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The MANLY King of fisticuffs

32 2 585,585
by Laihwaal updated December 22, 2015

Smite God: Ravana

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Ravana Build

Your rock solid core

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Look at those muscles! -power-

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

He's got a need for speed -speed-

Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Defense is for sissies but whatev

Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield

You need the bling to be king

Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Achilles' Spear Achilles' Spear
Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods
Build Item Weakening Curse Weakening Curse

Ravana's Skill Order

Prana Onslaught

1 X Y
Prana Onslaught
2 4 6 7 10

Overhead Kick

2 A B
Overhead Kick
3 15 16 18 19

10-Hand Shadow Fist

3 B A
10-Hand Shadow Fist
1 8 11 12 14

Mystic Rush

4 Y X
Mystic Rush
5 9 13 17 20
Prana Onslaught
2 4 6 7 10

Prana Onslaught

1 X
Ravana throws a powerful punch, projecting his prana with it to damage and slow all enemies in front of him.

Ability Type: Cone, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 (+95% of your Physical Power)
Slow Percentage: 25%
Slow Duration: 2.5s
Range: 20
Cost: 30 / 38 / 45 / 53 / 60
Cooldown: 9s
Overhead Kick
3 15 16 18 19

Overhead Kick

2 A
Ravana performs a high kick, sending a shockwave forward to damage all enemies in a line, increasing his Movement Speed and rendering him CC and damage immune during the action.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 50%
Lifetime: 1s
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
10-Hand Shadow Fist
1 8 11 12 14

10-Hand Shadow Fist

3 B
Ravana's fists fly forward, damaging and passing through minions and damaging and rooting the first god hit. Ravana heals for each enemy hit - with maximum damage sources of one god and up to three minions.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+85% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1.25s
Healing: 6 / 17 / 28 / 39 / 50
Range: 45
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14s
Mystic Rush
5 9 13 17 20

Mystic Rush

4 Y
Ravana leaps to a target location, damaging all enemies in the area and applying a debuff to enemy gods that increases the damage they take from all sources. After landing, Ravana receives a buff that reduces the damage he takes from all sources.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (+110% of your Physical Power)
Damage Increase: 10%
Damage Reduction: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%
Duration: 5s
Range: 55
Radius: 15
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s


Well met, welcome to the manliest guide for the manliest god. This will give you an in-depth look at Ravana and will teach you how to:

-box better than Mike Tyson
-be manlier than the likes of even Hercules
-punch everyone into submission with your fists of fury
-show Mercury how it's really done
-get all of the ladies
-defeat that loser Rama
-grow a glorious mustache almost as glorious as Ravana's himself

Ravana is a physical fisticuffs god, meaning he punches everything. If you have played Osiris or Arachne, you will have some idea of how this god plays. He is a very up front, in your face fighter and doesn't take anything from anyone. He functions like a tanky assassin in that he is very good at dealing damage to a single target. Most of the time you will be trying to get 1v1 duels with Ravana and only initiating the fight if you are building defense items. He is a very fun god to play, and by the end of this he will make a man out of you.

(A depiction of Ravana's true form, illustrated using the MS Paint techniques passed down the Armstrong family for generations)

*This is a guide for teaching you how Ravana works. I am not going over specific strategies for game modes such as conquest.

**Want to join my clan? PM me (Laihwaal) to join the manliest clan of them all!

Pros / Cons


- Great sustained damage -
- Ult is useful for dealing with the squishies in a teamfight -
- You punch people, who needs a weapon -
- Excels in 1 on 1 combat -
- His mustache -
- He has an immunity to damage and CC -
- Roots and slows galore means sissies can't run away -
- Sticks to gods well -
- Damage reduction on his ult -


- Sissies can't run from you, but they can still jump away -
- Without cooldown items your cooldowns are long -
- Without ult, Ravana functions poorly in group fights -
- Is weak against long range fighters -
- CC can shut you down -
- Only gap closer/escape is your ult -


Successful hits from Basic Attacks or abilities increase Ravana’s Combo Chain. Each time his Combo Chain reaches 8, he receives a Shield equal to 5% of his maximum Health. This may stack up to 3 times. This passive is beautiful at boxing, and with lifesteal can make you nigh unkillable.
Prana Onslaught Cone Ability that deals damage an also Slows 25%. The slow on top of Frostbound Hammer is wonderful for sticking to your targets. On top of all that it resets your combo chain.
Overhead Kick Kicks a shockwave in a straight line causing damage, and also making him immune to damage and CC. This is what maxes you a threat to burst mages such as Ah Puch. It's arguably your most valuable skill and if you are having trouble against bursty gods, maxing this second wouldn't be a bad idea.
10-Hand Shadow Fist This ability damages and roots a single god while healing for each enemy hit. The initial heal is 15 per unit hit and goes up to 75 at max rank. This is your main lane clear and is great for stopping people dead in their tracks.
Mystic Rush Similar to Loki's Assassinate, Ravana dashes to the target area, knocking aside all enemys in his path and dealing damage. When Mysic Rush hits it's target area, it gives damage reduction (40-60%) against enemies at the target zone. This is Ravana's main initiation, gap closer, and escape. What makes this skill incredibly useful is it's ability to get Ravana to the squishies hiding in the back of team fights, allowing you to focus them down without too much concern for anything else. Keep in mind this functions as a dash, you cannot go though walls.

*note that Smitefire has not updated Ravana's skills to the recent buff, the text is correct, some of the image stats are not.


Many people have been confused as to what Ravana should be built with. Some of the pros are saying power, some are saying attack speed. While both work, what I have found to work nicely is a combination of both attack speed and power, leaning a bit more on the power side. Having power is important in my eyes, but without any attack speed items your Qins Sais is going to be rather ineffective comparatively and your passive won't be filling up nicely. So now I will be going into depth about the rather numerous items I selected in the builds. I will be covering them all, so if it is TL;DR just look for the section and item you are curious about. Color code: blue = highly recommended, practically must haves and fits Ravana very well. green = viable item, could be swapped in for any blue and generally work. orange = situational items. These items can be substituted in based on need but generally will not be used. red = Bad item, would not build

*Also keep in mind that all the builds I made at the top are fluid. You can mix/match them any way you like, they are just presets, if you will.


- These are the go to boots for me. They give the most balanced bonuses for Ravana in my opinion.

- This is a beautiful item that will give you juicy health, power, and the ability to stick to your target.

- This item gives attack speed, power, and more importantly penetration. You can hit harder and combined with Qins will allow you to deal surprising damage to tanks.

- This is pretty much what validates attack speed builds. The passive on this item really adds up quickly, and even with power build gives you enough speed and damage to shred gods.

- Great power and lifesteal. This helps keep you in the fight longer. It's honestly a tossup between this item and Transcendence, only reason I pick the latter over the former is I prefer having mana for abilities like 10-Hand Shadow Fist that can sustain me over than just pure lifesteal. Works very well as a third item either way and just comes down to preference.

- This item gives you good power and mp5, allowing you to deal more damage and stay in the field longer. It's passive also pairs nicely with other items that give you mana. This item is a situational, and if I'm not taking this one I'm usually taking Bloodforge.

Attack power

- Crits and power, what more could you ask for? DB is usually my situational, but it is my standard item. Makes you very strong against squishies, but if you are focusing tanks a penetration item would be better.

- This item has less power than Deathbringer, but more crit chance. If I am in need of a more consistent damage output for say lifesteal, I pick this up instead of Deathbringer

- Good power and penetration, the healing reduction is also a nice bonus. Good for taking out healers, but there are better items for penetration or power.

- Power and penetration are nice, but the cooldown reduction that comes with it makes for a nice addition. This item's mana bonus also works with Transcendence.

- Damage and reduces your opponent's protections by 33% versus your attacks. Need I say more?

- 40 power is nice, and many people might prefer it over Ninja Tabi.

- An underestimated item, Malice works very well at getting through tanks. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the passive ticks cannot be mitigated by protections. It's main problem is that it's a niche item, only fitting nicely on high power builds.

- The power is ok, but the Cooldown and passive make's it a surprisingly good option, Making your Prana Onslaught deal even more damage. It's a yellow item because, similar to Malice, it benefits mostly from a full power build, limiting it's usage.

- The low power and crit chance don't really warrant this item a pick. It might be useful in conquest if you pick the jungle role, however in an engagement this item is outclassed by many others

Attack speed

- Good attack speed with penetration and a passive that can be a life saver with it's life stealer.

- This item makes a great boxing tool. This on top of Frostbound Hammer and Witchblade makes fighing most physical gods a breeze. The penetration and power "steal" can make enemy physical gods wish you got a nerf.

- If the enemy has slows, pick this up. The health is great, the cooldown is nice, and the extra move/attack speed can stack up nicely with boots.

- With Frostbound Hammer and Prana Onslaught you already have a lot of sticking potential, making this item not really essential. You could replace Frostbound Hammer with this item, but I find that the health bonus outweighs the speed increase.

- This gives some of the same juicy bonuses that
Winged Blade does, such as health and attack speed. This item, however,works much better in my opinion because of the power and armour it gives to allies as well as yourself.

- With all the attack speed and no damage it provides, there is not much advantage to picking this up. It's only real benefits are helping Qin's Sais and clearing lane faster.


- I generally don't build specialized defense, but when I'm getting bullied by an obnoxious burst mage, I build Ancile. It allows him to still have power along with getting magical defense and cooldown reduction. Make's you a lot beefier too.

- Health, stamina, endurance; everything you could ever want. This item gives you dual protections, health, and mana.

- Not an obvious choice, but aside from it's protections, the passive will be ticking on your target the whole time you are beating on them.

- Right off the bat you have 40 power and 15 dual protections, making this item a good pick already. What makes this item a great pick is over 50% health Shifter's Shield gives you 60 power instead of 40, and under 50% health your dual protections increase to 35.

- A defense item that works surprisingly well, the attack speed combined with the passive makes Ravana have a much easier time being able to box other physical gods.

- A huge chunk of health to make you fat, combined with 55 physical protection and damage increase based on physical defense makes this a decent item for protections.

- An ok item, the passive is nice for helping physically inclined teammates but I would pick a better item over this one like Mystical Mail.

Shield of regrowth - With it's update this item has become and interesting and fun one to use. Not very viable, but the mini-sprint pops off on your 10-Hand Shadow Fist, makes chasing and escaping a lot easier. Not the best item, but a blast to use.

- Decent stats, but not better than other items that could take it's place.

- It has good defense, but honestly there are better options.

- Same as above.


- This active is wonderful on Ravana. It gives you a teleport, which can allow you to initiate without needing your ult. You can also get Combat Blink to have an escape.

- an Active that gives you attack speed and life steal. It works with taking objectives and by giving life steal to builds that don't have it with items.

- What more appropriate active for a God that punches people than Fist of the Gods? The stun can keep enemies in place, making it easier to take them down or make an emergency disengage.

- I grab this when fighting hunters. The damage reflection will either force them to disengage for several seconds, or kill themselves fighing you. A nasty option.

- If there is a pesky healer such as Aphrodite, you can pop this bad boy and remind her that Ravana doesn't take the disrespect of healing his damage too kindly.

I am not covering Aegis Pendant/ Greater Aegis and Purification Beads because regardless of god, everyone needs them depending on the situation.

Ravana in the fight

This part is a work in progress (eewwww I know). If I have continuous good match ups against a certain God or I keep getting pooped on by a God, I will be sure to add it below. Also if you (the reader) know of any match ups, good or bad, you can comment them and I will add it to the list.

Gods that Ravana goes beast mode on

With all the Gods you will fight as Ravana, these are the gods you will generally have an easy time with:

-the god of decay is very bursty, and one Greater Blink or Overhead Kick past his Undead Surge and his booty is your's for the taking. Throw in a Winged Blade and it's practically GG.[/columns]

- Being sneaky doesn't work against a man of this magnitude. Ravana usually has enough defense/health to survive Loki's initial burst, and once Assassinate is down, you can just slap Loki to death.

- Same deal as Ah Puch, his tornadoes can put the hurting on you but your Overhead Kick can breeze through his Zephyr and his Spirit of the Nine Winds.

- Her Clay Soldiers and Shining Metal combo can simply be Overhead Kicked, taking out her combo. Same deal goes for Fire Shards.

Gods that lay the hurt on

Every hunter - Range fighers really hurt, and Ravana is not exempt from their wrath. Most have CC or jumps, and all deal disgusting damage in short amounts of time. They can be beaten, but Ravana will have a very hard time with it.

- Scourge. Shield Bash. Bellona is designed to fight gods like Ravana. Best you can do is try to pick her off at low health or build lifesteal and protections.

- Shackles deal incredible damage and slow Ravana. Bolster Defenses also increases his protections and reduces CC, making your root less useful and your attacks will be less powerful. You have to waste an item slot, an active slot, or burn Overhead Kick to counter No Escape. An Ares on his own is a threat, an Ares with his teammates is deadly.

Tips and Strategies

Tips and Strats for playing Ravana:

- Your Overhead Kick is your best friend. Learn to time it right and you can make your enemies lives hell.

-If your team is about to initiate a team fight, wait for the initiator to distract everyone and use Mystic Rush to target the cowardly mage or hunter hiding in the back. You will knock everyone aside that dares get in your way and you can shrug off everyone's attacks with your damage reduction while you kill the target.

-Know your limits: Ravana is tankier than a lot of people give him credit for, but he can still be fairly squishy. Know when to go in on a target and when to pass one up.

-Don't be afraid of tanks. Qin's Sais and any penetration items you may have will kill tanks faster than either you or it would expect. It's not as potent as Ao Kuang's tank killing abilities, but you can bring them down faster than most.

-At the top I recommended maxing Prana Onslaught first. I generally do, however with Ravana's lack of early lane clear maxing 10-Hand Shadow Fist first can help in lane. maxing your Overhead Kick increases the damage, but more importantly decreases the cooldown. Do that if you are having problems.

-Don't always use the same build. The main build I use is the one I use most often, it is not the one I use every time. It is important to take items based on what your team needs, and what you need for the enemy team.

- Prana Onslaught resets your combo chain, which is .5,1,1. Based on how the timing for his autos work, one of the best combos I use is to auto once and then Prana Onslaught to immediatly reset the chain. his first auto is quick and since no matter where in the chain you are Prana Onslaught will reset it back to the first auto, this maximizes what you can do with it. It works like this: auto(.5) Prana Onslaught auto(.5) auto(1) auto(1). It's certanly not the only combo you can use, but it's one I find effective.

Fighting against a Ravana

-Distance is key: Ravana needs to get in close to deal his damage, and without being able to be close to you he is practically a sitting duck.

-CC is your friend. Overhead Kick makes him immune to CC and damage, but it has a long cooldown. If you have a Ymir or Ares on your team, have them stick close to you when you engage and it will dissuade Ravana from attacking you, if not shut him down if he does.

-Tick damage hurts. Overhead Kick's immunity only lasts for .75 seconds. Tick damage gods, such as Anubis, can still deal massive damage with their abilities thanks to this.

- Shield of the Underworld. My favorite active absolutely shuts him down, forcing him to disengage for a few seconds or kill himself. Enfeebling Curse also can cripple his attack.


Ravana is a very fun god to play. He can deal high damage but in return he can be easy to counter. He is a man's man and one of my favorite guides.This guide is my first and a work in progress, please be gentle Senpai. Hope this guide put some hair on your chest and gave you a better understanding of this magnificent creature.

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Laihwaal (2) | January 20, 2016 7:10pm
Rickyxx wrote:

Nice Guide I love it. I am wondering if you have to buy starter items?
And if you have to what starter item would you buy? Bluestone?

I generally don't use starting items. I usually get Morning star and tier one boots, but for starting items if you were so inclined it depends. If you were going damage wise I would pick Bluestone Pendant while if you wanted more sustain I would go Death's Toll.
Rickyxx | January 18, 2016 8:49am
Nice Guide I love it. I am wondering if you have to buy starter items?
And if you have to what starter item would you buy? Bluestone?
Quackmandan (1) | January 13, 2016 11:30pm
I too have had the issue of building too squishy with Ravana. If going solo, I highly recommend starting with Death's Toll and building a defensive item against your opponent in lane early (either before or after warrior tabi). Mystical Mail against physical (if an adc, however, midgardian would be better), and Ancile against magical. Beyond that, I build Frostbound Hammer, Executioner's Axe, another defensive item (whichever is lacking now), and finally Qin's Sais.
How you build Ravana affects his progression throughout the game like Thanatos. Building all damage? Well, you'll reck early to mid game but will be useless in team fights for late game. Balance it out with a few defensive items and you're going to have a much larger impact late game.
Laihwaal (2) | January 12, 2016 7:25pm

So I just played 2 games with a friend. One had me go against Arachne and I died in like...well a few minutes. Once she threw spiders at me, I could not do anything. Fighting them off just meant she would attack me more. I think the build this guide has, has been very helpful. It is not pro armor though. That arachne player ended up getting 19 kills and I could not kill her to save my ****ing life. It became one of those games where it only takes 1 player on a team to win it all as long as that player was protected. The player said I needed to build armor and that I built too agressively. I had another game where I went against a Nu Wa and pretty much the same thing happend where wave clear was impossible and I needed to build things to counter her, and again, she was very impossible to kill, I got snared for days.

Obviously, I am a tad frustrated at the moment. My question is, is it possible to build Ravana counter tanky without making him useless? And does anyone have any other tips on how to fight those damn summon *****s (Nu Wa and Arachne.) Thanks, really love the guide.

With his update you can build to counter now without being useless. First thing I would like to nock out of the way is that using Fist of the Gods on minions will nock them out. You could also use Shield of the Underworld and have them work against their master. Ravana actually is decent with minion type enemies because every single one of his abilities is aoe. As for counterbuilding, it depends on who you go up against. Against say an Arachne, a Witchblade or Ichaival would work wonders while say an Ancile would give you an edge against a pesky Nu Wa. As a general rule though, I never build more than one defense item per type, so you rarely see me build 2+ phys or mag defense items to make sure my damage is relevant. As for lack of clear, only think I can say is get strong power items like tranny and make your 3 first to clear the wave more efficiently. Hope this helped and vvgl.
Frozenace | January 11, 2016 3:34pm
Used your "INFINITE PENETRATION" under "NEED MOAR POWER" tab and did a **** ton of damage. Thanks for the guide!
gattlingcombo | January 11, 2016 3:09pm
So I just played 2 games with a friend. One had me go against Arachne and I died in like...well a few minutes. Once she threw spiders at me, I could not do anything. Fighting them off just meant she would attack me more. I think the build this guide has, has been very helpful. It is not pro armor though. That arachne player ended up getting 19 kills and I could not kill her to save my ****ing life. It became one of those games where it only takes 1 player on a team to win it all as long as that player was protected. The player said I needed to build armor and that I built too agressively. I had another game where I went against a Nu Wa and pretty much the same thing happend where wave clear was impossible and I needed to build things to counter her, and again, she was very impossible to kill, I got snared for days.

Obviously, I am a tad frustrated at the moment. My question is, is it possible to build Ravana counter tanky without making him useless? And does anyone have any other tips on how to fight those damn summon *****s (Nu Wa and Arachne.) Thanks, really love the guide.
Laihwaal (2) | January 5, 2016 2:24pm
IntellOyell wrote:

omg this is a really good guide its fun to read and helpfull btw the build is really good btw is ravana early or late gale?

Depends on how you use him. He generally needs items to take off, but assassin Ravana isn't as face melting until late game as opposed to a bruser Ravana that just needs two tank items to be a beast mid game. Hope this helps.
IntellOyell (2) | January 5, 2016 12:27pm
omg this is a really good guide its fun to read and helpfull btw the build is really good btw is ravana early or late gale?
GameGeekFan (50) | December 20, 2015 12:58pm
You might want to update that ultimate description.
LolrusMcNoggin | December 20, 2015 12:34pm
This guide is great. There are plenty of builds that you have provided to choose from, and I love the humor, made me laugh out loud more than once. I also have to give you props for the Fullmetal Alchemist reference, Armstrong would be proud!
kryonnic | December 13, 2015 12:11pm
Thanks for the guide man, I felt like he was a really good god, just couldn't ever figure out how to build/play him. Now, I play him all the time in conquest.
Btw, your guide was really good. It was pretty funny and you seemed like you actually cared about making it.
+1 from me :P
Laihwaal (2) | November 23, 2015 11:38am
Thanks for your comments and likes everyone, really helps beef up my ego. Now that I'm back to edit this guide, I feel like doing more for it. If you guys want, I can go into game mode strategies in this guide as well as bulk up the other sections. All the game mode strategies would take awhile, and I would need to play a lot of conq to get a feel for him in it, but if you guys want it I am more than willing to go for it. skål, Laih.
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