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Xbalanque, the destroyer

4 9 42,515
by Lukatomic updated May 9, 2019

Smite God: Xbalanque

Build Guide Discussion 37 More Guides
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Xbalanque Build

Massive damage

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

This is a short build as it is only used for joust. I found this build when playing against a Xbalanque and tested the build after the game as it has it's perfect power and crit damage with an extra 200+ damage with odysseus bow and it can completely destroy anyone's health.

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Kriega1 (143) | May 10, 2019 11:36am
Gulfwulf (81) | May 10, 2019 12:07pm
Which is better for crit, trans or dev's?
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 10, 2019 12:17pm
Both can work right now, if you remember some of my other recent comments.

Devo's is full commitment to basic attacks. It's fine, and obviously a normal fit for a crit build.

Trans provides a measure of hybrid function due to the higher power for ability scaling, and the CDR and mana for ability use. But since we have a strong stat item in Asi that is a great alternative to Devo's, along with the ability to replace Tabi late, Trans crit is a thing.

Either can work just fine, and "better" is subjective or dependent on match, IMO. And for Xbal, having Trans means you can basically have Bolas on indefinitely.
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Kriega1 (143) | May 10, 2019 12:15pm
Devourers, unless you’re going solely for damage, then trans. Trans builds require you to sacrifice something if you want lifesteal OR a third crit item (unless you sell boots for it, but Devourers builds don’t have this problem and could even go double lifesteal to counter Nemian/thorns/Kuzenbo). You could also just rush bloodforge but I don’t recommend it.
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Kriega1 (143) | May 9, 2019 1:18pm
Luka, after all this time, how are you still this clueless when it comes to builds?
Lukatomic (3) | May 9, 2019 4:42pm
Not at all, this build is used for joust and that's all I can really say. It can do most damage to squishies and if you have a good team, it can shred through anybody. It would need more testing in joust to be more successful but hey, this will destroy someone.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 9, 2019 1:38pm
Luka, you really can reference the ADC builds on my Conquest guide as a base of information. You can also reference my Items guide, etc.

As with any other feedback on optimal hunter builds, you really need to keep in mind the things we've told you in the past:
  1. When building crit, get at least at least 2 crit items to meet/exceed 50% at end build.

  2. When building crit, try to avoid items with 0 power. Crits scale off of your base damage, and when you have a 0 power item, it provides 0 damage increase with regard to a single hit. If you are looking for the AS as well (as you listed O-Bow), you DO have options that provide both power and AS... Ichaival, Asi, Silverbranch Bow, etc.
Just because someone that built something ended up owning you doesn't mean it's a good build.

If you need to review these concepts, check our PMs or any of the comments on your other builds to refresh your memory. I don't mind helping, but I'm going to stop providing feedback if you just don't care to listen.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 9, 2019 3:26pm
I feel I should at least offer a bit more this case, build suggestions.

For the match reference, it's here.

Before I go into a suggested Xbal build, let's get some reference.
  • Enemy team: Xbalanque, Ah Puch, Horus. 2 physical, 1 magical, 1 tank.

  • Your team: Chaac, Agni, Set. 2 physical, 1 magical, 1..."tank."

  • Ah Puch built Shoes of Focus (okay), Soul Reaver 2nd (not okay), Spear of Desolation (okay), Book of the Dead (not really okay cuz no Book of Thoth high mana to really take advantage of the passive), and was working toward either Chronos' Pendant (okay) or Rod of Tahuti (would also be okay). The build is lacking in some pen...Deso is okay, but would be good to have more. It also prioritizes Reaver way too early, and BotD is just not that good in this situation (though there are at least 2 items with some mana, so that's...better than nothing).

  • Horus built Reinforced Shoes (good), Runic Shield (not sure why exactly), Jotunn's Wrath (bad), Sovereignty (that would have been good if it was a lot earlier), and was working of the hammers. He should have gotten Sov 2nd if he wanted to do that, and shouldn't have picked up Jotunn's at all. He did 4.6k damage the entire match which is almost nothing, and that's having invested in some offensive function. At least he didn't feed. (also note he did only 903 nothing really on that front either.

  • Chaac built Warrior's Blessing (uh, okay? but I wouldn't get it personally), Gladiator's Shield (sorta okay but unnecessary cuz he has plenty of sustain in his Rain Dance), Warrior Tabi (good), Jotunn's Wrath (okayish if he's going damage, but with his teammates, he should have been going tank), Ancile (still no real health in his build, and miniscule physical protection to this point when the main damage dealer and obviously biggest threat being Xbal), and working into some hammer. He did the most damage on the team, but that's also because he has easy poke and the Agni was feeding.

  • Agni built Mage's Blessing (okayish), Bancroft's Talon (don't really know why, he can mostly poke from further away and shouldn't be looking to box with that Ah Puch or Xbal poke, Shoes of Focus (okay but needed some pen and should have probably gone Magi), Book of Thoth (doesn't really need, he's not super mana hungry with a 0 cost ult), and working into either Chronos' Pendant or Rod of Tahuti. He fed pretty hard, going 1/7/8.

  • Your Set build: Attacker's Blessing (arguably okay), Warrior Tabi (good), Hastened Katana (as stated in other feedback usually not suggested this early, and pretty dangerous in this situation as you've got a lot of damage threat from XBal and AP), Rage (no), Asi (no, not at this stage at least).
Your team didn't do you any favors, but I'd say overall that the level of competition on both sides is very, very questionable, and it's telling by the build quality.

Now, Xbal had a case of indecision when it came to the build. Soul Eater is really more for physical mage types. It goes well with Transcendence...but then as said before, he went for O-Bow and then DB. DB should almost never be 1st crit item. O-Bow is usually not suggested in crit builds. And there was 0 pen in the entire build. And despite that, he STILL did most damage in the match by far.

Xbal can be played like a physical mage if you want. A build there would be Warrior Tabi, Transcendence, Soul Eater, Jotunn's Wrath, Titan's Bane, situational. SE can be delayed as preferred.

He can also be built with a Trans crit or Trans Qin's direction. Qin's not needed in this case because the entire enemy team he was facing built 0 health throughout most of the match. So Trans crit could be fun. We'll keep the DB in there, but the order and item choices need to be adjusted greatly. Ninja Tabi, Transcendence, Asi, The Executioner, Rage or Wind Demon, Deathbringer.

Or he could go Trans crit and get some use out of O-Bow. Warrior Tabi, Transcendence, The Crusher, The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Odysseus' Bow. Or if you want to rush O-Bow for some reason (poke, quick clear), Tabi/Trans/O-Bow/Exe/Qin's/situational. Crusher is situational in the first build example, but works well.

He can also go Devo's, or no stacking, but I'm not going to describe those build directions.
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Gulfwulf (81) | May 9, 2019 2:37pm
Branmuffin17 wrote:
If you need to review these concepts, check our PMs or any of the comments on your other builds to refresh your memory. I don't mind helping, but I'm going to stop providing feedback if you just don't care to listen.

Same here. For now I'm just going to downvote this because Deathbringer is the lone crit item.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lukatomic
Xbalanque, the destroyer
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