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silentshell's Blog
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August 08, 2019

Playing time

Views: 5218 silentshell
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I was just logging on and noticed that after my games after work this morning I had topped 1000 hours. That got me thinking and I checked my secondary account that I use for new characters and to do a lot of my initial build testing on and it was at 278 hours. I just wanted to see if anyone that has been playing the game since the game started or just for a long time in general would like to comment on(admit to lol) how many hours they have logged on SMITE.

I think it took me less time to log 1000 here than it did on Monster Hunter World and I played the hell out of that for 8 months straight(soon to probably happen again come September with the Iceborne expansion).

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July 23, 2019

With the passive change for malice

Views: 2105 silentshell
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Does it become more viable to add some crit to more ability based hunters like Hou Yi? I have already been tinkering with it and have had mixed results.

I really like the concept of adding crit while giving him a means of cooldown assistance without dedicating items to it specifically.

I know from what I have seen and implemented with him for myself it looks like as function with executioner is a given and I have been using the [runeforged hammer] build from Z0rr0ark's Hou Yi guide and liked it pretty well but better smite minds than mine are here for me to ask to weigh in on building malice on him being viable. From what little I have tinkered I feel like if I would make that commitment I should add another crit item with attack speed like Poisoned Star

With that in mind I was looking at the other items being Ninja Tabi Asi The Executioner and Qin's Sais. If what I am looking at is actually viable my next step would be to figure out the best order for that potential build.

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July 19, 2019

Odin builds in Arena

Views: 2585 silentshell
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Ok, so this is sort of a follow up to my arena post this morning. I have worked out some different arena builds for odin for myself and thought I would bounce them over here for feedback. I have stopped blink/ult building in Arena. I worked up some different builds trying to base them a bit off of what I saw on Bran's arena builds for him.

Balanced enemy team
Warrior Tabi Blackthorn Hammer Spirit Robe Gauntlet of Thebes Jotunn's Wrath Magi's Cloak

Mainly physical
Warrior Tabi Blackthorn Hammer Spirit Robe Void Shield Breastplate of Valor Magi's Cloak

mainly magical
Reinforced Greaves Blackthorn Hammer Bulwark of Hope Spirit Robe Jotunn's Wrath Magi's Cloak

heavy counter build
Reinforced Greaves Void Shield Pestilence Magi's Cloak Brawler's Beat Stick Titan's Bane

I have all of these builds initially centered around hard cc because that has been a big problem in the majority of my matches lately. In the first three build the 3 spot will be used for Pesti
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July 19, 2019
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Done dying reasonably initiating combat for party to just sit back or kind of half ***ed come up and still do nothing. I'm done tanking and will just do what I can for myself. I know. Go cry somewhere else. lol. So frustrating though....

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June 30, 2019
I think it would be extremely helpful for those who do collective guides stating good for conquest/clash/arena/etc that they do individual tabs as necessary for modes. As an example, a good deal of conquest/joust builds don't work all that great in arena but the guides listing all modes only list one build set with options. Anyone new to the game or a character may just think that the builds are plug and play for every mode when that may not necessarily be the case.

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