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PROS -Some of best laning in game, because you clear, heal your own wave, and deal massive damage all at the same time -Very good self-healing -Laning bully, if he is in a lane you have to kill him to win -Incredibly dangerous to any mages, hunters, or assassins -CC on 3 out of 4 abilities -Great damage |
CONS -Long cooldowns -Somewhat bursty -Neutered without mana -Players with knowledge of Hades can counter you by hanging back and waiting for the right moment to attack |
In general, warriors are a stalemate against Hades. Sometimes it is possible to outplay them, but they are usually to tough to kill. However, very few warriors are actually a threat because you can heal yourself and your wave.
Biggest Threats: Sun Wukong,
Mages are a mixed bag when it comes to laning. Some are easliy bullied out of farm and killed, like Change and Zhong Kui. Others have safe clear and healing, like Ra and Aphrodite. One or two are a pain in the @ss to deal with, like Posiedon and Isis. The best way to fight them is to know how they work and how they clear waves.
Biggest Threats: Aphrodite,
Poseidon(why isnt Poseidon in the mid? Who knows, but if he is solo its gonna be a long game)
Assasins are usually a free kill every once in a while, but you have to know how they work, just like mages. As an example, fighting a Loki is different than fighting a Bakasura. Learn it, live it, kill it.
Biggest Threat: Loki (You might think you are out laning him, but he can shred you easily)
There are a few hunters that Hades cannot deal with, mostly the ones with good waveclear (duh you say, those are the solo ones). The reason for this is because they clear from a distance, keep at a distance, and deal damage from a distance. A smart Ullr will shut Hades down completely, so be wary of hunters in general until you know that you can outpoke them.
Biggest Threat: Ullr
Other Guardians
These lane matchups are just slapfights, plain and simple. Both of you will do some damage, you will heal back up and they will mitigate it. It is likely that you will not get a 1v1 kill against another guardian for the entire game.
Biggest Threat: Hades
This is as of the beginning of Season 2, things might change in the future.
Starting Items:
Vampiric Shroud (Conquest only)
Hand of the Gods Rank 1
Shoes of Focus Rank 1
Mana Potion
Ward (Conquest only)
Shoes of Focus
This item gives early game mana ,CDR, and power. Pretty simple.
Your second item is a bit flexible...
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Auto Attacks: (*pew*... *pew*... *pew*) Auto Attacks aren't an ability, but they are just as important as his other skills. These are one of the most important ways to spread ![]() ![]() |
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Death from Below: (Enter From Behind ;D) This is a pretty straightforward skill. ![]() ![]() |
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Shroud of Darkness: ("FEAR ME!") While his 3rd ability is his bread and butter, ![]() |
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Pillar of Agony: (Give Hades a Hug!) This is Hades' most well known ability. Everyone and their mother knows of the horrors of being sucked closer to the scary purple dude. This ability is a wonderful teamfight ability for the obvious reason: it stops enemies in their tracks, allowing for allies to attack them. However, when fighting by yourself this should not be your opening move. ![]() ![]() NOTE: In order for ![]() ![]() |
Death From Below-
Devour Souls
Basic waveclear, leaves you without escape. If Death From Below hits an enemy god, then minions will attack you instead, clustering up and making
Devour Souls more effective.
Shroud of Darkness-
Devour Souls
Waveclear that saves your escape, use when outmatched or playing safe.
Auto Attacks- Shroud of Darkness
Simple CC. applies fear and lets you manhandle them.
Death From Below-
Shroud of Darkness-
Devour Souls
Use this to bully an enemy out of a waveclear or poke them. Same as first combo, but fearing/silencing them inbetween.
Death From Below-
Shroud of Darkness
Best way to set up kills or start a fight. use Death From Below and come up behind them, then quickly fear them.
Death From Below-
Shroud of Darkness-
Devour Souls-Auto Attacks-
Pillar of Agony:
GG. Use Death From Below and come up behind them, then quickly fear them. Devour souls will do damage and heal you. Auto Attack to apply Blight again, then use ulti to finish them off.
Conquest Solo
Early Game:
The first 5 minutes of a game are your most passive play. During this time your first priority is to stay alive and clear waves (simple but important). You should level your 3rd ability as soon as possible in order to clear waves. The faster you clear waves the faster you heal and get a leg up on your opponent. When wave clearing, give your opponent hell by healing your own wave. This will force them to use more mana and burn through their cooldowns.
Mid Game:
After you are fed, and have your first three items you are a threat to anyone. You do not have enough damage to gank someone from full health in most situations, but you are still dangerous. Hades ganks always lead to a kill if you initiate at the right time and set up the kill for your mid/ADC teammates. DO NOT forget to farm. Do not fall behind by ganking to much.
Late Game:
This is where Hades starts to see good and bad things. The good is that you can kill anyone on the other team. The bad is that you are the center of attention. Pick your battles, and do not be afraid to play a support role in a teamfight, setting up kills for your teammates.
Of course you cant always play Hades, so here are a few tips for when you are playing against him.
-Hades is all about ability damage, so the cooldown in-between abilities is when he is weakest. The best time to poke or attack Hades is after he uses Devour Souls to heal himself.
-Hades has a somewhat predictable initiate. In lane, he will always try to be in and among the minions, since Devour Souls does more damage there. DO NOT stand in your minion wave while fighting Hades.
-I mentioned that Shield of the Underworld is amazing on Hades. It is also good against him. Use
Shield of the Underworld against damage Hades while he is using
Pillar of Agony for best results.
-Hades is a self healer, so he is vulnerable to anti healing items and actives like Brawler's Beat Stick,
Divine Ruin,
Pestilence, and
Weakening Curse. Be careful! He is still dangerous, just easier to kill.
2/2/15: Added changes, added notes on waveclear in conquest section, added details to Pros.
2/4/15: Fixed typo in Combos section
2/15/15: Added Active items and their descriptions
3/11/15: Added Book of Thoth, Warlock's Sash, Wrath of Gods, And Shielded Teleport/Teleport to Gods
4/8/15: Added tank build as per CarmelitaFoxy request, go get 'em buddy
4/14/15: Added "Other Player" builds
4/27/15: Fixed problem that made Actives and 2 build tabs unviewable.
10/2015: Began the process of updating the guide...
1/29/16: Tons of changes! This guide is now "Hella Hades: Solo Lane Bully" instead of "Hella Hades: Solo Lane Lifesteal"
9/14/16: Swapped spear of magus for Obsidian Shard, updated relics
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I essentially follow the order skills are grabbed in as your guide. I have a little bit of extra max health and protections so I am not completely defenseless. Once in a while I might swap out the
P.S. Sorry for long explanation, thought it might help show the full purpose of my build. :)
Builds arent set in stone, so a damage item can be swapped around depending on the enemy team. I would pick up
Oh how things have changed lol. IVe grown much more fond of
Really nice guide!
I like a lot your tank build.
Only one question : do you really consider the
If you end up with 3500 HP, your
Builds arent set in stone, so a damage item can be swapped around depending on the enemy team. I would pick up
I like a lot your tank build.
Only one question : do you really consider the
If you end up with 3500 HP, your
He gets a lot of healing from his 3 and vampiric shrouc
He does plenty of dmg with out penetrations if you blight them before you ult. Also always try to lure them to their minions for explosion dmg and healing.
Blighting an enemy before
Another reason you will need penetration is because the build you posted does not have high enough magic power to not have to worry about protections.
@Talbacca, how in the heck do you play solo
He gets a lot of healing from his 3 and vampiric shrouc
He does plenty of dmg with out penetrations if you blight them before you ult. Also always try to lure them to their minions for explosion dmg and healing.
@Liverslices, you need to hit publish in order for others to see your changes. Currently viewers don't see
This was my mistake, I forgot to "publish" after I added more. I only hit save. Thanks!
Totally disagree with this guide.
My solo build:
*Last item can be replaced with something situational of course.
--High HP
--Med protections
--Pop both actives before Ulti for high protections
--Med power but enough to kill early/mid game and set up kills for team mates late game
--Full cool down
Totally disagree? That's a bit harsh... MY build is more mage oriented, YOUR build is a bruiser and frontliner.
They both have their pros and cons. You can look at my Magic Bruiser tab to see my take on a bruiser.
My solo build:
*Last item can be replaced with something situational of course.
--High HP
--Med protections
--Pop both actives before Ulti for high protections
--Med power but enough to kill early/mid game and set up kills for team mates late game
--Full cool down