Yesterday, I decided to play some Casual Conquest. Picks start, I call for Supp because I wanted to play

A wild

Match starts. I bought Watcher's and Lono's as usual, but then I realized Sobek and Arty went to duo and Xbal to solo. So yeah, I was playing Jungle Ganesha, and I thought about writing this blog to rant about XB1 MM.
IT WORKED!!! Here is the match stats: . I went with 3 defensive items (I traded Dynasty Plate H. for Spirit Robe) and was still soloing squishies. But to be honest, most of those enemies played like potatoes (I mean, just look at their builds). But hey, it was pretty fun.
Don't try this at home. Sorry if this was boring.
P.S.: We lost.
Huh...well, EVERYONE'S build, sorta. Let's see...with a 49 minute match, I'll assume most got a starter and so the first item is actually last.
(It's actually way to easy on most supports to do that if yuo reach pretty long games)
XB1 sounds like a nightmare.
I also stole FG once with my ult.
However, today I played a game as agni (I got his ticket skin) and 4 members of my team warded! The enemy support also did. Seriously, it's sad to cheer when I see that my Sentry detected an enemy ward.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I do have a PC account (level 13 i guess?) that I use sometimes to play with friends.
However, all that won't stop me from using it sooo...
Note that is completely normal to cut the "r"s from the end of words (normally plurals and verbs) in our portuguese, such as "Marca" that is actually "Marcar", that in this case means "to schedule, to set a date/time", and "pra" is kinda the same as "para", that means "to". Not to be confused with "parar", that means "to stop", while "Muleke" is an informally way to write "Muleque", that means "Young boy" or something like that, but in that sentence it's used with a different meaning, the same as "boiii", I think (please help me to understand what boiii means).
Looks like the tables have turned, huh?
Falando sério agora
Talvez amanhã sei lá. Seria só nós?
Losing would be painful.
Maybe it will be tomorrow. Would it be just us?"
My estimation without Google translate.
Seriously now ("Falando sério)
[Maybe tomorrow/Maybe it will be tomorrow], dunno. Wouls it be just us?"
And that last sentence is an invite if you wish to.