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Devampi's Blog
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June 22, 2019
So took a while was too lazy to make a write up, however progression was steady.

Let's start with Xbalanque:
Well I love his passive change. no more needed early aggression or complaining about kill steals. A good change. After all this time the only thing that changed was his tier list ranking. Oh and my ability lvling sequence to the meta one using Branching Bola for clear.

Now Vulcan:
well I don't remember him playing so clunky as he looks, however I quickly managed to get over it. So he changed only a bit which isn't really noticable. His passive got a good change. however before he slowed so the effect stays mostly the same. One thing that is quite annaying is that his turret is pretty squishy, which is kinda a shame.

Next Vamana:
Only his moddel changed which I like. I love him just to make clutch escapes and easy wave clear. So build wise warrior's changed, however I still prefer Hastened Katana(fatalis) on him over Frostbound Hammer

lastly Ullr:
I'm actually crossin…
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June 09, 2019

Z-A: Xing Ting

Views: 2044 Devampi
So time to cross the next one of the list.

Xian ting was kinda new for me. Had played him several times not really understanding his kit before I quitted.

But damn does he have a good Kit. Only gotta get some CDR (mostly via boots) as is quite long.
SO ability thoughts:

Smouldering Rage is quite decent too regen up with. Unless you think to get use from it during a fight. It's pretty much meant for healing up after trades or fights.

Furious Roar Howly hell is this ability good. For me it is pretty much first maxed ability. The reason why is because it not only does a nice bit of damage upfront followed by a max hp % DoT, for that wave clear. It also gives you a damage reduction to basic attacks, which is quite great and honestly is a harder peel than the following ability if there is not a mage trying to blow someone up.

Hook Slam really easy to hit and actually for some reason I proc beads with it a lot for some reason. Probably something I should have maxed first, however th…
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June 02, 2019

Z-A: Zeus & Ymir

Views: 2106 Devampi
So I'm back again and I sped up a little bit mostly cause ascension weekend and game modes etc.

So let's start out with Zeus

played a joust matched that remind me why I never really played him. even before aegis shield rework (or the removal of his stun on detonate. I am sucky at him if someone can stick on me. however it got better in the clash and arena games I played (with the SF peeps). My damage output was quite decent most games.

So for his abilities not much to say about the reworked aegis shield it helps a lot. making him more classified as a burst mage instead of the weird burst hybrid mage he was before, while still keeping his AA importance in their.

I do enjoy him quite a bit compared to earlier even though I'm still slightly bad at him. also had a fun ult during a Xing Tian ult

moving on to Ymir:

well he didn;t change apart from feeling a little bit slower. also this was during conquest and remembered me that smite support is weird af until teamfighting in which …
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May 28, 2019

Z-A: Zhong Kui

Views: 1662 Devampi
Hello again. as you may have noticed on the title I have sorta done my Z-A challenge. and I kinda changed the rules a bit for myself. At this point I have played some Zhong Kui and in my opinion enough of it.

So I haven't really touched conquest with him, mostly since I didn't really feel like it and probably will be relearning CQ in the hunter role. I actually prefer this role because I have a better idea how to build there. and Instead of limiting myself to CQ for this I actually played him in multiple game modes. Mostly joust I believe 2 games of clash and a game assault. Since he was already quite known to me from earlier I feel like I can end his chapter now with a small overview.

To start of I love the new Demon Bag it works a lot better and still can give you the problem of running empty on it with the ult (which normally removed all the ult stacks) and dying. A welcoming change that doesn't make me wanna make me spam the VGS.

Also because of the old stacking mechanics I ha…
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May 23, 2019

I have been diving into the past.

Views: 1208 Devampi
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Hello and welcome once again to my weekly blog (I totally didn't miss several days or this didn't take me several days (By the point of finishing this it was weeks maybe even a month) honestly idk how long it's going to take to write this one). I wanted to give a small update of what I have been doing.

First let's start with a smite update. Haven't had much time to play. Maybe played around 3 matches. However, I told Bran I felt quite rusty. Well it seems it's not me that's rusty but more that I can't handle my non gaming setup (read laptop). So I think apart from hitting basics as an ADC (probably need to remove the hit bracket as it might be throwing me off when basic attacking). Still takes a bit of practise looking at the fact I only played 2 adc games. abilities are going pretty fine again (may have missed an achilles' shield stun on one of the gods I was trying to stun that should have been in range if I placed it pixel perfect).
Problem is I won;t be playing it a lot soon, beca…
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