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Solo Lane Builds Patch 7.12

20 4 9,732
by Didacted updated January 26, 2021

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 14 More Guides
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Vs Physical Lane Opponent:

Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build 1 - Warrior Tabi > Gladiator's Shield > Caduceus Shield > The Crusher > Void Shield > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Build 2 - Warrior Tabi > Gladiator's Shield > The Sledge > Pridwen > Void Shield > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Vs Magical Lane Opponent:

Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build 1 - Warrior Tabi > Runic Shield > Caduceus Shield > The Crusher > Void Shield > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Build 2 - Warrior Tabi > The Sledge > Gladiator's Shield > Pridwen > Void Shield > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Relics - Blink Rune > Shield of Thorns.


If you need anti-heal, substitute The Crusher or Heartseeker for Brawler's Beat Stick.
Start the game in power stance and change to armor stance once you finish Gladiator's Shield. You will stay in armor stance for the rest of the game.
Into teams with heavy cc, you might want Purification Beads over Shield of Thorns.


Vs Physical Lane Opponent:

Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build 1 - Warrior Tabi > Breastplate of Valor > The Sledge > Genji's Guard > Shield of Regrowth > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Caduceus Shield.

Build 2 - Warrior Tabi > Breastplate of Valor > Genji's Guard > Shield of Regrowth > Winged Blade > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Caduceus Shield.

Vs Magical Lane Opponent:

Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build 1 - Warrior Tabi > Genji's Guard > Breastplate of Valor > The Sledge > Shield of Regrowth > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Caduceus Shield.

Build 2 - Warrior Tabi > Genji's Guard > Breastplate of Valor > Shield of Regrowth > Winged Blade > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Caduceus Shield.

Relics - Blink Rune > Shield of Thorns.

Ne Zha

Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi > The Sledge > Shield of Regrowth > Shifter's Shield > Caduceus Shield > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Relics - Blink Rune > Purification Beads.

If you need anti heal, substitute Heartseeker for Brawler's Beat Stick.


Note 1: Shifter's Shield does look weird but the reason you get it is because Ne Zha doesn't need a lot of protections because he's very fast and has two immunities. He doesn't use Gladiator's Shield's or Void Shield's passives or stats well and is really good with the extra power from Shifter's Shield because it helps him guarantee the kill on anyone who doesn't beads his 3 into ult.
Note 2: This build doesn't change vs physical or magical lane opponents because every item has either only health or a mix of physical protections and magical protections.


Start - Warrior's Blessing, Magic Acorn, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build 1 - Thickbark Acorn > The Sledge > Gladiator's Shield > Pridwen > Void Shield > Mantle of Discord.

Build 2 - Thickbark Acorn > The Sledge > Gladiator's Shield > Caduceus Shield > Pridwen > Void Shield.

Relics - Blink Rune > Purification Beads.


Note 1: This build doesn't change vs magical lane opponents. Thickbark Acorn into The Sledge is enough to get you through the laning phase and you want more physical defense late game so getting an item like Runic Shield over Gladiator's Shield isn't worth.
Note 2: Do not sell Thickbark Acorn for Elixir of Speed and another item. This goes for every Ratatoksr build, no matter which acorn you buy.


Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi > Soul Eater > The Sledge > Gladiator's Shield > Arondight > Heartseeker > Elixir of Speed and Brawler's Beat Stick.

Relics - Blink Rune > Purification Beads.


Note 1: This build doesn't change depending on whether your lane opponent is physical or magical. You don't need a dedicated magical defense item since you want to build a lot of damage.

Note 2: You can get Mantle of Discord instead of Arondight or Heartseeker if you need some extra defense. In most games, you want to stack damage items since Ravana is very safe.


Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi > Berserker's Shield > Frostbound Hammer > The Sledge > Caduceus Shield > Mantle of Discord > Elixir of Speed and Void Shield.

Relics - Purification Beads > Shield of Thorns.


Note 1: If you need anti heal substitute The Sledge for Toxic Blade.
Note 2: You go this build into physicals and magical lane opponents.
Note 3: Sell Frostbound Hammer and buy Gladiator's Shield or Bulwark of Hope in its place late game.

Sun Wukong

Start - Warrior's Blessing, Chalice of Healing, 2 Healing Potions.

Build 1 - Warrior Tabi > Soul Eater > The Sledge > Gladiator's Shield > Mantle of Discord > Heartseeker > Elixir of Speed and Brawler's Beat Stick.

Build 2 - Warrior Tabi > Soul Eater > The Sledge > Gladiator's Shield > Caduceus Shield > Void Shield > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Relics - Blink Rune > Purification Beads.

Note 1: If you need anti-heal in build 2, substitute Heartseeker for Brawler's Beat Stick

Note 2: This build doesn't change depending on whether your lane opponent is physical or magical. You don't need a dedicated magical defense item on Wukong.

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AmoralOne (11) | January 25, 2021 3:19pm
I think this is a good guide
Alldarys | January 7, 2021 11:48am
Crusher on achille ? Better to do sledge i think
Kriega1 (143) | January 7, 2021 11:53am
There's a build path listed with Sledge if you want to get it. Achilles' armour passive gives him stats similar to a stacked Urchin which means you can fit in a raw damage item (like Crusher/Brawlers) if you want, since with the health from the passive you can skip Sledge and just go other normal bruiser / tank protection items.

Also Crusher is a pretty good item on Achilles, in Jungle it's a near core pickup if you don't need Brawlers (though getting both is possible). Passive procs on his 1, twice on his 3, ult, and the attack speed is nice for AA cancelling. So, getting it in Solo is not far fetched.
Kriega1 (143) | January 5, 2021 11:46am
There's some coding errors (runic, breastplate, shell) by the Thor build, also with the added Achilles build, mention to switch to tank stance at Glad Shield (since it seems to be the build Baskin mentioned), or just "3rd item" which would make sense for both builds. Maybe also mention Beads in a note at the bottom since I think you originally had it there instead of Thorns for Achilles.
Didacted (6) | January 5, 2021 2:21pm
Kriega1 (143) | December 28, 2020 3:29am
No thorns on Bellona?
Didacted (6) | December 28, 2020 12:17pm
Bellona can fight adc's easily in her 1 and with frostbound. She doesn't have any immunities though outside of her ult though, which Bellona wants to save for initiation or for just killing people. It does 500 base after all.
Stuke99 (56) | December 20, 2020 7:38am
I'm curious about the lack of teleport glyph in any of the builds given, why forgo that relic?
Also, I'm seeing the mention of Caduceus Shield on gods who can't benefit from it due to their lack of healing; Cu Chulainn, Nike, and Odin. Why have gods who can't use the item to the full potential be included in their build?
Didacted (6) | December 21, 2020 7:42am
Teleport Glyph isn't good since you lose a slot for either Blink Rune or Shield of Thorns which are both necessary relics for teamfights.

Caduceus Shield buffs all healing. Hp5, health pots, item heals, fire giant heals etc. It's a good pickup if you can fit it into the build even when your god doesn't have ability healing. The item is pretty nuts atm. On top of that the top mids atm are almost all healers so you'll get extra value from that.
boogiebass (46) | December 20, 2020 11:30am
I guess it would depend on your team comp? But I don't see any mention of that in the guide.
Caimael | December 20, 2020 7:08am
Love this guide, really useful stuff. I do have a question concerning Cu Chulainn's build, and why Caduceus Shield is included, as I don't remember Cu Chulainn having any heals in his kit. Is it something to do with his passive health regeneration?
Didacted (6) | December 21, 2020 7:42am
Caduceus Shield buffs all healing. Hp5, health pots, item heals, fire giant heals etc. It's a good pickup if you can fit it into the build even when your god doesn't have ability healing. The item is pretty nuts atm. On top of that the top mids atm are almost all healers so you'll get extra value from that.
Kriega1 (143) | December 19, 2020 11:39am
Some suggestions:

Achilles : Mention in a note to switch to tank stance at Crusher.

Osiris: Mention tank boots as alternative to Warrior Tabi.

Wukong: Maybe add some labels to the build examples.

Thoughts on adding builds for Camazotz, Rat and Fenrir?
Didacted (6) | December 21, 2020 7:52am
Achilles: I'll do that now, thanks for reminding me.
Osiris: I didn't add it because I don't think it's that good. Warrior Tabi is what gives you pressure early on with Osiris because of his poke and the power on his autos to clear wave is important. Osiris is already super tanky and with Gaia you get too much health anyways so I think Reinforced doesn't get much value.

Wukong: The reason I didn't was because besides the Arondight build (which I will add a note for) the builds are interchangeable and you can build any of them and be fine. Wukong's builds are super flexible which is why I added so many variations.

I was thinking of adding off meta solo laners like a few assassins, mages, and guardians but I decided to only post the viable solos to avoid misinforming beginners. Ratatoskr has a small niche in solo so I'll add him once I playtest a different build but I don't think Fenrir or Cama are good picks. Maybe I'll add them all and put a note calling it off meta in the builds.
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