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Nu Wa - Man-kind is my responsibility, not yours! (Mid Guide)

198 18 687,554
by ThePerfectPrism updated April 26, 2021

Smite God: Nu Wa

Build Guide Discussion 97 More Guides
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Nu Wa Build

Reccommended Start

Notes Since we're trying to be [ia bit[/i] aggressive early on, we'll start with Magic Focus and Sands of Time, which gives us a crazy amount of power, CDR and some MP5. The pots depends on your preference, but Nu Wa does suffer from the lack of fast mobility, which leads me to normally get a Healing Potion.


Since we're trying to be [ia bit[/i] aggressive early on, we'll start with Magic Focus and Sands of Time, which gives us a crazy amount of power, CDR and some MP5. The pots depends on your preference, but Nu Wa does suffer from the lack of fast mobility, which leads me to normally get a Healing Potion.

Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Magic Focus Magic Focus
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion


Notes 195 Magical Power and 20% CDR, both stats leading you into quite a powerful mid game.


195 Magical Power and 20% CDR, both stats leading you into quite a powerful mid game.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation


Notes Choose one of these Lifesteal items depending on the enemy team. Soul Gem is a nice item to have if you're facing an enemy team with a lot of poke potential. Pythagorem's Piece is an overall amazing item, the one I would recommend you to get if you think you won't be one of the main damage dealers of your team.


Choose one of these Lifesteal items depending on the enemy team. Soul Gem is a nice item to have if you're facing an enemy team with a lot of poke potential. Pythagorem's Piece is an overall amazing item, the one I would recommend you to get if you think you won't be one of the main damage dealers of your team.

Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece


Notes Makes you into a glass-cannon mage, focused on dealing major damage to a specific target in the fastest way possible, betting on the raw damage from the 3 items, plus their passives, together with the penetration established earlier, to chip away large chunks of health.


Makes you into a glass-cannon mage, focused on dealing major damage to a specific target in the fastest way possible, betting on the raw damage from the 3 items, plus their passives, together with the penetration established earlier, to chip away large chunks of health.

Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Archmage's Gem Archmage's Gem


Notes This doesn't mean you're playing support. This means you're trying to provide some additional support to your team instead of being a glass-cannon mage. Also, you might want to consider using Shoes of Focus instead of Shoes of the Magi.


This doesn't mean you're playing support. This means you're trying to provide some additional support to your team instead of being a glass-cannon mage. Also, you might want to consider using Shoes of Focus instead of Shoes of the Magi.

Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Archmage's Gem Archmage's Gem


Notes Items that you might consider changing Shoes of the Magi for after you get Elixir of Speed. Gem of Isolation is good for creating a mobile slow-zone with Mysterious Fog. Spear of the Magus and Charon's Coin are both good for their passives and additional damage (even if just a few decimals above Shoes of the Magi). Mantle of Discord is for when you're up againts a comp that can and is trying to burst you ASAP. Think something like The Morrigan + Serqet + Xbalanque. Divine Ruin is a lovely item to go againts healers AND teams with a lot of regeneration (HP5). Bancroft's Talon insanely increases your damage and lifesteal, which can come in handy. Rod of Tahuti is a staple glass-cannon mage item, and works in almost every single damage-oriented build. Shaman's Ring is a nice 7th Item as it gives you movement speed and almost as much (if not more) damage as Rod of Tahuti .


Items that you might consider changing Shoes of the Magi for after you get Elixir of Speed. Gem of Isolation is good for creating a mobile slow-zone with Mysterious Fog. Spear of the Magus and Charon's Coin are both good for their passives and additional damage (even if just a few decimals above Shoes of the Magi). Mantle of Discord is for when you're up againts a comp that can and is trying to burst you ASAP. Think something like The Morrigan + Serqet + Xbalanque. Divine Ruin is a lovely item to go againts healers AND teams with a lot of regeneration (HP5). Bancroft's Talon insanely increases your damage and lifesteal, which can come in handy. Rod of Tahuti is a staple glass-cannon mage item, and works in almost every single damage-oriented build. Shaman's Ring is a nice 7th Item as it gives you movement speed and almost as much (if not more) damage as Rod of Tahuti .

Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard


Notes Nu Wa benefits A LOT from Purification Beads and Aegis Amulet. CC Lockdowns affect Nu Wa a lot since she doesn't have a fast escape, and she's a mage, making her quite a squishy target.


Nu Wa benefits A LOT from Purification Beads and Aegis Amulet. CC Lockdowns affect Nu Wa a lot since she doesn't have a fast escape, and she's a mage, making her quite a squishy target.

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Solid Build

Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Archmage's Gem Archmage's Gem

Nu Wa's Skill Order

Mysterious Fog

1 X Y
Mysterious Fog
2 15 16 18 19

Clay Soldiers

2 A B
Clay Soldiers
3 6 11 12 14

Shining Metal

3 B A
Shining Metal
1 4 7 8 10

Fire Shards

4 Y X
Fire Shards
5 9 13 17 20
Mysterious Fog
2 15 16 18 19

Mysterious Fog

1 X
Nu Wa condenses moisture into fog at her location which then rolls forward away from her. She and all allies are Stealthed while inside the fog, and have increased movement speed. Attacking breaks the Stealth effect for 1s.

Enemies that run into the fog take damage, and continue to take additional damage again every second they are in the fog.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Damage Per Tick: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+10% of your Magical Power)
Lifetime: 6s
Movement Speed: 10%
Radius: 20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13s
Clay Soldiers
3 6 11 12 14

Clay Soldiers

2 A
Nu Wa conjures Clay Soldiers from the Earth. If she marked a target while summoning them, they will pursue target until it dies. If she summoned them with no target, they will attack enemy gods who damage Nu Wa, or closest enemies.

Soldiers live for 10s. First they will dash at enemies within 30 units, applying a stack of protection reductions. Stacks up to 3 times, stacks last 2s. They will basic attack after that.

Ability Type: Summon Pet
Number Conjured: 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 Soldiers
Soldier's Health: 200 (+20% of your Maximum Health)
Base Movement Speed: 365 / 380 / 395 / 410 / 425
Dash Magical Protection Reduction Per Stack: 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16
Basic Attack Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Per Hit
Range: 40
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
Cooldown: 16s
Shining Metal
1 4 7 8 10

Shining Metal

3 B
Nu Wa launches a mass of shining metal, damaging all enemies it hits. If it hits one of her Clay Soldiers, it explodes, dealing additional damage and Stunning enemies.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Minion Explode: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Minion Stun: 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4s
Range: 65
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 9s
Fire Shards
5 9 13 17 20

Fire Shards

4 Y
Nu Wa flies up into the clouds, gaining visibility on all enemy gods, and summoning fire shards from the sky to damage each of them. As she lifts off the ground, she can pass through player-made deployables.

Ability Type: Global
Damage: 100 / 170 / 240 / 310 / 380 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 120s

Nu Wa Threats

Tap each threat level to view Nu Wa’s threats



Welcome to my guide for Nu Wa, Guardian of Heaven

My name is Prism. I am a Veteran and a Guide Writer on SmiteFire, who loves playing smite!

This guide uses BBCoding from BBCoding masters like Zilby, xZeroStrike, and FemFatalis, already wanting to thank them for their kindness and their friendship.

Also want to thank the SmiteFire Team for nominating this guide as the S8 Contest Mage Guide Winner!

Nevertheless, let's move on to the Guardian herself, Nu Wa!

~Pros / Cons~

Nu Wa - Pros & Cons

.................... Pros ....................

  • Nice wave clear
  • Really strong combo
  • Versatile Kit
  • Incredible objective pressure
  • Hitting the combo usually equals a kill
  • Can turn tides of teamfights easily
  • Global damage with Fire Shards
  • Strong presence throughout the game
................... Cons ...................

  • Bad level 1-3
  • Almost useless from behind
  • Really hard to comeback



Nu Wa's abilities are very powerful in both the CC and damage elements, which includes a stealth, a stun and global damage threats. She has two high damaging abilities and two utility abilities, which helps her with her viability and her ability to be played in multiple roles

Strength of Wood is a vary straightforward passive. It gives your basic attack a root by succesfully hitting it 5 times, which means that on the sixth basic attack, the root will take place

This ability can not be leveled, and is active at all times.


Mysterious Fog is an AoE projectile ability, which advances fowards for 6s, that increases your movement speed and stealths you, and applies an initial damage and a DOT each second an enemy stays within the AoE

This ability should be leveled second, after Shining Metal and before Clay Soldiers

Use this ability for the following circumstances:

- Zone out enemies / slow them with Gem of Isolation.
- Getaway and Chase
- Clear Wave with Shining Metal.


Clay Soldiers is a ability that summons up to three soldiers constructed from clay, that chase after marked enemies and decrease their magical protection, and when used in unison with her third ability, they break and create an AoE stun that applies high amounts of damage.

This ability should be leveled third, after Mysterious Fog and before Fire Shards

Use this ability for the following circumstances:

- Aggress on enemies.
- Start your combo to deal massive damage
- Remove backdoor protections from towers.


Shining Metal is an projectile ability, which deals a considerable high amount of damage, that increases if you use it together with her second ability

This ability should be first

Use this ability for the following circumstances:

- Clear the Wave.
- Poke the enemies
- Apply major damage with her second ability.


Fire Shards is a global ultimate that applies damage, to every enemy currently alive, and also reveals their location for you entire team during it's casting

This ability should receive a point at level 5, after that, you should level it whenever possible

Use this ability for the following circumstances:

- Reveal the enemy position on the map
- Secure kills
- Deal a considerable amount of damage before a teamfight
- Temporarely make yourself CC and Damage Immune


Starter item #1 - Power / MP5 / Passive
Conduit Gem is our starter item. It gives +25 Magical power, +10 MP5 and extra true damage.
This is the starter item you'll always want to pick when playing Nu Wa. It gives you some power and mana sustain, which makes you more capable during combat situations as well as making it easier to manage your mana early on.

Core item #1 - Power / Mana / CDR / Movement
Shoes of Focus is the first core item. It gives +55 Magical power, +250 Mana , 10% Cooldown Reduction and +18% Movement speed.
These are the boots you'll always want to pick when playing Nu Wa. The CDR it provides allows you to punish your enemies more frequently and clear faster, which is quite an important thing to do. It also gives you some power, mana and movement speed, which makes you more capable during combat situations as well as making it easier to escape.

Core Item #2 - Power / Penetration / CDR / Passive
Spear of Desolation is the second core item. It gives +110 Magical Power, +10 Penetration, +10% CDR and a passive, that decreases your cooldowns each time you get an assist or kill.
Nu Wa is her best self when she plays with a lot of damage and CDR, and since her playstyle is heavily focused on using her abilities together. The power it provides allows you to decimate enemies faster. You need this since Nu Wa can be relatively weak, depending in the player's ability to hit her combos correctly. It also gives you some Penetration and CDR, coupled with it's passive, the item is almost a no brainer.

Lifesteal Option #1 - Power / Health / Lifesteal / CDR / Passive
Soul Gem is the first Lifesteal option item. It gives +80 Magical Power, +150 Health, +12% Lifesteal, 10% Cooldown Reduction and a passive that increases Magical Damage and heals after hitting abilities.
Nu Wa benefits from the huge increase in power from this item's base stat and the passive's stat. The power it provides allows you to be more significant in battle. You need this since Nu Wa can be relatively weak without power. It also gives you some Health and Lifesteal, which helps you in sustainability, and this can help a lot, and the Cooldown Reduction allows you to apply your damage more often. Lastly, this item's passive is a huge spike in power for your abilities, while also healing, which is quite an interesting ability for such an item to have, and it greatly benefits Nu Wa

Lifesteal Option #2 - Power / Health / Lifesteal / Penetration / Passive
Pythagorem's Piece is the second Lifesteal option item. It gives +40 Magical Power, +200 Health, +12% Lifesteal, 10% Magical Penetration and a passive that increases your team's damage and lifesteal after damaging the enemy.
Nu Wa benefits from the huge increase in power from this item's base stat and the passive's stat. The power it provides allows you to be more significant in battle. You need this since Nu Wa can be relatively weak without power. It also gives you some Health and Lifesteal, which helps you in sustainability, and this can help a lot, and the Magical Penetration allows you to increase your damage against tanks. Lastly, this item's passive is a huge spike in power for your allies, while also granting them lifesteal, which is quite an interesting ability for such an item to have, and it greatly benefits Nu Wa

Damage-Oriented #1 - Power / Passive
Charon's Coin is the first damage-oriented item. It gives +80 Magical Power, 20% Magical Penetration and a passive that gives you random boosts.
Nu Wa benefits from the sheer power and passive this item gives her, the power helps her stay on board with most magical damage dealers and the passive allows her to negate a big part of the enemies' effort to avoid her damage, and it really helps her to apply massive amounts of damages with her combos and ultimate, while also giving her a major boost in movement speed, which is something we really enjoy.

Damage-Oriented #2 - Power / Mana / Penetration / Passive
Soul Reaver is the second damage-oriented item. It gives +110 Magical Power, +300 Mana, 10% Magical Penetration and apassive that makes your abilities do extra damage.
Nu Wa benefits from the multiple stats this item gives her, the power makes her more dangerous, the Mana allows her to use more abilities, coupled with the passive that allows her to deal a percentage of the target's health as extra damage which really helps her become a power house to be reckoned with in the transition from mid to late game.

Damage-Oriented #3 - Power / MP5 / Passive
Rod of Tahuti is the third damage-oriented item. It gives +160 Magical Power, +30 MP5 and a passive that makes her even more deadly againts low-health targets.
Nu Wa benefits from the sheer power and passive this item gives her, the power puts the nail in the coffin for her enemies, which means it increases her overall damage, the MP5 allows her to stay in teamfights longer, coupled with the passive that allows her to finish off low health enemies really helps her continue path towards maximun destruction and guardianship of Heaven.

Utility-Oriented #1 - Power / Penetration / Passive
Spear of the Magus is the first utility-oriented item. It gives +110 Magical Power, +10 Penetration and a passive that makes her enemies take more damage from her team.
Nu Wa benefits from the sheer power and passive this item gives her, the power helps her stay on board with late-game damage, the Penetration allows her to melt enemies faster, coupled with the passive that allows her to counter the enemies' defenses and it really helps her continue path towards the guardianship of Heaven.

Utility-Oriented #2 - Power / Health / CCR / Passive
Gem of Isolation is the second utility-oriented item. It gives +90 Magical Power, +200 Health, +10% CCR and a passive, that slows enemies everytime you hit them with your abilities.
Nu Wa is amazing with this item, which gives her a more reliable form of CC, especially when utilized with her Mysterious Fog. The power it provides allows you to decimate enemies faster. You need this since Nu Wa can be relatively weak, depending in the player's ability to hit her combos correctly. It also gives you some Health and CCR, coupled with it's passive, the item is a must for more supportive players.

Utility-Oriented #3 - Power / Health / CCR / Passive
Ethereal Staff is the third Utitlity-oriented item. It gives +90 Magical Power, +200 Health, 20% Crowd Control Reduction and a passive that steals health and mana from her enemies.
Nu Wa benefits from the sheer power and passive this item gives her, the power helps her stay on board with late-game damage, the Health and CCR allows her to Survive better against burst and CC-Lockdowns, coupled with the passive that allows her to greatly increase her health and mana pool, it really helps her be the fearsome force she was born to be.

Starter Item Evolution - Power / MP5
Archmage's Gem is our evolevd starter item. It gives +100 Magical power, +25 MP5 and extra damage.
This is the evolved starter item you'll always want to pick when playing Nu Wa. It gives you some power and mana sustain, which makes you more capable during combat situations as well as making it easier to manage your mana The passive allows you to truly damage your enemies[/red] with up to 40% extra magical damage in a single ability cast.


Relic #1
Purification Beads is a relic. It gives CC Immunity for 2 seconds and, when upgraded, the cooldown is decreased by 30 seconds.
Nu Wa benefits from this in multiple ways. It allows her to escape a CC lockdown, while also being able to escape some Executes or Banish ultimates, which not only is small victory because you made the enemy waste a precious ult, but you saved yourself in the process. Overall, this is an amazing relic that, when used correctly, can completely favor the team fight in your way, however, it's mostly used defensively.

Relic #2
Aegis Amulet is a relic. It gives her Damage Immunity for 2 seconds and, when upgraded, the cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
Nu Wa benefits from this in multiple ways. It allows her to survive burst damage, while also being able to escape some Execute ultimates, which not only is small victory because you made the enemy waste a precious ult, but you saved yourself in the process. Overall, this is an amazing relic that, when used correctly, can completely favor the team fight in your way, however, it's mostly used defensively.


Combo #1 "Iconic"
>>>>> >>>>>
This combo is one that you'll use the most. Close in to the enemy either by walking or by rooting them with Strength of Wood, and then use Clay Soldiers for the combo setup, then proceed to use Shining Metal to apply the stun and major damage from the minion explosion. Use Mysterious Fog to either apply damage and ticking damage to attempt to finish off the enemy, or to walk away faster.

Combo #2 "Not Today"
>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>
This combo is one that you'll use the most when trying to survive. Use your main combo ( Clay Soldiers + Shining Metal) to try to stun the enemy, if these abilities are up. Next, either use Mysterious Fog to try to farther the gap, and then only use Fire Shards if they get too close again, or use Fire Shards first if they keep coming/your stun wasn't up, look for a direction they enemmy team is not covering and proceed to use Mysterious Fog to try to get away.

~Early Game~

Farming and Poking
Patience is the key
When starting the game, you should help the jungle with the yellow buff. You can either throw your Shining Metal over the wall or you can use Shining Metal and basic attack for a bit. After that, you should head straight into the mid lane, in time to clear the wave with another Shining Metal, hopefully getting at least 4 of the 6 minion kills. Thereafter, you want to start poking the enemy with either Mysterious Fog or Shining Metal, while, of course, focusing on clearing the wave as well. Try to contest the mid furies when your jungler rotates into mid, and don't forget to also get your red buff! Following this formula, you should arrive at level 5 in no time!

~Mid Game~

Focus and Strategy
The Heavens shall fight back
During the mid game, you should pay attention to rotations. Having wards up is the difference between life or death, and losing the game early on or getting a tangible lead. The main denominator for how aggressive you should be during mid game is how you're doing against the mid and how are the junglers against each other. If both you and your jungler have leads, you should be agressive in this stage. If one is ahaed and the other is behind, be careful and exchange agressions passively. If both of you are behind, you should be defensive in this stage. Focus on damaging the squishies (enemies that don't have a lot of protection) and rotate effectively.

~Late Game~

Teamfights and Objectives
Our enemies shall be met with fire
For late game, you should focus on creating windows of opportunity. Using your Clay Soldiers into Shining Metal combo, you can probably cut down most of an enemy's health, while also stunning them. Avoid spamming Shining Metal, as you can be caught without your main CC tool and be instantly hacked down by the enemy's DPS. Mysterious Fog is a really good stealth tool for 3-5 seconds, so use it wisely as well. You can either use your Fire Shards as a constant poke tool, and using it off of cooldown, or you can use it as an execution tool, to make sure your enemies don't escape from combat. You can also use it to apply item effects on all of your enemies (like Divine Ruin) and it's also a valid use of the ability.


This was my guide for Nu Wa, Guardian of Heaven
Nu Wa is, by far, one of the most unique mages of this game. With solo and jungle potential, Nu Wa is pretty versatile for a lot of stuff, from Split Pushing to changing the fate of a enemy/ally. If you are going againts a Nu Wa, be on your feet. If you are Nu Wa, prepare to save the Heavens and fulfill your role as Guardian of Heaven.

~Other Guides~

....All of my other guides, awaiting your review ! Go check 'em out !....

...................................Aphrodite Mid/Solo

..........................................Athena Support

.................................................. Jungle Kali


07-18-15 ~ Added that Mysterious Fog and Shining Metal can go through walls.
09-25-15 ~ Special Thanks Tab and Auto-Attack Build correction.
10-25-15 ~ Corrected old information.
11-03-15 ~ Shadow of Olympus Patch, Added Other Guides tab.
11-06-15 ~ Spelling adaptation
11-27-15 ~ The Black Friday Update
01-01-16 ~ No Update, just making it still Up-To-Date
03-03-16 ~ S3 UPDATE YAY !
04~02~16 ~ No real update, just to make it Up-To-Date
04~30~16 ~ Updated missing BBCoding
07-10-16 ~ General Update
07~16~16 ~ Solo Aphro Guide Advertasing
09~11~16 ~ Guide Update
10~20~16 ~ Guide Update #Yay
12~03~16 ~ Guide BBCoding Update !
04~30~19 ~ Guide Update for Season 6! Major BBCoding rework and build update!
05~05~19 ~ Build update for efficiency, disregarding the "Baby Steps" idea
06~01~19 ~ Added Shaman's Ring and Match History section
07~18~19 ~ Corrected BBCoding errors, added a new match to the Match History and updated the Other Guides tab!
07~27~19 ~ Updated complete oversight on the 7th Possible Item tab.
08~20~19 ~ Updated Shaman's Ring mentions
02~01~20 ~ S7 Update. Replaced Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin and changed the reccommended start.
03~25~20 ~ Updated typos
04~24~20 ~ Updated Boots and new Match for Match History
06~12~20 ~ Added Obsidian Shard as a possible item.
07~27~20 ~ Added Spear of the Magus, updated build and old numbers.
09~08~20 ~ Updated guide to keep it up to date.
11~23~20 ~ Guide still revelant and up to date, updating for freshness
12~17~20 ~ Mobile Compatibility Update!
01~29~21 ~ S8 Guide Update!
03~04~21 ~ Guide update, changing starter item and adding new information.
04~26~21 ~ Added BBcoding changes, informaiton updates and the S8 Mage Guide Win!
~Thx to Zilby for his BBCoding.

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ariusxi | April 10, 2021 7:30am
That's awesome, it's pretty useful
ThePerfectPrism (56) | April 10, 2021 9:54am
Thank you so much arius!
Kriega1 (143) | April 24, 2020 5:56pm
I think main build should have Reaver over Estaff.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | April 24, 2020 6:04pm
Reaver is an amazing choice, one I quite like a lot, but I find E-Staff giving me a better surviveability in extended engagements, which is why it's on the main build. But I do agree that if you're gonna repalce E-Staff, replace it with Reaver!
Kriega1 (143) | April 25, 2020 3:43am
Yeah the survivability can help, but Reaver has pen on it this season, and with your ult you can apply the passive to multiple targets while Estaff only applies to one target, until the cooldown is over (once every 15 seconds).

Especially since your example builds gets pen very late, in the form of Charon's (I would recommend Obs Shard since the tier 2 has percentage pen).
Vini_sds (13) | March 26, 2020 5:16am
Hey Prism!

I think you should delay Soul Gem a bit, now that Shoes of the Magi will give you some lifesteal so you can sustain yourself in lane for a longer period of time.

I see two build paths for Nu Wa:
• Core: Chronos' Pendant > Shoes of the Magi > Divine Ruin/ Spear of Desolation (Divine most of the time tho, global anti-heal with her ult is too valuable to pass up.)

• Path 1: Damage
Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti.

• Path 2: Utility
Charon's Coin > Ethereal Staff > Gem of Isolation

• Boots replacement (Both paths):
Soul Gem.

What are your thoughts?
ThePerfectPrism (56) | March 27, 2020 5:30pm
Oh why vini, I'm just getting my CDR up as fast as possible, as you may now CDR is quite important for Nu Wa, as she has to put herself in bad positions because of bad Clay Soldiers AI. That's why Soul Gem is present so early. Also amazing passive.
Cindragosa | November 11, 2019 9:31pm
What do you think about Tank/Support on Nu wa?
Kriega1 (143) | November 12, 2019 4:46am
boogiebass (46) | March 27, 2020 6:31pm
Wow shutdown
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Branmuffin17 (401) | November 12, 2019 12:40am
Not preferred, IMO. Although she can situationally apply a slow and stun, and her fog can present some aspects of safety or aggression for teammates, I just don't feel she's really set up for this. If she's building tanky, she should be in the thick of things, but her ult (which won't benefit much for kill secure due to not building much power/pen) takes her OUT of the fight, when she probably would be better served staying in to provide body-blocking, auras (Sov/Heart/Thebes), etc.
Kaiyo Kittens | August 22, 2019 5:55am
I'm curious as to why Poly isn't really listed anywhere. I figure it would be pretty strong as a 6th or 7th item. O.o

I'm exclusively a Nu Wa main but I only just started playing recently. This whole guide was very eye opening. My old builds didn't even have most of these items in them...

My build before this guide used to be along the lines of...
Shoes of Focus - Book of Thoth - Polynomicon - Book of the Dead - Bancroft's Talon - Obsidian Shard.

I do need to point out that I don't play conquest or ranked. I mostly play joust or siege. Also, I'm not a highly aggressive player with Nu Wa. When I made that build I was playing around tower and making sure my teammates were able to engage easy.
Kriega1 (143) | August 22, 2019 7:45am
Poly isn’t really worth on Nu Wa unless you’re stacking book of thoth, and even then it’s better to get items that let her abuse her ult more.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | August 22, 2019 6:40am
Hi Kaiyo, thank you for your comment! I personally don't list Polynomicon for a few reasons, but the main one is that it occupies a spot that would be better utilized by other items! While you can play her with Poly and Demonic Grip in other gamemodes, Conquest benefits from an utility-heavy, pen + cdr builds, which limits interactions with items like Poly. Good luck with your games!
Kaiyo Kittens | August 22, 2019 9:44am
Ok ty. :3 <3
Kriega1 (143) | August 22, 2019 7:44am
Prism, you do know that Poly isn’t necessarily a AA-Mage item right? It’s a decent pickup on Morrigan, Kuku and Scylla as well. Also in no game mode does Nu Wa benefit from building the AA rings.
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FootFetish (4) | August 20, 2019 6:06pm
Hi prism!
Good guide. Complete, consistent and very informative for all new players.
I'm no expert in Nu Wa, so i might ask you; Does Spear of the Magus procs on Clay Soldiers? cause if it does, it can be pretty overpowered and you should include it.
Kriega1 (143) | August 20, 2019 6:24pm
Magus isn’t a good item on Nu Wa in most cases
ThePerfectPrism (56) | August 20, 2019 6:13pm
Hey Foot! To answer your question, Spear of the Magus procs once for the Clay Soldiers dash, and once when you explode them with Shining Metal. You overall deal more damage if you choose Divine Ruin or Obsidian Shard. If you can get 2 stacks of Spear of the Magus with Mysterious Fog then sure, it's more viable, but it becomes waaaaay too situational.
FootFetish (4) | August 20, 2019 7:38pm
well, in that case, ignore my comment. having 1 stack is trash. i somehow expected it to have 3, from 3 minion hits :/
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MiddayFury | May 31, 2019 6:53am
Hey ThePerfectPrism,

I'm pretty new to this site being that this is my first ever comment. Recently I've taken up Nu Wa and have been enjoying her quite a bit. I've only played her in Arena, so it's hard to say how Conquest would go. I immediately found your guide when I was considering giving Nu Wa a try, and it's been so helpful.

I'm curious though if the build that I have been defaulting to within my games is good though. Yes, I've been using the same build on repeat, haven't needed to switch anything out.

The build I've been going is as follows:
  1. Shoes of the Magi
  2. Chronos' Pendant
  3. Spear of Desolation
  4. Soul Gem
  5. Bancroft's Talon
  6. Typhon's Fang

I also have Rod of Tahuti and Ethereal Staff in mind for backup items to substitute in if I ever need what those items offer.

I go with this build because it gives a pretty decent magical power increase but also has quite a bit of life steal and superb cooldown reduction. I know that I probably don't need so much life steal and that magical power is my best friend when it comes to Fire Shards, but I still struggle to find a better combination of items.

In your opinion, and anybody else's, should I switch out anything? I know builds are very situational and items are subject to being swapped out but I can't help thinking that this build is good in most cases where I don't need to build protection.

Any advice on this would be very much appreciated.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | May 31, 2019 10:19am
Heya! Kriega already gave you some good hints, but I'll also shine here a bit of my own experience.

In Arena, I think Nu Wa plays better with a bit of surviveability and utility. Getting Gem of Isolation instaed of Bancroft's Talon and Ethereal Staff instead of Typhon's Fang is already a better direction to you build! Gem will allow you to use your 1 as a zoning tool, which the enemy needs to decide : "Is it worth passing through this? Should I wait till it passes? Should I back off and not engage?", because he will be punished by the slow and possibly even punished by yourself if you're looking to kill them.

Ethereal Staff will give you pretty much guaranteed extra 25% health and 40% extra mana, which does make it interesting to have in Arena. Ulting while your health is still somewhat good (and not ulting cuz you're being focused by the enemy team) will give you a slight advantage in the terms of numbers, but you're still wasting your ult for this, but Ethereal Staff helps her wonders with surviveability and damage (If it didn't have 90 damage I would switch it up with Spirit Robe)

I hope you have fun with Nu Wa, and that you keep me updated with your games with her!
Kriega1 (143) | May 31, 2019 7:16am
Well triple lifesteal is pretty unnecessary for someone like Nu Wa (mage's with AoE abilities only get 33% of lifesteal on those abilities), she can't abuse lifesteal like Anubis or a mage ADC can, and the lifesteal itself can be countered. Also you have no Obs Shard in the build, and Obs Shard is needed if there is tanks on the enemy team.

I would swap Bancrofts and typhons for Soul Reaver (or Obsidian Shard) and Rod of Tahuti (or Obsidian Shard).

Also matches where you need Divine Ruin I would swap Spear of Desolation for it. Besides, you can get that last 10% CDR to reach the 40% cap from Potion of Magical Might.

Gem of Isolation is an optional utility item, but Ethereal Staff would be the better option or just a normal damage item.
MiddayFury | May 31, 2019 9:00am
Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely try those item suggestions. I wasn't aware that the extra lifesteal wasn't that good with Nu Wa.
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ENK_92 | May 22, 2019 12:42pm
This is a perfect example how every single guide should be done. A masterpiece that's easy to soke up and smart and logical to the core. You Sir have earned my vote fair and square.
Thank you.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | May 22, 2019 2:28pm
Thank you good sir, I'm happy to know you've enjoyed reading and using my guide!
Devampi (105) | May 22, 2019 12:58pm
the first time people probably agree with you ENK XD. Not only is this guide a good example of one it still holds the old core values guides used to have and the How to write a guide guides point towards
Kriega1 (143) | May 22, 2019 1:04pm
ENK doesen't read replies. He does have a PS4 account listed in his bio though if anyone cares to get something across to him.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | May 2, 2019 11:14am
Prism, you whined about me commenting on EVERYONE else's build, so I'm here just to shut you up. XD Lova ya Pris.
  • Firstly, I don't like Nu Wa. I'll just get that out there. Sorry if that breaks your heart. She gets way too many skins, when true beauties like Zhong Kui get mostly ignored. This has to stop.

  • *respons*i*bility. I'm surprised Techno didn't point this one out. If you want to further adjust the title, you don't actually need a hyphen in between man and kind. Mankind.

  • I might rename the "support oriented" to "utility oriented." Using the word Support makes me THINK about Supports, and makes you have to explain that you don't mean to be a Support in the notes.

  • I'm with the others on the Soul Gem thing. I will never talk **** on Pythagorem's Piece and it's not a bad item, but I think the greater potential is from SG in her case.

  • I'm fine with the core for the most part, but where you add in Divine Ruin into the "support" list as item #6 (at least that's how I read it), I feel that Divine would be an option in the 3rd slot...meaning Deso isn't really core. Core would be some kind of pen item perhaps, but more depending on need.

  • I'm also with the others on Bancroft's...still think SG might be better here. You're not looking to box the enemy. I'm fine with it being an option, but being a fixed option in the "damage" items #4-6 isn't what I'd typically suggest.

  • Is Demonic Grip really an option for her? I didn't know. I mean I guess I can see it being a niche technique while hiding in your fog and utilizing her passive.

  • You might consider increasing the width of the columns in your pros/cons section, and making the first blank column much thinner. In addition, after the cons list, enter a bunch of extra lines before closing the columns so you can make the headers even.

  • Instead of just listing "clay soldiers" as a pro, I'd talk more about good objective pressure.

  • Some really nice coding throughout. Looks pretty.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | May 5, 2019 10:15am
Hey bran, thank you for the feedback like always!

I did some alterations to the guide, and would like to see what you think! I didn't do the pros and cons BBCoding reevaluation cuz I had some problems while trying to tinker with this preset on one of my private BBCoding-Testing builds. so maybe expect that later!
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 5, 2019 4:14pm
I can make the adjustments for you if you'd like; just send me the code.

The builds look good. I will say, if you can, it's good to give some more precise direction about when you'd want to build certain items. Generally, for example, Obsidian Shard would be something you'd build in the 4-7 slot, while Divine is typically picked up 3-4, and Deso is picked up anytime. Things like that.
boogiebass (46) | May 5, 2019 11:18am
Where's my thanks?
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boogiebass (46) | May 2, 2019 11:31am
Branmuffin17 wrote:
Is Demonic Grip really an option for her? I didn't know. I mean I guess I can see it being a niche technique while hiding in your fog and utilizing her passive.

Ugh. Did you even read the guide?! He clearly says he put that in there as a joke.
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 2, 2019 12:01pm
I didn't read the entire thing. I skimmed the items. It WOULD be an interesting feature to keep her dealing damage when her main combo is down =P
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Kriega1 (143) | May 1, 2019 12:56pm
Why is Obsidian Shard listed as a boots replacement only?
ThePerfectPrism (56) | May 1, 2019 8:38pm
Possible 7th Items and Situationals are pretty much the same thing, but I wanted to make sure some items received more attention then others, that's why I placed Obsidian Shard on Possible 7th Item, so it would seem that I would prefer those items to replace anything in the build over Situationals. If you think that's not clear, I can update by putting it on Situationals as well.
Kriega1 (143) | May 2, 2019 3:47am
If you think that's not clear, I can update by putting it on Situationals as well.

I think that would be better yes, but even then in most games you're probably going to build it that I wouldn't consider it situational, and more say... core.
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boogiebass (46) | May 1, 2019 1:06pm
Hmmm... i see gem of iso, spear of magus, obsidian, and mantle and divine ruin as boots replacement. Where are youlooking?
Kriega1 (143) | May 1, 2019 1:09pm
Kriega1 wrote:
Why is Obsidian Shard listed as a boots replacement only?

boogiebass wrote:
Hmmm... i see gem of iso, spear of magus, OBSIDIAN

boogiebass wrote:
Where are you looking?

Good question, only im going to ask you the same thing, where are YOU looking? Because it doesen't seem that you look at your own comments.

Because where I was looking, it says "Possible 7th Items" aka Boots replacement, where Obsidian is listed.
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Vini_sds (13) | April 30, 2019 11:20pm
Hey Pris.

I love Nu Wa! She's probably my safest mid, because her abilities are easy to confirm and her ult allows you to steal kills help other lanes without the need to actually be there.

I have two questions/propositions to make.

1. On the Damage Oriented items, I'd replace Bancroft's Talon with Soul Gem. Not only it provides CDR, but it boosts Fire Shards' damage when fully stacked, so I think its a superior option than Bancroft's.

2. On the Support Oriented items, I'd suggest to replace Divine Ruin with Ethereal Staff. I understand the concept behind getting Divine, since applying a global anti-heal is really helpful, but not always needed. I also think Divine Ruin should replace Spear of Desolation in the situations where it should be built.

ThePerfectPrism (56) | May 1, 2019 7:58am
Hey Vini!

• I find it hard for me to replace Bancroft's Talon for Soul Gem for Nu Wa, but don't get me wrong, I think Soul Gem is an amazing item on some mages (like Poseidon) but I think it also creates a hesitation on the player to not "waste it" on an ability that isn't Fire Shards or Shining Metal, and I didn't want to create said hesitation for newer players/new Nu Wa players.

• Healing reduction affects all forms of Healing (Hp5, Lifesteal, ability heal, etc.) and therefore is helpful in every match. I did write on the guide that, if you are facing an enemy team with a major healing factor, Divine Ruin should be bought 3rd item, replacing Spear of Desolation. While e-staff is cool and helpful, I didn't have good experiences with it on my play testing, but it coul be a mention for 7th item
Kriega1 (143) | May 1, 2019 12:54pm
" but I think it also creates a hesitation on the player to not "waste it" on an ability that isn't Fire Shards or Shining Metal, and I didn't want to create said hesitation for newer players/new Nu Wa players." - Or they could just save the passive proc and ult before/ at the start of a teamfight lategame. Also im not sure how you can "waste" a Soul Gem proc because it adds upfront burst to any damaging ability.
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Kriega1 (143) | May 1, 2019 6:15am
If you’re building Divine it should be earlier in the build not 6th/7th item
boogiebass (46) | April 30, 2019 11:15pm
Is soul gem good on Nu Wa instead of brancroft? Does it double proc with reaver?
Kriega1 (143) | May 1, 2019 6:13am
Yeah I heavily prefer Soul Gem on Nu Wa. Also works nice with Tahuti and Reaver on her ult
Gulfwulf (81) | May 1, 2019 11:40am
Same. I can understand Pris' reasoning behind choosing bancroft's, but I don't think it's applicable.
Vini_sds (13) | April 30, 2019 11:21pm
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