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Devampi's Blog
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September 27, 2015

I'm so rusty

Views: 3966 Devampi
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DC  |  rust  |  Steam
So I have played some matches smite (2 to be exact) again with Green (no solo queue because I just pushed start queue and green came online so I asked him to play). And well I really feel that my play feels rusty.
I partly also think this comes because Green has a way higher elo then me. I'm not blaming it on the NA server (as I am EU) because I didn't notice lag (I don't know the ping but was probably around 120 as I normally have)

first of I have started to use steam smite. This allows me to track my time playing the game better. And for some reason I can play Smite without getting kicked out in the loading screen on max (while last time normal client I needed to play on the lowest settings).

So we queued up and got into our first game. I ended up calling solo (I had choice out of sup and solo). I decided to try Bellona (partly because masteries). Green took Thanatos and we invaded them getting both 1 of the kills (with the 1st blood to me) I take their blue and go to lane (green…
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September 06, 2015

My first guide

Views: 1704 Devampi
+Rep | Report
here  |  It's
I just published my first guide. I hope it's a bit good if you noticed I missed something tell me so I can add it XD. I hope it will be helpfull (probably not as I haven't been really helpful lately XD (or at least thats how I feel))

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September 01, 2015
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a  |  but  |  carry  |  not  |  support
So as the title suggest I played some solo queue. I decided to fill and for the first time in a while (normally I end up adc or top when filling but well the support rotation was meh)) and well I picked nami (who I never played before) instead of taric (who I had played before) making our team super squishy (with a riven top) but the other team had the same problem so all good.

And well in the end we did win and then I saw something (search for it yourself on the picture)full stats (don't call me out on bad skill builds or items)

I managed to get the highest net worth. As a support that I never played and didn't play as well as I normally did. I overtook the other nami with double the amount of gold. So I just carried a game as a support (and I did make horrible mistakes for one and had no runes.). And well I was surprised I had top net worth for one.
(also for people who look at the full match link and notice I didn't buy a lot of wards the pink ward never got taken down and well si…
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August 13, 2015

Dev making a guide

Views: 3206 Devampi
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a  |  big  |  coming  |  Dota  |  Howly  |  LoL  |  maybe  |  mistakes  |  never  |  references  |  saw  |  Shiiiiieeeet  |  this
As the title suggest I have finally got myself together to make a guide. After ~1.5 years being here I'm finally going to do it the thing what I had in mind when I came to this site. Making a guide.

I'm not going to tell you guys what sort of guide etc (or am I? at least probably not in this blog post itself though :P) So you guys will need to wait.

However do expect a really bad Coded guide coming your way. which will maybe make it look ugly we will see. and a lot of grammar mistakes and probably a lot of other guide related things. Maybe I won't even dare to publish it because of this so maybe I made this announcement for nothing. We will all see in time.

one thing I'm going to spoil too expect references to LoL but mostly Dota as I have tendencies to mention things from them (e.g. saying MMR instead of elo)

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July 31, 2015

Back to smite

Views: 2193 Devampi
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Birthday  |  changes  |  here  |  insert  |  other  |  relevant  |  smiting  |  tags  |  yourself
So first of It's my Birthday :D

and second as the title suggests I'm going back to smite again. it doesn't mean I will play it a lot as Dota 2 will still be my main game to go as well most of my irl friends play it. But yes I'm going back to smite if I'm bored and I can get my brother to join in a game or 2 (because you won't see me solo queue because I don't enjoy solo queue especially with the toxticity in MOBA's)

And those () brought me to how long I will be playing the game. if the toxicity has grown a lot (when I started 1 in the 20 games of CQ you found a toxic person. when I left 1 in 3 games of CQ and even 1 in 15 games of assault had them) there is a high chance I'm going back to Dota or even LoL a whole lot faster. the reputation of them being very toxic isn't true (for me at least). haven't seen any toxic person in my recent LoL matches and haven't seen a really big toxic person in dota lately too if we don't count salty russians (and also take the part of those games have…
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