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Poseidon [Fall Split Meta]25/9/16 Update

18 4 411,743
by windmasters updated September 25, 2016

Smite God: Poseidon

Build Guide Discussion 9 More Guides
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Poseidon Build

Starting items

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Alternative Second Starting item

Build Item Spellbook Spellbook
Build Item Uncommon Staff Uncommon Staff
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket

Second Item Alternative(pick one to add before Spear of the magus at Full build )

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation

5th/6th item choices(pick 2 to add after Rod Of Tahuti at the full build)

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor

Full core build(Must have items)

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti


Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Season 2 new meta build(pro)

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon

Poseidon's Skill Order

Tidal Surge

1 X Y
Tidal Surge
2 8 11 12 14


2 A B
6 15 16 18 19


3 B A
1 3 7 10

Release The Kraken!

4 Y X
Release The Kraken!
5 9 13 17 20
Tidal Surge
2 8 11 12 14

Tidal Surge

1 X
Poseidon summons forth a wave that travels in a line, dealing damage and pushing back all enemies in its path.

Ability Type: Line, Knockback, Damage
Damage: 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Tidal Meter: -15% Tide
Range: 80
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
6 15 16 18 19


2 A
Poseidon activates his Trident, granting additional Attack Speed, Movement Speed and increases his Basic Attack damage by 25% for for 6s. While this effect is active, Poseidon's Basic Attacks also fire two additional shots that apply ability damage and trigger ability on-hit effects. All shots increase Poseidon's Tide on successful hit.

Ability Type: Ranged Basic, Buff
Base Damage Per Hit: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Attack Speed: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Movement Speed: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Lifetime: 6s
Range: 55
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 15s
1 3 7 10


3 B
Poseidon summons a whirlpool at his ground target location that Cripples targets, preventing movement abilities, and creating a Vortex which drags targets toward the center dealing damage every .5s for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Tidal Meter: -15% Tide
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
Release The Kraken!
5 9 13 17 20

Release The Kraken!

4 Y
Poseidon releases the Kraken, damaging and Slowing targets in its radius. Enemies in the center of the effect when it spawns take additional damage, are Knocked Up and Stunned.

Ability: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 175 / 210 / 245 / 280 / 315 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Damage (Center): 175 / 210 / 245 / 280 / 315 (+55% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 30%
Stun (Center): 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Tidal Meter: -20% Tide
Range/Radius: 45/30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100s


Hello,before you scroll down for the main part of the guide,i d like to inform that is my 1st guide
The main reason why i made this guide is the fact that i havent seen any recent poseidon guide and i felt that at least one is needed.
By the way english is not my native language

In game name


if you find me ingame say hi!

Now before you continue READ this

The builds can be tricky to understand so let me help you.The full build above show the 3 must have core items and give you the option to fit 3 more items of your choice from the ones listed .99% of the time you should keep the order untill 4th item.If you want to delay Rod of Tahuti no problem its up to you.Your 5th/6th items should depend on the situation your team is in.As for the second item please stick with one of those 6. more info in the item section below.

On the skill Sequence above i save the lvl 4 skill point so when i reach lvl 5 i place both on my ultimate and whirlpool

There is alot of info in this guide probably more than you can read in one view.]
In parts of this guide there is knowledge that isnt directly associated with Poseidon but it is still beneficial to aquire.
If you want to read this guide fast i suggest skipping some of the item descriptions,skill descriptions and maybe some teamfight parts as they are pretty basic stuff

I recommend reading the general stuff as it is the best and most intresting part of this guide

Disclaimer S3

This god is currently heavily countered by the fact that players can get Sanctuary from the start of the game allowing them to dodge your first Kraken.This really hurts Poseidon since that was his main way to get ahead by killing the enemy mid laner at lvl 5.If you are not proficient with this god you will probably feel cheated since most of your burst combos will be countered by Sanctuary

Pros / Cons

1) High (Area)Damage Output
2) High Speed
3) Can Cripple Multiple Enemies
4) He Has Decent Basic Attack Potential
5) Good zoning with Whirlpool
6) Can breath underwater

1) Very Squishy
2) No Reliable Escape
3) His Skills Are Not Easy To Land


Passive : Changing Tides

Poseidon's Movement speed increases and his abilities do additional damage as his Tide Level increases. Successful basic attack hits increase his Tide by 10%, and using abilities decreases it. Abilities deal up to 20% additional damage and Movement speed increases up to 10% at max Tide Level.


As you can see 10 successful will max his tide 0 meter granting a crazy 20% boost to your damage and 10% movement speed (Half the amount you gain from the speed buff)

If you activate Poseidon's Trident you will be able to max his passive with 4 successful auto attacks
Ability Tide Reduction By Cast
Tidal Surge 35%
Trident None
Whirlpool 25%
Release The Kraken! 50%


First Skill : Tidal Surge

Poseidon summons forth a wave that travels in a line, dealing 100/140/180/220/260 (+70% of your magical power) damage and pushing back all enemies in its path.

Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

NOTE: The wave is small and travels slow , if the enemy if far away u problably going to miss this skillshot

Second Skill: Trident

Poseidon activates his Trident, granting 5/10/15/20/25% Move speed and making his basic attacks fire 2 additional shots in a spread for 6s. The shots deal 30/40/50/60/70 magical damage plus 20% of Poseidon's Magical Power. All shots increase Poseidon's Tide on successful hit.

Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 mana.

Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 seconds.

With this skill Poseidon can chase enemies more effectively,1v1 way beter and escape

Third Skill: Whilrpool

Poseidon summons a Whirlpool at his ground target location that cripples targets in a 20 ft radius, preventing movement abilities, and pulls targets toward the center dealing 15/25/35/45/55 (+15% of your magical power) magical damage every .5s for 3s.

Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana.

Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds.

This skill is what makes Poseidon lethal.
It prevent any movement skill(jumps dashes etc.)rendering your opponent vulnerable,plus it slow him down dragging im towards the center.
This ability is good setup for a Kraken or any other big damage ultimate,also it is a great zoning tool and can block most of the conquest jungle passages

This ability doesnt apply cripple immedietely so if your opponent is quick enough he will escape it.It is better to wait half a second and after the damage procs you can be sure that cripple is applied

This ability also used to make Magi's Blessing pop (genearal info)

Ultimate : Release The Kraken!

Poseidon releases the Kraken, dealing 170/195/220/245/270 (30% of your magical power) damage and slowing targets in its 30 ft radius by 30%. Enemies in the center of the effect when it spawns take 180/220/260/300/340 (60% of your magical power) damage and are stunned for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s and bounced into the air.

Cost: 100/110/120/130/140 mana.

Cooldown: 90 seconds.

Poseidon's signature
This ability does extreme damage in the area where the Kraken spawns
Appart from the damage it also stun the enemy for a set amount of time and knocks him away(similar to Kukulkan's Ultimate).If the Kraken is spawned on Whirlpool then the enemy god will be knocked straight up on the air and will land in the center of Whirlpool,that way if this combo succeeds on the top of it you can use Tidal Surge ensuring the kill most of the times or just for some more damage


Here i am going to explain why i have chosen these items

Second alternative items explanation
Depending of how the game goes and the team composition you should buy 1 of these items.
If your team is late game oriented then you should focus on reaching that part of the
game making Warlock's Sash a better choice.Also pick this item if you feel safe in your lane.
Picking an early Warlock's Sash will boost your god alot in the mid late game

Gem of Isolation is also very good choice however the bonuses you gain are instant.
Pick this item if you want to reach mid game asap.With this item and ts passive[Your
abilities slow the enemy
]you will be a beast.Pick this item if you are ahead of your
conterpart and you want to take advantage of that(Force objectives/Teamfights).The

passive slow will also make your gangs way more effective.

Dont buy both of these items as both
[*] give similar stats
[*] their main stats are HP/MP(You don't need to much of these)
Also the stacking period is mainly early game and since mid game you will be contesting for objectives you won't have much time to stack
Warlock's Sash
If you feel that you can't or won't be able to stack fast enough DONT buy it as it will be way less effective

Book of Thoth Very good damage item and it will prevent you from running out of mana.
Common Newbie :Whats the downside?
The downside is the in order to use it to its fullest you need to stay in lane and stack it up,which is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing.Depending on your skill level you can buy it and use it to its fullest while being a jerk to the enemy team.

Bancroft's Talon. If you started with Tiny Trinket and you want to focus on winning the lane by pure damage pick Bancroft's Talon.This item will also help you sustain better and will boost your power to the level where you can abuse your opponent.Depending on the game you can get Gem of Isolation and then buy the rest of the items without Obsidian Shard

Doom Orb. Huge snowball item ,very cheap,only 50 stacks needed for full power.You lose half stacks upon death.I personally dont recommend buying this at the current state of the game due to the heavy Sanctuary counter.

Chronos' Pendant.Pick it up if you follow the CDR build listed below

5th/6th Items

Divine Ruin: Pick if the enemy team is heal oriented .Not a very good item for Poseidon.This item in some cases(depending on the opponents skill) becomes a MUST if you are facing a god who can heal.

If you face a healer buy this item second and start your build with Tiny Trinket

Magi's Blessing : Pick it if the enemy focuses you alot and Beads are not good enough to save you.It will negate 1 or 2 hard cc effects(The big cooldown makes less effective than before )

Void Stone: Pick it the enemy team has alot of magic based gods.In general try to avoid it as its range is not long enough for all the abilities that Poseidon can cast.You should let the support have the honor of carrying the stone as its primary role is to disrupt and debuff the enemy

Hastened Fatalis: Buy it if you have trouble with speed based assasins ( Bastet Thanatos).It is very good for kiting enemies and also lets you move backwards with the same speed. You can use this trick to see behind you and have more map awereness [not recomended]

Soul Reaver : Xtra burst damage.Also work quite nice with Book of Thoth passive

Breastplate of Valor :Good protections and CDR ,also works well with Book of Thoth.If you are having trouble staying alive against those pesky assasins pick it up.(not recomened)

Ethereal Staff :Good amounts of hp and mana,works well with Warlocks' Sash.Pick it up to help you survive some burst.

Spear of Desolation :Good overall item but extremely expensive,pick it as last item during the late game instead of Obsidian Shard.

Obsidian Shard :Pick this if the enemy stacks up protections.Replace it with Spear of Desolation when you get enough gold.

Polynomicon :Gives you some good xtra burst potential,objective and structure damage.Decent item but i rarely buy it.Must pick if your adc is ******ed.

Celestial Legion Helm :Good tank item,i prefer this instead of Breastplate of Valorsince it grants some magical power.Works very good against double hunter and assasins like Serget.


Will help through alot of unpleasant situations
Purification : Solid relic
Sanctuary :If you dont feel safe get it.You will needed most of the time
Phantom : Odin cage and similar stuff(rare ocasion)
Sprint2 also helps alot ,especially against Bastet

Starting Items

Not realy much to say about the starting items.If u want to stack early dont start with Tiny Trinket.
NOTE: if you ellect to go for the stacking start be carefull in lane as you will not have gold for potions


Still viable
After watching alot of pro players i decided to share this season 2 new build which focuses on max CDR.The reason they do this is to counter sanctuary.Poseidon's ultimate with max CDR is 54 sec,sanctuary cooldown is 160 sec so they can counter 1 kraken but the next one is going to hit your enemy.Poseidon's base stats are high so the damage with Spear of the Magus(after few ticks you might even reach TRUE damage)is going to be enough.This build is for really good and aggressive players who can utilize the cooldown reduction to its fullest.This build is focused around early skirmish fights(take a look at the skirmish section of this guide)and quick rotations so that you can catch the enemy off guard.WITH 54 SEC cooldown on the kraken you should never be afraid to use it

Early game

As Poseidon you should focus on farming as much as you can.The goal here is to get the first two items as fast as possible.The faster you get those the more pressure you will be able to apply on the other lanes as the game progresses.
Wave clearing with Poseidon is piece of cake since he has two AOE damage skills.Try to clear the waves faster than your opponent to unlock the following options:

[*] Apply pressure to your counterpart either with basic attacks or spells
NOTE: Poseidon's Trident abilitiy does a large amount of damage if you land your autos and is its often underestimated.Successful use of Trident AND minion damage often will make your opponent miss gold/go back to base/or take huge damage in order to kill your minions

[*] Try to go for mid camps if they are available or back harpies with your jungler
NOTE: you should avoid taking the back harpies solo as they are crucial for your jungler BUT by watching his position (sometimes knowing jungle routes and general jungle gameplay) you will probably be able to determine where he is heading and therefore take the camp [or not]

[*] Rotate to other lanes and be a pain in the ***.Successful rotation along with the jungler most of the time will secure the kills[3v1 solo lane/4v2 duo lane].

[*] Place wards into the jungle allowing objective opportunities/enemy jungler's position/prevent or enable [safe]counterjungling

Before you use your abilities make sure you land some basic attacks to get bonus damage from Changing Tides

A little trick yoou should be aware of when playing is that your opponent can take a tick of damage from yourWhirlpool so that you get the aggro of his minions leading them on you and out of your Whirlpool

Mid/Late game

Mid game is the time when people leave their lane and start rotating alot
seeking opportunities to get ahead.Poseidon's mid game fairly strong.
You should take advantage of this and force objectives with your team.
Teamfights and skirmishes will start taking place and you must be there.
As Poseidon you are the backbone of the team and yours skills are absolutely needed.

MID GAME:Now the focus is on taking objectives and picking up kills on enemy gods.
Always buy wards and ensure you will not get ganged and possibly
save your teamates fron bad situations.
Now as Poseidon your primary role here is to rotate to other lanes opting forkills,your Whirlpool and Kraken are great skills for doing so.
Be aware when you counterpart goes to base and notify your team,if
he rotates do the same,it is crucial to follow him and even out fights
If no action takes place feel free to farm and ward.
Also it would be good to keep the T1 tower alive as you deny map control.
Last but no least some counterjungling opportunities pressent during mid game as rotations start leaving lanesand the jungle empty[only do this if the risk is low ]


Late game starts as you keep spending alot of your time as a team.During this phase of the game is is crucial to stay grouped up.If your arent the enemy team will keep picking up kills leading to objectives and defeat.As Poseidon make sure you are always with the team,as you cant split push and you are one of the main damage dealers


In this section of the guide i will list some fight scenarios that often[or rare] take place and some details about the way you should act as Poseidon

Skirmishes in the jungle [2 up to 4 people]

Your role here is clear.You should try to position yourself that way so than you can be safe and wait for your teamates to come.Use your skills defensively and try to block the path towards you with Whirlpool.


If you feel it is even there are two options
[*] Try to lock down the enemy carry[mid or adc]and take him out with your combo[ , , ].The faster you do that the more scary it is as you gain the numbers advantage and you still have time until the enemy comes and evens things out.
NOTE: Don't make the mistake to rush this[unless you are sure] and kill yourself.
[*] Play cautiously and wait untill your opponent makes a mistake then take advantage of it and take him out or use the Whirlpool into Tidal Surge combo to damage him and if you want activate Trident too.Be careful not to waste Whirlpool as a well placed one can help your teamates get a kill in no time

Numbers advantage

Here you can be alot more agressive since even if you make a mistake you will have the team to back you up.If you manage to kill someone,just run them through like a boss.
NOTE:You are not invincible,dont make silly mistakes that you wouldn't do if you didnt have the advantage

5v5 Teamfights

Most of the things you should do are already listed above.When you are about to fight 5v5 let the the Tank initiate and then proceed with cation and land your skills.As i have mentioned earlier it is best to try and assasinate the enemy carry but sometimes it is as good to defend your adc as the later the game progresses the more unreliable your ultimate becomes.
NOTE:Dont play sloppy or do any stupid mistakes.Play with caution you are needed in the fight.Last but not least


5v4 [Enemy is 4]
If all your teamates all at least moderate players take the fight.There is an 80% chance that you win[even if you make mistakes]



Wait for the 5th member or lose the fight[possible defeat]
Enough said.

Gold Fury Fights

Skirmish gameplay applies here too.
3 Options are available :

[*] Zone the enemy team providing time to your to take down the Gold Fury.[Do not over extened]
[*] Protecting your Wrath(if you have one) is vital at the start but as the game progresses and become insignificant in late game.After the early stages your ultimate might surpass Wrath damage so you might be the one needed to secure it.Another fact is that alot of players dont buy wrath in this meta so it is easier for you to steal it
[*] Assasinate the enemy Wrath or prevent him/her from going near to the Gold Fury

Some math because i know you love it

x=number of minutes that have passed from 10min
0<x<20 so min is 100g each and max is 300g each

Gold Fury worths 100+10x /
Which means
[T1 tower] before 10 minutes and
[T1+T2 Towers] or [3 deaths] or [2 T1s and 1 death] at max (30+min)
Dont overcommit to it because if the enemy takes more of that it wont be worth it
Also watch out for a sneaky Fire Giant as you spend time on Gold Fury

Fire Giant fights

Rushing it[Sneak it]

[*] Before rushing Fire Giant be sure the enemy team is not nearby.Feel free to use your ultimate for extra damage but if you do its better to flee if the enemy shows up.
[*] If the enemy aproaches and you are almost done try to zone them with everything you got and then flee.Most of the time Whirlpool and Kraken will be enough

Contesting Fire Giant:

5v5 gameplay applies here.
It is better not to pull aggro before you start the fight [unless you are pretty far ahead] as its damage is high/AOE/distruptive.
A possible strategy here is to bait your enemy into starting it and then wipe them out.As Poseidon you will probably be able to assasinate 2 enemy gods and start chasing them[If its a clean win its GG]

General Stuff

Fall Split 2016 meta (mid lane red buff/mid lane push/jungler orange,blue,fire eles,mids)

In order to get 5 first your jungler must make a fast rotation to mid harps and take it fast with you.By the time he arrives you should have pushed the wave into his tower so that he wont be able to help his junger without the cost of some xp/gold.After you take the harps go on the other side and try to deny them from the enemy too acting as before.

Jungle route:
You:Red buff--->mid lane--->mid camps(solo lane side)with jungler--->mid lane--->other side mid camps--->mid lane with junlger--->back harps with jungler--->mid lane--->back harps again.That the ideal thing,it is still ok to get 1 set of mid harps,but try not to lose both as you will lose the lane advantage
Watch out for the Whirlpool cripple if you throw
Kraken too fast you probably waste it.

Be carefull on how you use Tidal Surge in teamfight as it hard to hit.Dont use this as a throw away skill as it reduces your Tide by 35%.[Makes you less effective]

When using your Kraken it is good to know if the enemy has Sanctuary .If they do try to bait it out by waiting a little longer on Kraken or by activating Trident and start attacking.That goes the other way around too [rare occasion] throw Kraken to make the use Sanctuary.Alot of people save their Sanctuary for your Kraken, alert your teamates and use that to your advantage
NOTE:Sanctuary is destined to save you from everything not just a Kraken

When you are chased and you place Whirlpool right on you to slow the enemies you actually dont.For the first half of the Whirlpool you speed up the enemy[unless you have Gem of Isolation] as the Whirlpool drags them inside towards you.Use your Whirlpool wisely.

Speed buff becomes more effective for Poseidon than damage buff as the game progresses.If you play CDR Poseidonthen both are good

Always buy one Ward when you go back to base.If you push alot buy two Wards and place them on the crossroad of each side [before the mid harpie camps and ofc on your side of the map]

At level 5 if you followed the skill sequence you will be able to kill your opponent with the[ 120-150 damage, 340 damage, ,90 damage] combo if he has less than 500 HP

A small trick that will help you a little
When playing against Poseidon at the very first level if he upgraded Whirlpool just when he will use it to clear take a dive into it(take 1 tick of damage)and give him the minion aggro.They will get out of the pool weaking his clear


Eset is a powerfull mid lane god with great wave clear and decent kill potential.As Poseidon you must keep up farming as good as she is ,after a certain level she will be wave clearing with her .At that point it is vital to keep avoiding the Spirit Balls she throws while you try to clear.
Here is something you can capitalize on.
Poseidon is a very agressive god and its time to use this as an advantage.Watch out as she has the clear advantage over you at lever 1,after lvl 2 your clear is as good as hers.Your 1v1 is better than hers,that means you can agress if you want.Always be wary of those ninja spirit balls,the hit pretty hard.Key to wining the lane is getting lvl5 first and assasinate her.Try not to use your skills in her ult as the more damage they do(even to minions)the stronger the ults heal/damage gets.
[*] Overagress leaving yourself vulnerable[unless you know the enemy jungler position]
[*] Waste mana that you dont have to as you are going to need all of it

Aslo when contesting mid camps keep in mind that Spirit Ball does more damage that Tidal Surge and therefore she can probably steal them.

Scylla is fairly weak early game and she can clear efficiently until she has 4 points in her Crush ability.Until then you can bully her making her lose gold or even experience[The gameplay against Scylla is similar to Eset for the first 5 waves.Always watch out for the jungler rotation at lvl 1-2 as it can be deadly if you get too agressive.After that you can still outpush her but be acreful].As stated before DON'T overagress as she can root you in a 2v1 situation and take you out.It is necessery to avoid her Sic em ,Crush combos as they hurt quite alot and there is a chance to be killed if she hits her ultimate.
Again you should be carefull when contesting mid camps as she has 2 skills that deal instant damage.

When facing there is only one solution to get the advantage in lane.As mentioned before,with poseidon you can push really good early,shove every single minion into his tower,make him go back to base.If leave him room to breath soon he will tear you appart with his portal combos.
NOTE:Be carefull when using the Kraken as he can place the portal on the ground and make you look stupid.To avoid that always use Whirlpool before Kraken as it aplies cripple which does not allow Janus to pass through his portal.When contesting mid camps watch out as he might initiate with his ultimate and also bring he's junger and support
NOTE:Any cripple will prevent janus from passing through portals,this is a good way to slow down his rotations to other lanes.

Ra is just anoying in lane with his great wave clearing and heals.But many Ra players start with heal on the lvl1 and this time we are going to exploit this.Ra's heal has a cooldown of 16(i think) which mean that it is not going to be ready to use whn the minions arrive(Not confirmed yet on current meta).Push relentlessly and make him regret that choice.When his heal is up its is going to be too late as at least half hp will have been lost from his minions.If he tries to tank more than 3 minions with his heal straight up destroy him.When his mana gets completely depleted he is done for.
If he start with Celestial beam as his 1st skill just outpush him early and try to stay even in farm as the game progresses.When contesting mid camps watch out for his ultimate

Kukulkan (the new ao kuang) is a simple but not easy match-up for Poseidon.This nerfed version of the old dominant Ao Kuang now exels in the late mid and late game.His tornadoes damage hs been balanced and it will kill creeps from rank 3 and on so be carefull as he can zone you off and make you vulnerable to gangs.With your superb wave clear you should be able to outpush him easily until he gets 6 .
Although he is kinda weak his Zephyr hasn't changed nor has his ultimate and both hit rather hard.The mana cost and cooldown of his Tornadoes has been decreased making it more of a spam ability.Due to the low mana amount it takes to be used now Kukulkan no longer runs out of mana that easy(if the skills are used properly) allowing him use his Zephyr more often.
To face him you need an aegis item early to completly avoid his ultimate damage,let the nerfs do the rest of your work.

Anubis is the ultimate laning phase god he is literally unbeatable in lane but we are here to talk about that.Anubis everyone in wave clearing but as Poseidon you will be able to match him after level 5.
Try not to lose too much minions in the early game or back often.You need to get 5+ as soon as possible.As the game progresses he becomes extremely dangerous.After he hits 5 watch out for his Mummify,dodge it at all cost as it you don't you probably will die.
If the jungle can help you you can easily gang him as he is immobile .
NOTE:Anubis can turn this 2v1 gang into a nice double kill if you dont play smart and serious .If you get Mumified instant use of beads will alow you to pursue,use Whirlpool to lock him down,now his only option is to use his ultimate.Ganging Anubis is like a walk in a park for a jungler and you sould take advantage of that,shut him down early and he will not be a problem later in the game
Early beads and aegis for extra safety here is a must DO NOT SKIP ACTIVES

--When he uses his Death Gaze he becomes and easy target for all of your skill shots

Angi is very good laning phase god with strong harrass and mobility,he is very hard to gang as he has a low cooldown dash so many times the jungler will not be able to succesfully gang this lane.
The most common thing on Agni is to level up Path of Flames as his first skill as it can clear the wave instatly and get fast to level 2.As Poseidon you have to predict this move and place the Whirlpool ontop of your minions as he dashes.Whirlpool will stop his dash instantly.Walk over the path of flames to take damage so the he gets minion aggro.Now he is trapped among 6 minions a whirpool and Poseidon.If this gets well executed it is first blood,in the worst case scenario you take the path of flames dot and he walks away.
For the first level agni will clear the wave with his Path of Flames and use his Flame Wave to harrass you.After his Flame Wave is strong enough to clear then he will be using his ultimate as a harrass tool.
Both gods have decent kill potential on each other.Poseidon's combo is more that enough to punish any mistake that he makes.
--Notify the junger when Agni's dash is down for an easy gang,especially in the early stages of the game
--If you succesfully dodge Agni's harras you can instanlty counter attack as his abilities are down
--Always observe Agni's heasds as ontop of them you can see how many bombs he has left

is a god tha focuses alot on pure damage and big heals.Her big drawbacks are her very weak early game and her huge vulnerability to gangs.As Poseidon you should look to put as much pressure on her as possible.Push the wave as hard a possible,make her waste alot of mana to clear waves,attack her with inhands as much as possible and will fall.Until lvl 7 her heal/damage will not be enough to stop you from stomping her,thats why its nessecery to keep her down.Your combo will be more than enough to execute her most times so dont hesitate at all.Beware of the enemy jungle as he is capable of causing problems,like killing you.

As long as she is behind you you are doing good but if she gets ahead of you you just lost this lane

is a mage that focuses on high inhand damage combined with decent ability damage.This god is a great late game carry but he lack the ability to control the early game.His clear is weak but as the game progreses it will get very strong.His ultimate will take him back in time(8sec)and his HP/MP will be the same as they were at that time and his cooldowns will be reset.Try to put pressure on him early make him lose gold and health,try to kep him at about 50% HP so exatcly when you hit 5 he get executed[Make sure you combo him quick before he gets the chance to use his ultimate].If u keep him down he wont be a problem until late game.Sprint no longer makes you immune to the stun so be carefull

is hyper carry mage who focuses on big slows and dealing massive amounts of damage.This god is very weak early game(like a scylla,maybe even weaker),thats why as poseidon you should be very aggresive early game,outpush him harras him and make his life a nightmare.Try to get level 5 before him and when you get your bad boy just erase him(most of the time he wont give up the creep gold,in addition to some harrassment his hp might be below half witvh is way lower than 540 at lvl 4-5).That will win the lane for you. has no escape so if the Kraken doesnt finish him off he still has to run to his tower.When you get the chance try to kill those corpses he lays down as he regain a significant amount of mana and health.Alway wacth out for gangs as he can set up one very easy.

Buying Sprint 2

is a must as it straight up counters his ult and his main burst.As the game progresses he becomes very strong so its better to shut him down early befotr he gets his damage items.


This guide is complete
any tips/help is welcome
To do list
update it for every match up
update for every meta change
Hope you enjoyed reading this super detailed guide(joking)
I also hope it helped you improve your poseidon

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sunny108108 (3) | March 1, 2017 5:37pm
Nice build of posiden!
windmasters (1) | May 7, 2015 3:20am
Thx for the feedback i will keep it updated.
RSDuce | April 28, 2015 5:45pm
This is one of the best guides I have seen for people who are new or experienced with Poseidon. He is my main and I was about to make a guide for him. Then I saw your's and was like damn, it has everything. Keep up the great work, just make sure to keep it updated.
windmasters (1) | August 7, 2014 12:04pm
Thanks for pointing all these stuff,i ll consider using columns but first i need to learn how to handle all these codes.Feel free to stop by again in the next few days .Thanks for the upvote too.
riomhaire (1) | August 7, 2014 10:01am
Fairly well-written guide, especially considering that you aren't a native English speaker. Because of that, no comments on spelling (plenty of other users can do that). I like the content and the colors are nice. One thing I really want to see more of here is spacing.

Spacing is key to well-written guides, because space acts as breathing room for your brain. If spaces are absent, the reader's brain goes "whoa, information overload" and they don't get as much from the guide. Also, when there are too many spaces (like in the gameplay section, though that may just be iOS acting loserly and putting line breaks wherever), people like me lose track of where each thought ends. Not enough to ruin the guide, but space definitely needs to be tweaked.

(See how much easier everything is to follow with proper spacing?)

Anyway, I agree with the posters above, and I'd consider using columns in your item description, like this:
[columns] [nextcol width=60][icon=rod of tahuti size=50 float=left] [nextcol]This is a must for magical gods, as the power is unmatched, blah blah blah. [/columns]
It'll look like this:
This is a must for magical gods, as the power is unmatched, blah blah blah.
And that will help your guide look better.
Still, great guide. Upvote from me.
Horseman | August 6, 2014 5:41pm
Devampi wrote:
Also Void Stone is just bad on mages you can better take Runic Shield because the range of Void Stone's passive is to small for mages.

Runic Shield isn't available for magical gods.
Take Bulwark of Hope if you need magical protection, Breastplate of Valor if you need physical protection. If you need both and can only build one item Hide of the Urchin is a good choice, but I don't really run into that situation often. Unfortunately magical gods don't have any good items for protection and power, they really need a magical Shifter's Shield equivalent.
Devampi (105) | August 5, 2014 2:06pm
welp I just noticed that's true but there are more magic protect items.

for those icons you use this code (remove the "):

["icon:whirlpool size=50]

size is asjustable but 50 is normally a good one.
and for this: Whirlpool you just put ["[ in front and end the word with ]"] (again remove the ").

For more codings you should look at the BBcoding guide.
windmasters (1) | August 5, 2014 11:39am
no man your points are all correct
this is my 1st guide so all this stuff was unknown
tried with the images and i kinda failed bcuz it was showing the image link and not the image itself
yes forgot to write that this guide is not finished
poseidon is also unable to buy runic shield and i also think every caster is unable to get AD items
thanks for the feedback
Devampi (105) | August 5, 2014 11:11am
well this guides misses a lot of important stuff: gameplay and teamwork are some main things.

on your sequence It's a pretty good one and I get why you save 1 point. But IMO [[Poseidon]'s] 2 is better then his 1 (because it's easy to dodge).

on your item build You miss the CDR and instead of that you took an overkill on Pen. Also on Poseidon is Gem of Isolation pretty much an core item because of the sucking from Whirlpool makes it impossible to get out of it.

Also Void Stone is just bad on mages you can better take Runic Shield because the range of Void Stone's passive is to small for mages.

Also an good item against physical and it gives you cdr too is Breastplate of Valor.

Also on sequence of the items Rod of Tahuti is way too far in the front as 3th item you mostly take something defensive or cdr And putting rod on spot 4-5.

On the BBcoding/formating:
This is just so bad that for me it was pain too read it (could have used more empty spaces in items tab. Also by using double [ things get a lot clearer. On your skill tab you could just have used icons for the whole description of the skill see:

hope this helps you a bit. if you don't agree on some points tell me why yours is better.
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