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Kuzenbo - King of the Kappas! (Y11 Support / Tank Guide, All Modes, Patch 11.1 "Year 11")

134 12 419,479
by Gulfwulf updated January 28, 2024

Smite God: Kuzenbo

Build Guide Discussion 73 More Guides
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Kuzenbo Build

Starting Items (Standard Tank)

Notes Sentinel's Gift is your well-rounded, supportive starter item. You can alternatively opt for Benevolence.

It is typically paired with the T1 form of Gauntlet of Thebes and potions for early sustain. Sentinel's provides good mana sustain, so you should only need Multi Potions, but you can change the ratio of potions as you prefer.


Sentinel's Gift is your well-rounded, supportive starter item. You can alternatively opt for Benevolence.

It is typically paired with the T1 form of Gauntlet of Thebes and potions for early sustain. Sentinel's provides good mana sustain, so you should only need Multi Potions, but you can change the ratio of potions as you prefer.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Example Build (Standard Tank)

Notes This is a general build for an all-around support. Gauntlet of Thebes can be replaced with Prophetic Cloak as preferred.

Pridwen provides additional dual protections and much needed CDR, but can be switched with another CDR item.

The last 3 items are situational. Stone of Binding provides a good health boost along with some offensive protection reduction functionality. Divine Ruin adds anti-heal (which Kuzen can apply very easily with Shell Spikes, and Spectral Armor adds anti-crit effect. Replace these if these counters aren't needed.


This is a general build for an all-around support. Gauntlet of Thebes can be replaced with Prophetic Cloak as preferred.

Pridwen provides additional dual protections and much needed CDR, but can be switched with another CDR item.

The last 3 items are situational. Stone of Binding provides a good health boost along with some offensive protection reduction functionality. Divine Ruin adds anti-heal (which Kuzen can apply very easily with Shell Spikes, and Spectral Armor adds anti-crit effect. Replace these if these counters aren't needed.

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Reverent Pridwen Reverent Pridwen
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor

Starting Items (Early Aggression)

Notes War Flag provides aggressive early function in movement and attack speed, which can give you an advantage during laning phase.

Shown here for added early aggression is Druid Stone, which you'll build into Stone of Binding. Complete your starting items with potions for sustain.


War Flag provides aggressive early function in movement and attack speed, which can give you an advantage during laning phase.

Shown here for added early aggression is Druid Stone, which you'll build into Stone of Binding. Complete your starting items with potions for sustain.

Build Item War Flag War Flag
Build Item Druid Stone Druid Stone
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Example Build (Aggressive Tank)

Notes This example build targets early aggression from War Flag, gets CDR early for ability spamming, and has penetration-type items to weaken the enemy.

Divine Ruin adds anti-heal effect, but if it's not needed you can replace it with another item.

Replace Stone of Binding as preferred.


This example build targets early aggression from War Flag, gets CDR early for ability spamming, and has penetration-type items to weaken the enemy.

Divine Ruin adds anti-heal effect, but if it's not needed you can replace it with another item.

Replace Stone of Binding as preferred.

Build Item Spartan Flag Spartan Flag
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Breastplate of Determination Breastplate of Determination
Build Item Void Doumaru Void Doumaru
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding

Starter Item Options

Notes All 3 standard Support starter items ( Sentinel's Gift, Benevolence, War Flag can be functional for Conquest and all other modes. Choose based on your preferred upgrade item.

Tainted Steel and Sands of Time are situational starter items for non-Conquest teamfight modes.


All 3 standard Support starter items ( Sentinel's Gift, Benevolence, War Flag can be functional for Conquest and all other modes. Choose based on your preferred upgrade item.

Tainted Steel and Sands of Time are situational starter items for non-Conquest teamfight modes.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Benevolence Benevolence
Build Item War Flag War Flag
Build Item Tainted Steel Tainted Steel
Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time

Protection Item Options

Notes Choose your protection items as preferred.


Choose your protection items as preferred.

Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Breastplate of Determination Breastplate of Determination
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Reverent Pridwen Reverent Pridwen

Counter Item Options

Notes Choose your counter items as fits your needs.


Choose your counter items as fits your needs.

Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Erosion Erosion

Offensive / Utility Item Options

Notes If you're confident in your own play, the matchup, your teammates, etc., choose from these items to provide offensive function and/or added utility.


If you're confident in your own play, the matchup, your teammates, etc., choose from these items to provide offensive function and/or added utility.

Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Void Doumaru Void Doumaru
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff

Relic Options

Notes All of these relics are functional; many are situational and you should choose to fit the team's needs.


All of these relics are functional; many are situational and you should choose to fit the team's needs.

Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Divine Barrier Divine Barrier
Build Item Bracer of Radiance Bracer of Radiance
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns
Build Item Sundering Spear Sundering Spear

Kuzenbo's Skill Order Notes Priority:

Ult > 1 > 2 > 3

NeNe Kappa is prioritized first for clear and poke damage.

Shell Spikes is very useful for the situational cooldown it provides, and is also prioritized for decreasing cooldown as it is leveled.

Sumo Slam only increases in damage and is prioritized last.

Watery Grave should typically be upgraded whenever possible.



Ult > 1 > 2 > 3

NeNe Kappa is prioritized first for clear and poke damage.

Shell Spikes is very useful for the situational cooldown it provides, and is also prioritized for decreasing cooldown as it is leveled.

Sumo Slam only increases in damage and is prioritized last.

Watery Grave should typically be upgraded whenever possible.

NeNe Kappa

1 X Y
NeNe Kappa
1 4 6 7 10

Shell Spikes

2 A B
Shell Spikes
3 8 11 12 14

Sumo Slam

3 B A
Sumo Slam
2 15 16 18 19

Watery Grave

4 Y X
Watery Grave
5 9 13 17 20
NeNe Kappa
1 4 6 7 10

NeNe Kappa

1 X
Kuzenbo summons and throws the powerful NeNe Kappa, who can ricochet off of walls. After firing, if the NeNe Kappa bounces off of a wall it will travel 70 units from that point up to a maximum of 2 bounces. After reaching maximum range, or if an Enemy God is hit by the NeNe Kappa, it will burst forth from its shell, slowing and attacking them for 6s. Kuzenbo transfers 20% of his Health and Protections to the NeNe Kappa.

Ability Type: Line, Pet, Damage
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+55% of your Magical Power)
Kappa Damage Per Hit: 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75
Kappa Health: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+20% of your Maximum Health)
Slow: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Slow Duration: 3s
Range: 70
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 14s
Shell Spikes
3 8 11 12 14

Shell Spikes

2 A
The spikes on Kuzenbo's back extend out, damaging enemies who attack Kuzenbo. While active, each time Kuzenbo takes damage, the cooldown on NeNe Kappa and Sumo Slam is reduced. Kuzenbo may activate this ability even while under the effects of Crowd Control.

Ability Type: Buff, Damage
% of Damage Taken: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%
Cooldown Per Hit: .5 / .7 / .9 / 1.1 / 1.3s
Duration: 3s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Sumo Slam
2 15 16 18 19

Sumo Slam

3 B
Kuzenbo charges forward, immune to slows and roots, damaging Enemy minions and silencing using his immense strength to push the first Enemy God he hits along with him. Each subsequent Enemy he hits deals damage to both that Enemy and the god Kuzenbo is pushing. Colliding with a wall will also deal damage to the pushed god. Pushed targets can be hit a maximum of 3 times.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage Per Hit: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Watery Grave
5 9 13 17 20

Watery Grave

4 Y
Kuzenbo pulls himself inwards under his shell and spins, summoning fierce currents that knock enemies back, increase his Movement Speed, grant him 20% Damage Mitigation, render him immune to Crowd Control, and allow him to move freely in all directions for 2.1s. Each hit after the first on an enemy deals 40% reduced damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage First Hit: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Damage Per Hit: 40 / 65 / 90 / 110 / 140 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Movement Speed: 45%
Damage Mitigation: 20%
Radius: 22.5
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 75s

Kuzenbo Threats

Tap each threat level to view Kuzenbo’s threats



This guide is maintained by Branmuffin17 in honor of the memory of Gulfwulf. The Intro, pros/cons and skills sections will remain relatively untouched, but other sections will be updated as needed. Community feedback will be considered and appreciated in build and tip recommendations. Thank you in advance, and may Gulf be surrounded by many NeNe Kappas on Olympus.

If you'd like to contribute to something in his honor, his wife said that the best way we can honor his memory is one of two ways:
  1. Direct donation to his favorite charity, St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

  2. Gift games to friends in his honor. His wife said "I think the best way to honor him would be to keep a game fund. He was always finding games he enjoyed and if anyone would say they'd have to wait for the price to come down, he loved to just gift it to them. He'd tell me about it later and then he'd smile and say 'Now they have to play it with me.' He'd always have cash in his Steam wallet. Buying games for people was always a spur of the moment thing. I guess it's really a 'pay it forward' gesture."

Welcome to my guide for Kuzenbo, King of the Kappas!

My name is Gulfwulf and I am a casual player who plays arena, clash, and conquest. This guide covers how to play Kuzenbo as a support in Conquest or as a tank in Assault, Arena, and Clash.

This is my first Smitefire guide, and I intend to update it; so feel free to comment things that should be added/edited.

Regardless, lets move on to the King of the Kappas!

Pros / Cons

  • Very low basic attack damage.
  • Loses protections if knocked up, back, banished, pulled, or otherwise disrupted (roots, stuns, and silences don't count).
  • Sumo Slam can be easily avoided and any CC immunity will cancel both it and the silence.
  • Watery Grave only lasts a short time and can easily be avoided.
  • NeNe Kappa will attack the nearest enemy or objective and will stand still if there are no enemies/objectives within range.
  • NeNe Kappa starts out with very low health and protections and can easily be killed.
  • Sumo Slam can push enemies away from your allies.
  • Never brushes his teeth.


skill discussion


All in with Blink Rune

🠞 🠞 🠞 🠞

This is your primary team disruption combo when Blink Rune is available. Blinking and immediately ulting will allow you to locate yourself optimally in the midst of a group of enemies to disrupt a teamfight and allow your teammates to get a head start on damage.

Before the ult ends, you want to identify the enemy you want to further disrupt and move in their direction. As long as they don't have Purification Beads or an escape ready, you can Sumo Slam them for further control. This is often best used on the highest damage enemies, to prevent them from hurting your teammates. It's often smartest to target gods that don't have any escapes (e.g. dashes, leaps, etc.).

Follow that up with a NeNe Kappa either at the same target or a different one as needed, and then activate Shell Spikes to quickly get your abilities off cooldown for another round.

Standard Control Combo


This is your standard non-ult combo for general control. When in range, use Sumo Slam to push the enemy; if you're near a wall, this can be great to hold the enemy in place for teammates to easily hit. Follow it up with a NeNe Kappa for the damage and slow it provides; it's easy to hit if you just pushed them and they're right next to you.

Anytime after this, use Shell Spikes to reflect damage and reduce your cooldowns.

Single Target Ult Combo

🠞 🠞

This can be used with or without Blink Rune (for setup purposes). As long as the enemy doesn't have a way to counter the CC (e.g. Purification Beads), your ult provides massive disruption to your target. Continue moving toward them and immediately use Sumo Slam to continue your control. If needed, finish with NeNe Kappa.

Anytime after this, use Shell Spikes to reflect damage and reduce your cooldowns.

Item Options

Starter Item Options

Sentinel's Gift is the support starter item because supports tend to struggle gaining gold, especially early game. With Sentinel's Gift, you can toss your NeNe Kappa through the minion wave and let your ADC get the killing blow on minions. Upgrade to Sentinel's Embrace for extra protections for you and your team. In non-Conquest modes Sentinel's Boon provides amazing health sustain.

Benevolence has gotten nerfed pretty hard, but can provide some situational gold gain. You'll pick this up with the future in mind. Upgrade to Compassion as it has some amazing synergy with Shell Spikes.

War Flag is an aggressive starter that can work really well for Kuzenbo, allowing him the added speed to put pressure on the enemy and help get a potential kill. Upgrade to War Banner for situational teamfight advantages.

Sands of Time is an option in certain teamfight modes where the above Support starters may not be available. Kuzenbo can be mana hungry and the MP5 helps, while the CDR is always appreciated. Either upgrade can be chosen, or you can replace it late-game as preferred.

Tainted Steel is an option in certain teamfight modes when you're facing a lot of lifesteal and healing. It provides no health or mana sustain so be mindful of this and consider other items that provide those later. Either upgrade is functional.

General Protection Item Options

Gauntlet of Thebes is one of the strongest all-around protection items, providing both physical and magical protections, along with health. As an aura item, it provides a small amount of protections to nearby teammates as well.

Prophetic Cloak is an alternative to Thebes with added CDR, with a slightly more offensive leaning. It requires you to hit enemies to build stacks, but once stacked, it provides you with mitigations and an aura of protections that's double that of Thebes. You can even build both together if you want strong dual protections.

Sovereignty is a great team-oriented item that provides health, protections, and HP5 to yourself and protections and HP5 to nearby allies. This is a great item to take against a heavily physical enemy team, but can be good against almost any comp, as physical protections help against enemy minions and objectives.

Breastplate of Valor is provides high CDR and is a good choice if most of the other items you plan to get don't have CDR. The Breastplate of Determination upgrade is strong for added protections.

Oni Hunter's Garb provides good magical protections and some health, with a nice addition of MP5 and CC reduction. The passive damage mitigation is perfect for Kuzenbo, who wants to be in the middle of a teamfight.

Genji's Guard is an alternative magical protection item with an emphasis on CDR and mana sustain. Against a heavier magical enemy comp, you can get good use out of the passive bonus CDR.

Heartward Amulet is a good magical protection aura item, providing nearby teammates with some magical protections, which will likely offset any flat magical penetration the enemy picks up. The Amulet of the Stronghold glyph upgrade makes you even tankier.

Spirit Robe is a relative of Mantle of Discord (the older sibling, in fact), that provides some balanced protections and CDR but with added CC reduction and damage mitigation that synergizes well with Kuzen's passive.

Pridwen provides extra protections and has a nice passive that useful since you'll usually be ulting in the middle of the enemy team. The shell helps protect you while you're fighting/retreating and the explosion is a nice bonus. The glyph upgrades give even more shielding or extra explosion damage.

Counter Item Options

Winged Blade is picked up to counter enemy teams with lots of enemy slows that are really disrupting your ability to be where you need to be. It's cheap so it can be picked up early for a boost of tankiness, and sold late for another item if preferred.

Midgardian Mail is a specific counter to basic-attacking enemies and is your better option when facing those that don't build crit (some ADCs, select Junglers and the ADC mages).

Spectral Armor is used as a specific counter to enemies building crit damage (typically ADCs and select Junglers).

Contagion is the physical variant of Pestilence, providing anti-heal properties. Pick up against lots of enemy healing and lifesteal.

Pestilence is the magical variant of Contagion, providing anti-heal properties. Pick up against lots of enemy healing and lifesteal.

Erosion is chosen specifically to counter enemy shielding.

Offensive / Utility Item Options

Stone of Binding is a somewhat aggressive item picked up to provide extra penetration whenever you apply CC to a target (3 of your abilities do so).

Void Doumaru provides a nice balance of health, MP5, CC reduction and magical protection. The passive aura decreases nearby enemies' protections, allowing you and magical teammates to deal increased damage.

Divine Ruin is a pure offensive item, providing anti-heal properties. It is best chosen against strong healing comps, when you're confident in being able to take enemies down without the need for added protections/health in its place.

Relic Dagger is a solid pickup when you find good use out of Blink Rune and teamfight relics. Lowers the CD of relic use significantly, while also providing good utility via CDR, health, MS, and CC reduction. The Bewitched Dagger glyph upgrade is a great counter to enemy basic attackers.

Used well, you can gain a significant amount of increased health (and mana), stolen from enemies for a long duration. While it doesn't provide protections, it does give health and CC reduction, and is best picked up late-game.

Relic Options

Blink Rune is a very aggressive starting relic that allows you to teleport behind the enemy ADC and either push them into a wall or towards your ADC for an easy kill (or Beads burner). You can also use it to position yourself so that you can use Sumo Slam to peel for your ADC if they're being out pressured.

Divine Barrier is a relic designed to help you protect objectives. It also doubles as a zoning tool, especially in the narrow corridors of the jungle.

Bracer of Radiance is a utility relic that can be picked up first or second, and provides situational movement or power. It also acts as a Ward with low cooldown, and a Sentry Ward when upgraded.

Horrific Emblem is a great 1st or 2nd relic with multiple slows nearby enemies and provides both anti-heal and anti-shield effects.

Heavenly Wings is a useful 1st or 2nd relic, providing a boost of movement speed and cleansing and making you immune to any slows that are currently applied.

Magic Shell is a relic you should only consider for the Phantom Shell upgrade when enemy obstacles (e.g. Odin's ring, Ymir's wall, Cabrakan's wall etc.) are a threat.

Shield of Thorns is another very aggressive relic that reflects damage done to you back to your attacker and it stacks nicely with Shell Spikes.

Sundering Spear is a very aggressive option to target and take down individual targets. Use only if you're confident with this skill shot, and if you don't feel your team needs a more general support relic.

Conquest Gameplay

Starting Process

Head to the Purple Buff (1). Your ADC will start at the Support Buff. When the camps spawn, the ADC will draw their camp toward you, and you will drag your camp a bit toward the Duo lane (2) to clear all minions together. Pick up the Support Buff that drops. Immediately go to lane (3) to clear the minion wave.

When in lane, if your wave clear is stronger than the enemy's, you can apply pressure. Depending on your threat level, you can push them back toward their tower, apply poke damage, etc. Use that pressure to get a head start on clearing the next incoming wave or secure the Scorpion / Shield camp (4) and Naga / Teleport camp (5).

Your general priority from this point is mainly to help clear the minion waves, protect your ADC, and farm up as efficiently as possible, while applying pressure / damaging the enemy whenever possible. Damaging can obviously secure kills, but can just as importantly force them to use up potions, back and lose farm, etc.

You should be looking to secure as much farm as possible. Don't forget to ward. When safe, try to steal camps on the enemy's side.

You'll mostly stay in lane with the ADC in the early game, but will need to choose a time to start rotating, where you will likely spend most of your time between the Duo and Mid-lanes. After your first back, you can start looking to clear and pick up the Support Buff, though it will help if you've got a teammate to help you clear.

Early Gameplay

As Support, you will eventually need to start roaming, to help cover the nearby Jungle area and start supporting the Mid-laner as well. It's important to choose the right time to leave your ADC so they can farm more effectively.

  • Farming & The Minion Waves: When in the Duo lane, you should help your ADC clear the minion wave as quickly as possible to gain an advantage over the enemy Duo. Let your ADC have the last hit on minions, so they get full gold as well. Once cleared, look to pressure the enemies, force them back under their tower, or damage them enough to make them back early and lose out on farming. Remember that the longer you stay with the ADC, the more they lose out on XP, so try to rotate out whenever possible. Near jungle camps should be a priority as long as your ADC is safe and not outnumbered. Once they can hold their own and clear the wave, you should only come back to the lane periodically to farm the occasional wave if there is nothing else for you to do at the time.

  • Your ADC (the player): If you find yourself with an unfamiliar ADC player, you may not know if they're the type to just dive in and expect you to keep them alive, or if they actually understand the Support's job and play to your Duo's strengths. Just be mindful, as you may need to stay on your toes to get them out of trouble!

  • Your ADC (the god): Do they have strong wave clear, allowing you to be more aggressive and pressure the enemy Duo? Or do you both need to sit back, farm safely, and make sure you don't get pushed into the tower? Knowing your strengths, as well as your ADC's, can help get the most out of your teamwork.

  • Keep the ADC alive: In almost all cases, this is your priority, even over your own life. A key part of playing the Support is understanding the situation. If you can sacrifice yourself and your ADC is likely to escape, it's a good trade-off. If your ADC is likely to die no matter what you do, don't get yourself killed too.

  • The enemy Duo: How do they match up against your Duo team? Do you have great initiation and CC abilities while their ADC has no escape? Consider the matchups, which can help you determine how aggressive you can be.

  • The enemy Support: Specifically, where are they? If they're in the Duo lane, you're probably good staying there unless your ADC can already hold their own with the wave, allowing you to hit jungle camps, ward further out, and support the other lanes. However, if they leave the lane (and are obviously NOT backing), you should rotate as well, to make sure your teammates don't find themselves in out-numbered situations, and to allow your ADC to get the most out of farming their lane.

  • Missing enemies: Just be aware anytime lane enemies aren't where you expect them to be. Warn teammates when enemies are missing.

  • When to Rotate: With regard to the previous 2 points, you can start rotating whenever a good situation presents itself. Rotating away from the Duo lane serves 2 purposes: 1) if the ADC is strong enough to clear waves on their own, it helps max their farming, while 2) moving to support the general jungle allows you to become a roaming threat for ganks.

  • Where to Rotate: When you leave your ADC, your primary focus will shift to clearing jungle camps, protecting/controlling objectives, and attending other teammates to assist in protection, ganking, and pressuring lanes. You'll still need to be aware of your ADC's situation, so you'll usually stay somewhat close in case they need assistance. As such, unless there's a dire situation in your Solo lane that calls for your immediate assistance, you usually won't venture to the other side of the map.

  • Warding: When you back, make sure you pick up some Wards, which can help prevent ganks early against you and the ADC. As you start to roam, pick up a couple of individual Wards or a Chalice of the Oracle and start dropping wards like crazy. If the ADC can cover their area, it allows you to ward other areas, giving much greater vision to your entire team. Cover your ADC first if they're not warding, then expand from there. (More in the Warding section)

  • Backing: Back when you have enough gold to buy a full item and there are no jungle camps to clear. However, this comes secondary to your teammates' situations. For example, if your ADC is being pushed back or needs to back themselves, it may be best for you to stay and help hold or clear an extra wave or two.

Mid / Late Gameplay

As the match opens up into the mid-game, your job is to protect your teammates and disrupt the enemy team as much as possible. You'll usually find yourself watching over the Duo and Mid-lanes and the Jungle in-between, with occasional jaunts into the other side of the Jungle. You'll pretty much always want to be WITH another teammate, whether it's the jungler or one of your squishy lane-mates.

Late game, you and your teammates should almost always be teamed up, and as a group you'll look to push objectives like towers and phoenixes, and defend or secure the important jungle objectives (Oni Fury and the Fire Giant in particular.


In teamfight situations, you have two main tasks: protect your teammates through whatever means are available, and use your abilities to help set up kills for your higher-damage teammates. You may be the first god on your team to die in a teamfight, but if this helps your team secure kills or allows them to escape a dangerous situation, the tradeoff is generally considered to be worth it.

You're one of the tankiest characters with regard to defense and health, so use this to your advantage! You should (usually) be in the front-line of every teamfight, drawing the enemies' attentions and taking incoming damage from abilities, especially ones that stop once they hit the first god. You should also be fronting basic attack damage in a boxing match, though don't be reckless and commit suicide if your teammate isn't using your tanking to their advantage.

In some cases, the enemy tanks may look to backline your squishy teammates. In those cases, keep an eye on them and look to peel the enemy when needed.

Conquest Warding

Proper warding is very important because having vision of the enemy's movement can give you early warning of a gank or an attempt on the Fire Giant / Gold Fury. Pathing from the Jungle will come from either your Void Camp or the enemy's area, depending on how far up you are in the lane. Do not try to initiate a team fight near the enemy's tower unless you have vision on a possible gank.

After your first or second back, you should be regularly picking up regular Wards and dropping them in strategic locations in the jungle to help your ADC and Mid-laner. Consider grabbing a Proximity Ward to protect your teammates when you're not there.

As the match progresses, you'll want to have a Sentry Ward handy, which will be used to counter enemy wards and protect the Fire Giant. If you're not always close enough to watch it, a timely Raven Ward can be useful to spot enemies attempting it.

It's everybody's responsibility to ward, but not everybody does so. Just remember that you can only have a maximum of two wards active at one time.

If you want more specific information on warding, visit The Overarching Conquest Guide's Warding Chapter.


Kuzenbo is a great support. He's very tanky and can dish out quite a bit of damage with his kit. He's a constant threat in any team fight and can use his abilities to disrupt the enemy and quickly turn the tide. If you like being an unkillable tank that annoys the hell out of the other team, then the King of the Kappas is your man, er, turtle!

A special thanks to Zilby for his wonderful guide templates.

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XanderMuze (1) | May 3, 2024 1:34pm
RIP Wulf, thanks for this guide imbued with Honor
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 3, 2024 4:06pm
Hey Xander, thank you very much for reading, and for honoring Wulf.
Kriega1 (143) | January 28, 2024 5:48pm
Honestly would maybe put Divine into the core/general build
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 28, 2024 6:28pm
Roger that!
CookieTheBest | November 19, 2021 5:53pm
May he rest in peace
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 27, 2021 4:56pm
Hi everyone,

In honor of Gulfwulf, I plan to maintain his first and biggest guide. Builds have been updated, with some added writeups.
Big Damage (37) | February 24, 2021 2:00pm
Maybe don't recommend Breastplate of Valor, especially in a build with Pridwen later on. Kuzenbo doesn't need a lot of CDR because of his 2.

I would also recommend Oni Hunter's Garb to stack mitigations with his passive but it is optional.

Overall nice work, glad to see an updated guide on your belt :P
boogiebass (46) | February 24, 2021 8:24pm
I would agree, but I think it's permissible in this very specific scenario of 4 physical enemies.
Also, from my games (your experience could be different), assault didn't last me long enough to buy Potion of Magical Might. Since there is no blue buff in Assault, I think it's ok to get the 40% CDR.
Gulfwulf (81) | February 24, 2021 9:24pm
I first wrote this guide about 2 years ago before Pridwen was introduced and I didn't really go over the Assault section. Overcapping CDR in Assault isn't as wasteful as it is in Conquest.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 23, 2021 6:00pm
Looking pretty good, Gulf. Welcome back to publication.

I personally wouldn't bother with Hand of the Gods as a starter. It limits your start too much IMO. You really don't need it either, because your Void clear is so strong. Suggest waiting until your ADC is on their way from Red before engaging the camp, as you don't need a lot of time to clear it. This will give the ADC more farm and allow them to hit level 2 quickly.

There are probably 2 ways you can start. Sent + Magic Shoes + 2 Healing Potions is one, and it helps you rush your T3 shoes. That's probably the most standard start right now, as Sent + the 2 potions should easily give you enough sustain until you back the first time.

Another option would be T1 Shoes + more potions and/or Chalice for higher early aggression.

You might want to uncheck the "starter" and "main build" options, as it makes it read weirdly, and throws the rest of your item options way below.

As for your assault builds, I feel strongly that War Flag or Sentinel's Gift are 100% worthwhile starters. Nice early sustain esp for the price, and you can usually combine with the first full item e.g. Sov or whatever.
Devampi (105) | February 25, 2021 1:46am
I agree that HoG is not needed as usually, you want to provide your carry with the additional exp from the large creep and the damage you take is healed up pretty decently by a pot and first wave.

Also on start I do not fully agree to start T2 boots and only 2 Hp pots. especially as most will use it after the camp clear. It's better to start with more pots or chalice for supports or just start T1 item as you gold gain is higher than last season with a blessing. Support starts are slightly more flexible than last season

t2 boots can be good if you know you have the better pressure in the pre lvl 5 but if you don't safer to start more sustain so you don't fall behind in exp to much early.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 25, 2021 9:06am
IF you start T2 Shoes you're only going to need a few waves before you can back and get full T3, so I think you'll WANT to back earlier than normal, thus sustain not being as much of an issue.

It's very noticeable how much more flexible things are with an extra 200 gold at the start for Supps though (when going Sentinel's).

The other aspect of this is it's Kuzen...his initial clear on the camp should be way better than most supps, due to bouncing his Nenes.
Gulfwulf (81) | February 23, 2021 7:26pm
Thanks. I knew I was going to miss things, but I'm glad you're here to point them out.
boogiebass (46) | February 24, 2021 9:40am
For assault, consider blink rune and magic shell for your relics if you have an ally healer or a very aggressive comp.
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Gulfwulf (81) | May 22, 2019 10:18am
Updated the builds to reflect the feedback Bran gave me.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 17, 2019 1:22am
Alright Gulf, you finally updated.
  • In your Arena/Clash top example build, I'm not sure I like Midgardian Mail there. I know I like it more than most, but for Kuzen, I always feel like Hide of the Nemean Lion is a better, more FUN option. Yes, they're already not going to want to hit you when you have Shell Spikes active, but part of your pest nature is body blocking, IMO. Force the ADC to hit you by being in their face, and make them pay with some reflected damage.

    Yes, Midgard is fine to use, but as the main example, I think Nemean fits better. I also think it belongs in the "physical heavy comp" build example.

  • Assault looks good to me. I do think Shoes of the Magi is an option when you'r mostly going very tanky. A bit more pen doesn't hurt. Also, you can always start with Gauntlet of Thebes...don't always have to go Sov/Heart. Esp if you have a healer.

  • Things look good overall though.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 17, 2019 6:15am
You're right. You don't really want to slow down an enemy attacker when you have shell spikes up. As for Sov/hw, I forgot you can build Thebes in Addault; I still recommend Hw if you have a healer though.
xmysterionz (72) | May 16, 2019 5:11am
Hey I found another guide that needs to be archived

Nice one Gulf, you have my +1
Gulfwulf (81) | May 16, 2019 5:29am
Thanks Myst.
boogiebass (46) | May 15, 2019 8:12pm
Gulf, overall, I like the build. I was gonna make a comment about replacing Mystical Mail, but I see you covered it in your purchase notes. +1.
Gulfwulf (81) | May 15, 2019 8:50pm
Thanks. I'm not real sold on it for a support, but I wasn't sure what else would work against 4+ physical enemies in other modes.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gulfwulf
Kuzenbo - King of the Kappas! (Y11 Support / Tank Guide, All Modes, Patch 11.1 "Year 11")
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