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Patch 4.15 Patch Notes (Mid Season, Part 3) - Bran's Thoughts

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Forum » General Discussion » Patch 4.15 Patch Notes (Mid Season, Part 3) - Bran's Thoughts 26 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UlisesFRN » August 10, 2017 2:27am | Report
Soooo...Does anyone knows what chest will contain that awesome hypercool artemis new skin?Cause i want to get it but my luck is nonexistent here :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by newbiemj » August 10, 2017 7:06am | Report
Those skins look awesome. Looking forward to Skadi's and Kukulkan even though I don't play him. Generally, I am content with the changes for the most part I think.

Can't believe Deathbringer dropped that much in price. Should see it more now I would think.

Ichaival and Silverbranch- I am okay with.

Asi- I am happy, as I get that usually with Skadi. Now a more true bridge item.

Bloodforge- Meh 50 gold isn't much. Still pretty pricey.

The Executioner- Unsure why the slight buff. But I guess the reason given (nerf to Ichaival/Silverbranch) makes sense as you build Ichaival and Exe together or sub each other.

% penetration- Interesting...really cheap....almost gonna have to get these all the time now since it is so cost efficient.

Stone of Gaia- They don't know what they want with this item. Probably only good for Assault only again.

Shifter's Shield- This is probably more a nerf to Assassins than to Warriors as warriors can just get other magical protections. This was usually just the only defensive item Assassins got so now they are more susceptible to mages. Would be nice if could limit to just Assassin/Hunters.

Gladiator's Shield- Might be a bit much of a protection decrease, but I could see why and it still seems solid. It provides so much other stuff that the protections are the only thing you could nerf. The power is 15.. put that any lower, probably would never get even though would probably get BoV instead which offers no power. Nerf the CDR, would be bad to as it is a cheaper way to get some CDR. Magical gods get even cheaper CDR from Sands of Time, physical gods should get something they can use like that. Can't really change the passive. This is what makes it an unique item. So the only thing to nerf is the protections. 35 protections isn't bad still by any means. I mean the item is only 1700 gold while the other alternative to get usually is Breastplate of Valor which is 2300 gold. All depends if you want to wait out for 600 more gold or not.

Heartseeker- should help it out with the price decrease and power increase.

God changes:

No idea about Artio as haven't played her yet...still waiting for that console update.. question. Can you cancel Entangling Vines early? If so, the increase in CD is good. If not, could be kind of long as fully upgraded it is 6 seconds long.. if used and everyone escapes, basically would have to wait 20 seconds to get it (the 6 seconds from use, then 14 second CD). Granted she should have CDR in item builds so could mitigate it.

Camazotz- Unsure, seems okay though.

Freya- Just can't make up their mind can they. Would you rather have this change or reduce the power of Pulse back to the previous state and keep the attack speed at 1? I think this would be okay for her.

Rama- Good, don't like playing against him..haha

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 10, 2017 9:51am | Report
@Tlaloc I was just spewing what HR said, since I was typing as I was watching the stream...but yeah, if I thought about it I would have known.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » August 11, 2017 7:26am | Report
I was going to post this in the "official" patch notes thread, but thought it would fit better here.

All in all I like the changes except for that Charon skin. I'm more of a subdued, earthy-toned person and that visual assault is, just wow. Unfortunately I can see HR removing it because of the out-cry by homophobic players and those who say it's discriminatory against homosexual men - there's already a huge outcry in the comments of the video HR posted about this skin. Ah, well, I guess we'll see how things go once the patch has dropped.

Edit: forgot about the Stone of Gaia "change": I didn't particularly like the item before and I see little to no reason to use it now.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » August 11, 2017 8:15am | Report
There's no way they'd remove it because of genuinely homophobic comments, those don't deserve any attention. That said, the voicelines of the skin are so over the top that I could see why some people feel like Hi-Rez are playing into the stereotype a little too much (which isn't a good thing for homosexual men).

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » August 11, 2017 9:12am | Report
I don't understand what this "mages are underwhelming" is all about. I got 1-shot by a Janus ult in Assault a while back. It was embarrassing but the thing did over 2k damage and 100-0'd me instantly (just respawned as well ...).

And mages in general are just really powerful, so idk why they're making them even stronger... Hi-Rez must really love the Mage class... (secretly everyone at Hi-Rez is a Mage main).

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » August 11, 2017 11:32am | Report
Gladiators shield needed the nerf. It was being picked up on almost every solo laner every game. Lots of cheap good stats and the passive let you easily bully out other solos especially if they didnt have it.

It also scales decently well into late game as its a max percentage heal in addition to the fact that it procs once of each enemy hit with an ability so gods like SWK could easily get huge heals off


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 11, 2017 12:28pm | Report
newbiemj wrote:

Asi- I am happy, as I get that usually with Skadi. Now a more true bridge item.

Freya- Just can't make up their mind can they. Would you rather have this change or reduce the power of Pulse back to the previous state and keep the attack speed at 1? I think this would be okay for her.

Asi is a bridge item, but it's also one of those that, depending on build, can be a mainstay as well, sort of like how Ichaival had enough to it that it was still effective late-game. You'd think that, in a Transcendence build, switching it out for something like Bloodforge would have a clear-cut DPS increase, but at least in my number-crunching, it wasn't always the case, and depended a lot on the rest of the items built. So to me, it's in line with bridge items regarding price, isn't as OP as Ichaival was at early points of a match, but has significant relevance throughout a match if built correctly.
xZeroStrike wrote:

I don't understand what this "mages are underwhelming" is all about.

Same. I felt mages were fine...just because some of the tanks could outlast a mage's burst is a reason for them to buff mages? Maybe Cu Chulainn should actually be slightly nerfed, and don't make Artio OP when you release her?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » August 12, 2017 9:45am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

There's no way they'd remove it because of genuinely homophobic comments, those don't deserve any attention. That said, the voicelines of the skin are so over the top that I could see why some people feel like Hi-Rez are playing into the stereotype a little too much (which isn't a good thing for homosexual men).

While I agree, there are plenty of SJWs (and I hate using that term, but it fits) who are offended on "behalf of gay men". From a brief perusing of the YouTube comments, it seemed most self-professed gay men loved the skin and expressed interest in buying it. I guess we'll see what HR decides to do with the skin. I hope they keep it, if only to annoy those idiots who spoke out against it on anything other than aesthetic reasons. I have no problem with the skin aside from thinking it's a bit too colorful, but that doesn't mean I would begrudge someone wearing it, unlike some of the comments I read where people mentioned they would laugh spam anybody who did after they killed the wearer in-game. But some people are *******s who can't tolerate others who don't think the way they do.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » August 12, 2017 11:12am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

there are plenty of SJWs (and I hate using that term, but it fits) who are offended on "behalf of gay men".

For the record, those aren't the people I'm referring to when I'm talking about "genuinely homophobic" comments - in fact, if anything they're the opposite.

Having said that, I don't think it'd be fair to assume that everyone who really dislikes this skin is a SJW just because some of the Youtube comments are from gay people who do like it; after all, I personally find the execution of the voice lines very poor as well (as mentioned) :P

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