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Become the Master Assassin (S4) (V.2.6)

7 2 66,916
by overld1 updated November 13, 2017

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 38 More Guides
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Hello everyone, and welcome to my Assassin guide. Here I will discuss all the Assassins in the game, how they should be played, and just show general builds for a standard assassin. So I hope you like this guide and let's get right into it.

Who are the Assassins?

Everyone that plays an Assassin in SMITE should know three things: stealth, position, and timing. Their purpose is to control the jungle of the battlefield and to perform series of ganks to support their teammates in fights. Their goal is to micromanage with the other lanes to help dominate that lane, and help manage the jungle for their team members.
Note: You should at least know the abilities of these gods that I'm going to discuss because I'm not explaining how they work. I'm explaining how to use them.

How to Build an Assassin

Assassins are all not the same; some are ability based, others are AA based. There is no such thing as a perfect build, but these examples will give a rough outline of what to build for who.

Build for Ability Based Assassins

Build for Basic Attack Assassins Non-Crit

Build for Basic Attack Assassins Crit

wind demon or


Health: 485 (+90)
Mana: 210 (+41)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.2) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: .5/1/1
Physical: 13 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.67)
MP5: 4 (+0.46)
Arachne is about basics, basics, and basics. Her kit is focused to single out a enemy god and frag them. Using Web to initiate allows you to catch up to your target. Then pop Cocoon to have your target stay in place to increase your attack speed. Then end off with Venomous Bite to do the final burst.

Arachne is based around Auto-Attacks so attack speed in your build is exceptional for her. While get some penetration for her like Titan's Bane will help shred tanks.

Arachne is a abomination if she is played right. If you underestimate her in combat you'll regret it. While Arachne doesn't have a amazing lane clear she could easily clear jungle camps.

For a detailed Arachne guide check Flaze249's guide for more details.


Health: 475 (+77)
Mana: 220 (+38)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 16 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.89%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.16) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/0.75/1.25
Physical: 13 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 10 (+0.68)
MP5: 3.9 (+0.27)
Awilix is based on her using her kit efficiently and pull off a quick kill. Awilix is a ability based god so Hydra's Lament and Heartseeker are useful on her. The standard combo for her while ganking from behind is initiate with Summon Suku, then immediately right after you land pop Moonlight Charge, if they turned around right before pop Feather Step, then finish it off with Gravity Surge to confirm the kill.

With Awilix's suku shes allowed to go around the jungle quickly allowing lane management easier for her. This perk allows ganking to happen more often that what makes her so threatening.

Awilix is a threat that should not be left alone with a few successful ganks with her she could change the tide of the game with a breeze. She also have a decent lane clear between mid - late game.

For a detailed Awilix guide check Voltex's guide for more details.


Health: 455 (+78)
Mana: 200 (+39)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.6%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.2) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: None
Physical: 13 (+2.8)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.68)
MP5: 4.8 (+0.46)
Bakasura is about killing isolated gods that are out of position. While Bakasura is under performing to the other assassins, he's still able to do damage and kill. His ability combo is pretty straight forward first start off with Take Down, then if you have the minions pop Regurgitate, then do AAs with Butcher Blades to finish the kill.

Baka's passive is great to do camps and quickly transition to lanes. While he only has three abilities that does damage, he's more basic attack focus. So making a good build to follow that helps him a lot.

Bakasura is not a major threat especially if the god you're playing heavy CC based that helps other team members to squish him. While he doesn't have amazing lane clear, putting Odysseus bow on him early helps with his clear. Baka excels in Mid game while falling off hard early game crushes him. So if punished he would have trouble later in the game.

For a detailed Bakasura guide check DustZX's guide for more details.


open wound declawcat call
Health: 415 (+80)
Mana: 230 (+39)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.98%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.13) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.7/1.3
Physical: 12 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.72)
MP5: 4.4 (+0.25)
Bastet is all about aggression and pokes especially in early game. There are different combos or pokes that you could do on enemy first you could do Pounce into declaw, then do Razor Whip then finishing it off with cat call. Or you could do that same combo but not cast cat call.

In jungle Bastet is about ganking like Awilix she won't be able to perform a lot of ganks like Awilix, but if she can she could devastate the enemy team. So if you could achieve the speed camp often this will help with this downside.

In early game Bastet could destroy if play right. So the main generalize coutner is to punish her in early game then she would fall off. Just like Bakasura CC destroys her quickly so if you frag her a lot she would not be a problem in late game.

For a detailed Bastet guide check Stasis13's guide for more details.


Health: 440 (+78)
Mana: 215 (+35)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.9) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/1/1 and swing time; 3rd attack hits all enemies in melee range
Physical: 13 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 8 (+0.67)
MP5: 4.4 (+0.3)
Camazotz just like Awilix is a ability based god. So build attack speed or AA based build does not work that well with him. Camazotz is not that superb for initiating ganks so you want to make sure that you have a team member that could set it up for you, making kills easier for you. The main combo you should do Camazotz is Screech for the extra power when you catch a sound-wave, then do Vampire Bats for insane damage and the slow. Then do Devour or Bat Out of Hell whether if the enemy has a mobility move or not.

In the jungle Camazotz needs to make sure that he gets his camps for his passive on his Vampire Bats for the extra life steal. Also if you low find a camp and do Devour or find a essence pool to heal your self up.

Just like Bastet he has a early game aggression. If fed he could could wipe out enemies on the and able to get 2v1 and win without a problem. So if he gets pressured in early game he would have a rough time in later phases of the game.

For a detailed guide on Camazotz check out my guide for more details.

Da Ji

Health: 425 (+74)
Mana: 210 (+40)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 (+2.25) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/1/1 damage and swing time
Physical: 14 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.7)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.37)
Da Ji is a interesting god most of her damage comes from her abilities but she has several tricks with her AA. It still a good idea to build like a ability based god because her basics are not going to cut it for her. Her main ability combo is simple first pop One Thousand Cuts allows you to do initial damage and allow you to have aggression on your opponent. Next pop Horrible Burns but before attacking someone pop Trickster Spirit to get up to them then hit them with your AA to trigger Horrible Burns then twiddle them down with your AAs.

In the jungle Da Ji is about setting up ganks and having pressure in the jungle.
Also making sure you have control over jungle camps allowing your enemy jungler can't get a upper advantage against you.

Da Ji is all about her mid - late game. Yes she could do some damage early game but she's the weakest during that point of the game. So if you punish her in early game she's going to lack behind in mid game allowing your jungler to have the upper advantage.

For a detailed guide on Da Ji check out my guide for more details.


Health: 455 (+78)
Mana: 230 (+35)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.7%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.3) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: None
Physical: 14 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 8 (+0.73)
MP5: 4.2 (+0.26)
Fenrir is about punishing gods that are out of position and isolated. That his main goal and his kit does that well for him. How to kill someone is key the main combo for [fenrir is start with Unchained as a starter, then follow it up with Brutalize then if low pop Ragnarok.

In the jungle your goal is to clear camps and find gods that are out of place. This allows you to find targets that would be pick up as nice clean, and quick kills. Late game if your low pop Seething Howl to on a camp to heal you right back up.

Fenrir is a interesting god there's really no phase of the game where he really isn't weak at. He still does have down sides though. Just like most assassins he's squishy even with his mobility, he could still get nuked if he's misplaced. So having CC could really hurt him forcing him to waste abilities for Purification Beads
to escape it. When you find a misplayed Fenrir make sure to CC him and nuke him.

For a detailed Fenrir guide check Draisaitl's guide for more details.

Hun Batz

Health: 460 (+75)
Mana: 220 (+38)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.89%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.13) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.75/1.25
Physical: 13 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 10 (+0.68)
MP5: 3.9 (+0.27)
Hun Batz in season 2 was claimed to be the king of the jungle. While he fall off a tiny bit but still strong to this day the reasons behind it makes it interesting. How he kills someone with his combo. First, start off with Somersault, then do a AA just in case your passive procs. Then do Overhand Smash to do the second burst then follow with AA. Then just bash the guy over and over till he's low tthen if he tries to escape, pop Sacred Monkey then after they use their mobility move pop the teleport then end it off with a basic.

In the jungle Hun Batz goal is to set up ganks and support in team fights. While to the other assassins Hun Batz could support in teamfights could achieve camps easily and able to support his team much more clean as the other assassins.

Hun Batz has amazing lane clear and early game presence. He also has a destructive late game as well. Then his high mobility it would be hard to find him in a wrong spot and kill. So that's why that if everyone CCs on him you probably have a chance to kill him. So find openings and use that as your advantage to kill him.

For a detailed Hun Batz guide check JCare's guide for more details.


Health: 470 (+74)
Mana: 205 (+34)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.16%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 37 (+2.32) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.5/.5 damage and swing time
Physical: 15 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.68)
MP5: 4.3 (+0.21)
Kali right now in the meta is ferocious able to hunt someone down and have the ability to regain all her health back is insane. What make kali great is attack speed items. That category is her bread and butter making ferocious when you apply Qin's Sais or any crit item. The ability combo is straightforward. First, initiate with Nimble Strike. Second, pop Incense immediately after landing. Then pop Lash to do some DoT. Then the rest is all basic attacks.

In the jungle she's all about ganking coming from the walls and behind her opponents to confirm that sweet kill is all she needs. Her teamfight presence is not that large as to other assassins but she could easily frag gods like cutting through butter.

Kali is all about her late game, while her early game is weak is a main weakness she has that she could get punished for if not played properly. Her wave clear is not superb early but till mid game her clear becomes really good. If you punish her early game like Bastet she is going to have a rough time in late game.

For a detailed Kali guide check WillJackman's guide for more details.


decoyaimed strike
Health: 395 (+75)
Mana: 210 (+35)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.9%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.4) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.5/.5/.5/1.5 Damage and Swing Time.
Physical: 11 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 8 (+0.7)
MP5: 4.2 (+0.35)
Loki's main goal is to find opponents that are low health that are hiding in their tower or trying to run away. Loki is about stealth yes he does make a lot of noise with his abilities, but his goal is to kill without anyone expecting him. His standard combo follows with aimed strike, then pop Assassinate right after. Then you do couple basics to weaken the enemy. the en if running away pop Vanish to catch up and finish the job.

In the Jungle Loki is about swiftly moving through the jungle and performing ganks, and clearing camps. With his decoy he has the best jungle clear in the game due to doing free damage to the targets without taking any damage. With ganks his Vanish helps him get close to the enemy to perform ganks that the enemy would not expect.

Loki has one of the best lane clears in the assassin class so farming for him is really easy. He also have a destructive late game could find a person with 60% health and drop that to 0% like nothing. But CC is one of his major weakness if he already use his ult you have good chance that you could kill him with a breeze.

For a detailed Loki guide check BranMuffin17's guide for more details.


Health: 400 (+75)
Mana: 200 (+40)
Speed: 381 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.4%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.13) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.75//1.25 Damage and Swing Time.
Physical: 12 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 10 (+0.7)
MP5: 4.4 (+0.35)
Mercury's main goal is to get high movement speed and perform a lot of ganks. Mercury is not that stealthy as other assassins but he could make unexpected entrances. Mercury's main combo is start with Special Delivery then after you throw them follow it with a AA, then pop Maximum Velocity allowing to gain extra attack speed allowing to do more damage output. Then if trying to run away pop Made You Look to finish them off. If still alive activate Sonic Boom when time is right push that button then the kill is yours.

Mercury in the jungle is pretty standard Made You Look his is main camp clear. If you buy items that buff basic attacks this will help you clear camps and waves much quicker. Ganks for Mercury is simple goo behind someone pop Special Delivery then throw him/her to the wall then just abuse that person with your teammate.

Mercury is one of the fastest gods in the game par with Thanatos early game he could be lack luster but by mid-game he starts to be annoying. Mercury's weakness is slows so if you see a merc on the enemy is a good idea to get Horrific Emblem allowing you to kill Mercury much easier.

For a detailed Mercury guide check RonPerlas's guide for more details.

Ne Zha

Health: 400 (+75)
Mana: 200 (+35)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.1%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 (+2.2) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/1/1.5/2 Damage and Swing Time, hitting in an AoE on the final blow.
Physical: 12 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 10 (+0.71)
MP5: 3.9 (+0.27)

Ne Zha's main goal is to go crit, crit, and crit and to perform ganks as a standard assassin. Ne Zha out of the other assassins is lot less mobile probably the least mobile assassin in the game. His ability combo is quite simple. First, you pop Universe Ring Toss allowing you to do extra damage and apply a slow at the start, this allows you to aim Armillary Sash much easier. After you apply Armillary Sash do a AA them immediately activate Wind Fire Wheels. This should be enough damage to kill them if they're low pop Flaming Spear then AA them to finish them off.

In the jungle his presence is really not that large as to other gods due to his of mobility. So if playing as Ne Zha is important that you should get the speed camp when it come up allowing to have a larger presence on the battlefield.

Ne Zha's lack of mobility is his's one biggest weakness of all if anyone has slows or cursed emblem could destroy him with no problem. But don't underestimate him in early and late game he could hurt a lot and shred your if you are not careful.

For a detailed Ne Zha guide check BestMinionEver's guide for more details.


Health: 470 (+76)
Mana: 210 (+38)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.16%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 (+2.25) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/1/.75/1.25 Damage and Swing Time.
Physical: 11 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 8 (+0.7)
MP5: 4.3 (+0.4)

Nemesis's main goal is to support her team in ganks and team fights. For Nemesis for only having one mobility move in the game she is still quite mobile, at least she's quicker that Ne Zha. Her standard ability combo is followed by this first you pop Divine Judgement for the extra movement speed, protections, and the slow, you also able to do some damage as well. Then if the opponent does fight back pop Retribution to gain health and block some of the damage and reflect it back to the opponent. Then pop Slice and Dice for burst. Then you just follow them with AA. When low pop Swift Vengeance dash once then AA then dash again to confirm the kill.

In the jungle her presence is scary due to that when she shows up and pops ult on you could just say GG because you are probably going to die. Speed camp is useful on her allowing her to catch up to gods and outrun if being chased or chasing.

Nemesis could be a nuisance most of the times especially being ferocious in early and mid game while falling off in late-game. Her main weakness is CC so if you go a team that's CC heavy and buy item that'll help you with that. She is going to have a fun time to trying to escape from all the CC's

For a detailed Nemesis guide check Papa Murmz's guide for more details.


Health: 420 (+73)
Mana: 240 (+41)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 (+2.25) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.5/.5/1.25 Damage and Swing Time, hitting a AoE on the final blow.
Physical: 12 (+3)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.7)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.46)

Ratatoskr's main goal is to storm and burst the enemy in a quick succession. rataoskr is very agile like most of the other assassins with one of the few escapes that you'll live out of it if successfully popped. His standard ability combo is straight forward. First, initiate with Dart allowing to do potential damage at the start. Second, pop Acorn Blast to stun enemy and do decent amount of damage. Third, pop Flurry to help shred the opponent's health and help reduce the cooldown of Dart. Then just AA them to death if escaping pop Dart to catch-up and finish them off.

In the jungle Ratatoskr is about ganking from the sky he's one out of the three assassins that could do that. His camp clearing is decent due to Flurry and his last AA. He does have a good jungle presence so be careful when you around the jungle.

Ratatoskr is adorable and cute but he could be a pain if played right. Rat is a beast in late-game and early-game so if you punish him early enough, you could get the upper adavantage for your team.

For a detailed Ratatoskr guide check SorenNoKitsune's guide for more details.


Health: 400 (+74)
Mana: 240 (+40)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.16%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 (+2.25) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.75/1.25 Damage.
Physical: 14 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.7)
MP5: 4.3 (+0.29)

Serqet's main goal is to surprise the enemy and ganking. Serqet is one of the most agile god in the game with using any cheap ult to escape from a fight. This helps Serqet is many ways from chasing to roaming and escaping. Her standard ability is quite tricky to pull off. First, pop Ambush to surprise the enemy and do some initial damage. Second, pop Last Breath to push a enemy to a wall or a tower wherever your position is and start to do some serious DoT damage. Third, pop Cobra's Kiss to stop the enemy to escape allowing to pop Deathbane right after it. Finally, just AA them till they die.

In the jungle Serqet her goal is to transition from lane to lane to maintain and push that desired lane. Her camp land clear is weak early but later in the game it starts to get better. Her presence in the jungle is scary due to having a invisibility move and could show up from lane to lane unexpectedly.

Serqet's movement is scary allowing her to from place to place without a issue. Her main weakness is CC and slows so if you have a heavy CC team and Horrific Emblem she's not going to have a fun time.

For a detailed Serqet guide check newbiemj's guide for more details.


Health: 435 (+76)
Mana: 225 (+38)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.16%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.2) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/1/1.25 Damage and swing time.
Physical: 14 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.7)
MP5: 4.3 (+0.27)

Susano's main goal is about bursting down gods in a quick succession and support in team fights. His high mobility helps Susano the same way as Serqet allow you to roam the map and escaping. His main ability is really easy to pull off than the other assassins. First, pop Jet Stream to get in your opponent's face. Second, pop Typhoon and charge all the way if they try to escape pop Wind Siphon to bring them back to the center. Then after they been knocked-up just do AA till they land back on the ground. Finally, pop Storm Kata to finish them off.

In the jungle Susano behaves the same way as Serqet transition from lane to lane to monitor and push that desired lane. His lane and camp clear is really good and almost contending to Loki's decoy. His presence is always threatening no matter what phase of the game you're in. So watch your backs and don't push too hard.

Susano's movement is frightening so like Serqet slows and CC is his weakness so go CC heavy and get Horrific Emblem then he's no longer a problem.

For a detailed Susano guide check NeoXceptr's guide for more details.


Health: 390 (+75)
Mana: 240 (+38)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.7%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 (+2.3) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: 1/.75/1.5 Damage and swing time, hitting an AoE on the final blow.
Physical: 14 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 8 (+0.67)
MP5: 4.4 (+0.38)

Thanatos's main goal is to find and kill low health targets due to his execution and his passive. His high movement speed makes him one of the fastest gods in the game in certain situations even faster than Mercury. His main ability combo is simple but has some precise aiming is involved. First, pop Scent of Death for bonus penetration and movement speed. Second, pop Soul Reap to silence them and do some initial damage. Third, pop Death Scythe to do insane amounts of damage and apply a slow. Then finish them off with AA's. If they are trying to escape pop Hovering Death to finish them off.

In the jungle Thanatos has to be constantly moving from one side to the another. Allowing him to go all around the map with ease. His camp clear is decent due to his three being a wide cone, lane clear is average is not that great but it does get the work done though.

Burst and CC are Thanatos's weakness for him being pinned in the corner with barely any chances to get out. So heavy CC with burst could help your chances fighting a Thanatos.

For a detailed Thanatos guide check Deezskills NL's guide for more details.


Health: 475 (+76)
Mana: 240 (+38)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.45%)
Basic Attack
Damage: 39 (+2.4) + 100% of your Physical Power
Progression: None.
Physical: 14 (+2.9)
Magical: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 9 (+0.69)
MP5: 4.4 (+0.38)

Thor's main goal is quite simple gank from the sky. Only being one of three assassins that have ults that come from the above. He doesn't have that much mobility besides his ult so CC is a factor on him. His ability combo has a lot AA canceling and timing so he has one of the hardest combos in the game. Activate Anvil of Dawn this is your starter or opener if you want to get technical, then right after AA then immediately pop Tectonic Rift. AA to cancel the animation then pop Mjolnir's Attunement then AA once more then pop Berserker Barrage.

In the jungle Thor is more stationary when his ult it's basically doing more farming. Then when he has his ult he camps back in the jungle where no one see him then BAM! Take the enemy with ease.

Thor's limited mobility restricts to do constant ganking but his ult helps him a lot. So if you build your team based around general CC and simple burst could take down Thor with ease.

For a detailed Thor guide check masterricu's guide for more details.


My love for assassins is kind of different to other characters in SMITE or any other game in general. I usually like to do damage but could still agro. While that's isn't the case for this game. When I started jungling I start to have this weird passion for these type of gods. Yes I do gen annoyed about them, but people have their triggers. So I hope this guide helped all of you to have some introduction to the assassin class in SMITE.


Credits to Stuke99 for allowing me to do this type of guide.

For Stuke's Version

For PerfectPrism's Version

For I2rave's Version

Update Log

1/19/17 - Published the guide for the public to see.

1/20/17 - Updated Awilix and fixed some grammatical errors.

1/23/17 - Added Bastet to the guide.

1/25/17 - Added Camazotz and Fenrir to the guide.

1/27/17 - Added Hun Batz to the guide.

1/13/17 - Added Loki to the guide. Added a link for a detailed guide for Loki.

2/27/17 - Fixed Arachne, Fenrir, Camazotz sections.

3/20/17 - Added Kali to the guide.

3/24/17 - Added Mercury, Ne Zha, and Nemesis to the guide and added link to guide for all the gods expect Awilix.

3/28/17 - Added ratatosker to the guide and updated how to build a assassin section.

3/30/17 - Added Serqet and Susano to the guide.

4/3/17 - Fully published the guide. Added Thanatos and Thor to the guide.

4/4/17 - Removed the disclaimer section. Fixed Susano and Kali, also fixed some grammatical errors.

5/26/17 - Added Da Ji to the guide.

9/1/17 - Fixed Bakasura his image was missing LOL.

9/26/17 - Change the link for Ne Zha and added a link for Awilix.

11/8/17 - Fixed the attack patter for Da Ji

11/13/17 - Updated the build section and updated the description on Fenrir.

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overld1 (18) | November 13, 2017 9:56am
Updated the guide the build section has been updated and Fenrir's section has been revised.
boogiebass (46) | November 10, 2017 8:27am
Hi Overld1,

Take this as all constructive criticism. If anything sounds offensive, that is not the intention. Absolutely no offense is meant in this review.

The builds don't make too much sense. Bran pretty much covered everything:
As a Fenrir main, I disagree with a lot of what you are saying. Fenrir does NOT lack early game. He is 110% an early game god. His Brutalize, as soon as it comes online, can easily secure early kills. Like Draisaitl mentions in his guide, ganks aren't really worth it until you're ~level 5. By then, you're Brutalize is online and ready to go.
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 9, 2017 2:30pm
Hey overld,

I think a minor adjustment to your basic build examples would be good. Your preference, of course, but I feel the below would be more universally-balanced.

For your ability-based assassin, I feel you're missing out on Titan's Bane, or at least Brawler's Beat Stick if you're just focused on squishies.

For your basic attackers (non-crit), depends on the god, but on some of them, The Executioner might be a better choice than Titan's Bane. I also think that Hastened Katana might be picked up before Qin's Sais, especially for the added movespeed for rotations. Odd item out here might be either Void Shield (weird choice to me, especially combining with TB), Bloodforge, or both. Here would be my suggested progression:

(or Exe)

For crit basic attackers, I wouldn't include Jotunn's Wrath which is for ability users. I also would probably suggest getting crit a bit later. Something like...

Wind Demon (or Rage)

Another item to consider in that mix would be Stone Cutting Sword.
overld1 (18) | November 9, 2017 2:07pm
Updated the guide fixed the auto attack pattern for Da Ji.
overld1 (18) | September 26, 2017 10:22am
Updated the guide add a link finally for Awilix and changed the link for Ne Zha.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | September 1, 2017 9:17pm
Woah I just saw this… IMO the ability based assassins build could make use of Titan's Bane
overld1 (18) | September 1, 2017 10:17am
Fixed a mistake on the guide Bakasura's picture was missing don't know why but it was missing LOL.
Lopix69 (8) | September 1, 2017 10:46am
it's a shame that non-god guides are not shown in the updated guides tab, I'll probably lose track of my guide when its 30 days in the top voted guides tab end lol
xZeroStrike (46) | September 1, 2017 10:48am
Losing track of your own guide is quite a hard thing to do, considering you can find all the guides you created in your profile. (Click on your name, top right of the website.)
You can even find your archived guides there, hence why the ability to completely delete guides has been a concept that's been on the table for quite a while now, as users who've created a lot of guides have their profile page cluttered with guides that should no longer be available anyway.
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overld1 (18) | May 26, 2017 12:36pm
Added Da Ji to the guide.
overld1 (18) | April 4, 2017 2:06pm
Updated the guide removed the disclaimer section, fixed Susano and Kali, and fixed some grammatical errors
Technotoad64 (46) | April 4, 2017 12:56pm
Disclaimer through How to Build an Assassin:
This guide is under development so don't trash me for a uncompleted guide.

*for an uncompleted
I just want to introduce to the community that we have a Assassin version of Stuke's Warrior guide.

*have an Assassin
Hello everyone and welcome to my Assassin guide.

*everyone, and
In here I will discuss all the Assassins in the game, how they should be played, and just show a general builds for a standard assassin.

*Here I will
*show general builds
Everyone that plays an Assassin in SMITE should know three things stealth, position, and timing.

*things: stealth
Their existence is to control the jungle of the battlefield and to perform series of ganks to support their teammates in fights.

*Their purpose is
Their goal is to micro manage with the other lanes to help dominate that lane, and help manage the jungle for their team members.

*to micromanage the
Assassins are all not the same some are ability based, while others is AA based.

*same; some
*others are AA
There is no just thing as a perfect build. But these examples will give a rough outline to what to build for who.

*There is no such thing
*build, but
*outline of what
Technotoad64 (46) | April 3, 2017 6:16pm
Before I start correcting this guide, let me ask: do you want explanations for each correction?
Generally, I give explanations for non-native English speakers or people that just didn't do well in school, and skip the explanations for those who forgot to proofread.
overld1 (18) | April 3, 2017 6:35pm
No it's fine any grammatical errors that I make are simple mistakes that I didn't see at first glance.
Technotoad64 (46) | April 3, 2017 7:10pm
Got it.
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xZeroStrike (46) | April 3, 2017 12:55pm
Went through it again and at a quick glance, I can already see some huge errors in all of your coding.
Next time, it is advised to use the "view" button in the guide creator to view your guide and any changes you made to it, before publishing it, to avoid errors like these.
  1. Kali's ultimate icon isn't showing up. - Spelling / typing error.
  2. Susano's picture frame isn't centered. - Forgot [center] tag.
  3. Thanatos' picture frame doesn't show up and isn't centered. - Faulty image link and forgotten [center] tag.
  4. Thor's picture frame isn't centered, and Thor's third ability doesn't show up. - Forgot [center] tag and forgot to apply BB-code to the third ability.
Aside from that, I advise you call on the help of the grammar-lord Technotoad64 (which should totally be a title here on SF). You can... use it.
Bernardozomer (33) | April 3, 2017 1:05pm
Toadman is the one to call!

Technotoad64 (46) | April 3, 2017 1:20pm
At a glance, this shouldn't take too many corrections. I can probably get them done in a couple days. So far, I would say the main problem is an excess of full stops.
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