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UPDATED: Da Ji, Restored to Her Former Glory (Arena build)

9 0 86,368
by rrcaseyr updated November 19, 2019

Smite God: Da Ji

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Da Ji Build

Just this

Notes note: you usually don't need attacker's blessing for arena, but it can sometimes be helpful


note: you usually don't need attacker's blessing for arena, but it can sometimes be helpful

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Elixir of Power Elixir of Power
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power

get instead of Jotunn's to counter healing

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick

replace Deathbringer with this against very tanky teams

Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane


Just watch that. It's literally all you need to know.
As always, open to suggestions, but sorta less open than usual bc I love this build so much.

Patch notes

UPDATE 11/19/19:
Replaced Deathbringer with Heartseeker in the main build because it's incredibly good on her right now. If and when they nerf it, might want to revert back.

UPDATE 08/09/19:
Changed some tips so that The Crusher remains even when alt items are swapped in. Brawler's Beat Stick is now an alt for Jotunn's Wrath and Titan's Bane is now an alt for Deathbringer

UPDATE 07/08/19:
Reordered items and added Deathbringer with the result of what is easily the best build I've ever seen used on Da Ji

UPDATE 08/07/18: In response to some suggestions, I have made the following changes:

    Removed the flawed ability order
    Added Brawler's Beat Stick as an alternative to The Crusher for countering healers
    Replaced Shifter's Shield with Masamune
    Swapped the locations of Bloodforge and Jotunn's Wrath to compensate for Bloodforge's high price
    Added Titan's Bane as an alternative to Masamune (Previously Shifter's Shield) to counter high-defense teams

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Kriega1 (143) | August 10, 2019 7:29am
I still don't get why you have Deathbringer in the build. You can get Arondight, Heartseeker, Shifter's Shield, Void Shield, Runic Shield, Ancile, Magi's Cloak, Masamune, Mantle of Discord etc... but you still have Deathbringer in your build for some reason. Heck you could even get a late Transcendence.
Kriega1 (143) | July 12, 2019 6:18am
Crusher should not be the item you replace for situationals, the item that should be getting replaced is deathbringer. In the case of beat stick just delay crusher to 5th/6th item.
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 16, 2018 11:21am
Hi casey,

It's almost never optimal to do cascading skill leveling as you list it. For Da Ji in Arena, I'd prioritize maxing one skill first, with the chosen skill depending on enemy reaction to your attacks. Meaning, if it's safest for you to get in, get a hit in, and get out ASAP, I'd max Horrible Burns first. If you can comfortably get in multiple hits of One Thousand Cuts without the enemy focusing you or using an escape ability, then I'd max that first. Just don't level as you suggest.

As for the build:
  • Bloodforge 2nd isn't the greatest idea. It's not horrible, necessarily, but the high cost is going to hurt your power curve. Sure, the passive is going to be appreciated when you get kills and subsequently focused, but I still would recommend getting it a bit later.

  • Having one set build with no options or explanations for alternatives is a bit underwhelming. My general preference would be to get Jotunn's Wrath 2nd to help be as harassing as possible and ult more often, I might choose Brawler's Beat Stick instead of The Crusher when facing healing, and Shifter's Shield is a situational item at best. You might go Titan's Bane instead of Shield against a very tanky comp, or consider Masamune to help you dive into the middle of a fight and have some added mobility.

    Without adding some of those items as alternative options, this build seems too inflexible to me.
rrcaseyr (1) | August 7, 2018 2:05pm
Thanks for your suggestions!
I don't remember why I even submitted my ability upgrade order here, as it wasn't one of my very well thought out ones.
I posted this as soon as I finally found a build that worked for me, but hadn't fully fleshed it out yet. Look to see some updates shortly!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rrcaseyr
UPDATED: Da Ji, Restored to Her Former Glory (Arena build)
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