Item Choices
Listed below are items that work well on
Eset. The first items shown in each category is my preference, but the other items can be chosen as well. It all depends on a couple of things like playstyle, comfort, enemy team composition and enemy team builds. If teams are more tanky and/or I have early CDR, I would sub out
Spear of Desolation for
Obsidian Shard more than likely.
Starter Item Options
Starter items are a great way to get an early advantage in certain aspects of a game mode. In Conquest, starter items are vital for numerous things like sustain, CDR, defense for example. They tend to not be a for sure item in other games like Arena, but can still have function in Clash,Siege, and Joust.
In reality,
Eset should only get
Mage's Blessing as a starter item. The early CDR is vital for her and the other blessing's are do not fit her that well. For a more aggressive approach, you could MAYBE (big maybe) try
Attacker's Blessing
The cheapest CDR in the game. Building stacks is relatively easy giving you early CDR. If playing Arena or Conquest, you could be at 20% CDR within 5-10 minutes (depending on how many deaths have occurred). This early CDR boost will allow you to cast abilities more often practically from the get go. This item also provides some power and MP5 and additional ability damage which with Eset being an ability mage will make your early game better. You also gain additional MP5 per 10% of your missing mana, which is in addition to Eset's passive, so you can regenerate a fair amount of mana every 5 seconds with her. This makes you able to stay in lane longer due to the mana regeneration. A solid starter item overall.

Replacement / situational items
For a more aggressive start.After hitting minions or gods with either basic attacks or abilities you will gain stacks. Once it evolves, you gain 10 penetration which could increase your early game damage.
Boot Options
One must always buy boots early. Either as a 1st or 2nd item or possibly 3rd if get starter item and stacking item. Movement speed is vital for many things like escaping or chasing. Each set of boots provide the same amount of movement speed, but have different attributes. Below, I will discuss the 2 kinds that you can consider for
These are a solid choice for Eset. They provide the most power and some flat penetration along with your movement speed. With the power and pen they help with early wave clear. You do sacrifice some Cooldown reduction, but you can get that from other items if needed like Mage's Blessing.Late game you could sell these and get Shoes of Focus if you need cooldown and have plenty of penetration.

Replacement / situational items
Stacking Item Options
Stacking items can be very useful and easily built for
Eset as she can blow through a minion wave with
Wing Gust when upgraded. Stacking produces a large increase in power as well as another attribute. For magical gods, there are 2 sets of stacking items. One that produces a huge amount of Mana and the other a huge amount of health. The choice is yours depending on your play style. You don't always have to stack with
Eset, but you should for sure in Mid Conquest. In Joust and other modes, you will probably have others stacking so you could either vary your build so you are not stacking at the same time or not stack at all.
Book of Thoth is a solid item for Eset because her wave clear is pretty good with her Wing Gust. So stacking is not necessarily hard. Thoth gives more Mana so you can sustain longer in lane, spamming abilities. It also produces slightly higher damage output than Warlock's sash. This is usually her most common stacking item. I would suggest this item, if you are comfortable with her and know when to escape as you will have less health to survive.
Warlock's Staff is the opposite of Book of Thoth in regards to what it provides from stacks. Instead of more mana from stacks, you gain more health from the stacks as well as some power. The base stats alone are also helpful as you get 300 health right away which is huge for Eset because her health pool is so low. I would get this if you are facing more bursty gods, as the increased health could help you survive a little bit better and also if you are slightly unfamiliar with her. Getting to 100 stacks might seem daunting but can be done relatively easily with Wing Gust.
Penetration Item Options
Penetration items are the real key to doing damage in Smite. It helps you deal more damage to gods, minions and objectives. Without penetration, you will not do near as much damage as you would with item penetration. You should shoot for at least 1 item of penetration in your build if not 2 (not including penetration boots).
Provides % penetration along with some power for a cheaper price than Spear of Desolation. It is solid for her as this will do more damage towards tanks and heavily defense gods.You will do more consistent damage with Spirit Ball as you won't be able to use Dispel Magic to reduces protections beforehand.*Note- Dispel Magic also reduces % magical protections, which could cause this item to be less efficient as you won't be hitting through the same amount of Magical protections as you would without Dispel Magic. With the decrease in price, this item is a must for her as a penetration option.

Replacement / situational items
Lifesteal Item Options
Lifesteal is vital for a god like Isis. Since you rarely build defensive items on her, you need lifesteal items to provide you with sustain and healing. You need one of these items in all builds at least. Listed below, are the most common ones for her. Each provide varying degrees of lifesteal, power and also something else be it extra power, extra life steal, or extra power to basic attacks. The choice is up to you on what you feel you need.
Provides a whole lot of power and lifesteal which both increase with the amount of health you have left. With the lifesteal from this, you can easily gain life back with Wing Gust on the minion wave to rejuvenate you so you can get back into the fight. Lifesteal is a must have in any Mage build. You can get this either before or after penetration item depending on matchups.

Replacement / situational items
Power Item Options
Obviously, mages like Isis need power to be relevant in a match. Without power, they are a weak link in the game and will not be nearly as effective as they should be. Items listed below are solid in power, but high in price. Rod of Tahuti is core for most every mage and should be gotten by Isis. The others, you could sub in for something else, but not necessarily needed.
Obviously, this item is a go to for Mages. The increase in power is crazy which makes it crazy expensive. This would be last item bought either just before selling of Starter item or after depending on game mode and gold count.

Replacement / situational items
Situational Items Options
Situational items are items that you don't necessarily need every match like lifesteal, penetration, boots for example, but only in times of need. Each match is different, with different teammates, team composition, enemy composition or even different game modes. Below are a few items, that can help you in different situations or if you need to counter something.
A solid item for her as it provides some health and good power along with some Crowd Control Reduction. The passive can help keep enemies inside Circle Of Protection longer or let you keep up with them with Wing Gust. I like to get this early on for the health and the passive. It is expensive to get but provides a lot of survivability for Eset

Replacement / situational items
Any thoughts and comments are appreciated.
I don't think
Finally, and I know this is situational, but my general preference for level 3 is to put a 2nd point into
Bran- I agree on Bancroft's. I think
In regards to upgrading, that is entirely plausible and could be more beneficial if you are the sole wave clearer. Getting that extra damage by having 2 points into
Also, you might have mentioned it but, you can use
I did have a little something under do's/don't's of
terroristNice guide though!
Glad you liked the guide though.
"I'm not a terrorist"
"Incest is my game"
"Resurrecting my Husband-Brother (and anyone else that asks politely)"
"Thanks for the Buff (HR)"
First of all, very good guide, I really like the presentation you have.
There is only one point in your build where I do not agree at all, it's about
I talked to newbie about this, and
In modes like Conquest where you have to take down towers and whatnot, Obsidian is also going to offer significantly more damage (even though that's not going to be your main focus...leave that to the Jungler and ADC to do the main portion of damage there). Towers and Phoenixes have 150 protections, so 33% from Obsidian is taking off a nice 50 (+10 from Magi), compared to 20 from Spear. Minor point, perhaps, but one to consider.
After discussing with him, I think this is my own personal build preference:
I also prefer Pythag compared to Bancroft for her...she'll get plenty of power from Thoth, and Pythag's just seems like it offers the better overall stats for her style. She's not going to be solo, she NEEDS to be with others, and she's mostly a fringe player...keeping distance, trying not to get hurt as much as possible. Although she doesn't have an escape, she's difficult to lock down, so I just think she won't see quite as much benefit from the Bancroft passive, like
Anyway, everyone has their own playstyle, and I know newb has had success with his build preference.
Good guide, newb. Although I like my build better, you give options for everything (including the ones I like) and have good explanations that will help newer players.
Thanks for the comment. Like I said I prefer
Another thing on why I chose
Hopefully that answers why I chose