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One of the hardest things to do is figure out if you need 2 health or 2 mana potions as you can only buy 3. If you were to have communication with your solo laner, they might be able to tell you the chances of getting the Totem of Ku which can help out, but you can never be sure in my experience.
Book of Thoth is an absolute. If you don't build it you are doing Kuku wrong as far as I am concerned. You can get by without Polynomicon, but it will help you out so much if you use it in conjunction with Zephyr.
For the most part, these are just going to boost your damage pretty drastically as well as providing other useful effects
These are the only items I generally consider when looking for penetration. Generally the 20% as well as some flat pen here and there from everything else in the Magic Focus tree
These are the items that I will buy when I want their auxiliary effects
Sell shoes for Rod of Tahuti at the end of the game. Alternatively you could do Chronos Pendant to reach your 40% CDR or a doom orb to capitalize on already being super speedy.
It has been brought to my attention that it may not be the best to build both Polynomicon and Soul gem. Alternatively, especially in cases where the enemy has built anti-heal so your already small life-steal is minimized further, you can build Chronos' Pendant for even greater CDR as well as extra power compared to Soul Gem
Tap each threat level to view Kukulkan’s threats
After nearly 5 years this guy is still Kuku for Cocoa Puffs. Who knows just how long this guy will continue in his search for the chocolate spheres. My guess is as good as yours, but I'd say it'll either be until he finds them or the mayans go back and rename him.
Enough about the Cocoa Puffs though. What about the snake how thirsts for them? Well, he is a floating noodle that does a lot of damage, perhaps even too much. That's about it, all you need to know.
Does slightly more than a little bit of damage
Super fast with Slipstream
Good tower push
Has a fantastic ultimate, for many reasons
Passive gives an extra item's worth of power
No real escape. Just speed and damage
Susceptible to Shield of Thorns
No hard CC
Itemization for Kuku can be really simple or a little more complex, depending on how you want to play or what you need. Generally speaking, the example builds cover all the items I buy, but there are cases where other items will help you out more. So on to the items!
Core Items |
Raw Power |
Penetration |
Utility |
Early game: In season 7 you have enough time to comfortably kill the speed buff and still get to the first wave in time to hit level 2 after finishing it, especially with an ability like Whirlwind. It is also important to note that with the minions standing closer together makes it even easier for you to clear waves. That being said, great wave-clear comes with great mana costs. Continues wave-clear as normal with some added things here and there.
Ah, yes, the other things you need to keep in mind. First off one of the best things you can do in my experience is to not be excessive with your mana usage until you get the extra 15 Mp5 from Book of Thoth. That said, Whirlwind is a necessity for clearing waves, the fire-giant side mid-harpies, and the red buff and should be used freely as such. It would be overkill to use Whirlwind on the Fold Fury side harpies which can easily be dealt with using a Zephyr and a few basics. While you might be able to get a kill over time, you should be careful using your abilities as a means of fighting your opponent until you get items online. After you get a little bit of Mp5, you can go all out poking at the enemy with Zephyr and Whirlwind so long as you can still wave-clear.
Second is wards. From the second you load into the game, you have a half ward in your relic slot. I cannot stress this enough: USE IT! Wards are such a powerful thing, especially one that is fee and disposable. I have taken a liking to using it to scout out when the enemy jungler first gets to my lane putting it down near the enemy tower on Fire-giant side. It can help you tell when you need to back up so you don't get blinked on and die.
As far as your ultimate goes early on, with 400 base damage at level 1, you will likely do half or more of the health of anyone you encounter, outside of the stray support, so it can be used to get kills. I find that it is really easy to dodge in lane unless there is the chaos of a gank, so I like to wait to use it for when I get jumped by the enemy jungler or the passing hard CC comes into my lane. I generally can't tell you how you should use your ult though.
Mid-Game: Going into the mid-game it is basically the same. Keep on farming, but know that you will get ganked and you will start doing a lot of damage. For me, if I've been doing well it either keeps going well or its a 4v1 in my lane at all times. Be careful with that and keep farming along. Know that Fire-giant side mid harpies can be risky but the gold fury side small ones are really easy for you to do. Additionally, I'm assuming this is around the time that you'll be pushing their tier 1 tower, or at the very least trying to and you should keep up with wards closer to whichever tower you think you are going to get ganked from.
Ganking. As someone who has played more support than anything, the most annoying thing is when the enemy mid-laner will not leave you alone. Kuku is fairly fast and can hit from a distance with his ultimate. Surprise ults from the jungle are very effective when aimed properly, and Whirlwinds in lane, especially when they overlap with walls, make for fantastic kill zones that the enemy has to walk through and die, or walk around and, hopefully, also die. As for ganking solo, I can't say I ever really do, but sometimes they might need the help and it might be worth your time to show your face.
Late game: The end of the game is a scary place, for both you and those that would oppose you. Kuku does absurd amounts of damage late game, and can easily drop 75% or more of an enemies health without even using Whirlwind or Spirit of the Nine Winds. He can also have the same done to him by basically anything outside of a guardian with 0 power. It is important to take refuge behind your own brick wall of damage as well as your brick walls of solo laners and supports.
One more thing that you should be aware of is being dove constantly to the point where you can't do anything. If it is the jungler who is diving you, you'll be able to make it a 1 for 1 trade with Whirlwind and and ultimate. If it is the solo laner or the support, though... may the gods smile upon you and your team is able to help you out enough.
As far as what goes on if sh*t isn't hitting the fan, you should know that Kuku is very powerful in the jungle due to the tight corridors and how easy that makes it to hit your abilities. That isn't to say kuku doesn't dish out the same amount of damage in a lane, it's just a lot easier to hit in the jungle. Generally if you see a good shot with your abilities, take it. Just remember that a good looking use of an aggressive ult can backfire and you lose your greatest defensive asset
This is my short crash course on Kuku so far. It'll be updated further with gamplay in the near future, but for now we at least have a build and ability descriptions.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope you liked it!
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That's it, good luck and I wish you the best! <3
Hopefully at least mentioning that it is a guide for playing mid helps out, but "He's Kuku for Cocoa Puffs" is an all time name and I would be sad to see it go.
Aside from that I've got matchups put in, so that is a start.
As for items I'll have to think of other viable options before I talk about those, but for now I'm thinking like a Stone of Fal could be good, so I'll probably get around to testing that at some point. With that and more BBCoding, I'm curious to see what happens with my guide at this point.
Thanks so much for the feedback!
I can see where they might not have "the best synergy" with each other, but they both still serve their functions. On other mages who don't get an extra 120+ power from their passive, it might prove less effective. The addition of Soul Gem is nice too due to the added 10% CDR which I believe makes up for the extra 100 damage you get on your ult with the higher power.
Additionally, tested on the Ra bot with the damage buff, with the soul gem proc, it would result in a 1-hit ko, doom orb brought him down extremely low, but still required a second basic to kill after the poly proc.
I guess overall it depends on what you want. On the occasion that soul gem does go off it helps you burst down the enemy that much faster, but when it doesn't proc you are at a slight disadvantage. I'll have to play around with it more, but it's always been effective for me
Thanks for correcting that. Supposing you'll read this almost a year later :)
Oh also you forgot to color Zephyr blue like the other abilities.
But yeah, still a good guide. +1 from me.