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How to play Da ji (Masters Jungler 8.0)

72 15 75,950
by archiebaker updated February 9, 2021

Smite God: Da Ji

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Da Ji Build

Start #1 (Check notes)

Notes Current meta start, Bumba's Dagger sustain helps Da Ji farm and get needed items online faster

Rushing Combat Boots helps you come online and hit power spikes sooner


Current meta start, Bumba's Dagger sustain helps Da Ji farm and get needed items online faster

Rushing Combat Boots helps you come online and hit power spikes sooner

Build Item Bumba's Dagger Bumba's Dagger
Build Item Combat Boots Combat Boots

Start #2 (Check notes)

Notes Not comfortable with 0 potions? Use this instead (especially if fresh off season 7)

However I recommend getting comfortable with Start #1


Not comfortable with 0 potions? Use this instead (especially if fresh off season 7)

However I recommend getting comfortable with Start #1

Build Item Bumba's Dagger Bumba's Dagger
Build Item Mace Mace
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Core items

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath

Burst endgame build

Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer

Brusier endgame build

Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer

Situational (Check notes)

Notes Brawler's Beat Stick - Need Antiheal VS Gods such as Ra or Set

Titan's Bane - Lots of physical protections on enemy team and you want damage

Void Shield - Lots of physical protections on enemy team and you want defense

Arondight - Wanting a bit more CDR and a lot of power as well as a passive to chase enemies after ulting

Magi's Cloak - Enemy gods have too much CC

Witchblade - Gives CDR, health, physical protections and a nice passive if you're diving the backline and not coming down from your ultimate

Bloodforge - A lot of power and a nice passive, pick up if you're getting a lot of kills and like the item


Brawler's Beat Stick - Need Antiheal VS Gods such as Ra or Set

Titan's Bane - Lots of physical protections on enemy team and you want damage

Void Shield - Lots of physical protections on enemy team and you want defense

Arondight - Wanting a bit more CDR and a lot of power as well as a passive to chase enemies after ulting

Magi's Cloak - Enemy gods have too much CC

Witchblade - Gives CDR, health, physical protections and a nice passive if you're diving the backline and not coming down from your ultimate

Bloodforge - A lot of power and a nice passive, pick up if you're getting a lot of kills and like the item

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Arondight Arondight
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge

Relic #1 (Level 1)

Notes Blink Rune - VS a safe midlaner with an escape or slow immunity such as Scylla or Ra to close the gap, same applies if you plan to focus the enemy ADC and they are safe in lane, such as Hachiman

Get Purification Beads if either:

Purification Beads - If the enemy support is likely to focus you AND you're unlikely to force the enemy mid laners' Purification Beads with your ultimate, (e.g. against a [[Scylla] who has a dash and a CC immune ultimate)

Purification Beads- You're VS a jungler that will happily run you to his entire team such as Fenrir or a Hun Batz


Blink Rune - VS a safe midlaner with an escape or slow immunity such as Scylla or Ra to close the gap, same applies if you plan to focus the enemy ADC and they are safe in lane, such as Hachiman

Get Purification Beads if either:

Purification Beads - If the enemy support is likely to focus you AND you're unlikely to force the enemy mid laners' Purification Beads with your ultimate, (e.g. against a [[Scylla] who has a dash and a CC immune ultimate)

Purification Beads- You're VS a jungler that will happily run you to his entire team such as Fenrir or a Hun Batz

Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Relic #2 (Level 12)[Check notes]

Notes Blink Rune or Purification Beads are the usual pickup here at level 12 however:

Aegis Amulet can be picked up if the enemy has big hitting ultimate's such as Poseidon's Release The Kraken! or executes such as Hovering Death and Fatal Strike from Thanatos and Achilles respectively

Magic Shell can be picked up if your plan is to kill the enemy ADC late game, this is more of a ranked pickup if your ADC has fallen behind, make sure to upgrade ASAP for 2 block stacks


Blink Rune or Purification Beads are the usual pickup here at level 12 however:

Aegis Amulet can be picked up if the enemy has big hitting ultimate's such as Poseidon's Release The Kraken! or executes such as Hovering Death and Fatal Strike from Thanatos and Achilles respectively

Magic Shell can be picked up if your plan is to kill the enemy ADC late game, this is more of a ranked pickup if your ADC has fallen behind, make sure to upgrade ASAP for 2 block stacks

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Da Ji's Skill Order Notes Levels 2 to 4 ordering is situational!

Put 2 points into One Thousand Cuts if you're clearing mid camps, mid waves and your own back camps due to the other team playing safe, you'll find yourself in this scenario vs junglers like Mercury and Kali since they want to farm up

If you are against a jungler + mid (e.g. Thanatos, Pele Erlang Shen, Scylla, The Morrigan) with good kill potential level 2, level Trickster Spirit to be safer

If you think you can go for a kill level at level 2 Horrible Burns

If you're going to invade their back camps level 3 or think you may get into a dangerous fight take Trickster Sprit for more mobility as you can use this to teleport to allies as well as enemies


Levels 2 to 4 ordering is situational!

Put 2 points into One Thousand Cuts if you're clearing mid camps, mid waves and your own back camps due to the other team playing safe, you'll find yourself in this scenario vs junglers like Mercury and Kali since they want to farm up

If you are against a jungler + mid (e.g. Thanatos, Pele Erlang Shen, Scylla, The Morrigan) with good kill potential level 2, level Trickster Spirit to be safer

If you think you can go for a kill level at level 2 Horrible Burns

If you're going to invade their back camps level 3 or think you may get into a dangerous fight take Trickster Sprit for more mobility as you can use this to teleport to allies as well as enemies

Horrible Burns

1 X Y
Horrible Burns
2 8 11 12 14

One Thousand Cuts

2 A B
One Thousand Cuts
1 3 6 7 10

Trickster Spirit

3 B A
Trickster Spirit
4 15 16 18 19


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Horrible Burns
2 8 11 12 14

Horrible Burns

1 X
Da Ji heats up her claws, causing her next successfully hit Basic Attack to burn the target, dealing instant bonus damage, additional damage every 1s for 3s and Slowing them for 3s. Da Ji gains Haste when this ability activates, which lasts until she hits a target.

Ability Type: Stim
Burst Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+25% of your Physical Power)
Damage per Tick: 20 / 28 / 36 / 42 / 50 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 9s
One Thousand Cuts
1 3 6 7 10

One Thousand Cuts

2 A
Da Ji lashes out with her claws at nearby enemies, executing 4 strikes that damage all enemies in range and apply the Bleed from Torture Blades.

While this ability is channeling Da Ji moves freely in all directions, gains 40% Movement Speed, immunity to Slows and Knockups, and her tails mitigate Damage dealt to her by Enemy Gods who are behind her.

Ability Type: AOE
Damage per Hit: 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Damage Mitigation: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Range: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 11s
Trickster Spirit
4 15 16 18 19

Trickster Spirit

3 B
Da Ji selects a single allied or enemy target and teleports to their location after a short delay. Upon arriving at the target, she lashes out with her claws, dealing damage and applying the Bleed from Torture Blades to all enemies around her.

Ability Type: Teleport
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Da Ji summons her signature torture device, the Paolao. As she hovers above the device she may fire up to 3 shots. Enemy gods hit take damage and become Chained and Slowed. At the end of her ability chained enemies are pulled to the Paolao becoming Stunned and then taking damage 3 times over 2s. If a god hit by this ability becomes Crowd Control Immune at any time, they break the Chain on them and cannot be Chained again until this ability ends.

Ability Type: Projectile
Shot Damage: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Chain Slow: 20%
Pull Damage per Tick: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Pull Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 80
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 120s

Da Ji Threats

Tap each threat level to view Da Ji’s threats


Da Ji Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Da Ji’s synergies



Hello, I'm Archiebaker, a consistent masters jungle player who peaked GM when I grinded ranked, I also play amateur competitive within the EU scene for fun

A lot of my Da Ji games are from scrims and tournaments as well as ranked and casuals, this guide will aim to reflect that giving info and tips at all levels of gameplay

Hoping everyone can learn a thing or two :)

Pros and Cons

Da Ji is a strong god without any terrible match ups whose abilities can easily change the state of a game. Here are the pros and cons:

+ Lots of single target burst late game via Horrible Burns and Trickster Spirit
+ Immunity to slows and knockups via One Thousand Cuts allowing her to counter some ultimates
+ Fast jungle camp clear speed with One Thousand Cuts
+ Fair amount of CC with one slow and an ultimate Paolao that can pull, stun and damage
+ Good kill potential at all stages of the game on most characters

- Ultimate can take some practice to hit consistently
- Can be Stunned or Silenced out of One Thousand Cuts giving her a difficult midgame
- Disarms stop Horrible Burns and a well timed Silence can leave you useless in the middle of the enemy team

However Da Ji's Cons are easy to play around once you learn how to play her and when to engage in a fight


Torture Blades
Torture Blades Gives a note worthy amount of extra damage as a DoT (Damage over Time) at all stages of the game, you don't really have to pay attention to using this as it triggers off all your abilities and auto attacks except Paolao

Horrible Burns
Horrible Burns Should be leveled 2nd, it gives Da Ji insane burst potential late game with a 3 second slow built in

One Thousand Cuts
One Thousand Cuts Should be leveled first, this is where your camp clear and main damage comes from early and mid game

Da Ji is also immune to knockups and slows while casting allowing her to immune the CC of some ultimates such as Stygian Torment


Trickster Spirit
Trickster Spirit Should be leveled last, and is the main mobility in your kit, it has insane 85% physical scaling and allows you to one shot combined with Horrible Burns late game

Leveling order (Also in notes)

Levels 2 to 4 ordering is situational!

Level 2
If you think you can go for a kill level at level 2 Horrible Burns

If you are against a jungler + mid with good kill potential level 2 (e.g. Thanatos, Pele Erlang Shen, Scylla, The Morrigan), level Trickster Spirit to be safer

Level 3
Put 2 points into One Thousand Cuts if you're clearing mid camps, mid waves and your own back camps due to the other team playing safe, you'll find yourself in this scenario vs junglers like Mercury and Kali since they want to farm up

If you're going to invade their back camps level 3 or think you may get into a dangerous fight take Trickster Sprit for more mobility as you can use this to teleport to allies as well as enemies
Level 4
Either finish putting 2 points into One Thousand Cuts or 1 point into Trickster Spirit

Core Build

The core of the build is pretty standard amongst most ability based junglers:

  • Bumba's Hammer for clear and sustain as well as CD, penetration and extra 160 true damage on your combos late game when AA cancelling
  • Warrior Tabi More power than Ninjas, AA cancelling on your kit negates the need for attack speed
  • Shifter's Shield I wouldn't normally recommend going defense 2nd item, however this item gives 70 power when above 75% health which most of the time you will have when clearing camps and gives you 65 physical and 40 magical protections when falling under 75% health making you very hard to kill and able to dive the backline
  • Jotunn's Wrath or Brawler's Beat Stick depending if you need Antiheal vs gods like Ra or Hel

Finishing the build

What do I build next?

Some situational items with their uses briefly explained:
  • Brawler's Beat Stick - Need Antiheal VS Gods such as Ra or Set
  • Titan's Bane - Lots of physical protections on enemy team and you want damage
  • Void Shield - Lots of physical protections on enemy team and you want defense
  • Arondight - Wanting a bit more CDR and a lot of power as well as a passive to chase enemies after ulting
  • Magi's Cloak - Enemy gods have too much CC
  • Witchblade - Gives CDR, health, physical protections and a nice passive if you're diving the backline and not coming down from your ultimate
  • Bloodforge - A lot of power and a nice passive, pick up if you're getting a lot of kills and like the item

As of the current patch (8.1 bonus balance) games hardly go on long enough to buy Elixir of Speed however I recommend replacing boots with either Heartseeker or Mantle of Discord whichever you don't have

Relic choices

Level 1

Blink Rune - VS a safe midlaner with an escape or slow immunity such as Scylla or Ra to close the gap, same applies if you plan to focus the enemy ADC and they are safe in lane, such as Hachiman

Get Purification Beads if either:

Purification Beads - If the enemy support is likely to focus you AND you're unlikely to force the enemy mid laners' Purification Beads with your ultimate, (e.g. against a Scylla who has a dash and a CC immune ultimate)

Purification Beads- You're VS a jungler that will happily run you to his entire team such as Fenrir or a Hun Batz

Level 12

Blink Rune or Purification Beads are the usual pickup here at level 12 however:

Aegis Amulet can be picked up if the enemy has big hitting ultimate's such as Poseidon's Release The Kraken! or executes such as Hovering Death and Fatal Strike from Thanatos and Achilles respectively

Magic Shell can be picked up if your plan is to kill the enemy ADC late game, this is more of a ranked pickup if your ADC has fallen behind, make sure to upgrade ASAP for 2 block stacks

Da Ji Playstyle and Tips&Tricks

How to play Da Ji
  • Focus on clearing camps and farming effectively if Paolao is on cooldown
  • Gank the same lane repeatedly, abuse the fact Purification Beads have a 160 second base cooldown and Paolao is 100 to CC and kill them
  • If an enemy is about to escape through a Portal or receive Magic Shell you can cancel One Thousand Cuts and auto for more burst damage
  • Don't be afraid to tower dive with Trickster Spirit if Paolao is up, you have lots of burst damage and Paolao does 250 damage at rank 1 even if you hit only one chain as well as CC'ing them for an ally to finish off

Things to remember
  • Your One Thousand Cuts does an insane amount of damage mid game, abuse it
  • You can change your direction when casting Trickster Spirit early or late, in some instances you may want the enemy to know you're teleporting behind them to force them to start running a different way
  • Using Blink Rune rather than Trickster Spirit when initiating a gank on an enemy who has an escape is better. Most players will use their escape to get out of range, this allows you to Trickster Spirit them with no way to cancel it
  • You don't have to fire all 3 shots of Paolao, you can fire one shot and instantly cancel it, reducing the time enemies have to beads
  • In similar fashion you can intentionally near miss a shot of Paolao so that the enemy uses their CC immunity, allowing you to hit them and pull them in
  • Paolao initial chain hit still damages enemies if they are CC immune, this can secure you kills
  • REMEMBER to AA cancel with your Horrible Burns you'll notice a huge increase in damage

The end!

Hope everyone has learnt some tips and tricks on how to play Da Ji

Feel free to leave any feedback, I did think about putting more content in some sections but didn't want to overload the guide but will happily flesh out more chapters if anyone wants

If anyone has any questions feel free to DM me on here, or on Discord at Archiebaker#5330

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Falcrus (3) | March 31, 2021 11:44am
My congrats to you!
Moreton22 (3) | February 9, 2021 4:12pm
I like this build alot, I really think Shifter's Shield is an item that gets slept on alot, I do not see enough people building it (especially on junglers). Thumbs up from me 😊
Big Damage (37) | February 9, 2021 9:20pm
Shifter's is great at the moment because they said they wanted to make it more of a tank item for bruisers and less of an Assassin item, but just kept the damage and added defences still making it great for Assassins.
archiebaker | February 10, 2021 6:28am
Yeah I fully agree, the protections and power combined are way to much to pass over, I'd probably still build it if it was 2600 gold never mind 2350
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