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Swap Asi for
Brawler's Beat Stick or
Odysseus' Bow for
Toxic Blade if you need Anti-Heal.
Can swap Heartseeker for
Berserker's Shield or
Titan's Bane or
Fail-Not or
Silverbranch Bow.
Swap Jotunn's Wrath or
The Crusher for
Brawler's Beat Stick if you need Anti-Heal.
Can swap Jotunn's Wrath for
Fail-Not (get it after Crusher though).
Can swap Titan's Bane for
Atalanta's Bow.
Don't get Jotunns/Bloodforge/Heartseeker if you need consistent AA tank shred, instead get items like Atalanta's Bow and
Qin's Sais.
Can also swap Odysseus' Bow for
Qin's Sais,
Berserker's Shield, or
Can sell The Crusher late for
Odysseus' Bow or
Berserker's Shield.
Swap The Crusher for
Brawler's Beat Stick if you need Anti-Heal.
Can swap Qin's Sais for Wind Demon or
Odysseus' Bow.
Ullr Conquest Builds.
I recommend using his 1/3 on quick or instant casting on Console. Set ground targeter to on, maybe consider putting the crosshair targeter on as well.
Pandacat's Ullr Guide:
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Does crit build make his ability not hit hard or something?
You can also just throw an O-Bow late into an ability based build when selling your boots if you want, to help with structure dps, and the AoE proc shred.
Pandacat (Pro ADC) does mention a crit build for Ullr here on his guide for him:
+10 Bonus physical Ability Damage
+10 Physical Power
+2 MP5 Per 10% Missing Mana
and +10% CDR when it's evolved.
So if you hit someone with his 1 and 1+3 combo if you have
Ullr can also easily apply
And of course with the evolved version giving 10% cdr you will have your abilities up more often. The "2 MP5 Per 10% Missing Mana" gives some mana sustain during laning phase but only really when your mana is low, which is a drawback compared to
+15 Basic Attack Damage
+10 MP5
and when evolved gives 15% Attack Speed and an additional 15 Bonus Basic Attack Damage.
So before being evolved, compared to
Of course though,
When evolved, you're going to be getting that extra 15 basic attack damage to make a total of 30 basic attack damage compared to the max 10 from
Finally, we're left with
It gives:
+20 Physical Power
+150 Mana
+4 MP5
This start of course contributes +20 physical basic attack damage + lends 20 physical power to your ability scalings. The 150+ mana will help you cast 2 or 3 extra abilities before your mana bar is empty (If we forget MP5). The +4MP5 is quite small, but it's still more MP5 than
We also need to consider that it's more gold efficient that going a starter item, as instead of "wasting" 700 gold for a starter item, you're giving 1200 gold for the tier 2 of
So really,
In most cases I go with
However, so far I haven't factored in physical protections from gods, which of course will reduce the damage received from abilities and autos from any of the starts. If you really wanted to test the early game level damage you could use a DPS calculator or test it in jungle practice on the god bots.
For other ability based adcs, you should factor in how many abilities you can use for wave clear, their size, and what their base cooldown is as to whether you decide upon
Personally, I just rush
You didn't mention
Edit: Changed my stance on this.
That unorthodox jungle build looks interesting.
Solid builds overall. Explanation of when to use which build, or what advantages each gives would be nice.
Yes you do
Not as bad as I do with