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Don't rest on your laurels- Season 4 update

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by newbiemj updated August 14, 2017

Smite God: Nike

Build Guide Discussion 55 More Guides
Choose a Build: General build order
General build order Examples Conquest- Solo
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Nike Build

Item 1 (Pick 1)

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Reinforced Greaves Reinforced Greaves

Item 2- Protection (Pending opponent and game mode)

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield

3rd Item

Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath

Item 4 (Protection)

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope

Item 5 (Damage

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Masamune Masamune
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Last Item (Protection or Damage)

Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Utility items (If needed)

Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Example build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Runic Shield Runic Shield

Nike's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 4 6 7 10

Barrier Formation

2 A B
Barrier Formation
2 8 11 12 14

Valiant Leap

3 B A
Valiant Leap
3 15 16 18 19

Sentinel of Zeus

4 Y X
Sentinel of Zeus
5 9 13 17 20
1 4 6 7 10


1 X
Nike slams the ground three times, sending out fissures that deal damage. If a target is hit twice, that target loses protections for 5 seconds. If a target is hit three times, that target is disarmed. Nike is immune to Knockback for the duration.

Ability Type: Line, Disarm, Damage
Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Protections Shred: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24
Disarm Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Range: 50
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Barrier Formation
2 8 11 12 14

Barrier Formation

2 A
Nike conjures a protective barrier in front of her that blocks ranged Basic Attacks. While focused on the barrier Nike's ability to turn is limited and she is knockback immune. Enemies who get near the barrier are repelled. At any point, Nike can re-fire the ability to collapse the barrier and deal damage to enemies in front of the barrier.

Ability Type: Cone, Knockback, Damage
Damage: 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Repel Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 4s
Range: 25
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13s
Valiant Leap
3 15 16 18 19

Valiant Leap

3 B
Nike leaps into the air, then crashes down at a location dealing damage and knocking up enemies.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Range: 55
Radius: 15
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 16s
Sentinel of Zeus
5 9 13 17 20

Sentinel of Zeus

4 Y
Nike transforms into an armored sentinel and sends out a shockwave that damages and slows enemies around her. While in this form, she gains a percentage of her max health as a shield that lasts for 10 seconds.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 40%
Shield: 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35% of Max Health
Slow Duration: 4s
Radius: 40
Cost: 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


8/14- Updated as of Patch 4.15

Old changes


Hello all, Welcome to my build guide for Nike, The Greek Goddess of Victory.

I am shooting to give a short, sweet and simple explanation on how/ why these items work well with Nike. I will assume you know the basics to Smite like, Buff camps, minions, rotating etc. If not feel free to check out any of the Overarching Guides done by Branmuffin17 to get a feel of the tactics used in Smite.

Nike is mostly an ability based warrior who can help slow down her opponents with her ultimate Sentinel of Zeus which also serves as a good initiator to taking down towers. She has pretty good wave clearing with her Rend when it is buffed with Plan of Action. She is a popular choice at the moment with about 1.62% pick rate which places her 18/84 according to SmiteGuru.

..... Pros .....

- Good initiator with Rend
- Can tower dive well
- Good in team fights
- First two Auto attacks deal AOE damage
.... Cons ....

- Squishy early game
- Can be Mana hungry
- Long cooldowns
- Rend can be easily disrupted with CC


To Victory!

Nike sets out 3 goals. Each goal achieved brings more power and movement speed.
    Goal #1- Eliminate 10 Gods as a team.
    Goal #2- Eliminate 250 minions as a team.
    Goal #3- Have two allies at level 20.
To Victory!

Her main damage option. This is her best ability in my opinion. It has great range and power. This enhanced is your final blow usually
Max this first.

Ability Video

Plan of Action
Your enhancer buff. Makes your abilities deadlier and an additional special effect. Rend gets 3 hits instead of 2. Valiant Leap is quicker and Sentinel of Zeus gets bigger shields and bigger slow.
Max this second.
Plan of Action

Ability Video

Valiant Leap
A leap that can be used as a poke or escape. Enemies gods hit will knock up into the air. Good disruption move to stop someone.
Max this last.
Valiant Leap

Ability Video

Sentinel of Zeus
Enemies caught in her shockwave are slowed and take some damage. You also gain a shield. The damage is not the greatest, but can secure you some kills.
Max this when available.
Sentinel of Zeus

Ability Video

Combo Wombos

Nike has an unlimited number of combos possible since she has variations of using Plan of Action or not on different abilities. I will only go through a couple basic ones, with the alternatives being when you want to use Plan of Action






Items for Non-Conquest

Nike is mostly an ability based god. So all of my builds have full CDR or very close to it. I feel she is weaker earlier game and really shines mid to late game when everything comes online. You will be high defensive with good disruption with Rend


One must always have boots. Boots give movement speed and a couple of other attributes depending on what you need/want. Listed below are 2 options. I did not include Ninja Tabi as she doesn't need the additional attack speed as she is ability based.

Usual go to boots for most physical Gods. It provides 40 power and 18% movement speed. The extra power will aid in minion clearing and also providing a little more muscle to your attacks.

Replacement / situational items

Second Item (Protection)

I go protection item as my second item, since Nike is squishy early game without her ultimate. Depending on the makeup of other team, is what item I get. Examples of items I have used:

High CDR, affordable, Mana, and physical protections. Usually get this when more physical gods than magical.

Replacement / situational items

Third Item

This is basically always my 3rd item. If facing mostly squishies, I could maybe switch this and 2nd item around, but as a damage taker that you should be, I like the early protection over the early damage. As her damage is decent early game without damage items.

This is a must on her, as it provides a lot of things needed for her. It provides a little bit of everything. Mana, power, penetration, CDR. This is always my 3rd item. Can be used as item 2 though if confident on protections and how you feel.

After item 3, it varies on what you can do from here. If you are getting punished to easily, go another defensive item at 4 possibly 5. If faring well against enemy team, go damage at 4 and do protection at 5

A list of usable damage items

More power and penetration for attacks. A decent penetration item, but can be kind of inefficient with Rend's protection shredding. This is better later as more protections are built by enemy team, but mostly core for me on her.

Replacement / situational items

A list of usable Magical protection items

If you are getting pummeled by Magical enemies try any of these listed below.

Little bit of health, 60 magical protections, and some Crowd Control Reduction. The shield is also nice as well. Its a great item if you do not have any other additional health items since her ultimate's shield is based on her health.

Replacement / situational items

A list of usable Physical protection items

Mostly physical gods or just need some more physical protection beef. Use one of these:

I didn't include Breastplate of Valor in this list as it is basically core for her and gotten early like item 2 or 3. These are items that you could get in addition to it.
Power, Protections and protection shred. Good complement to Nike's up close and personal style. This with Rend you are shredding good amount of protections

Replacement / situational items

A list of usable Dual protection items

If you want more balanced protections get one of these:

You could get away with just one of these as your only protection item, but I would not recommend it. One of these and another defensive item or 2 makes Nike very tough to kill. With high defense and high cooldown, she becomes a nuisance for the enemy team.
]Little, cheaper sibling to Mantle of Discord. It gives nice balanced protections and some Crowd Control reduction. If facing heavy CC enemy team, this will help you by mitigating additional damage when you are hit by hard crowd control which could help you survive a fight.

Replacement / situational items

Utility items

Substitute an item for an utility item to counter enemy gods:

Gives health, Crowd Control reduction, Movement and Attack speed. The passive is nice if facing a bunch of enemies with slows.

Decisions, decisions

First off, one build is NOT perfect for every situation. You need to tailor builds with a few things in mind. However, I do run mostly a heavy protection build.

Enemy Team makeup- This will help tailor your protection items. If mostly magical, you would focus more on Magical protections and vice verse. If a team is mostly squishy enemies, you could get away with a higher powered build, but if they are burst type gods, you could just bog down on protections.

Own Team makeup- If you have other tankier teammates, you could get away with a more higher powered build. On the flip side, if you are the only Warrior or Guardian type god, you would build tanky so you can provide protection to your teammates.

With the nerf to Sentinel of Zeus, Nike is not near as tanky as she used to be especially early game. I usually build heavy protection items (usually ones with power) on her (lately around 3 to 4 items since last update) since she has to be in the thick of things to do damage.

A safe build would be heavy protection build if you are just starting out. Something like Reinforced Greaves , Hide of the Urchin , Jotunn's Wrath , Shifter's Shield , Damage item, Void Shield. This gives good overall protections and decent power. It only has 20% CDR which hurts since her Cooldowns are long, but you should be able to survive well enough while providing support.

Conquest items

Nike excels as a Solo laner in Conquest. She can jungle, but I have no experience with Jungling with her so I will not discuss it as this time. With her Rend and Plan of Action she can clear the minion lane fairly well but can be shut down with CC. If Death toll is your starter item you could focus on doing two AA (which produce AOE damage) to trigger the passive more helping you sustain. With her Ultimate she can damage towers when most people would die trying. I will mostly talk about the items to choose and why instead of on how to play Conquest, since I am not very experienced with Conquest. If you need that you can always look at BranMuffin's Overarching Conquest guide to get tips on how to Solo Lane.

Starter Items

Starter item for a more aggressive approach. It helps with wave clearing early. The mana helps, but not necessarily needed if you have potions and the Mana buff. The downfall is that Rend can be stopped by CC which would make this item less effective..

Replacement / situational items


More power than Reinforced Greaves. Helps clear minions better. Get if feel comfortable with your opponent and feel that you can bully them more.

Replacement / situational items

Items 3,4

A good item after your boots are finished. Gives CDR which Nike needs, some penetration, and power. Pick after boots if handling solo enemy fine. If pressed thought or behind, pick defense based on your enemy instead.

Replacement / situational items

Items 5,6,7(sell starter)

A nice item that gives you what you need when you need it. Gives you more power when above 50% health or more protections when below it. Has both Magical and Physical protections to help even out your protection scheme
If you feel comfortable with protections. You can always use more penetration to deal more damage.
Nike is a solid teamfighter late game with her ultimate. With Masamune's passive, she gains some more protections with nearby enemies. +50 power as well will be beneficial to her late game.

Replacement / situational items

Situational Items (Sub in if needed)

If you are facing a healer in your solo lane. This will help slow that down. It is easier to use that Brawler's as you just have to get close to reduce healing instead of hit with abilities.
Another anti-healer item. The base stats are really nice to with 40 power and 15 penetration. Could be used in more situations than facing healers.
Gives some more penetration and some attack speed and power. If you hit an enemy god with a basic attack, it reduces your ability cool downs 1 second.Nike doesn't necessarily need this but a little extra attack speed doesn't hurt if she has good protections in place.


Special thanks to the following:

Zerostrike for his Spruce up your words guide and helping out with some coding issues.

Technotoad for his Color Compilation guide

Zilby for his Template Guide

Branmuffin17 for feedback when asked.

If you like this guide, check out my others!

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Time2medicate (4) | July 10, 2017 8:32pm
Nike: I talked to Poseidon the other day he said what's krackin lol
Bernardozomer (33) | July 11, 2017 3:41am

I love it
Time2medicate (4) | July 11, 2017 2:46pm
It's one of Nike jokes on smite. It's so corny it's funny
Nem666 | March 15, 2017 2:56am
Great guide - I don't normally play warriors in general so this was a great back to basics guide too.
Sobek-Ra (5) | March 10, 2017 1:36pm
Congrats on the win :D I knew you'd be my toughest competition, it's why I was cheering for your Serquet guide hehe
newbiemj (12) | March 13, 2017 8:24am
Congrats on the win as well. Your guide definitely deserves it and I was really surprised that I won. Looking at those Assassin guides, I knew I had no chance.. and this one I knew would be tough as well. Just got lucky this time I guess.
Sobek-Ra (5) | March 16, 2017 11:57am
You're not giving yourself enough credit haha, you definitely inspired me, every time I read the title of your guide I was like, "oh **** he's right, I gotta do better"
DrinksAdmirer (1) | February 27, 2017 10:09am
I can't understand what her ult does with and appied plan of action,would you explain pls?
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 27, 2017 10:15am
Hi Drinks,

I'm not newbie, but I should be able to answer. If you look directly at the page or the pop-up for the ability, it describes it...

Here's the link for the ability page:

And the explanation is: Nike transforms into an armored sentinel and sends out a shockwave that damages and slows enemies around her. While in this form, she gains 40% of her max health as a shield.

If Nike's 'Plan of Action' is active, Nike instead gains 60% of her max health as a shield and applies a 60% slow.

So, if you activate her ult by itself, it gives her a 40% health boost and a 30% slow. If you activate Plan of Action before using the ult, the ult changes to a 60% health boost and a 60% slow.

Make sense?
DrinksAdmirer (1) | February 27, 2017 12:17pm
Thanks for the explanation.I got it now
newbiemj (12) | February 27, 2017 10:25am
What he said. Basically her Ult is used for the slow. So it is great in team fights where you can slow as many as possible. The damage is lacking and won't do to much. With Plan of Action active, like with the other abilities, it will produce a different effect. In this case, larger slow and health shield. With Rend she has 3 hits instead of 2, with her leap, it is quicker.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 16, 2017 12:22pm
S4 feedback:

newbiemj (12) | February 16, 2017 1:30pm
Appreciate the feedback like always.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 16, 2017 1:46pm
Ahhh, you're right, I was looking at the build 3 tab, not build 1 where you do specifically indicate Jotunn's 3rd.
newbiemj (12) | February 14, 2017 9:27am
Updated for start of Season 4 Console. I added Gladiator's Shield as it will be good for her in Conquest. Also think Masamune would be good for her late game. I am still a little unfamiliar with new items and such so if you think of anything that would be good on Nike let me know. I plan on updating it throughout as well. Thanks
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 13, 2017 12:24pm
Hey newbie,

Nice additions! What's going on with the table of contents, though? Maybe you're looking not to duplicate the title, since you've made fancier-looking headers? I think the table of contents at the top is still helpful, if people want to jump quickly to specific chapter. I just deal with it myself, but just looks a bit weird seeing 8 chapters but no words at the top.

For your Build #1, giving it a title/usage would be do this for the Build #2 and #3 tabs, with #3 clarifying for Solo in Conquest...just name it "Non-Conquest modes" or call out all other modes ("Arena / Clash / Joust / Siege").

For your combos, I might suggest also putting in just the simplest combo, just to tell newer players the normal wave-clear sequence (Plan to Rend, leaving out Valiant Leap). Actually, and I know you state at the beginning about using Plan at various times depending on what you want to do (and so not including it in the combos), but I think providing the full combo WITH Plan is good, and you can explain the specific scenario in which you'd use Plan at that point. It reads a bit awkwardly in the explanations when you say "with enhanced or not."

Alright, to the builds. I'm going to get very specific here, and you can take or leave whatever you want as you prefer. Understand that pretty much, I have zero problem with the general choices, explanations and other things (unless specified), so these are all just things to consider adding if you like.

  • If you do care to write a bit more on Warrior Tabi, you might specify that it's the go-to boots for ability-based physical gods. Just being nitpicky here, not a big deal.

  • Second item: again, if you want to explain just a bit more, you could say other things, depending on how you look at it. I personally consider Urchin to be just a pure tank item, rather than a cheaper alternative to me, Spirit Robe is the cheaper alt to Mantle, because the similarities between the two are closer (and in the same tree). So, with Urchin, my explanation on this would be to choose it if both magical and physical threats are fairly equal, and you're going to end up being the main tank (unfortunate for you).

  • On your explanation of items to be chosen after #3 (in green), you say if punished, get protection 4th, but if facing squishy enemies, go damage 4th...however, these aren't necessarily could be facing squishies, and BECAUSE of that getting punished as they usually output more I think the better description would be, if punished protection 4th (like you currently say), but if you're confident / aggressive and your current protection is doing enough, go damage 4th. Make sense?

  • List of damage items (SCS): you might point out that it really should be considered only if there enough physical enemies...part of the passive helps increase your physical protection, so if you're facing lower damage physical gods but a damage-built Guard and a couple of mages, it's probably not going to be as effective.

  • List of damage items ( Bloodforge): I dunno, maybe this is okay, but for the price...I think if you're going to choose an offensive item, you should probably choose one that you don't even list... Brawler's Beat Stick. Yes, I have a personal love of that item as others will say, but it's pretty much a perfect item for her especially against any self/group healers, and the pen it provides gives you more ability damage than the higher power from Bloodforge, at least against squishy gods. If you don't get Titan's Bane, then you'll really get more out of BBS...and the flat pen synergizes better than the % pen of TB.

  • Magical Protection: For Bulwark, you might state that it's a great item if you haven't gotten any other items (such as Hide of the Urchin) with added health. For Runic, you do mention it reduces attack speed, but might further specify key use when facing multiple basic attackers overall, specifically including the magical ADCs.

  • Physical Protection: Another thing I'm probably known for...I just don't like Mystical Mail. For the price, I just feel that it doesn't do enough. Remember, the 40 damage per second is BEFORE mitigations, so it's pretty much never going to do 40...and 40 is sorta measly when you're probably only going to be close to them for a couple of seconds at a time. I dunno...just not a fan. Don't listen to me, I'm biased XD


Okay, you're the expert...but hear me out. I posted a theory-crafting comment on the main Nike page...I think it's probably not very effective to build her as a full basic attacker, but...since you do consider Death's Toll...what about an early Ichaival when facing a physical Solo enemy with CC that can shut down Rend? High attack speed, and her basics are a cone that hits multiple enemies, right? Use that to help with quicker clear, and once minions are gone, you still have Rend available to poke? Replace later with a more appropriate item.

Actually, that's something that you might mention elsewhere in the guide...those first 2 swings doing AOE/cleave. Maybe in Pros? Cuz that really also would help out with jungle camp clearing...basic, basic, Rend, you know?

Heartseeker is an interesting pick for her. I like it more than many, and wonder how good this is for her...I like the outside-the-box thinking. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing if it activates off of Plan of Action...specifically, if you activate immediately before moving into Rend, as you should still benefit from that enhanced power during that time. This or another added move speed item

You do list Brawler's Beat Stick as situational (yay), but think it might fit better than Titan's Bane in the earlier table.

Finally, in Conquest, as a Solo Warrior, you're often looked at as the secondary tank...rather than an item like Shifter's Shield which is a purely selfish item, considering items that the Support doesn't get - but provides utility - might be good. You do list Void Shield and Runic Shield, as well as Pestilence, so you've got it mostly covered, but like your other build, I'd also throw Witchblade and maybe Midgardian Mail into the mix of options. Just a thought.

Anyway, like usual, TL;DR, sorry =P Good job, and +1.
DucksRock (41) | January 17, 2017 9:17am
Don't consider aa items for her. sure, her aa chain is aoe, but she is too ability based to be buying AA items.

Otherwise, i agree.
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 17, 2017 9:26am
Hey ducks then how would you counter a god that was waiting for you to use Rend for your wave clear? And I understand that I am not talking about using other attack speed items, just Ichaival for a very specific purpose.
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newbiemj (12) | January 17, 2017 8:58am
Hey Bran,

As always thanks for the feedback! Hopefully I cover most everything because for the most part I agree with it.

So going through your novel I fixed most of the things you suggested. I put the chapter titles back in because yes I didn't like how it looked with the same thing twice but agree that they are needed for chapter jumping.
I put a title for build 1 and added some more combos as well covered most of them I think. I will go through the rest in separate sections like you have it as well but won't be near as extensive. Haha

I wrote some more for Warrior Tabi. Just because it was really vague.

I wrote more on Urchin and reworded some of it, since I agree that Spirit Robe is little brother of Mantle. Urchin is just good in other modes than Conquest for me. Since it takes so long to get online in Conquest. Nike can take a lot of damage with it and Breastplate or Genji's when it comes online. You just sacrifice getting CDR later.

Under list of damage items: I wrote some more for SCS with your suggestions. Side note.. haven't used it in awhile either, but had success when I did.
I removed Bloodforge from the guide as I haven't used it in a long time. I guess
I would barely consider it a situational item at the very least at the moment.

Under Physical protection- Took out Mystical Mail and added Midgardian Mail instead.. It felt weird only having one physical protection item suggested since Breastplate was used earlier I didn't want to become redundant on it.


I could see the benefits of an early Ichaival since her first two basics are AOE which will trigger Death's Toll more often. Also could see Asi possibly as well with the added penetration and some lifesteal if focusing more on AA than abilities early game.
Her attack chain is relatively quick but clumsy with her downward strike which is why I like Heartseeker since it gives that little boost of attack speed but also helps your abilities hit just a little harder as well. I will definitely try it out and see how I like it...maybe use that instead of Heartseeker then sell it for maybe Executioner...but that could diminish efficiency when using Rend to take protections away but I could be wrong...looking at Smite God builder, Ichaival would give me 1.54 attack speed at level 20. With Heartseeker passive only at 1.39 but sacrifice some movement speed. Asi would be 1.44 but gain other benefits.

So maybe a solo build of Death's Toll Whatever boots needed (Greaves or Warrior), Ichaival then defense item pending matchup (Breastplate or Genji's) into Jotunn's, then either Defense or offense pending need. Could move Ichaival to 3rd item and get defense after boots as well which is more likely... I will have to try that out... I am intrigued.

To be honest..I am not sure if I have actually picked Titan's Bane for Nike, but put it in for a suggestion. I usually go with protection shredding with Rend and Void Shield
which would diminish the return of Bane not? But lately, I haven't reached that far in the build in Conquest, either we are surrendering or they are.

oops I guess I had Witchblade in the Non-Conquest situational but not in Conquest situational..added it.
Ah damn, no mention to my terrible Crusher joke lol.

Anyways, thanks for the +1. Hopefully I answered/ fixed what you were thinking.
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 17, 2017 12:09am
Just tried Ichaival as the only attack speed in jungle practice... Can confirm at the basic level that the 30% increase really helps her first 2 swings... Pretty quick attack, actually. I really really want to see if that Ichaival works in an actual game...
newbiemj (12) | January 17, 2017 8:40am
What else did you build with it? I will give it a go today I think... if i remember.. I tend to forget to try new things midway through a game haha
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xZeroStrike (46) | January 12, 2017 12:02pm
Nicely done. I have nothing to say on visual presentation except that you should add a bit more spacing.

Some space between your subtitles and your item tables for example would be nice.

Still a great job though, +1
newbiemj (12) | January 12, 2017 12:23pm
Thanks for the upvote and advice! I put some more spacing between things.
newbiemj (12) | January 12, 2017 11:56am
Redid some of the coding and hopefully made it easier on the eyes. Any suggestions on how to improve the aesthetics would be appreciated!
AtomicPie525 (5) | January 7, 2017 6:33am
I really love the way you have this set up. It's really easy to follow and understand the points that you are trying to get across. Although I haven't actually played Nike, or many other warriors for that matter, the guide seems pretty solid. I think It's also really helped me understand how to better set up one of these guides. Great guide as far as i'm concerned, and thanks for the unintentional inspiration!
newbiemj (12) | January 7, 2017 7:43am
Thanks that is great to hear!
newbiemj (12) | December 23, 2016 10:56am
Added some more items, and did little revamping on item list. More details in Changes section
DucksRock (41) | December 25, 2016 11:16am
newbiemj (12) | December 25, 2016 7:18pm
Woohoo! Thanks. Glad it's worthy of your upvote!
DucksRock (41) | December 19, 2016 10:04am
Hey Newbie!

Didn't read the whole guide yet, but Hastened Fatalis isn't really the best item to get on Nike. she isn't auto attack based and you want to build her to have as much of a strong initiation, since her followup is pretty bad compared to her initiation and you need to focus on amplifying her strength.

Bloodforge isn't the best item you can buy on her. She transitions into more of a support-ish bruiser late game with her backline diving potential, she doesn't make use of the lifesteal as she isn't an auto attacker and the 75 power dosen't warrant the 2850 gold she could be using for items that are better on her initation potential.

personally, i don't like Stone Cutting Sword on her because her auto chain is pretty slow and it's kinda clunky to insert autos between abilities with her.

Mantle of Discord is really expensive, meaning that rushing it is a kinda bad decision. buying it later on in the game is better imo.

Other than that, solid build. i will wait for you to respond before voting.
newbiemj (12) | December 19, 2016 12:01pm
Hey Ducks! Thanks for the comment.

I don't really use Hastened anymore. I did initially with her and had couple games of success with both Frostbound and her ultimate basically slowing them to a standstill and you can attack fast which is my reason why I included it in first place, but it has fallen out of favor for me. Just a mere suggestion at this point.

Bloodforge is a new item that I have been working with. I like the power it provides and if I do get the kill the shield is helpful when her Ultimate happens to be down. I don't use it for the lifesteal per se but more for the passive and power. What item would you suggest otherwise, that would give good power and some sustain (protections or otherwise)?

Stone Cutting Sword is another one I just started using as well. I see the most benefit of SCS when using her Ultimate. With the slow,then using enhanced Rend, I can auto attack a few times stripping more protections away from them by then my abilities are close to being back online. Plus the +50 power and additional movement speed helps out quite a bit as well.

Mantle of Discord is something I don't get often ( out of 30 games, maybe 5 times), I usually get Breastplate since I usually see more Physical gods than Magical in most matches. It is expensive indeed and it does hurt your early game power potential, but I haven't had that many issues, granted it could be a number of things why I haven't ie enemy skills, other teammates skills etc.

So I guess to summarize since I am rambling a little bit. I agree she is not Auto Attack based which is why I build full/close CDR on her but you still have to AA a little bit at least, which is why I like SCS since it helps make her AA's more worthwhile. Bloodforge is pricey, but gives really good power and the passive is nice when you can secure a kill. With a Reinforced Greaves Breastplate of Valor Jotunn's Wrath Stone Cutting Sword Bloodforge and Runic Shield build, the cost is only 13740 which is easily attainable in my opinion.
No build is perfect by any means, but with the inclusion of SCS and Bloodforge, it has helped me out quite a bit with damage and survivablility

Hope that clears up some things
DucksRock (41) | December 19, 2016 12:25pm
Thank you for the detailed response!

I think that a good alternative to Bloodforge would be Shifter's Shield. it gives both power and protections when you need it, and is cheap.

i still don't believe you need any other aa based items for her, but to each their own and i respect your opinion.
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