Starting Items
Standard Warrior Support Items:
Bluestone Pendant,
Hand of the Gods, with 4x
Health Potions and 4x
Mana Potions is a typical Support start.
Bluestone Pendant is preferred over the
Mark of the Vanguard because part of the reason you play a warrior is for the early damage and lane aggression. The physical power and impressive mana regeneration on
Bluestone Pendant allow for this play style at the cost of receiving most damage from minions which
Mark of the Vanguard excels in doing. For Bellonda this loss in bulk is not as harsh with other warrior supports. After a few auto attacks
Bellona has sufficient protections akin to the damage mitigation that
Mark of the Vanguard provides. In addition, the heal off her
Scourge allows for respectable healing that allows for you to auto attack minions and give last hit to your adc and heal off an impressive amount of health after pokes gain lane dominance (best case scenario but common with her play style). The health, mana, and gold bonus from
Watcher's Gift is still sub-par compared to regeneration from
Bluestone Pendant and
Scourge and the passive play style that it promotes is lost on
Paranoid Starting Items:
In this season 2 meta I find solo side invades rather common, but duo/mid side invades very infrequent and easy to spot out. I usually roam jungle until 5 seconds after match start to ensure no invades. If that isn't enough to satisfy you can start
Bluestone Pendant
Hand of the Gods and 2x
Wards. Place the wards early, enemy blue buff and mid camps most likely, back and grab 3x
Health Potions and 3xMana Potions. With these wards, spotting out an invade is fairly easy. I find the potions are not as necessary on her, early items with Bluestone Pendand and
Scourge provide such excellent forms of regeneration, and while mana wont be topped off it will always allow for that just enough mana for 1 more ability akin to the Bluestone Pendent. But high aggression and poking cost you health and mana so the potions are still a safer start.
Rage of the Gods and 1 of each potion is viable on her but demands farm focused safer play than usual.
Bluestone Pendant+
Hand of the Gods+4x
Health Potions and 4x
Mana Potion, 2x
Wards if you prefer but not as important as last season.
Core Support Build
For the most part I recommend the standard warrior season 2 meta build for
Bellona in the Support role. I try to get
Sovereignty and
Heartward Amulet completed asap after my movement item and
Wrath of the Gods. The biggest change in my core is going straight
Winged Blade or straight
Reinforced Greaves. If I think my team needs defense online asap I finish greaves and go straight into
Sovereignty. If I feel that there is going to be a longer laning phase I finish
Winged Blade boots 2, to ensure I can make speedy rotations with my 2 movement speed items during the long laning phase and then finish
Reinforced Greaves followed by
Sovereignty. Sovereinty and
Heartward Amulet are great cheap, safe, and team efficient support items that should rarely forsaken for others. Unless a specific counter build is needed early you will see me grab these two items early. The Hp5 and Mp5 add greatly to mid and even late game regeneration and should be given the respect it deserves. Along with
Bluestone Pendant mana regeneration mid and late game far exceeds that of guardian supports, but it's not uncommon for me to grab a
Mana Potion along with a couple
Wards every time I go back to ensure I'm not out of mana if people are grouping for a Gold Fury.
Magi's Blessing is a solid post Hearward Amulet item that helps you defend objectives. I find it's not as necessary on her as other supports because I rarely rely on the CC immunity to escape accidental over extension or allow for objective stealing (uninterrupted leap through walls with 1 second is so strong), abusing the low CD and CC immunity of
Eagle's Rally in place of it.
Spirit Robe is a great alternative with its passive, CD reduction, and stalwart protections, and should be considered for low CC teams.
I do not have a set second active after
Wrath of the Gods and usually wait until mid game to determine which active best benefits my team. This is largely game specific but if you are looking to walk away with 'never wrong' second active for this build then I'd say
Shell of Absorption is that item, but I'll address actives individually at the end of this section.
Long laning phase
Winged Blade->
Reinforced Greaves->
Heartward Amulet->
Shell of Absorption->Magi's Blessing/
Spirit Robe
Short laning phase
Reinforced Greaves->
Heartward Amulet->
Shell of Absorption->Magi's Blessing/
Spirit Robe.
Counter Builds
It goes without saying that the rest of your items should be picked more for countering more so than any other person on your team. Building for your kit comes second to your teammates' and it falls on you build counter aura items like
Runic Shield,
Witchblade, etc.
Hunter Counter Suppoort Builds:
Bellona's kit is build for countering AA dependent gods, hunters are still hard late game carries they were meant to be and additional items may likely be needed to give your team the advantage. The movement speed on
Witchblade is sorely missed but less so with
Bellona's passive
Master of War and it is a must item for shutting down a late game hunter or a team with 2 or more AA dependent gods (
Bakasura solo,
Artemis adc, and
Kali jungle for example]]. This takes priority over Healthward Amulet if their hunter does manage to get fed. An early
Enfeebling Curse can help greatly. If I decide to get this item I try to rush it allowing for the low CD to help use it in almost every engagement, the slow helps stop enemy team pursuits and escapes wonderfully.
Midgardian Mail is a great counter option and even finds a way onto the end of many of core builds because of it's great stats attack speed debuff, and psuedo self-peel options. Breatplate of Valor is not the first pick but is practical not only for the high physical protections but also for the 25% CD reduction alow for more
Scourges and less autos from a fed hunter.
Frostbound Hammer is a very applicable item for a
Bellona support. Early purchase is risky but combined with her passive
Master of War and the lack of boots on the enemy, kills are very manageable. Just remember that a failure to secure a kill in the first few minutes will result in the advantage going to the enemy duo.
Frostbound Hammer is just as good late game for her. The health allows you to get in the face of hunters and apply the slow and attack speed debuff that almost completely shuts down hunters. The attack speed from
Winged Blade,
Witchblade, and her fast attack chain allows for constant debuff application. With these items and her kit
Bellona is the best late game hunter counter aside from an unAegised
Release The Kraken!
Enfeebling Curse
Midgardian Mail
Frostbound Hammer
Anti-Heal Support Build:
This build is pretty self intuitive, magical prots and magical debuff auras. One great advantage of a warrior support is access to many items with magical defense not available to guardians.
Runic Shield being the prime example. A -50 magical power debuff aura becomes more necessary the more mages on the enemy team (
Janus mid,
Chang'e solo, and
Ares support for example]]. Many of said items give physical power instead of health though. This not ideal for a support but after finished your tanky core build it is still an option and can allow you to apply unignorable pressure to squishy mages while shrugging of their abilities. Since Belona's kit gives her no advantages over mages tankiness is important and should be prioritized over magical protections/physical power items that would be akin to an anti-mage solo
Bellona build.
Stone of Gaia is a great mid early item doe to the regeneration allowing you stay on the map longer and keep rotating.
Bulwark of Hope is about as bulky as you get and with its massive amount of health is always a solid choice if you find your first line presence lacking regardless of the enemy team comp. This item is great late game when mages like
Scylla and
Janus start hitting exceptionally hard.
Ancile is wroth mentioning but not worth buying unless you are ahead and anticipate late game mage carries,
Bellona's excellent mid/late game clear makes stacks easily attainable compared to other warrior supports. The CD reduction with the magical protctions is the real draw here and obviously shouldn't be bought for the physical power.
Shell of Absorption is the preferred second item in this situation allowing your team to shrug off the very predictable panic
Release The Kraken!s that comes from pressuring mages in a team fight.
Stone of Gaia->
Runic Shield->
Bulwark of Hope->
Shell of Absorption
Healing Counter Build:
This is very straight forward for those of you who know the items. Early
Weakening Curse is very potent and strong against gods like
Aphrodite, high lifesteal hunters, etc. Warriors and
Chang'e heals are minimal and spread out over time and
Weakening Curse's anti-healing is only mildly effective in this situation. I also don't bother getting this item against teams with a
Ra not because the heal isn't substantial, but because it is usually used to its greatest out of combat, prior to tower pushes and after objectives. Anti-heals aren't effective in this situation and CD reduction for initiation to scare people off the heal is a better approach. The two items that are specific to a
Bellona/or warrior support is
Pestilence and
Brawler's Beat Stick.
Pestilence solid support item with a mildly effective passive. This the item to have against warriors and
Chang'es alike. Passively halving their long term but consistent healing.
Brawler's Beat Stick is an item that should only be considered after achieving a solid level of tackiness in your build. It goes well with
Bellona's attack speed, and movement speed allowing her to stay stuck to a healer and harass to great effect and is something that acts in place of
Divine Ruin rarely seen on more common guardian supports.
Weakening Curse->
Brawler's Beat Stick
Builds for Playing Behind:
When you find your team or yourself behind compared to the enemy team make sure to prioritize aura actives, aura items, and regeneration items. Even if you are not engaging directly you are still contributing to your team. The regeneration allows you to stay on map or defend a tower for longer to prevent their map control of your side and allow you to farm longer to be able to catch up late game. A finished
Wrath of the Gods is an absolute early must. The threat of a low leveled support stealing a Fire Giant buff can check a snowballing enemy team and the attempt is worth the death of an underleveled support when weighted with possibly buying time for your team to catch up. Wards are even more important when plying from behind as they allow you to chose when to engage the enemy team till a more favorable time. Happening upon a 1v1 situation is not a disadvantage when you have a lead and is even favorable for your team. Even if it is more money from your build the ward investment is absolutely necessary and this should be the mindset for any support not just a
Bellona support.
Wrath of the Gods, aura actives, aura items, regeneration items, Wards! Wards! Wards!!!
Builds for Playing with a Lead:
Focus on finishing your core build in
Winged Blade->
Reinforced Greaves->
Heartward Amulet->Magi's Blessing/
Spirit Robe. Once this is completed you can consider 1-2 hybrid damage items where your build looks like a solo build but with more team play elements still. Complete defensive core builds are the best thing for maintaining a lead over under leveled opponents. At this point you should be very tanky for the enemy team and they should now start to not even bother to focus you at all, hoping rather to avoid you long enough to kill the always squishy and still killable adc or mage. This can and should be used to your advantage and allow you to build some damage to punish enemy gods for ignoring you in a way they would not suspect.
Qin's Sais are effective on a low damage, high bulk, and high attack speed build but the price is outrageous for a support and should only be purchased as a 6th item against a very tanky team, when you have more gold than you know what you do with. Better items that are simiar are
The Executioner and
Ichaival both of which can benefit your adc, jungler, or soloer at a very low cost. The reduction in protections allow for better single target team focus while the reduction in power in
Ichaival helps counter hunters and warriors while allowing you to inflict decent damage with it.
Frostbound Hammer is a great hybrid weapon that I consider a damage item, I mentioned most of its advantages in the Hunter Counter Support Build section.
Shifter's Shield gives physical power and solid protections and is a safe damage item for a support warrior.
Mystical Mail is definitely a tanky item that can fit on a support but many of the other tank items are preferable.
Bellona remains present even into late game and the damage aura is unnecessary. Unable to pair with a
Void Stone like guardian supports it isn't able to inflict the same damage and not as worthwhile in team fights as other tanky aura items on her. With
Bellona's attack speed and a Fire Giant buff
The Crusher is worth a mention but unless your team is severely lacking in split pushers I would leave this to more deserving gods. Luckily the cleave AA from the
Bludgeon stance reward
Rage stacks and allow for numerous crits, along with her fast attack chain a 6th item
Rage can spell disaster for most squishy gods that are trying to avoid you in the late game.
Titan's Bane's penetration is solid for spamming abilities and goes well with CD reduction but
The Executioner is still preferable for the debuff that can be utilized by team members.
Ancile is a solid item to pick up while your team has a lead allowing for easy stack farming, but only viable if they have a heavy magic comp and you find yourself spamming abilities offensively as to benefit from the CD reduction.
If you find that you no longer are feeling tanky it is time to sell the damages items and pick up more tanky items which should not come at a noticeable gold loss if your team is indeed ahead. If things do go well you are more likely going to win the game early rather than pick up a 6th item
Qin's Sais on a support.
tl;dr...Finish Core build, pick damage item based on situation
Frostbound Hammer,
Rage, or
The Executioner most likely.
This is actually viable? :o
I love that everything I read matched everything I thought about Bellona when I saw her. I was like : Ok ... She is has a Support Potential ... Interesting.
Nice build, I would just recommend not saying a lot of items are " possible last items " ... It's kind of weird to know when to use it if you're knew to the warrior type of class.
Also, explaining if it's better to use the " Counter Healing Build " when playing againts 1, 2 or more healers. That would be interesting.
Well written guide, I'm not skeptical with BB Coding ... sooo