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This is a super niche build that you skip your starter and rush Doom Orb , like it's season 7 again :D
I don't recommend stacking builds that much cuz they're killing early game flexibility. You cant rotate, you can't miss a lane wave, etc. It paid off very highly when you stacked but until that point, it's a slow-burn reward for me. And not practical. At least for me.
But here we are.
This is just for fun don't take it so seriously. But it works for speedy pos lovers like me :D
So Many people build heavy defensive items on mid laners such as
, and go on. That's unnecessary most of the time.
If you're new to the game or to the god and you wanna survive? You need high cdr, a bit more health and life steal. This is the way how mages take defensive measurements. Not like building solo lane/support items.
This build could help those who are focused by the enemy team or don't wanna die so quickly.
You have high cdr (%30) + %12 life steal + 350 extra health, 7 HP5, and also %20 Crowd Control Reduction. And once Charon is stacked you'll get 35 HP5 and %8 movement speed In my opinion, this is the safest build for The Pos.
This build focus on CDR and sustain less but mainly focus on penetration and shredding
You're still speedy, you still have %20 CDR so still some safety for sure. But you'll end up with %40 percent penetration and 30 Flat Pen.
If the enemy has so many tanks / front liners then change Doom Orb with Soul Reaver. But I think you'll be ok.
Tap each threat level to view Poseidon’s threats
Same problem with Thoth but this time distance its not problem but like Thoth Ah Puch has one of the most deadliest artilery in whole game. Its so hard to get close to him. His 3-1-2 combo has more damage than his ult. And his ult its ultimate boxing ability.
Poseidon aint has dash or jump. And has only 1 ability that could go long distances and thats his 1 .. 3 is ground target ability, 2 is buff and Kraken needs mid range interaction. And Ah Puch is the king of mid range.
But if you're a blink Poseidon then U can kill Ah Puch with ease.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 65 [display_name] => Ah Puch [url] => ah-puch ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Same problem with Thoth but this time distance its not problem but like Thoth Ah Puch has one of the most deadliest artilery in whole game. Its so hard to get close to him. His 3-1-2 combo has more damage than his ult. And his ult its ultimate boxing ability. Poseidon aint has dash or jump. And has only 1 ability that could go long distances and thats his 1 .. 3 is ground target ability, 2 is buff and Kraken needs mid range interaction. And Ah Puch is the king of mid range. But if you're a blink Poseidon then U can kill Ah Puch with ease. ) 1
His poke & clear better than yours. Yes your ult more guarantee hit compare to him but he hits harder from way far distance. You hit a less than him and you need to get close. And when you get close he could just
So he is tough and annoying. But if his ultiamte and dash is down. He is a dead dragon to you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 13 [display_name] => Kukulkan [url] => kukulkan ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => His poke & clear better than yours. Yes your ult more guarantee hit compare to him but he hits harder from way far distance. You hit a less than him and you need to get close. And when you get close he could just [Icon=Zephyr size=40] + [Icon=Polynomicon size=40] you. So he is tough and annoying. But if his ultiamte and dash is down. He is a dead dragon to you. ) 1
His Ice Stance slows kinda kills your passive and mobility items. And make you a easy pick for enemy jungler.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 100 [display_name] => Merlin [url] => merlin ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => His Ice Stance slows kinda kills your passive and mobility items. And make you a easy pick for enemy jungler. ) 1
In close encounter, Poseidon's wombo combo is too much for Pers but in mid to long range scenarios specialy when Pers prepped with her plants and her ult up. Then its terrible for Pos. Cuz Poseiidon aint have cc immune ult or leap.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 105 [display_name] => Persephone [url] => persephone ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => In close encounter, Poseidon's wombo combo is too much for Pers but in mid to long range scenarios specialy when Pers prepped with her plants and her ult up. Then its terrible for Pos. Cuz Poseiidon aint have cc immune ult or leap. ) 1
Poseidon's ultimate requires mid range interaction. Its not a snipe or throw skill like the ultimates of Nox, Discordia, Ra, Thoth, Vulcan, Kukulkan. Poseidon is a mid range god like such as Agni, Zeus, Isis, Ah Puch.
And against Thoth is so hard to cover all that distance. Thoth can sit under his tower and shoot at middle of the the lane right from there. And thanx to his annoyinh dash+stun combo its hard to gank too. When he is at low mana. He is a dead bird but with Mana, you're a dead fish.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 82 [display_name] => Thoth [url] => thoth ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Poseidon's ultimate requires mid range interaction. Its not a snipe or throw skill like the ultimates of Nox, Discordia, Ra, Thoth, Vulcan, Kukulkan. Poseidon is a mid range god like such as Agni, Zeus, Isis, Ah Puch. And against Thoth is so hard to cover all that distance. Thoth can sit under his tower and shoot at middle of the the lane right from there. And thanx to his annoyinh dash+stun combo its hard to gank too. When he is at low mana. He is a dead bird but with Mana, you're a dead fish. ) 1
His 3 would make your passive and mobility irrelevant. Plus his ult also dangerous for Poseidon when your beads and ultimate are inactive.
But while he is ulting he is a open target to your ult and 3. So its kinda even. But since he force you to build anti-heal. Baron barely win this match-up imo.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 96 [display_name] => Baron Samedi [url] => baron-samedi ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => His 3 would make your passive and mobility irrelevant. Plus his ult also dangerous for Poseidon when your beads and ultimate are inactive. But while he is ulting he is a open target to your ult and 3. So its kinda even. But since he force you to build anti-heal. Baron barely win this match-up imo. ) 1
Ra, generaly less meta god compare to Poseidon. But ra has similar mobility and passive to you. So all zoom zoom strategies that you did against other mages aint gonna work on ra. And since he aint have a leap/dash skill. You cant cripple him and since he can be faster when he cast a skill. He can get our of the vortex easier than any other Mage. While he can heal himself he can get speed buff actualy. So thats why its hard to outbox Ra.
On the other hand, Ra's ult has cc immunity and you dont have that.
But still your ult is way more practical and impactful. And your safe range aoe via #3 is waay better than his close range aoe via #3.
Just dont forget to buy
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 8 [display_name] => Ra [url] => ra ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Ra, generaly less meta god compare to Poseidon. But ra has similar mobility and passive to you. So all zoom zoom strategies that you did against other mages aint gonna work on ra. And since he aint have a leap/dash skill. You cant cripple him and since he can be faster when he cast a skill. He can get our of the vortex easier than any other Mage. While he can heal himself he can get speed buff actualy. So thats why its hard to outbox Ra. On the other hand, Ra's ult has cc immunity and you dont have that. But still your ult is way more practical and impactful. And your safe range aoe via #3 is waay better than his close range aoe via #3. Just dont forget to buy [Icon=Divine Ruin size=40] ) 1
You can cripple her escape. You can run out of her root and ult or counter ult her. Only problematic thing about her is her big and fast #2 in late game.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 50 [display_name] => Scylla [url] => scylla ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => You can cripple her escape. You can run out of her root and ult or counter ult her. Only problematic thing about her is her big and fast #2 in late game. ) 1
Actualy u're one of the rare mid laners that can cancel ullr's combo.
Your knockback can interrupt his axe 1 and your cripple (#3) can disable his jump. and when his both jump and axe stun is down. He is a dead meat to you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 51 [display_name] => Ullr [url] => ullr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Actualy u're one of the rare mid laners that can cancel ullr's combo. Your knockback can interrupt his axe 1 and your cripple (#3) can disable his jump. and when his both jump and axe stun is down. He is a dead meat to you. ) 1
Agni's 1-2 combo vs Your 3-1 combo. Who hit first that side would take the lead. You're a good counter to him cuz of your criplle via 3(he cant dash while under the effect of water vortex). He is good counter to you cuz of his dash and stun.
High mobility Poseidon would be the victor but damage/bruiser build Poseidon cant compete with Agni.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 18 [display_name] => Agni [url] => agni ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Agni's 1-2 combo vs Your 3-1 combo. Who hit first that side would take the lead. You're a good counter to him cuz of your criplle via 3(he cant dash while under the effect of water vortex). He is good counter to you cuz of his dash and stun. High mobility Poseidon would be the victor but damage/bruiser build Poseidon cant compete with Agni. ) 1
Just build
as 3rd item and you would be cool.
You're far more quicker than him. Stay away from his #2 or bait him to use&miss that. Then he is dead to you. And when he try to ult you, since he is a self-rooted target.
Do 3+4+1 on him. He will be erased.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 6 [display_name] => Anubis [url] => anubis ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Just build [Icon=Divine Ruin size=40] as 3rd item and you would be cool. You're far more quicker than him. Stay away from his #2 or bait him to use&miss that. Then he is dead to you. And when he try to ult you, since he is a self-rooted target. Do 3+4+1 on him. He will be erased. ) 1
Pos one of the good Heim-Counters imo. Cuz Your cripple could stop his ultimate (not in the middle of the move but before starting) And your knock back and knock ups could displace him. Also your criple blocks his bifrost escape too.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 107 [display_name] => Heimdallr [url] => heimdallr ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Pos one of the good Heim-Counters imo. Cuz Your cripple could stop his ultimate (not in the middle of the move but before starting) And your knock back and knock ups could displace him. Also your criple blocks his bifrost escape too. ) 1
Your #3 is his biggest counter. Cuz with that ability you can do al 3 things in 1.
1st CC & damage to him
2nd Erase his turrent
3rd clear minions
And without his turrent. He aint much of a challenge for you. Your ult is way practical too. Just be careful for his 3+1 combo otherwise you're safe. And he is not !
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 29 [display_name] => Vulcan [url] => vulcan ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => Your #3 is his biggest counter. Cuz with that ability you can do al 3 things in 1. 1st CC & damage to him 2nd Erase his turrent 3rd clear minions And without his turrent. He aint much of a challenge for you. Your ult is way practical too. Just be careful for his 3+1 combo otherwise you're safe. And he is not ! ) 1
Tap each threat level to view Poseidon’s threats
He probably have blink and he has a long leap with invisibilty. You cant shook him off from your tail specialy when u aint have your ult. You're a dead fish.
Only thing you can do, win the early to mid game part of the game. Cuz in late game. He is gonna shred you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 60 [display_name] => Ao Kuang [url] => ao-kuang ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => He probably have blink and he has a long leap with invisibilty. You cant shook him off from your tail specialy when u aint have your ult. You're a dead fish. Only thing you can do, win the early to mid game part of the game. Cuz in late game. He is gonna shred you. ) 1
Pin & Jump on you then ultimate. If u're still alive then amped basics would kill you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 34 [display_name] => Ne Zha [url] => ne-zha ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Pin & Jump on you then ultimate. If u're still alive then amped basics would kill you. ) 1
He can avoid your ult with his ult and can counter you. Also can avoid your cc with his 2.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 67 [display_name] => Ravana [url] => ravana ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => He can avoid your ult with his ult and can counter you. Also can avoid your cc with his 2. ) 1
Similar to Ao Kuang it has so much mobility, blink, leap, dash and he can pull you to himself. So its one of the hardest assasins in terms of shooking off.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 76 [display_name] => Susano [url] => susano ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Similar to Ao Kuang it has so much mobility, blink, leap, dash and he can pull you to himself. So its one of the hardest assasins in terms of shooking off. ) 1
If you dont have beads or basic attack amplifier item. His silence would make all the differecnce between you two. 2 sec silence is a death sentence for Poseidon.
But in late game you can delete Thana from the map with correct build.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 43 [display_name] => Thanatos [url] => thanatos ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => If you dont have beads or basic attack amplifier item. His silence would make all the differecnce between you two. 2 sec silence is a death sentence for Poseidon. But in late game you can delete Thana from the map with correct build. ) 1
You basicly have nothing to shook him off.
He can run away via his ult before u pull of your ult. He can stun you and slows you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 66 [display_name] => Ratatoskr [url] => ratatoskr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => You basicly have nothing to shook him off. He can run away via his ult before u pull of your ult. He can stun you and slows you. ) 1
Too much mobility to trace her. You're gonna get dizy. But thankfuly you can cripple her easily.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 56 [display_name] => Serqet [url] => serqet ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Too much mobility to trace her. You're gonna get dizy. But thankfuly you can cripple her easily. ) 1
Tap each threat level to view Poseidon’s threats
Thanx to her 6 sec cc immune ultimate. She can avoid your cripple and knock up (via ult). And pin down you with her 4-1-3 combo .
But if she is out of beads and ult. She is dead to you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 1 [display_name] => Artemis [url] => artemis ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Thanx to her 6 sec cc immune ultimate. She can avoid your cripple and knock up (via ult). And pin down you with her 4-1-3 combo . But if she is out of beads and ult. She is dead to you. ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 118 [display_name] => Atlas [url] => atlas ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => ) 1
Your cripple great counter to his OP dash.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 127 [display_name] => Charon [url] => charon ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Your cripple great counter to his OP dash. ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 107 [display_name] => Heimdallr [url] => heimdallr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 51 [display_name] => Ullr [url] => ullr ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 45 [display_name] => Ah Muzen Cab [url] => ah-muzen-cab ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Your cripple or knockback doesnt mean a **** to him when he chained up and firing. And since u dont have cc immune ult. You totaly dependent to beads against him.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 23 [display_name] => Ares [url] => ares ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Your cripple or knockback doesnt mean a shit to him when he chained up and firing. And since u dont have cc immune ult. You totaly dependent to beads against him. ) 1
Knock up, stun, mesmerize.. You're a dead meat. But you can cripple his jump tho
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 26 [display_name] => Bacchus [url] => bacchus ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Knock up, stun, mesmerize.. You're a dead meat. But you can cripple his jump tho ) 1
He is untargetable while he is ulting. His main clear damage not coming from paralel opposite its coming from air. So you cant stop upcoming attack via your 1 or 3. And thanx to his stun-dash. He can engage with you rather easily.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 91 [display_name] => Hachiman [url] => hachiman ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => He is untargetable while he is ulting. His main clear damage not coming from paralel opposite its coming from air. So you cant stop upcoming attack via your 1 or 3. And thanx to his stun-dash. He can engage with you rather easily. ) 1
too much wombo combo opporunity for'em.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 52 [display_name] => Kumbhakarna [url] => kumbhakarna ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => too much wombo combo opporunity for'em. ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 104 [display_name] => Olorun [url] => olorun ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 70 [display_name] => Sol [url] => sol ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Your criple good on his 3 but other then that, he is basicaly Ares to you but less strong
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 69 [display_name] => Xing Tian [url] => xing-tian ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Your criple good on his 3 but other then that, he is basicaly Ares to you but less strong ) 1
His cc immune dash can counter cripple and you cant trade blows with him Cuz he can basicly kills u with 3-4 basics after level 14.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 27 [display_name] => Xbalanque [url] => xbalanque ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => His cc immune dash can counter cripple and you cant trade blows with him Cuz he can basicly kills u with 3-4 basics after level 14. ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 55 [display_name] => Rama [url] => rama ) [scoreVal] => 4 [notes] => ) 1
First of all, English is not my main language so please excuse some of my grammar mistakes :)
Hi.. I'm not a high-ranked (diamond and above) or pro player. But I'm a very loyal and long-time Smite player. I'm mostly a casual and golden to plat ranked player and for a long time I'm at a 10+ mastery level with Fafnir. Tho I'm not an advanced competitive Smite playeryet, at the same time I watch and follow professional players, analysts, and educator streamers. And try to follow the current meta since 5.17.analysts, and educator streamers. And try to follow the current meta since 5.17.
I try to cover Poseidon in form of every role he can play, I think he had a good solo run at Season 10 and I think he can pull Support role too but I'll ad those later on. For now the guide limited with Mid, Jungle, Carry roles.
People try to build Poseidon like every other "CDR&Burst Damage Hybrid Mage Build". But you have to consider his passive, you're kinda also a basic attack focus mage. Maybe not as Olorun, Chronos, Sol, and Freya but right after these 3 ADC monsters probably Poseidon would be the 5th god his basic attacks matter most(Nu Wa, Zhong Kui, Maman and Morrigan are only close calls). And he can be really fast with additional movement speed items. So always consider this.
And you're fast as you land your basics(even on minions and jungle camps). Never forget that. And since you don't have any high mobility/escape abilities like dash or leap. You need mobility items that can proc&stack with your passive and ability no#2. Don't forget that "Poseidon is a valuable and legit God as he keeps his mobility at high levels."
He is a very easy and straight forward god to understand and a very old god to be known by others. So that's why ım not gonna give a full presentation about his abilities but ım gonna talk about a few key factors.
1st of all. Poseidon has a lot of CC. You're not just about your ultimate. Your
are two of the best clear abilities in the game. YES! But that's not just it.
has a knock-up/knock-back combo. And you can stop a god that charges at you even while they're in mid-dash. Geb, Fenrir, Athena, and Vamana all would be stopped if you hit them with your
while they're dashing.
And your
has a cripple effect that means they can't use mobility abilities while in the vortex. They can't dash or leap. That's why you can make it hard to jump on yourself for the enemy if you use this properly.
You can set up plays for your teammates. And Your ultimate has a wide and high knock-up effect (Similar to Sylvanus's ult). So don't forget that. Your abilities are surely offensive and can deal high damage but with proper use, they're defensive and good utility as well.
People always use
for long-range shots and
for short to mid-ranges. That's kinda wrong. It's not totally wrong but the potential of these abilities is not just about that.
Similar to Ra's #1. Poseidon's
is a very narrow and slow line attack (even slower than Ra's and has a shorter range). So it would be hard to hit an enemy with that while that enemy is pretty far away from you but since your
is a ground target ability ( that means it's not a projectile and that's cuz you can't miss) use it for poke&lock then use
for close-range interaction. I recommend this for Ra mains too.
Otherside of these, always keep your tide meter full. Use basic attacks a lot on minions and jungle camps. And your buffed basics can kill a lot of squishies too. So don't be afraid to use'em. Your
are hand to hand.
Short Combos:
Mid Combos:
Full Combos:
With AA Cancels:
You can cut short these combos. I just try to demonstrate the fullest.
Without AA Cancels:
AA Canceling would work pretty well for Poseidon but it's not an obligation for players. You can enjoy Poseidon without auto attack cancel too. But if you can pull it off. It would be helpful.
For ADC Poseidon:
Since you've great clear with
. you could out clear the enemy. But u must learn how to be patient and give time for your support to farm as well or at least time for assist to your minions kills. In Mid Lane yes you're a lone wolf mosstly but in a duo lane, you need to adjust your gaming phase to your support.
And always make your jungler or support ward both entries (from the jungle) to duo lane. Cuz you don't have Dash or leap or Argus ( Sorry Kraken :( )
For Jungle Poseidon:
The early game (before hitting 5th level I mean) would be a bit tough. You should avoid ganking tough targets or full-health enemy gods. And definitely must avoid initiating against early-game assassins like Thanatos, Ratatoskr, Arachne, Ravana etc.
Since you have a fine clear for a jungler don't forget to help a lane when that lane fall behind. And always help to mid at most.
Thru late-game use basics against jungle monsters for procking your passive, with this way, your damaging abilities (yes ult too) would give an extra %20 damage. Great ganking passive. Always make it full before ganks and team fights.
At last but not least;
His main role, Mid Lane.
Make sure to have maximum benefit from your jungler and wards. Always communicate with your Jungler. You're not Janus u can't escape through walls and you're not Agni you cant instantly dash out of everything. Cuz of that you need assistance and knowledge about warding.
In the early game always ward side Xp jungles but not directly inner circle of the jungle but more close to hallways that open to mid lane with this way you can track XP buffs and also possible jungler attempts.
In the early game, more focus was on farming. But thru mid to late game. Rotate and help others. You have a speedy build here. And don't kept your ultimate for a possible triple, quadra kill chances. Even killing one enemy or usage as a wall for saving your friend (or yourself) would be very valuable in the game. Don't hold Kraken for selfish desires guys. As it said; "Release It!".
But also don't trust to Kraken that much, I saw so many Poseidon players that just stop and watch others after landing Kraken, like Kraken can arrange everything for them. Nooo, If you're at low health run with that time you gain via Kraken. If you feel that you can engage more then start to pull your combos off.
Don't just stare after Kraken. Be active. Always remember that Kraken can be avoided with Aegis in terms of damage dealt and can be avoided with Beads in terms of knock-up CC. And also remember Kraken ult has 2 circular layers. The inner circle has maximum damage and high knock-up. The outer circle has mid to low damage and no knock-up.
And don't forget Kraken delivers %30 slow on the enemy too. If you stack this with Gem of Iso then you have %50.
Kraken is not a solution for everything but it's a very valuable tool for you. And you shouldn't kept that from your team.
In General:
Rotate a lot, ward a lot, communicate a lot(especially with Jungler and Support), be aware of your cc, be aware of your passive, and use your basic attacks it could create the difference between death and life for you and release the Kraken frequently and logically as possible.
- You don't have escape tool but also you're not an immobile god.
- Your kit one of the easiest to pull off, especially when you take your passive seriously
- Bunch of CC
- Poseidon can make use of many but many items from inventory. He is a versatile god. I mean Gods like Kukulkan, Anubis, Chronos, etc. generally have a "must-do" build. Cuz w/o that build their efficiency will drop down but cuz of this predictability they're also easy to counter. I can pop up 6 or 7 more different builds for Poseidon and probably all of'em would work for you just fine. That's a good option to have.
- Kraken!
-Yes you're mobile but you have no escape tools. Easy to jump on
- Slow abilities and items could kill your "mobility card" easily.
- Kraken is avoidable.
- Your one it's hard to hit and easy to miss
- As an old fashion Mage you're pretty squishy.
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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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It says to get lost artifact but in the actual builds, cronos/doom orb are not shown as the first items, can you clarify what is going on there?
But yes ı think ı should completely get rid of it.
Thx again.
After that, follow this priority
If you need more details, I'll.give them as soon as I get home and turn on my PC
Before we start Im just going to mention you've only listed
Another thing is that, you haven't mentioned on your threats for
Onto mid builds:
I have to disagree that your start is "solid". There really is no reason to have wards that early at level 1, and if you're wary of an early speed buff invade all you have to do is watch the jungle (literally, I do it every game due to PTSD). Get 2
First build "CDR & High Movement hybrid build" ,
As for "Movement & Burst Hybrid" build, im not quite sure what you're going for here. Your only pen item is magus, which requires several ticks of
What I am saying is you might want to swap
Alternatively, if you want the burst build to kill tanks you could go for something like (assuming lategame, speed pot, and no boots):
Basically, it would be good to see more situational items listed, especially
Onto ADC builds:
I really am not sure about
Here's how I would Start:
Alternatively, you could do a build where you skip boots. start:
For "AA Base Build late game" and "Hybrid Build Late Game" I just don't know what you're trying here, yes you can perhaps get some Poly procs off with
Onto Jungle builds:
Starter, you should really go for
As for "Mid Game (w/ boots & blessing)", you're making that same mistake as before and you're building two expensive luxury items in a row, especially the very expensive
You should ideally decide if you want to prioritise
Build 1:
Build 2:
As for the lategame no boots builds see my discussion on your Mid lategame no boots builds.
You can sell some CDR items for more damage or pen items of course. But late game is not just about being Level 20 its like 17-20 levels and you wont to buy potion of magic in level 17 or 18. So Full CDR will work for you. Cuz some games can end earlier and maybe you wont be able to reach the state that you're selling boots. Thats why full cdr before 20 level is always works imo.
About wards, in current meta early game ganks is a thing. Thats why Hi-Rez nerfed speed buff and assassin's blessing. But we can still saw 2-3 level mid lane ganks. So wards never hurts imo.
Rod of Tahuti and Soul Reaver are mentioned in my "item tips" section. Like ı said before Poseidon can make many items of use for himself. Thats wgy this build is kinda suits to my gamestyle.
Im agree with maybe Shaman's Ring could bought earlier than Soul Gem.
I dont think trading Doom Orb with Spear of Deso is a good idea but ım agree with other 2.. Yes it could be more practical. I see your point.
I reccomend Divine Rune in my "Some İtem Tips" section. But its not a mandatory item for Pos imo unless you're against a heavy healer team comp.
Poseidon ADC; Doom Orb kinda Transendence for Poseidon. But ı see the benefit of trading Chronos with Bancroft. Yes that would make him more bursty and better sustain. Thanks for that tip. Also ı love the idea that Chronos for late game pick. But ı wonder what about his mana need ? Bancroft is enough ? If it is then yes ı liked your opinion too.
Polly procs with your 3 and also helps you to kill people that survive after your ultimate with your basics (saving mana) more easily. But yes its a bit risky build. And I said that in my build notes.
But ı see your adc build is more straight-forward. Good.
Early game Poseidon is realy slow. Thats why ı pick boot starts. But in terms of clear yes that pick is more useful.
Actually ı realy liked Emerald Ring start. Why ı didnt think that. Thanks man. Its far better starter item than boots.
Thanks for all these valuable advices and consideration. It helped.