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Devampi's Blog
Blog Posts: 38     Views: 80441     Comments: 230
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February 06, 2016

Loads of stuff: S3, SF, etc.

Views: 1287 Devampi
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A  |  Blog  |  Long  |  Really
So I felt it was time for a "mega" blog. As S3 kicked in and my 2 year anniversary on smitefire will also hit soon, I decided to make a blog (my 20 blog total) on several things:
  • Guide
  • Smite stuff (in 2 part: return and tips)
  • My Smitefire History
  • Personal
  • Anything else I decide that's important to notice or I forgot (probably some LoL stuff)

I'm probably going to be making it into spoilers so it won't be scrolling a long long long way down if you are only interested in several parts of the blog.
some notes:
  • I won't care a lot about my grammar
  • There is going to be a lot of LoL and maybe even some DotA etc. in it
  • several parts are going to be general MOBA stuff (meaning it applies in other MOBA's too)
  • It's a bit of late night blog, meaning I can be pretty vague sometimes or stupid.

So here we go:

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January 20, 2016

Dotafire Smuggle blogs :D

Views: 1282 Devampi
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Blogs  |  His  |  Love
So as most of you Smitefireans know I have roamed the other fires too and visit them sometimes.
And as you guys know I love to read blogs from Smuggles. And after a long while there is a new one with an interesting topic: Auto Pilot.

So a quick summary after a while certain actions become an auto piloted thing, which can actually hinder improving your skills.
for more see the full blog

I actually notice that this is pretty true. probably going to make a point in it in my mistakes guide after the reformating.

Yes this blog was just to share the blogs of a wonderful person the makes interesting blogs about general MOBA things (most of the time)

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January 07, 2016

My guide

Views: 1861 Devampi
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check  |  idea  |  new  |  spell
So as most of you know my guide is the type of never being completed. I myself got an idea of including a don't always use the exact same build (this being aimed at all roles but to mage/apc or adc in a lesser extent). getting a bit of counter building stuff in there to. (I actually got this from the small autobuild discussion XD. yeah some points I can add come into existence because of things said in some threads remembering me of something. that's how random I can be
How did I get to this because earlier you could adjust auto build (instead of a own made recommended page))

however after that I'm a bit out of inspiration. so does anyone have points not already in the guide that should be there?

(Oh and also can someone do a spell check, mostly on the part of wrong used words or weird sentences (punctuation only for: , (I can't use these things right in a lot of cases, even in Dutch so yeah) capitals is something I can easily do myself.

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December 09, 2015

Elo Hell

Views: 1696 Devampi
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agree  |  Pros
So you guys all know my section stating Elo Hell doesn't exist well read this article that popped out on PC gamer beginning this month

The pros agree with me and now I got an even greater source to put in my guide :D

I just had to share this with you guys

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November 20, 2015

v1.00 draws closer

Views: 1035 Devampi
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So I finally took some time to finish the chapters I have been working on. and well now the only thing I need (and should do) is a spelling/grammar fix before I can call it a legit 1.00 version.

I don't know how well future updates will get as my view of the game is getting more off. I have been playing way to much LoL lately (because I can hit almost pre mades pretty fast because of new friends. and because smite doesn't allow a 4 man queue in CQ)

Also should someone decide to try LoL for some reason and plays on euw (I do have a smurf on NA but I don't play on that one often) you can add my account (pm me for it as it isn't the same name as in smite yet)

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