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Bumba's Dagger is the best jungle starter item right now, it’s also cheap enough so you can get
Combat Boots.
Starting Combat Boots and forgoing any consumables is the more popular start this season which leads to an earlier power spike.
Bumba's Dagger is the best jungle starter item right now. Jungle is a role in which you will not skip a starter item.
Mace grants early power and an early
The Crusher or
Brawler's Beat Stick.
Hand of the Gods speeds up your start and lets you contest mid faster.
Multi Potion is my prefered start, however you may select whichever potions suit you best.
Warrior Tabi are the boots that Ne Zha uses best. His attack speed steroid will cover all the attack speed he needs.
Brawler's Beat Stick is necessary when facing healing. Please, just build anti-heal.
The Crusher is just a really solid item, but you do not build this when going with
Brawler's Beat Stick.
Hydra's Lament is good because you get a nearly guaranteed basic attack after using
Armillary Sash. It also provides cooldown reduction, which helps with Ne Zha’s long cooldowns.
Arondight is a solid item to buff your chase. It also has 75 power which is used well due to Ne Zha’s good scaling.
I’m sure you’re very surprised Shifter's Shield is on the list. Ne Zha is a great bruiser and it’s a very strong item right now. He also isn’t a naturally tanky assassin so this helps a ton.
Bruisers are great right now and even though it got nerfed Ancile still is the best magical defense hybrid item for a low price.
Heartseeker is what you'll probably replace boots for, it is very expensive so wait until later to build it when opponents have lots of health.
The Sledge is a hybrid item which helps with your survivability. Ne Zha has a low health pool and good scaling so it’s a good item for him.
Void Shield is another hybrid item that you can build if you don’t go
Shifter's Shield, it’s a little bit more team-focused so maybe wait until late to build this but if your opponent has lots of protections definitely give this a look.
Titan's Bane is an item I wasn’t super fond of last season because your goal as an assassin was to jump onto the enemy carry and mid-laner. But now that
Sentinel's Embrace is very strong, these backliners will have a lot more protections being given to them so having percentage penetration can be useful. I wouldn’t really buy this if the opposing support isn’t building protection sharing items.
This is the go-to build for Ne Zha if the enemy team has no significant healing.
Blink Rune is the go to for most Assassins in the jungle, but against high CC teams, you may get this as your second relic and go
Purification Beads first.
Aegis Amulet can be used against teams with little CC and high burst damage.
Horrific Emblem is a very niche option in the jungle, but against comps with high mobility, it may be worth considering.
Magic Shell is another niche second relic choice that works well against teams that have multiple auto attackers.
Sentinel's Gift is the best starter for supports right now.
Sentinel's Embrace is too good, especially on an assassin support because what you lack in peel you can make up for in protection sharing.
Benevolence and
Compassion are good options too, don't get me wrong.
Hand of the Gods is still the meta for support to let you get to lane fast. However, it is optional in exchange for more potions.
Reinforced Greaves are really good right now and are definitely the go-to for any physical support. More on boots later.
Gauntlet of Thebes is just a necessity for most support builds. It’s cheap HP and a protection aura.
Void Shield really lets your team put in work. Because you are an aggressive support, this will help claim kills, which is really why you’re playing support Ne Zha.
Frostbound Hammer is available to slow down enemies even more, a little bit more aggressive but good against very mobile teams.
Relic Dagger is a very good choice on any non-traditional support because you can keep
Magic Shell up more often.
Witchblade is very good right now, and it also has movement speed. You won't want to build this until late-game though.
Sovereignty is a good option if you want to go for a protection sharing build.
Pridwen has lots of cooldown reduction which is hard to get in some support builds.
Oni Hunter's Garb and
Genji's Guard are both magical protection options, I prefer Oni but either is fine. The damage reduction feels really good with the big burst that mages are dishing out right now.
Breastplate of Valor isn’t super great right now but it does provide lots of cooldown which you won't have a lot of. The mana isn’t super useful however.
Mantle of Discord is just a strong item but you want to be careful not to have too many protections because then it’s just a waste.
Talaria Boots are also very good on Ne Zha, helping him rotate faster, I feel like he has enough speed naturally but it's something you should totally try out.
This would be my go to build. It has enough protections to let you get aggressive. KEEP IN MIND THAT THERE IS LOTS OF HEALTH IN THIS SO KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR OPPONENT'S BUILD.
Magic Shell is the go-to for supports, almost necessary. It can really save you in a pinch, especially when it's upgraded.
Sometimes however you’ll want to get Heavenly Wings if the opponent has lots of slows.
Belt of Frenzy is a good option with lots of auto attackers on your team, helping you convert late-game.
Horrific Emblem and Blink are aggressive second relic choices which help your already strong chase game.
Bluestone Pendant is the better starter now with how much they buffed
Bluestone Brooch.
You can go with Boots but you’ll have very little sustain so you can’t really contest anything in solo and a good enemy will run you down.
Warrior Tabi makes sure your clear is sufficient and you can actually do something to the enemy carries.
Void Shield lets you and your team do more and get rid of those annoying protections from Sentinel’s Embrace. It’s a little expensive for its base stats but the passive is very valuable.
Shifter's Shield is so valuable right now, it provides so much power and defense.
We have a very long list because there are so many strong solo items.
Frostbound Hammer is good against mobile teams. You already have a lot of slows but against some gods it can be very useful.
Contagion and
Pestilence are your anti-heal options for when your team is too stupid to build their own anti-heal.
A Heartseeker late game will make you more threatening, but may leave you weaker to enemy carries.
The Sledge is a decent hybrid item. You can pick this if you’re not sure what to build. Crowd Control Reduction is actually super valuable on Ne Zha.
Stone of Gaia is best used against knock-up heavy gods like Jormungandr or Tyr, but can be useful in regular games.
Caduceus Shield is a strong item on Ne Zha due to his good healing. It works even better with healing on the rest of your team.
Ancile is a hybrid item that I don't think plays too well in solo Ne Zha but can be used.
Shield of Regrowth isn't necessary in my opinion, but it gets proc'd on his Flaming Spear so it's always available.
Mantle of Discord has a lot of protections but honestly you shouldn't need that many in most circumstances.
Shield of Regrowth isn’t necessary in my opinion, but it gets proc’d on his Flaming Spear so it’s always available.
Mantle of Discord has a lot of protections but honestly you shouldn’t need that many in most circumstances.
There are so many good options on Ne Zha so please don’t just build this every time.
Blink helps you get to the backline since you have no leap.
Horrific Emblem makes chasing and escaping easier.
Shield of Thorns used to be much better but is still an option to reflect back lots of damage.
Teleport Glyph is an option when you expect to be bullied in lane, but isn’t really great come late-game so I would be careful when buying this.
Hiya, I'm puppeht (PC IGN - puhppeht), I'm a Smite lover and jungle main.
This guide is constantly a WIP. As the meta evolves, and I learn new things, it will be updated.
![]() |
Ne Zha Assassin The Third Lotus Prince |
General Health: 400 (+75) Mana: 200 (+35) Speed: 375 (+0) Range: 12 (+0) Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.1%) |
Regen HP5: 10 (+0.71) MP5: 3.9 (+0.27) Protection Magical: 30 (+0.9) Physical: 12 (+2.9) |
Basic Attack Damage: 39 (+2.2)(+100% of Physical Power) Progression: 1/1/1.5/2x damage . . . |
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I agree with Bran that
shield of regrowth,
Personally I don't think
His Support has been significantly nerfed as they removed his HP scaling on his
More CDR is definitely needed for him to Support better too, as his 1/3/ult have long-ish cooldowns. With this in mind putting an item like
Solo needs
Criticisms aside, lots of accurate content in here and as a newer player for the most part I would feel fine using these builds. Nice work.
Like I said with the other guide, I'm not a huge fan of
I'll run a couple games with those.
I'm really not sure about going
Thanks for the criticisms.
Edit: Also the point with Jotunn's is that you sell it later on after you have Bumba's Hammer, it's just decent first item for the cooldown power spike, even if you overcap for a short time before you sell it.
Jungle -
Support -
Solo -
A minor thing on the ult is that after you land, you bounce back to the point where you started the dash.
Maybe I'm just a
Crit is an option that I was planning to add later but I wanted to focus on the main build. I needed to get some crit games in, and thought it was more important to get the typical build out.