and to dominate, cause thats what he is all about. Starting from how and when to use your abilities efficiently, then explaining how items and relics improve the playstyle and finally the way to control Teamfights and the battleground of the gods. This guide is mainly focused on Conquest Solo lane, but similar build can also be used other game modes.

Just want to remind you. There are also other ways to build Maui espacially in the Support role and make him viable. Mine is just based on my experience and on my knowledge in the solo matchups. This entire guide is based around the builds I personally recommend, and some information may not be so vital when building him differently. But this doesn't mean your feedback would not be appreciated. Please leave a comment behind if you find some information incorrect or you have suggests on my guide. Thank you.


Who is Maoi?

(Lore) Maui-The Hero of Hawai‘i

Maui is widely known and revered throughout the island-nations of the Pacific Ocean as a hero and a trickster without equal. His legend stretches from Hawai'i to Tonga. The youngest of four divine brothers, Maui is known as Maui the Clever or sometimes Maui the Mischievous, depending on what he's up to at the time. But regardless of what he is called, and what tricks he might pull, it will always be to the benefit of his people.

His feats of strength and cunning are legendary. Armed with his magical hook Manaiakalani, he fished up the islands that people would come to inhabit and once snared the sun, so that the days might be longer. He lifted up the sky, so that the plants might have room to grow and mortals might have room to stand. It was Maui who caused birds to become visible to the human eye, so that mortals might enjoy the sight of them, even as they listened to their songs. And it was Maui who brought the secret of fire to his chosen peoples, so that their burden might be eased. He played tricks upon the other gods, so that he might learn their secrets and share them with mankind. And if the gods were angered by any of this, well, Maui paid them little heed. He reasoned that if they did not wish their secrets shared, they would have made them harder to learn.

In all these ways and more, Maui has sought to improve the lot of his people and protect them from the myriad dangers that stalk them. But as the world grows ever more tumultuous, and the gods of many pantheons strive against one another, Maui finds himself called upon to play his tricks on worthier and more fearsome targets.
"Use your divine strength to move gods, both enemy and friendly, around the battlefield at will."

Pros / Cons

-High single/Aoe target CC
-One good Ult can change the game!
-Quick and reliable CC
-Provides protection and movement speed
-Burst damage
-Aoe AA
-Unique escape tool for teammates
-Great gank setup

-Dash can be your own death if used wrong
-Ability usage needs practice to use smoothly
-Aggression leads to high focus and being cc chained while teammates are picked off
-Heavy Silence/Combo breaker comps will completely negate your kit

Skill Sequnece/Order & Abilitiy Explanation

When an enemy god is Hard Crowd Controlled near Maui, they are marked for the duration of the Crowd Control and for an additional 2s afterwards. If Maui basic attacks a marked enemy, his next Basic Attack becomes enhanced. Maui's enhanced Basic Attack pulls any enemy gods hit to him. This passive has a 10s Cooldown. Notes: The enhanced basic attack is spent even if Maui Misses. Has a mark range of 55. Marked gods hit by hard cc during the duration of the mark refreshes the mark's duration. Maui's basic attacks cannot go through walls. Ability Type: Buff

Maui charges up, spinning his hook and preparing it to go farther the longer he charges. When he refires, the projectile damages enemies and stops on first god hit. If Maui hits an enemy god he reels them in, crippling and vortexing them towards himself for 1.5s. Maui can cancel this ability at any time.
Maui suffers a 70% movement speed slow while reeling a god.
Maui can move freely in all directions for the duration.
This ability cannot go through walls.

Hook damage: 100/165/230/285/360 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Minimum Range: 10
Maximum Range: 55
Radius: 7
Ability Type: Growing Line
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Cooldown: 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds

Maui throws an Ulua made of magical water that explodes on landing, giving all allied gods within 35 units Protections and Movement Speed for 5s. The Ulua creates a pillar of water that lasts for 10s. If an allied god stands on the water for 1s, a bubble forms and carries them to Maui’s location, where they receive Protections and Movement Speed for 5s. If Maui leaves the aura radius and no ally is interacting with the water, it is destroyed.
Has a deploy range of 55.
If Maui is in a state where he's either untargetable, banished or is near a wall, the affected ally that teleports to Maui will move to Maui's last/nearest valid location.

Protections: 5/10/15/20/25
Movement Speed: 4/8/12/16/20%
Aura Radius: 110
Radius: 35
Ability Type: Ground Target
Cost: 55/60/65/70/75 mana
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds

Maui leaps, latches his hook onto a ray of sunlight, and swings from it. He swings back and forth before he leaps from the rope and slams his hook into the ground, damaging and stunning all enemies in the area. While he swings, Maui can reactivate this ability at any time to leap early.
Maui can swing up to a maximum of 60 units forward and leaps 5 units from his current location while using this ability. Can channel this ability for a maximum of 3s.If there is no valid landing location, Maui will land at the closest valid point near the targetter.

Landing damage: 110/165/220/275/335 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5s
Radius: 17.5
Ability Type: Leap
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana
Cooldown: 16 seconds

Important to Master this ability !

Maui selects an area, becomes CC immune and leaps into the air. He throws his hook at the target area and pulls up an island, knocking all enemies in the area up into the air and pulls them in front of himself.
The island remains on the battleground, blocking player movement for 4s. Maui can reactivate this ability to destroy the island early.
Maui is also untargetable while channeling the ability.
This ability can be fired through walls but will not pull players through them.
The island has a radius of 18.
Can be refired at any time even while under crowd control or dead.

Damage: 275/375/475/575/675 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Minimum Range: 20
Maximum Range: 60
Radius: 22.5
Ability Type: Ground Target
Cost: 100 mana
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Skill Order:




















Maoi Combo


Builds depend on playstyle, lane positioning, and mode. This build is meant mostly for Conquest solo-laning, although there are diffrent builds that can be used in any other roles, as my focus will be to take advantage of his auto attacks and mostly reliable CC damage. The build isn't the best build, as you always want to consider possible counter-building depending on the situation and your matchups.

Core Items

I consider these items core for Maui, based on my playstyle and reliance on his auto attacks and unsuspecting damage. They should almost always be built, no matter the situation, as they provide necessary stats to maximize his effectiveness in this role. Here are the explanations and tips for each item.

Manikin Scepter Even though Maui has Aoe/Cleave AA, this Item provides him the fastest lane clear i have witnessed so far. In combination with His Master Fisherman you will hit lvl 2 before any other solo laner. With a lot of damage of Manikin Scepter threw its passive u are pretty strong in the first few levels. This provides Maui to dominate the lane in the early game, which is pretty important in certain matchups.

Book of Thoth gives him a good amount of magical power, mana and magical penetration (when evolved), and makes it easier to fight and deal damage.

Throughout the game u need some early defense so this is where Manticore's Spikes comes in. This Item is a must have since its stats and passive buff is an all in all gamechanger. Its maybe not the cheapest defense Item but one of the best for Maui. But if u want to get a bit more Tanky earlier in the game with almost the same passive outcome u can choose Stone of Binding as an option.


Manikin Scepter, Conduit Gem and Death's Toll are all optional Starter Items, but it depends on your own playstyle. As i alerady mentioned Manikin Scepter is probabaly the best choice out of the three, but the the others are viable options.

Conduit Gem is a good option because it gives u all the stats u need and gives a decent little burst of damage when used right, while duelling.

Out of all three starter items i would not recommend Death's Toll. I mean the little sustain is quite nice but the efficency of the item is not comparable to Manikin Scepter. You loose so much Dps for so little sustain.


Well this part is pretty straight forward DAMAGE baby!... Haha no for real these items i only recommend if you think you lacking with damage or just dominating the game.

For Example Ethereal Staff is a overall good item for a long time for guardians in the solo lane. It provides with some nice magical power, health and some good 20%CCR, when combined Spirit Robe you can cap the 40% CCR with some nice defense stats.

Rod of Tahuti is also straight forward. We get some insane damage boost, 10% magic penetration and a nice passive boost for our AA.

For some good damage stats Staff of Myrddin is a absolute good choice. The amazing magical power, CDR and 10% magic penetration is a nice addition to stomp some squishy enemies.

Soul Reaver is a nice option if the enemy team is a bit tanky. It helps u to cut down the big boys.

These are just some optional choices, because you can throw in any other damage item but it depends on your playstyle, matchups, and personal prefrences.


We going to keep this simple! First of all we seperate them into magical protection and physical protection.

Physical Protection

Breastplate of Valor

Spectral Armor

Pridwen-(Hyprid item)

Mail of Renewal-(Hyprid Item)


Teleport Fragment is a must have for the solo lane this season! No need for a big explanation.
If the enemy team has a lot CC or you are facing a Da Ji or Fenrir, i would recommend u to get Purification Beads.
If u want to control teamfights or shutdown other gods who are moblie or hard to catch this is a good option.
Trying to help out your team from some damage, than just pick up Magic Shell.
Sundering Spear is a nice choice if the enemy has tanky matchups.You also can Combo this relic by using your Ult Landfall and immediately use Sundering Blast (Sunder upgrade) for nice damage and debuff.

Honorable mentions: For some Anti-Heal Cursed Ankh, or some teamfight boost Belt of Frenzy

Playing as Maui

Which lane to go?

In my opnion Maui has strongly taken his place in conquest Solo/Support lane. And if you are a new Maui player, I would highly recommend playing him solo-lane until you're comfortable with his kit. Just because he is so much fun! Solo-lane provides Maui with personal minion waves to practice your skills, and extra experience from side jungle camps. Also, teammates are able to gank or help your lane if needed. (Of course, I don't recommend practicing in Conquest or any other normal/ranked modes before testing him in Practice Mode, co-op, etc.) Maui also has great potential to go Support or even Jungle. Maui isn't often seen in the role of Solo, so picking him for this roles is as already mentioned recommended, but maybe not always reliable so always consider about your team combo.

Early Game

Early game with Maui in the Solo-lane starts like any other game in Solo. Attack the Blue camp (Mana buff) and take the buff. After that, go directly to your lane and clear the first minion wave. You will most likely hit lvl 2 before your opponent, so try to fight him or maybe even go for a kill. Soon after that, your jungler should work with you to cover or gank your lane. For the first 7-10 minutes, you'll clear minion waves, poke your opponent or rotate/invade between your lane and jungle camps. Your Main Combo plus AA with Manikin Scepter works perfectly when damaging enemies in lane, and Mystical Ulua helps with keeping up fighting and sustaining a bit. Maui has no major issues with mana (when he has his mana camp consistently), which helps if you are somehow forced to stay in lane, needing to force beads with your Landfall or damage enemies. If your jungler is too busy to help you, Maui can easily deal with them alone and prevent enemies from taking there camps. When alone, though, just be aware of any enemies nearby...keep the jungle warded!

Baiting your opponent by allowing the minion wave to push you back near your tower can help your jungler to gank your lane or you can ult them into your tower with Landfall,but be aware while pushing near the enemy tower makes you equally vulnerable to ganks. Rather than push to damage the tower in the early game, your best bet is to poke and keep your opponent at low health, forcing the enemy to return to base or execute them with your ult. So let them lose out on XP/gold. The main focus is to gain control over your lane and outplay your opponent. If you decide to play aggressively, I recommend buying an early Ward at the start to prevent ganks to your lane. Maui lacks reliable mobility or when surprised and this may be fatal if in the enemy team is a Awilix. Map control is the key to winning.

You should also pay attention to your opponent's movements early in the game. Whenever your enemy leaves a lane, be sure to warn others, and in some cases force you to follow them to prevent ganks in other lanes. Just remember not to advance the enemy minions too far. Sometimes holding the solo lane is enough to keep the enemy gods in lane and prevent them from ganking other lanes. If not, you need to examine what works best for your team. Pushing the first solo turret or following the enemy loses valuable gold and experience. If you choose to stay in the driveway, be sure to block the sides.

Mid Game

The mid-game usually starts after about 10-17 minutes. Ideally, you've taken down the first tower in your lane so you can start spinning into other lanes and helping your teammates. This will keep your opponent busy dealing with incoming creeps and give you more opportunities to go to other lanes. If you find your opponent is under the tower and playing very conservatively, you can help/gank other lanes more quickly.

As Maui, you should take advantage of your high CC and unexpacting damage. If your mid lane is getting overpowered by the enemy and your jungler is busy helping the duo lane, you can help the mid lane to push towers or maybe get a kill with your mid and support. Maui, in particular, can be deadly to squishy enemies or opponents with no beads.

Clearing jungle camps and keeping your lane pushed is important, so be sure to continue rotating. With his decent mobility, Maui should have no worries getting from one place to another, since u can swing over walls and have almost permanent move speed buff with your Mystical Ulua. Consider upgrading your Teleport Fragment which helps u rotate or defend your turrets. Although rotating is important, it’s also important to maintain control of your own lane, as that is still your responsibility. Farming is still your main source of gold and XP, and losing minion waves to the tower can put you behind as you near late-game.

During mid-game, the importance of warding becomes more obvious. Certain points should always be warded by you or your team. Keeping at least the upper area of the Fire Giant/Pyromancer warded allows you to respond quickly and defend it, as well as spotting the jungler or enemies from the mid lane as they begin to rotate.

Late Game

There is no obvious transition between mid and late game. Late game is usually when people reach level 15-20 and the player already has a full or almost full build. There are no longer "own" lanes in the late game; it's everyone's job to control the map. Destroying towers and phoenixes and taking control of objectives requires a team effort. Although Maui has good CC and his Ult Landfall can change a whole game, he is still vulnerable and can easily focus when he is outnumbered. The late game is all about winning teamfights and completing objectives.

During late-game, make sure you stick with your teammates so you can get picks with your Master Fisherman or Landfall so your team can clean up the enemy u got locked in with your CC. Maui can be really destructive what comes to teamfights or defending/zoning the enemy from objectives. Mid/Late game is truly the time to rumble - What can I say except, "You're welcome" :D


Maui has tons of potential and can be very destructive in teamfights, especially after obtaining his core items. Maui abilities can make him quite bursty if needed, and his strong CC allows him to remain useful in teamfights even when his skills are on cooldown. Just because of the early game choice of Manikin Scepter.

Solar Swing deals a decent amount of damage, but it may not be wise to use it only for that. Solar Swing is Maui's primary ability to escape but also engage fights and setup for his CC, and should be used with caution. It can also be used to get your team into fights, by using your Mystical Ulua first and engage with Solar Swing to transport your teammate to your location during a teamfight. And although Maui receives movement speed and protections from Mystical Ulua , which should be enough to maintain his endurance and for his team when not focused. It can help especially your team, as it can protect or disengage teammates from a fight.

Maui should often initiate a teamfight. But when alone, it's risky to face multiple enemies at once. After using Solar Swing, Maui is very vulnerable to burst damage and CC, and his quick death is of no use to your team. Remember that CC/Cripple and animation cancel of your Solar Swing is his biggest weakness.

So, what is your role in a teamfight? Firstly, whenever you notice that a fight is imminent, engage with Solar Swing and land your Master Fisherman and than follow up with AA. If possible try to use your Landfall if you forced there Purification Beads or escape tool. Let your team clean the enemies up after you CC locked them. Continue to use your AA and Mystical Ulua to chase the enemy and provide protections for your team. Landfall can be used to prevent enemies from escaping as it summons a little Island which enemies can not go through or just to finish them off. Save Solar Swing sometimes for defensive purposes. If the fight isn't going as planned, you can activate it and try to help get your teammates out alive by stunning them or use your Mystical Ulua.

As Maui you should never be scared to attack or just land abilities. You'll know when it's time to leave, and the best way is to do it with style my Bruddah.

Maoi Combo



Well Maui has strong burst and high single/Aoe CC, however he also has his weaknesses. In this section, I'll cover the basics of each potential matchup Maui may face in Solo-lane.

I'm only covering the idea of how to deal against each matcups shortly, so it's good to remember that the way the enemy builds can change the playstyle drastically and so some There are no "easy" matchups, if you have no clue about other gods than just the one that you're playing. Know the enemy better than he knows himself.

As i mentioned anything what outdamages,has much sustain or much CC can be quite annoying for Maui. For Example Mulan is a hard matchup through her high sustain and high damage output. I also consider mentioning King Arthur, and Poseidon which are quite annoying to play against.

But i would say if you know how to use your Solar Swing with its full potential you can win almost every matchups. Just focus on improving and focus on other gods what they can do to win the lane and win the game!

More information coming soon! Feel free to leave a comment if you feel I missed something important!

Thank you!

Thank you for reading my guide!

They got no chances now, Bruddah!

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