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The OP 3

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Forum » General Discussion » The OP 3 41 posts - page 1 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » October 14, 2013 12:25am | Report
I have had enough of these three.

Hercules, Freya, and Neith. They are, as far as I am concerned, the most overpowered Gods to ever exist. I've said this so many times, but now it's not just them that pisses me off.

It is that Hi-Rez has done nothing to fix them, at all. In fact, they even made Freya better by adding Telkhine's Ring and Asi.

The worst part, is that balancing them would be SO EASY. Allow me to explain:

Freya: Literally all you need to do is reduce her damage. When they made her all magical, they did just that, and the values they reduced her to balanced her out. But then they brought her back to her old values, and now she can 2-3 shot whoever the hell she wants, has her insane Ult that does far too much damage, and the fact that she can be fixed so easily is infuriating.

Hercules: His Mitigate Wounds needs a nerf out the ***. If a God can get into battle with up to 3 Gods, and all he needs to do is pop a single ability to get a kill or two and leave unscathed, then there is a problem. That skill needs to not heal as much, maybe only healing up to 50% of the damage taken.

Another problem is his Ultimate. No bruiser should have a long-ranged ability that can do 1k+ damage that can hit more than once. It needs a nerf.

His other abilities, as far as I am concerned, can be reverted to the way that they once were. His Driving Strike used to stun under certain conditions, but stunning no matter what is ridiculous.

Neith: So much needs to be done to her. Her nerfs aren't as easy, but this is what I think should be done to her.

1. Her Backflip should have a charge up period and/or not do damage.
2. Her root from Spirit Arrow should not last as long as it does, and the skill itself should not have as much damage.
3. Unravel should have the slightest nerf to the healing, and the attack speed nerf should be dropped considerably.
4. Her base attack power and speed should be nerfed by a miniscule amount.

I am convinced that Hi-Rez purposely refuses to nerf these Gods as well as the other OP Gods, and this is my theory on why:

These Gods are supposed to the "Oh look at these powerful Gods, now come play our game!" examples that bring people in. They are the easy, super-high damage Gods that set a standard for people who don't know the game.

This pisses me off even more than you can fathom. Honestly, this is pathetic on Hi-Rez's part. At the cost of a balanced game, they purposely destroy the balance to bring in players. Absolutely pathetic, and it is hurting the players who have to go up against these Gods and potentially do not stand a chance.

There are other Gods, like Vamana and Thor, who could also be nerfed easily.

These three Gods make me feel like Hi-Rez is throwing a big "**** YOU" to their players.

What do you guys think? This problem with these Gods is honestly making me want to quit Smite.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UnknownPandr » October 14, 2013 12:33am | Report
Damn, you waste no time.

I have to agree with all of this, really the only way to counter them is to shut them down early game. Problem is, there just too powerful and even if you shut them down a few kills gets them into golden glory


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Demolibium » October 14, 2013 12:36am | Report
I agree about neith and the damage that freya can give with just some items built on her is ridiculous(myself being a freya player), but with hercules the thing is, he is not as easy as the other 2. It is very easy to screw up with him, though he is OP.... agreed, but he is not easy as well, he requires some "skill".
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » October 14, 2013 12:39am | Report
He might not be as easy, but he still needs a nerf because he is extremely overpowered.

I just realized something. Here comes ICEN...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » October 14, 2013 12:46am | Report
Honestly, out of those three, Freya is the one I'd agree with most.

I can agree with Freya because of the massive damage she outputs. Every time I see myself going against a Freya, I always think the worst because of past experiences going against her. I never like to call OP on anything unless it's completely obvious, but yeah, Freya is definitely up there a bit.

Neith, to be honest, has always been kind of a half and half to me. At times, she is a real pain in the *** to deal with. At other times, she's really not that big of a deal to me, but I definitely understand peoples' frustration with her.

As for Herc, I honestly can't say I've run into too many problems with him. I can't say I definitely discount the issues people have with him. It's just that I can't say I know the situation of him being a real pain to deal with.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » October 14, 2013 1:09am | Report
Is it just me or i feel all gods are balanced in some way XD?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » October 14, 2013 1:57am | Report
Meh neith just needs a bit less cc. Not an AoE root and not as long as it is now.

Herc would be fine if he was killable. But if i build stone of gaia on him in can walk though 5 player
Just stand there and spamm laugh for 10 seconds and they still haven't killed meand i can just walk back because it would take them 1minute to kill me then there is something wrong with him.

Freya needs less damage and a better escape. Not more and no less.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Schaine » October 14, 2013 2:11am | Report
I disagree on Freya, and i know im pretty alone with that ;). But Shes squishy, squishy, squishy

I play Her, agni and Neith, agni being my best, then neith, then freya, and I know how to play her at least a bit. Im not yet really good with her, but I do not misplay her. Agni (whos also, but not as much squishy) is way easyier to play. Freyas escapes are very skill-based (Skill-3) and she is very mana-dependant early game. I believe that there are other gods that need to be nerfed. F.e. Loki, who always has a statline like 20-5-10 after every game. Dont know if only good palyers play Loki, but he feeds so fast, and kills even faster. Freya isnt even close to that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 14, 2013 2:43am | Report
I also disagree on Freya being overpowered to the degree to which you claim.

2 factors:

1. Lack of an escape. Her Banish, true, can assist as much as one of Artemis' traps, but you need to be lucky to hit more than one opponent. She's squishy and has no escape.

2. Lack of area damage. She's really meant for one-on-one fights, and yes, I agree that her damage is insane there. But in any teamfight or anything depending on hitting multiple opponents at a decent distance, she suffers from the Artemis problem; where your single-target damage restricts your usefulness in late-game.

I do agree that she feels and plays as overpowered, but she's not some kind of miracle goddess. I also agree that most of her problem is in the damage.

As for her ult's damage? When they nerf Poseidon's ult's damage, and Agni's ult's damage, then I'd be concerned with her ultimate.

---End of response/Beginning of addition---

I'm honestly surprised that Agni isn't here. He has a undodgeable stun (no exaggeration), stupid amounts of damage, but the thing that really pisses me off is that he has an escape.

A mage with his CC, utility, damage, and such should NOT have an escape! It's a basic principle that high damage gods should be squishy, and Agni has THE fastest and longest dash in the game. What. The. ****?

You can run from Ymir! You can dodge Isis! But from Agni, you simply can't avoid the damn stun!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » October 14, 2013 3:43am | Report
Freya may put out a lot of damage but take into consideration that that is a skill , she can't use that all the time . She was meant to be an assassin (magical) and she has 1 vs 1 insane damage JUST AS Bakasura or Loki or any other assassin .A Loki can still kill you even before you even reach for 3 or 1 on your keyboard .And she very squishy , her only escape being her Banish , you may even miss that, while Bakasura has his leap , Loki his Vanish or in times of great need his Assassinate .So I find it fair that she puts out all that damage because she doesn't have an escape except her 3 and maybe ultimate (I hardy use it as an escape) .

If you get focused you can't do anything .If a Loki get focused he can't find his way out while you can .

About her ultimate ... Subzero008 is right here , if her ultimate puts out "a lot of damage" or "it's overpowered" this means that Poseidon's or Agni's or Anubis' or he bo}] are <insert-something-greater-than-over>powered .Her ulti does not apply a slow or stun , just does damage from a decent distance and it's a great finisher . But the damage isn't even close to [[Poseidon's .

So yeah , I find Freya just fine and I'm trying not to be think this as a Freya player .

Hercules does heavy damage and he is like a mobile Aegis Amulet , I really REALLY want this guy to get a nerf .He can just 2+1+4 and you are done while you can waste all your abilities on him and he will get little to no damage .

I've encountered a herc in 1 vs 1 and I built my Athena full mage .I killed him early game and I thought :"meh ,this will be easy" as he was the 1st herc to encounter in 1 vs 1.

But after 5th minute or so I couldn't even get the guy under 1/2 hp and he was taking damage from my flaming minions , from my tower , and from me using all I got .And his built had no magical protection .

As for Neith , I think I hate this stripper the most out of all the gods except Chronos .When you thought you've got her she just turns around facing you and you hear the annoying as hell backflip sound , then she is using her 2 on that whatever wave and there , she is back full hp .Her 1 does damage + stun .Her 2 has a slow(I think) +damage + healing . Her 3 has a slow + damage + easiest escape in the game .Her ultimate is global , has decent damage and HAS A STUN !This stripper here + Chronos I , personally, would just remove them from the game if I had the power to do so .


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