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Thanatos, The Soul Stealer [SOLO/JUNGLE][UPDATED 3/6/2014]

40 8 368,946
by Doc_Nick updated March 21, 2014

Smite God: Thanatos

Build Guide Discussion 33 More Guides
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Thanatos Build

Game start

Build Item Tabi Tabi
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Finished boots

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi

Main damage output

Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield


Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Actives (choose two)

Build Item Girdle of Inner Power Girdle of Inner Power
Build Item Girdle of Might Girdle of Might
Build Item Enfeebling Curse Enfeebling Curse
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)

The worlds most annoying escape

Build Item Combat Blink Combat Blink

Situational items

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer

Thanatos's Skill Order

Death Scythe

1 X Y
Death Scythe
1 4 7 11 14

Scent of Death

2 A B
Scent of Death
3 10 16 18 19

Soul Reap

3 B A
Soul Reap
2 6 8 12 15

Hovering Death

4 Y X
Hovering Death
5 9 13 17 20
Death Scythe
1 4 7 11 14

Death Scythe

1 X
Thanatos flings his scythe at an enemy, dealing damage and an additional 10% of the target's maximum health against enemy gods. Enemies hit are slowed for 3s and heal Thanatos based on damage dealt. Consumes 4% of Thanatos' current HP when used.

Ability Type: Projectile
Damage: 95 / 165 / 235 / 305 / 375 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Bonus Damage (Gods): 10% of Max HP
Healing: 50% of damage dealt
Slow: 20%
Cost: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Scent of Death
3 10 16 18 19

Scent of Death

2 A
Thanatos senses death, gaining immunity to Slow effects and additional move speed and Physical Penetration for 6s. His speed bonus increases up to double when moving toward an enemy god within the instant kill health threshold of his Ultimate. Consumes 4% of Thanatos' current HP when used.

Ability Type: Buff
Penetration: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Move Speed: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%
Bonus Speed (Low Health): 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%
Cost: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Cooldown: 13s
Soul Reap
2 6 8 12 15

Soul Reap

3 B
Thanatos swings his scythe, dealing Physical damage and Silencing enemies he hits. Thanatos moves at a reduced rate while swinging. Consumes 4% of Thanatos' current HP when used.

Ability Type: Cone, Silence, Damage
Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Silence Duration: 1s
Cost: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Cooldown: 14s
Hovering Death
5 9 13 17 20

Hovering Death

4 Y
Thanatos flaps his wings and ascends for 5s, unable to be hit. While airborne, he moves unimpeded at an increased speed before diving to his target location, dealing damage. Enemies below a Health threshold are instantly killed. All others are Stunned. Consumes 8% of Thanatos' current HP when used.

Ability Type: Circle, Stun, Damage
Damage: 110 / 145 / 180 / 215 / 250 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Kill Health Threshold: 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40%
Stun Duration: 1.5s
Bonus Move Speed: 150%
Radius: 15
Cost: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Cooldown: 90s


This is my first ever Smitefire build, so pardon me if I tend to fail horribly in what im trying to accomplish.

Thanatos is probably my favorite of the newly released gods. I find him to be very balanced but also very easy to kill if hes disabled, seeing as his only escape is a speed buff that consumes his own HP (even though its only 5%) I play Thanatos jungle all the time, almost as much as SoloRenektonOnly plays Renekton Top! I hope you find my guide fun(ny) and helpful!

Pros / Cons

Pros / Cons


+ High Sustain
+ High damage abilities
+ Very good 1v1 mid/late game
+ Instant kill with Hovering Death
+ Ultimate stuns all enemies in the radius
+ Ultimate deals minor damage to all non executables in the radius

Thanatos' sustain is great. Early game his Death Scythe Can do 10-25% of a non tanks health. This allows him to harass other gods away from his teams minions. His high damage abilities and attack progression are what make him such a good 1v1. While farming his attack chain also comes in handy as the third hit in the chain deals the damage al all enemies directly in front of him. Combined with the constant harass from his Death Scythe getting early game kills with Hovering Death. Remember Hovering Death can also be used to save teammates by using to it stun an enemy and finish them off with your other abilities. Early game jungling you gain two times the HP that Bumba's Mask gives you, as your passive has the same HP regain!

- Squishy early game
- Useless when disabled
- Can't use abilites with really low HP
- Long-ish cooldowns
- Easy target in teamfights
- He has no escape!
- Kills everything he touches :(

Early game he may be able to dominate his lane with harass, but caught in the jungle with around half HP Thanatos is an easy target. You will most likely die if you try to jungle on the other teams side if they have a jungler too. When hes disabled hes mostly loses all his HP, if you escape you end up with around 10/20% HP left. All of his abilities consume HP so using them could be worse than just trying your luck with running. Before you build cooldown reduction your abilities have some pretty damn long cooldowns. So make sure you dont plan on ganking within around 10 seconds of using abilities. In teamfights Thanatos is valuable, he can silence all enemies in a cone infront of him and constantly take 10% the enemy tank's HP with Death Scythe. This makes him a prime target, especially since he has to be close to use Soul Reap


Harvester of souls
Harvester of Souls is a very good jungling AND laning passive. You can use the reveal to spot enemies in the jungle with very low HP, and when you kill something you get a % of their maximum HP to you. For gods you get 20% and minions you get 10%. Allowing you to get 10% more HP back on top of the 10% if you are jungling with Bumba's Mask. When an enemy is affected by harvester of souls they will have a red skull on them and you will hear a heart beating. They will not see the skull until you use Hovering Death.


Death Scythe
Your main "nuke" as its called in DotA. This hits insanely hard. It can do up to 600 damage (hot damn) in one hit making it a perfect initator, but beware its very easily dodged, so I dont recommend trying to aim this while drunk. The slow is also nice for chasing someone.


Scent of Death
This is your chase mechanism, speeding you up by 30% at max rank, you can call yourself "Thanatos the jet fighter from hell". If you are chasing someone within your Hovering Death's kill threshold you will get double that speed (so 60% at max) also boosting your new nickname to "Thanatos the HOLY HELL WHAT WAS THAT?!". It also adds up to 35 physical penetration.


Soul Reap
Soul Reap is 100% what you want to max first in the solo lane. If you poke with your Death Scythe enough the enemy wont want to fight you, letting you farm with Soul Reap. Soul Reap is a badass looking ghosty scythe that flys out of the 9th dimension to not only do AoE damage, but also silence the enemies.


Hovering Death
OH. MY. GOD. My absolute favorite ultimate in the game. This beautiful piece of work flies you up in the air so you can land on your prey like and eagle snatching itself some fish. If they are below a certain amount of HP they are instantly killed (Some people still think its a glitch that it does 9999 damage but thats WAY higher than max HP so thats the value used for instant kills) To make it even better as you swoosh down majestically out of the air you hear some scary *** bird noises and if you instant kill you see EXECUTED AND IT MAKES YOU FEEL BADASS


Bumba's Satanic Ritual Mask!
>Insert your hate that I jungle with Bumba's here. Im one of those "Yeah screw health pots I have Bumba's" kind of people, so since my passive essentially is Bumba's I get double the health rewards! Neat-o! Plus the MP5 in the jungle is useful for keeping your mana up, it is possible to run out of mana!


Warrior Tabi
The reason I like getting Warrior Tabi and not Ninja Tabi is because they add penetration, along with Scent of Death and Jotunn's Wrath the penetration is deadly and just seems more efficien compared to Ninja Tabi.


Jotunn's Wrath (I always thought it was spelled Jotuun's)
It's amazing on Thanatos. It gives you 25% cooldown reduction, 40 Physical Power, 11 Physical Penetration and 150 mana. Just like your Warrior Tabi, their penetration bonuses go great with your Scent of Death, letting you shred down your enemies like Fenrir shredded Tyr's hand.


Eye of Re- I MEAN Shifter's Shield!
Eye of retaliation (Shifter's Shield) was just changed a few patches ago to no longer provide lifesteal but instead provide power and protections. Its passive has been changed to provide 20 Physical power when above 50% health and 20 Physical and Magical protections when under 50% health. The item stays with the build becasue this adds alot to his solokill potential. This gives more tanky-ness and even more when you drop below 50% health. But now we need another lifesteal item to steal dem soulz :( Oh hey look, Bloodforge.


A sword with the name blood in it? WELL WHY NOT. Bloodforge is a newer item sort-of, technically. It grants Thanatos 40 Physical power and 20% lifesteal, for you know, soul stealin. Its passive rewards you with 5 Physical power and 2% additional lifesteal each time you land a basic attack and it stacks up to 5 times! Thats a total of 65 Power and 45% lifesteal, holy ****! The reason Bloodforge is so great is because by the time you hit the final attack of your basic attack chain, you will have 3/5 stacks, which ups the damage quite a bit. The next attack chain you will have 5/5 stacks maxing the possible damage/lifesteal from the item, and maxing your enemies tear production.


Hydra's Lament
This is always one of my favorite items, so when I saw it was reccomended for Thanatos I HAD to try it out. And boy was it a success. This will finish your cooldown to the maximum cap of 40%. You also gain +50 more physical power. Its passive makes you deal 125% your BASE (Without items/actives) physical power on your next auto attack, after using an ability. This helps when you use Death Scythe to hit a bit harder after you get up close and personal with them, just not too close or personal, some of theese gods are a bit handsy (Epic Anubis Grasping Hands pun).


Well it has the word DEATH in the name. So why would you not get it on Thanatos, The hand of DEATH! Deathbringer increases your critical hit damage by 50%, gives you +50 Physical power and a 20% crit chance. If you can crit on your last auto attack of your hit progression, you have just reduced your enemies to tears... and some gory nasty corpse stuff BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!



Titan's Bane
A great alternative item if you want to get rid of the Hydra's Lanemt power/passive and go for more penetration. Titans Bane USED to be a core item to the build until they removed lifesteal from Eye of Retaliation. And I mean come on guys who doesnt want an imposter of Thor's Mj¶lnir?


SWEET MOTHER OF HELL ITS Malice! THIS BEAUTIFUL LADY NOT ONLY LOOKS LIKE IT WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS BUT MAKES YOU BLEED WHILE IT DOES! Malice was just changed in the Scylla patch, it now gives 50 Physical power, 20% critical strike chance and if you do hit a crit you will cause the enemies to bleed for 60% your Physical power over 3 seconds. Now isn't that badass? Yeah, I know.


Brawler's Meat Tenderizer!
You ever try to gank someone who has massive *** health regeneration A.K.A Hercules THE GUY WHO HEALS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU CRY. Well do we have the solution for you! Try the Sham-wo- wait. Oh, Try Brawler's Beat Stick today! I would sub out Bloodforge for this but its all up to you baby. This meat tenderizer gives you 25 Physical Power, 15% lifesteal and 250 health, and its passive reduces the health regeneration of those you smash in the face with an auto attack by 50%! But it doesnt stack with the triangle of uselessness Divine Ruin.


Comfortable gloves of devouring!
Are your plated handguards of death uncomfortable or will not pick up Bloodforge for some reason? Well heres some new comfortable and stylish gloves, made out of 100% Wookie fur fresh from Kashyyyk! Oh, the eyes? Well, thats not the point. Devourer's gloves are GREAT for when you are in the solo lane or jungle as they stack every time you kill a minion. They grant 30 Physical power and 10% lifesteal as base stats, and each stack gives .5 Power and .25 Lifesteal per stack (Maximum 60 stacks~~~ stacks give 30 Power and 15% lifesteal at full)


Man, your grandmas old necklace from WWII really smells huh? Smack it on Thanatos for a lot of health (450 to be precise), 65 Magical Protection and 15% healing reduction to nearby enemies! Great for trying to survive the water park hell that is He-Bo While reducing his teams health regeneration!


Mailman's uniform!
Mail of renewal is a pretty cool item, Buffs you up with 40 Physical protection, 300 health and 10% cooldown reduction! Gee Wizz! Best if you're getting dunked on big time by other physical junglers that beat on you alot (SHAME ON YOU, YOU SHOULD BEAT ON THOSE RATCHET BASTARDS!) Its passive restores 10% of your maximum health and mana over 5 seconds when you get a kill or an assist, which is hugely useful since your abilities use both health and mana!


Ankh of the Golem's idiot cousin!, 100% more badass looking!
Sadly Hi-Rez made the horrible mistake to remove my favorite bruiser item Ankh of the Golem. What the hell Hi-Rez. But hey at least we have his challenged cousin Runeforged Hammer. His reputation of "Ankh of the Bear" was so bad that Hi-Rez gave him a new name and made him a hammer. How sad. Right? Yeah, WELL WE KNOW YOU ARE THE ANKH IN DISGUISE MR. HAMMER. Runeforged gives 55 Physical protections and 350 health. Its a great stats item but the passive is lacking. Its passive converts 15% of your physical protections into power. This item is mainly for tanks but ive seen some other Thanatos' use it and be semi-successful. R.I.P Golem :(


Satan's Trident!
If you are building Racks on Racks on Racks of physical power I recommend this over Hydra's Lament because it will deal 50% of your TOTAL physical power on your next basic attack. Talk about wrecking *****es left and right!



Girdle of inner might/Girdle of support
Im not sure why the Girdle of Support isnt on smitefire yet but when it is I will update :)
Girdle of inner power will give you that extra face kick you need to beat an enemy. Normally assassins like Loki could 1v1 you like no tommorow, but use girdle today and he'll be running home to Fenrir and Hel (His kids). Girdle of support basically helps face kick the WHOLE ENEMY TEAM. You can have your teammates thank you later...


Enfeebling Curse
Do you ever hate when you're trying to farm like a boss when all of the sudden a Bakasura comes in from nowhere and gives you head (if you know that his ultimate exposes his head....) and then 2.5 attack speeds you to death? Well buy Enfeebling Curse today and either run like a sissy and use the slow to your advantage to save your life or try and fight his (now) 1.75 attack speed.


Purification Beads/Aegis Amulet
I grouped theese together because they're generally used for the same purpose, to save your sorry butt. Im going to go all fancy and attempt, ATTEMPT, to make columns to tell you situations that I think you should use beads or aegis. I didn't include every ultimate because some arnet solved by beads/aegis in my opinion.

+ Regurgitate
+ Fear No Evil
+ Ragnarok
+ Cat Call
+ Calydonian Boar
+ No Escape

+ No Escape
+ Fields Of Love
+ Release The Kraken!
+ World Weaver
+ Lurking In The Waters
+ Excavate

Creeping / Jungling / Ganking

The way you jungle with Thanatos all depends on what side of the map you start on.

Started on the Invaders side? Scroll down to the orange text!

Started on the Pristine side? Scroll down to the light blue text!


Started here? Lucky you. With the invaders side you and your solo laner will usually start at the Speed Buff (ORANGE). (NOTE: sometimes you can start at the Regular Harpie camp (YELLOW)). Use your potion of physical might here to beef you up, also you may use Hand of the Gods here to quickly kill the camp and YOU pick the buff up. From here you will head to your solo laners Mana/cooldown Buff (BLUE). This is referred to as their buff because not only is it next to their tower, but (unless the enemy jungler invades) they are the only one who uses it early and mid game. Now that both the orange and blue camps are dead, stay in your solo laners lane for two to three minion waves, normally you leave when the timer is nearing 1:45. From here head to the Middle Harpie camp, I reccomend either having your Mid laner help you, or use Hand of the Gods. From here you may do as you please, normally this involves ganking your middle laner, invading the enemy jungle (be careful, sometimes its good to ward their jungle so you know when you can steal buffs and where the enemy is).


Yes, I know, the colors on this side of the map are horrbile. Life sucks. Well lets start shall we? You DO NOT start at the orange buff for this side, that is your Tank/ADC lanes job. You can either help your team at the Middle Harpies of solo the Physical/Magical power buff (RED BUFF). Use your potion of physical might before engaging either. If you started red buff skip down the the red letters! Ok, so you are helping mid camps, attack the camps with your team and BE CAUTIOUS of enemies, sometimes enemies will try to steal or contest the camp. RED LETTERS Head over to the Red Camp, and use Hand of the Gods. From there finish the camp off and go help your solo laner with blue. 8/10 times you will finish your buffs later than the enemy team, so while clearing blue be careful. Head into the solo laners lane and lane with them for 2-3 waves of minions and then head back into the jungle, start clearing the normal harpie camps and keep pressure on whatever lanes you see being pushed hard. To see what lanes are being pushed hard do one of these two things. 1) Look at the scoreboard, Has anyone died? If yes ask if they want a gank, or signal that you will gank, and then, well, gank. 2) if noone has died yet than look at your minimap. Are any of your lanes very close to tower? If yes, go help them out by ganking. If no, then go back to jungling and wait about one minute and complete the aforementioned procedure again.

Ganking with Thanatos is as easy of puttinng a hot dog in a bun. All you have to do is make sure you approach from BEHIND the enemy, they wont suspect you when they cant see you. Engage with Death Scythe if you are farther away from them, the slow will let you catch up and use Soul Reap. Whats that? You're already close up? Quick! Use Soul Reap to stop them from spellcasting you to death and then Death Scythe them, clean up what chopped up pieces of enemy are left with some auto attacks. If you cant finish them off with your auto attacks, consider using Hovering Death. With gods like Aphrodite wait a couple of seconds and see if they waste ult, if not, Go for it! Of course if you are ganking a lane where an enemy is at your Hovering Deaths kill threshold I recommend going in for ult!


  • Your passive will reveal any enemies on the map that are under your Hovering Death's kill threshold, even if you do not have your ultimate yet! This is EXTREMELY useful for killing the other teams jungler early game, just be sure you arnet low on HP yourself!
  • Your Death Scythe deals damage to you right when you click the button, but there is a very small delay before the actual scythe comes out, so it is possible to use the skill and get stunned/silenced and not have the actual ability happen. So be careful.
  • You move two times as fast in Hovering Death so even if that pesky Neith back-flips 9/10 times you can catch up and execute her!!!
  • If you activate your Scent of Death while chasing someone under your Hovering Deaths kill threshold you will get double the bonus movement speed (60% at max rank!!!)

God difficulty

Im not sure what title I am supposed to use so I'll call this god difficulty. This section is to sum up what enemy gods are easy/hard to lane against with Thanatos. Those who are of normal difficulty probably wont be in this unless I have a special reason.


Arachne, Easy-ish
Arachne can be a ***** to jungle against, but with the recent nerf to her spiders her jungling ability has decreased in my opinion. Shes no doubt going to kill you if you walk into all 5 of her eggs trying to chase her. But if you catch her in the jungle fighting at a camp or rotating to a lane your Death Scythe Soul Reap combo should make quick work of her ( Soul Reap is easy to kill her spiders with).


Aphrodite, Hard!
Other than the fact that she is an over sexualized beauty you REALLY dont want to lane against her. Her sustain outmatches yours easily and if your lane partner is having an "off game" you will most likely die. Now I will admit if their Aphrodite is a bit "inexperienced" with that lovely lady you could probably have a good fun game. But 9 times out of 10 she will negate your ultimate with hers, and regen any teammates under your kick *** insta-kill threshold...


Hun Batz, Hard!
A.K.A King of the jungle, Hun Batz will make quick work of you with Fear No Evil and Overhand Smash. If the enemy team has him jungling. BE CAREFUL.


Kali, Medium
New Kali is arguably one of the best at 1v1 fighting. Her auto attack progression makes her extremely deadly when combined with her bleed/stun. Her ultimate, Undying Rage (Tryndamere joke lel) makes it so she cannot drop below 1 HP and deals damage around her. Be very cautious when attacking Kali and DO NOT ATTACK HER IF YOU MISS YOUR Death Scythe/ Soul Reap COMBO, ITS INSTA DEATH. Kali has one very massive advantage on you, AN ESCAPE. Your only escape is your ult. The object when fighting Kali is to poke her down with Death Scythe and then silence her with Soul Reap so that she cannot stun/runaway.


Bakasura, Medium
Bakasura will eat you alive, spit you out and eat you alive 3 times over if he gets a lead on you. He gets passive physical power from his 3, and gets true damage on his attacks when he activates it. He can easily jump over walls and eat your jungle camp to steal it from you and still do massive amounts of damage. With Bakasura Make sure you get him while hes not near minions, or use your Scent of Death to your advantage to hunt him down at low HP and kill him to get a lead on him.


Mercury, Kill yourself hard!
I mean it! Jungle Mercury has INSANE 1v1, stay out of melee range and poke him all you can, he has no early game sustain so use that to your advantage!


Ne Zha, Easy peasy
Ne Zha is one badass 10 year old, Death Scythe that ***** in the face and then see whose a big bully. On a serious note poke at him with your Death Scythe silence with Soul Reap and clean up the chopped up 10 year old that is Ne Zha with some auto attacks. Oh? He ulted to get away? Use your Hovering Death or Scent of Death to catch up!

The end (and pictures of my games with him )

This kinda feels like an essay. Anyways. Thanatos is an assassain, but cat hold his own is anything more than a 2v1, and even in 2v1's he can struggle to live. I cannot stress enough, again DONT DIVE INTO THEIR WHOLE TEAM FOR ONE DAMN KILL. YOU DO THAT AND THE INTERGALACTIC LAW HAS BEEN BROKEN, YOUR PUNISHMENT IS GETTING BANNED FROM LIFE. Your ultimate should be used on people running away that are separated from the enemy team. If you can execute more than one person with this ultimate then TELL YOUR TEAM YOU ARE ABOUT TO AND PRAY TO JESUS THEY HELP YOU IN AND OUT.

I really hope you enjoyed my first ever guide on any website :D Good luck to you all!

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Devampi (105) | March 2, 2016 10:13am
POPER187 wrote:

the build is alright but not what I would recommend im still playing with buids for S3

as the title says and the date it's a guide from 2014 (aka S1 or maybe even still open beta)
POPER187 | March 2, 2016 9:42am
the build is alright but not what I would recommend im still playing with buids for S3
Lordomi | May 17, 2015 6:24am
How about Janus? He easily makes you waste your ult with a downward portal.
TheZodiacWolf (23) | May 15, 2014 7:35pm
Fenrir can mop up Thanatos. Jump over his Soul Reap and then he's stunned for a second. 2 basic attacks happen before he can use his Death Scythe. Once he can attack dodge it. Then Brutalize Thanatos is now dead. Put Fenrir as a jungle enemy. When I see Thanatos pinned against me that combo wins 9 times out of 10.
reag1tive | April 18, 2014 4:51pm
used this guide , won in the league thank you for guide very nice job !
Doc_Nick (2) | March 21, 2014 7:19pm
Dragoszx wrote:

I have to ask something, what about adding Stone of Gaia? This way you can use your abilities more and get a little defense (not needed but it's a plus). I guess your pasive can do pretty well but what about when you are chasing somebody?

I really hadnt thought about Stone of Gaia since its such a tank item, but the HP regen could be really nice. Ill test it out!
Raventhor (158) | March 9, 2014 12:58pm

dude u can't solo with thanathos 0 waveclearing. no matter who u are against u will be under your own tower and getting poked too death, heal with your passive u say? no. if u try to kill the minions they just use 2 spells and your dead

Not entirely true. His Soul Reap can clear very well if maxed first, and even if they use spells, thanatos's passive is ridiculously good for sustain. He's bullied hard early but scales really really well late. If the enemy goes aggressive on you early, just dance around your minions - they do a lot of damage early game.
Salty Balls Of Doom | March 9, 2014 12:44pm
dude u can't solo with thanathos 0 waveclearing. no matter who u are against u will be under your own tower and getting poked too death, heal with your passive u say? no. if u try to kill the minions they just use 2 spells and your dead
Dragoszx | January 18, 2014 5:49am
I have to ask something, what about adding Stone of Gaia? This way you can use your abilities more and get a little defense (not needed but it's a plus). I guess your pasive can do pretty well but what about when you are chasing somebody?
Overstone | January 16, 2014 10:40am
+1, great bluid.
Subzero008 (112) | January 12, 2014 4:38am
I don't give a **** about this being your "first guide."


Build is rather inflexible, and this is a personal peeve of mine, but I dislike it when people put multiple copies of the same item on the build. This isn't LoL, we know how to finish items.

Item Explanations

Decent explanations on the items, but I think you could put a little but on how the items work with Thanatos, instead of generic "this item gives lifesteal, get it." Also, have you considered devourer's gloves on Thantos, instead of eye of retaliation?

Skill Explanations

Skills are alright. You need to explain what Soul Reap does, as you just gloss over it. You need to explain what each skill can do. Other than that, it's good.


Zero gameplay. You need to add some, stat. I advise adding a ganking section, a section on early aggression (Seriously, Thantos' early game rivals Fenrir's), and most importantly, a section on teamfights, since that is his biggest weakness.

I also think you should put a section on what to initiate with, Death Scythe, Soul Reap, or even Hovering Death. Because yes, you will have to use your ultimate for the stun sometimes, especially if you want to feed a lane.


You have good BBC coding. The info is good, but I think the tips section is mostly rehashed info from the skills section.


Overall, I need to downvote, since there is NO GAMEPLAY. But what you have here is good. If you add gameplay, and it's not some generic "make sure to gank often, keep doing what you are doing" bull, then I'll gladly upvote.
stompt | January 3, 2014 8:15am
I do have one question. Why wouldn't you want to stack more items that deal damage as a percent to stack with Thanatos' attacks, such as Qin's Blades?
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