June 12, 2017

The day I accidentally played Jungle Ganesha

Views: 4442 Bernardozomer
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Important  |  Information  |  Ganesha  |  Jungle  |  XB1  |  Trash MM  |  Is this Arena?  |  Spoiler: It works
This is my first blog post (Whatever).

Yesterday, I decided to play some Casual Conquest. Picks start, I call for Supp because I wanted to play Ganesha (He is fun!), and I lock him. After that, Xbal calls for ADC and locks him, and KKK calls mid and locks. Everything was fine, until...

A wild Artemis appeared outta nowhere without calling her role. I was trying to guess whether she was going to feed in solo or in the jungle, when Tick-Tock (the crocodile, not the clockwork man) instalocked him for whatever reason.

Match starts. I bought Watcher's and Lono's as usual, but then I realized Sobek and Arty went to duo and Xbal to solo. So yeah, I was playing Jungle Ganesha, and I thought about writing this blog to rant about XB1 MM.


IT WORKED!!! Here is the match stats: http://smite.guru/match/xb/124434958 . I went with 3 defensive items (I traded Dynasty Plate H. for Spirit Robe) and was still soloing squishies. But to be honest, most of those enemies played like potatoes (I mean, just look at their builds). But hey, it was pretty fun.

Don't try this at home. Sorry if this was boring.

P.S.: We lost.