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Devampi's Blog
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July 24, 2019

Z-A: Rama to Neith

Views: 1663 Devampi
Just an update for those still interested. Most of these guys didn't really change So I can keep it kinda short.

Rama one of my favorite adcs with his astral arrows. Do need to get used to actually using his attack speed buff more often. However had great games sniping people like I used too.

Raijin well I remember playing him before however I now know a lot better how he works. especially Raiju. I finally know how he works. Also Bran witnessed me failing the ultimate because I remembered multiple cast options however left click fires the normal shot and the others are on the ability keys. However I thought on my right mouse button so I canceled my ult a lot of times.

Ra good old times almost lvl 3 on him now and yes he was the highest lvl god I had before. However with building he plays differently and more heal focused.

Poseidon never really played him however I will never undervalue his Trident again. that thing can do damage and really helps for stacking the passive too. …
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July 11, 2019

Z-A: Sun Wukong to Rat

Views: 1533 Devampi
So I could have made a huge title with all the god names again however from Sun to Rat is like 9 gods.

First of I do want to thank gulf for relearning assassin tactics to me (which I utterly failed at in team fights.

So Sun Wukong didn't change at all. Actually felt like he does damage to during full tank. and had a lot of fun with the sith skin during the 2 games I played with him.

Sol one of the basic attack mages. Never been really good at them, mostly cause I'm from the adc crit days. However did better than expected. Only hate to target the ult path.

Sobek played one game as he didn't really change. let's myst it up hwoever I had teammates that focused the thorns Kuzenbo even though I pulled him out of our team to prevent that.

Skadi: hoping she gets that buff I feel like kaldr is way to weak making her ult also quite weak. people focus kaldr quite quickly as he is on top of them like a warrior. And if you want to ult he can already be back next to you. Also for teamfigh…
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July 02, 2019
So that's a big title, well I have more time to play so it is going a bit quicker.
let's start

The Morrigan:
Pretty much the god that can be anyone in the game. A pretty nice ultimate however team and enemy dependent.

So her passive is nice only hard to utilize during a combo unless you start of with it.

her 1 is a straight forward stun quite fun to spam the animation.

her 2 is a great to start the combo of with and can even pressure people away.

So honestly while playing as the morrigan I have to say she feels like kind of an assassin only it's hard for her to actually do it with 2 damaging abilities.

well don;t really have to cover Thanatos as he didn;t change apart from building. Also I failed so many scythes.

Damn what a load of text. Also so many thing you can do with her dash. it took me a while to understand what everything did (mostly her ult)

Sylvanus an old goldy only have to practise the grab, had a great game pulling people into Hades ulti

Susano was a…
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June 28, 2019

Z-A: Thoth & Thor

Views: 2521 Devampi
So I have quite transitioned into doing the challenge in arena mostly cause it allows you to get decently build up so I see more of the god and I care less about teammates if I'm not a guardian (or warrior).

So while I'm not done playing Thoth yet probably (howly hell he can be fun) I feel like slightly speeding up my challenge and if you ask me thoth is pretty straight forward. Even though I messed a lot up (like lvling order) and did quite the damage. did die a lot because of a lvl 3 misscast (right into the enemy team) and odin

His passive is quite straight forward pretty much a stacking item for pen and it gives some neat pen early which hurts combined with pen boots.

his one is what does the damage especially combined with 3 however even without 3 it can be used for some neat damage

I derped his 2 thinking it was like Rama etc. Ended up being like it however I miscasted it the first time cause latency didn;t register me going backwards on cast. totally forgot it also passes t…
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June 25, 2019
So this blog is going to be more than only discussing Tyr. I'm also going to recap on things I noticed or have been troubled with.

First of Tyr:
To say it easily I suck at him. after losing all 4 games I had 2 games with a decent performance IMO allowing me to move on for now. He started of feeling slower then I remember, or well his ult did for travel time (not wind up)

Also I learned a lot about Tyr I never knew. I wonder if more stuff was changed apart from his switch stance being available like Chug and other stance switchers.

So starting off his passive Unyielding, I honestly never noticed this passive (until Ymir in a match), however it's quite strong. Don't know how it interact with CCR, however I think it won't do as much unless the effect is 1 sec or shorter.

Not much to say on Fearless apart from I never noticed it having a disarm effect.

Power Cleave also not much to say. healing on it is still insane. Not sure if the knock up/knock back that it has now was like…
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