Ao Kuang is meant to counter warrior and guardian solos, due to his whole kit being based around shredding tanks and executing opponents. He loses hard to any opponent who can easily out clear him, especially if the can do so safely (i.e: you). He also happens to be very squishy with no healing (outside of his ultimate), so he is easy to poke out of lane. Just play it safe, out clear him, and deny him farm.
Ao Kuang is one of those gods who offers very little if he begins to fall behind, so take advantage of that. As a few notes:
-ANY damage (even 1 point) will remove his
Water Illusion stealth; hit him with
Love Birds when stunned to prevent sneaky escapes.
King of the Eastern Seas is a delayed execute, if you use
Undying Love (or
Purification Beads) RIGHT before he throws you into the air, you can avoid the execute and put it on cooldown. Same applies to your soulmate.
-Get in the habit of calling missing if he remains stealthed for more than a few seconds, he can rotate very easily and quickly when stealthed.
Low mobility, poor early clear, and very mana hungry, but great poke with
Waterspout and even better kill potential since
He Bo's kit is essentially 3 ultimates with a speed buff/debuff for flavor. Just play it safe, try to avoid taking too much poke, and heal up when he is able to hit you. Ask you jungler to gank every now and then, and you should have no problem with
He Bo, as like all burst mages, he falls off very quickly if he falls behind.
If you think
Aphrodite has a bad early game, let me tell you
Hel's is virtually 10 times worse. She has strong sustain, good clear and ok burst, but her problem is she can only choose to do one at a time (unless you stand in the minion wave when she uses
Repulse). The best way to beat
Hel is to starve her out of lane: use
Divine Ruin to gimp her healing, and try to take her mana buff whenever possible, as
Hel runs out of mana faster than arguably any other god in the game (and unlike the other stance dancers, she doesn't have strong basic attacks to fall back on).
Vulcan is a lot like
He Bo, low mobility, but a crazy ton of damage. And like
He Bo, he has a weak early game and is easy to be poked out of lane. Take advantage of this. Avoid the meatball, i mean
Magma Bomb because it does a lot of damage and causes a very disruptive knock up.
Inferno Cannon behaves a like a tower in regards to the fact that it targets the first thing that comes into it's range.
Backfire is a mini dash backwards that hits hard, and also marks you and causes
Inferno Cannon to prioritize you over all other targets. Lastly, his ultimate
Earthshaker is a large AoE nuke, but is thankfully easy to avoid without setup. Treat him like
He Bo, just play safe and ask for ganks if he overextends. Once he begins to fall behind, it is nearly impossible for him to catch back up.
Smite's advertised 'anti-healer',
Ah Puch can prove to be a rather annoying opponent.
Undead Surge is an annoying, hard to avoid slow that also perfectly sets up his main burst move:
Corpse Explosion.
Fleeting Breath is a DoT that punishes you for healing , as well as powering up
Corpse Explosion even more. Lastly,
Empty the Crypts allows him to provide massive area denial to all of his opponents. He is a master of zoning, and enjoys keeping his opponents as far away from him as possible. Best way to beat him is to avoid healing with the
Fleeting Breath DoT on you, and to bait him up to your tower, leaving him an easy gank for your jungler. He gets caught out like this, and he's dead for sure since he's up there with
Anubis for least mobile god in the game. Speaking of whom:
Anubis is like
He Bo in regards to having very little mobility, a tiny amount of crowd control to protect himself, but a truck ton of damage to keep you at bay. Unlike
He Bo though,
Anubis actually has pretty good survivability thank to his passive
Sorrow giving him very high magical lifesteal; all he has to do is drop a
Grasping Hands when he has a lifesteal item to lifesteal about half his health back. This makes
Divine Ruin a reasonable item to fight
Anubis. Be sure to have your jungler gank if he gets aggressive, as
Anubis is arguably the least mobile god in the game. Just be very careful, as any poke from this guy can do about a fifth of your health PER TICK. Oh, and try to avoid
Mummify, if he lands that stun, he can shred you within a second.
Not too much to say about
Chronos. He has a weak early game, but lots of sustain with
Accelerate providing him a little bit of of health regen or free spell casts for a few seconds. But he as he has high damage, even early game, with lots of poke potential from
Time Rift. And if you decide to engage him, remember the golden rule of fighting
Chronos early: don't burst him down, slowly chip away at his health to minimize the effectiveness of
Although rare,
Janus is seen in solo lane from time to time. First thing you want to know is you can outclear him pretty easily, ad it is near impossible for him to full clear a wave with just
Unstable Vortex. Next, his damage HURTS. Don't be surprised to see half your health bar disappear if you get hit with one ball from
Unstable Vortex, 2/3 if he gets the double tap with it. Lastly, unlike pretty much every other burst mage,
Janus is extremely mobile, being able to portal through walls, and give himself a massive speed boost. What's more, this mobility can also apply to his teammates to allow some truly creative strategies. As will all high mobility opponents call missing often. Other than that, he's just like pretty much every other mid lane god: high damage but low sustain, take advantage of that.
Nu Wa is a mage that can farm lane very safely.
Mysterious Fog can be used to clear the whole wave from behind tower, while
Shining Metal can pretty much full clear the wave when she have about 2 items online. This safe clear is offset by her lack of sustain and low defenses, so just poke her whenever the chance comes to eventually force her out of lane. Also, the
Clay Soldiers explosion will hurt, possibly 1 shot you if detonates all 3 on you. This is her only burst, however. Avoid this and she cannot force you to back.
With both strong lane push and high sustain,
Ra is a formidable opponent. He's a lot like you in this regard.
Divine Ruin is a must in this match-up, not because it reduces his healing, but because it reduces the healing his minions. A very common strategy
Ra uses is to drop a
Solar Blessing on his minions as the waves clash to clear wave and keep his wave at high health. If you can, avoid trying to clear when the heal is in effect; attack them before or after he has used the spell. The rest of his kit is pretty basic though: speed boost for his passive, hard hitting straight line shots for his
Celestial Beam and
Searing Pain, and an AoE slow/blind with
Divine Light. Just focus on not losing lane, and get your jungler to gank if he over extends, and he shouldn't be a difficult opponent to deal with.
The goddess of the sun is a very powerful opponent to lane against. Her clear with
Stellar Burst is very potent, and can really do damage to you if you stand near the minion waves. She can easily get away or chase you with
Disapparate (and thanks to the incorporeal aspect of it, can safely tower dive you). Lastly, she has pretty ok sustain with
Radiance. The key to beating
Sol in lane is to slowly pick her while remaining defensive, as she cannot fight you without over commiting, and her sustain is based on a percent of her MISSING health, so she won't heal much unless she's in the red. Her main deadliness comes from her ability to push towers though. NEVER leave a
Sol alone in your lane, and try to back only when she does. Even at levels 3-5, if she forces a back, that 30 seconds you were gone could be a free tower for her.
Zhong Kui is a weird hybrid of burst mage, sustain mage, control mage and bruiser. He does well in all categories, but doesn't excel in any particular one. He is also pretty mana hungry, since his entire kit revolves around the
Expose Evil and
Exorcism combo. This combo gives him his sustain, wave clear and extra protections from his passive,
Demon Bag.
Divine Ruin is quite helpful here, since he is capable of healing quite a bit, despite it being a delayed (and interuptable) heal. He also has a small AoE stun around himself in the form of
Book of Demons, but this is easily avoided. Just find ways to mana starve him, and ask for ganks when possible, and he should be no problem to beat.
If there was ever a near impossible opponent for
Aphrodite to fight 1v1, it would be, or rather is,
Chang'e. Like
Ah Puch she is an anti-healer, though in different regards.
Ah Puch punishes you for using ability heals with
Fleeting Breath.
Chang'e (especially with
Divine Ruin, which odds are, she'll be rushing against you) outright prevents healing (and health regen for that matter) with
Moonflower Dance. This is why I personally consider her to be Smite's true anti-healer. Now, onto how to beat her in lane: you can't. Or at the very least, it's VERY unlikely.
Chang'e has arguably the best lane sustain of any god. Sure other gods have good lane clear, good sustain through heals and mana buff, and some are good at avoiding damage.
Chang'e is good at all of these, though she has one advantage that no other god (except situationally
Ratatoskr) has: being able to buy items while still in lane. This means that she can constantly get equipment, actives and wards while you two stall out together in lane while you can't, giving her a huge edge over you. My best advice is to NEVER attempt to fight her alone, you will lose every exchange if you do.
Crescent Moon Dance does a lot of damage for such a short cooldown, she can avoid burst with
Moonlit Waltz, and heal herself and prevent you from healing with
Moonflower Dance. You're main goal is just to not lose lane. Just keep clearing wave, and camp under tower until mid/late game. Once late game comes, the best ways to deal with her are to have your team either instantly burst her and/or cc lock her (please note, try to bait out her
Moonlit Waltz before, or make your set-up hard to predict. This single ability is basically your ultimate on a 10 second cooldown, though she cannot use it our of hard cc, only avoid it). Lastly, keep a close eye on positioning; staying grouped up can make
Waxing Moon dance the most lethal ultimate in the game, not because of the damage, but because the stun it offers can essentially take someone (or possibly your whole team) out of the entire fight.
Freya offers one thing, and one thing only: metric tons of damage. Her clear is meh at most stages of the game, so try to pressure her from pushing. Do note though, that she has very high lifesteal in the form of
Brisingamen's Blessing, so don't expect to poke her out of lane any time soon. And in the event that she decides to engage between waves, ESCAPE AT ALL COSTS, as she can easily kill you in 3 or 4 basic attacks if she's enchanting them. She can even
Banish you if you try to escape, making it near impossible to do so (imagine
He Bo or
Anubis, except with the ability to stick to you). Overall, her deadliness comes from the fact that she's one of the only gods in the game with access to constant burst; you specialize in avoiding instant burst. Lastly, the best way to beat her is to have your jungler gank her often if she's aggressive, as
Freya's early game is appalling. Just try to avoid falling behind her though, a fed
Freya is one of the most terrifying things in the game.
Overall good tho ... +1