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Tiamat, The Versatile Creator (Mid/Solo)

14 4 24,161
by AtomicPie525 updated March 9, 2021

Smite God: Tiamat

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Tiamat Build

Lifesteal start

Notes I'd call this your "safest" start for mid because it gives you a lot of health sustain. You've just gotta watch out for your mana usage early on.


I'd call this your "safest" start for mid because it gives you a lot of health sustain. You've just gotta watch out for your mana usage early on.

Build Item Talon Trinket Talon Trinket
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Sacrificial Shroud build.

Notes I'm not a fan of starting with Vamp shroud, but Sac Shroud does a great job in the late game. The only real issue with this build is that it leaves you lacking in CDR so you can sell your shoes for something like Chronos' Pendant or just use blue buff and Potion of Power to get the missing CDR.


I'm not a fan of starting with Vamp shroud, but Sac Shroud does a great job in the late game. The only real issue with this build is that it leaves you lacking in CDR so you can sell your shoes for something like Chronos' Pendant or just use blue buff and Potion of Power to get the missing CDR.

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Sacrificial Shroud Sacrificial Shroud
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Out of base

Notes So far I've found the best luck starting with Conduit gem, but I feel as if all 3 mage starters are viable in their own right.


So far I've found the best luck starting with Conduit gem, but I feel as if all 3 mage starters are viable in their own right.

Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Magic Focus Magic Focus
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Core items

Notes Spear of Desolation provides substantial CDR, especially in a teamfight where it can take 8 seconds off your already incredible short ultimate Cooldown. Rod of Tahuti gives you ample amounts of power, much needed MP5 and Penetration to boot!


Spear of Desolation provides substantial CDR, especially in a teamfight where it can take 8 seconds off your already incredible short ultimate Cooldown. Rod of Tahuti gives you ample amounts of power, much needed MP5 and Penetration to boot!

Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

General Build

Notes If I had a default build for Tiamat, this would be it. It's set up in such a way that you'd sell shoes for soul gem, but the order is realistically variable

You can upgrade conduit gem either way or you can go for a sands of time and it would still work.


If I had a default build for Tiamat, this would be it. It's set up in such a way that you'd sell shoes for soul gem, but the order is realistically variable

You can upgrade conduit gem either way or you can go for a sands of time and it would still work.

Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem

Lifesteal build

Notes When I've done this build, I've found it best to hold off until level 20 to pick up the sacrificial shroud rather than starting with vamp shroud. That said, this gives you ample sustain throughout the game. You also maintain 20% CDR and have a lot of power


When I've done this build, I've found it best to hold off until level 20 to pick up the sacrificial shroud rather than starting with vamp shroud. That said, this gives you ample sustain throughout the game. You also maintain 20% CDR and have a lot of power

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Sacrificial Shroud Sacrificial Shroud

Other viable Items

Notes While the other builds, are generally going to do you well, you can't ignore other items which will help you out in their own rights. I'll go more into these down below.


While the other builds, are generally going to do you well, you can't ignore other items which will help you out in their own rights. I'll go more into these down below.

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord


Notes Generally speaking, Beads is your friend and you can pick something else to compliment it. Usually you probably want aegis or blink, but in fringe cases sprint or shell can help you a lot more.


Generally speaking, Beads is your friend and you can pick something else to compliment it. Usually you probably want aegis or blink, but in fringe cases sprint or shell can help you a lot more.

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Tiamat's Skill Order

Primordial Onslaught / Consume

1 X Y
Primordial Onslaught / Consume
1 4 6 7 10

Ruination / Outburst

2 A B
Ruination / Outburst
2 8 11 12 15

Grounding Dive / Rising Flight

3 B A
Grounding Dive / Rising Flight
3 14 16 18 19

Children of Creation / Tempest of Undoing

4 Y X
Children of Creation / Tempest of Undoing
5 9 13 17 20
Primordial Onslaught / Consume
1 4 6 7 10

Primordial Onslaught / Consume

1 X
Primordial Onslaught (Flying): Tiamat gathers power, allowing her to fire orbs of energy at the end of the channel. Each orb damages enemies and stops on enemy gods. Hitting the same enemy deals 15% less damage each time, to a minimum of 70% reduction. This ability can fire additional projectiles at ranks 3 and 5.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 80 / 90 / 90 / 100 / 100 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 10s

Consume (Ground): Tiamat fires a cone dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. Minions, Large Monsters or Buff Holders hit under a health threshold are executed. Tiamat can immediately consume her Serpent and Beast pets to provide a Hardened Scale. When Tiamat consumes a Buff Holder she gains their buff while the original can still be picked up by allies. This allows Tiamat to pick up a second buff as well. Tiamat can only have one consumed and one regular buff at a time.

Ability Type: Cone, Slow, Damage
Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+55% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 25% for 1.5s
Execute Threshold: 50%
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8s
Ruination / Outburst
2 8 11 12 15

Ruination / Outburst

2 A
Ruination (Flying): Tiamat creates an energy field dealing low damage to enemies in the entire area and then a larger amount in the inner area. The inner area of the field also stuns enemies for a short duration.

Ability Type: Area, Stun, Damage
Area Damage: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Inner Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1s
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s

Outburst (Ground): Tiamat slams the ground creating seismic rifts that erupt in succession in front of her, damaging and knocking up enemies hit.

Ability Type: Line, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Grounding Dive / Rising Flight
3 14 16 18 19

Grounding Dive / Rising Flight

3 B
Grounding Dive (Flying): Tiamat dives into the fight landing on all fours, dealing damage and switching to her Ground stance. This ability also provides Tiamat one Hardened Scale.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 65 / 105 / 145 / 185 / 225 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 40
Cooldown: 20 / 18.5 / 17 / 15.5 / 14s

Rising Flight (Ground): Tiamat rears up sending out a blast of energy, dealing damage to enemies and sending herself backwards as she returns to her Flying stance.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 40
Cooldown: 20 / 18.5 / 17 / 15.5 / 14s
Children of Creation / Tempest of Undoing
5 9 13 17 20

Children of Creation / Tempest of Undoing

4 Y
Children of Creation (Flying): Tiamat is able to summon one of her children onto the battlefield.

Ability Type: Pet, Damage
Summon Serpents (Summon #1): Serpents that travel down lanes and act as minions.
Summon Beast (Summon #2): Kusarikku who stands guard waiting for enemy gods.
Summon Storm (Summon #3): Umu Dabrutu, the storm that chases enemies.

Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0s

Tempest of Undoing (Ground): Tiamat causes a celestial outburst around her, dealing initial damage and a damage over time effect to every enemy nearby. Tiamat also gains one Hardened Scale per enemy god hit.

Ability Type: Area, Damage
Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Burn Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+5% of your Magical Power) every 0.5s
Burn Duration: 2s
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 20s


As of right now, I've gone into what you should do whether you want to play Tiamat mid or solo. I've put together what I would consider to be a comprehensive list of items for you and I've cobbled together a sort of game-plan for what you should do throughout it.

This is what has worked well for me thus far, but the biggest thing to do with Tiamat is don't give up. She's a complicated god who is going to take some time to get a feel for. The best thing you can do is keep playing her. Over time you'll get a feel for how her abilities work with eachother. At first its going to feel like you're just button mashing and getting away with it, but after a while you'll actually understand what you're doing and the right ways to do everything.

Also, because I'm going over two different roles here, I feel the best way to do it is to split portions of the guide through spoilers. That way I can reduce the overall scale of the guide and hopefully reduce scrolling through things you may not be interested in.

Anyhoo, I hope this guide helps you out and I'd love to know what else I could do to help!

Pros and cons

  • High, sustained damage
  • Built in Mitigations
  • Built in Sustain
  • Nutty amounts of CC for a mage
  • High split push potential
  • Split buffs with your team and hold 2 buffs
  • Able to execute lesser creeps
  • Fun and satisfying to use
  • Slow start/rough early game
  • Main clear can be body blocked
  • Most damage is a skillshot
  • Complex, potentially confusing kit
  • Easily caught without a movement ability since that's how you change stance
  • Low objective secure

Ranged Abilities

Death Begets Life
Effects: While in flying stance, Tiamat receives healing whenever anything dies near her.

My Thoughts:Realistically, this passive isn't particularly special in the early game since you will mostly only get the heal from minions dying in lane. I suppose you still have the potential to gain roughly 66 health from the combination of both minion waves dying ((5+0.5)*12) at level 1. It should be a decent help, but obviously no match for a god with an active healing ability. That said, you also get a larger heal from god deaths and certain jungle monsters from what I can tell. It seems to work on large buff monsters and the oracles, but not the gold fury or the fire giant. It's weird.
Primordial Onslaught
Usage: Charge up a multi-shot line attack that pierces minions and stops on gods. This is your wave-clear in flying stance.

My Thoughts:I thoroughly enjoy this ability, especially mid-late game once you've got it level 5 so it shoots 6 shots. While it can be decently hard to hit and has pretty long charge-up, it does a lot of damage if you can hit the whole thing. Keep in mind that you can fire the ability before it is fully charged to send out less projectiles and while the ability is lower levels, there's no point in charging it up all the way from what I can tell. At lvl 1 you can only send out
2 projectiles so you only need to charge 2 of them up. This is one of those abilities that just feels better the more you use it.
Next level strats
Usage: Deal damage at target location with increased damage and a stun in the center after a short delay.

My Thoughts:While the potential for huge damage is there on this ability, I wouldn't say its as reliable as primordial onslaught, nor does it hit the whole minion wave easily. That said, it is highly versatile. You can use it to help set up for hitting your first ability, though it doesn't stun long enough for you to get a full charge, or you can use it to protect yourself from a diving assassin.
Grounding Dive
Usage: Jump to target location and switch into your melee stance.

My Thoughts:There's not really a lot to say about this ability. It does some damage, sure, but that is not the reason you should be using the ability. What should be known is that at early levels it has a long cooldown and shares said long cooldown with its counterpart, Rising Flight
Children of Creation
Usage: There's a lot of different uses for this ability, considering its actually 3 abilities in a trench coat. To keep it short and sweet, It spawns some of Tiamat's children when you use it. As of right now, it seems to me that you should just be spamming this ability due to its low cooldown and generally powerful effects.

Summon Serpents effectively just spawns more lane minions. The march down the whichever lane they are "placed" in (It gets a little weird when you're in the fountain/titan area). They take 2 hits from enemy gods each, and can really stack up to do some damage since they don't time out. Provided your ultimate is off cooldown, I feel like you should toss some of these guys down before you leave fountain. Chances are they won't do a whole lot, but they might help out and your ult should be back up before you need it again due to the naturally low cooldown. What you can do to rack up some serious damage is get two sets of these guys spawning on top of each other. If you follow them down the lane you can place another summon down for even more serpents that, if left unchecked, can take towers. It should also be known that these little guys decrease the damage done by enemies by up to 30%. Though, it can be hard to actually get this to apply to enemy gods as just 2 basics kill the little buggers.

Summon Beast is your best defensive option with this ability, though it does have its offensive capabilities. This summons a minotaur that charges at and attacks enemy gods. Where this ability really shines is in the charge which does more damage than the base attacks, but also slows by 80% for 1 second. This slow can be used as a setup for Ruination or a way of getting away from the enemy. Just know that this child of Tiamat will only attack enemy gods and unlike the serpents, it has actual health and a time limit of 30 seconds. I just want to clear up something about the health this guy has. It's listed as 250+100 per level. What's important is that this scaling per level is relative to the ability, not to you. For some reason, I thought it was per god level so the total would be 2250 at lvl 20 (Which would be absolutely absurd). Hopefully y'all figured that one out better than I did, but if you didn't now you know.

Summon Storm is the highest burst damage of the 3 summons which is in part due to it only lasting for 4 seconds. In total it ticks 10 times in those 4 seconds and at the end it knocks up enemy gods in a similar fashion to Waterspout though the knockback effect seems to be higher on this ability. I'd say this is best used in a teamfight where there is already chaos afoot and the enemies would have a harder time dealing with it.

Grounded Abilities

Remember, outside of Rising Flight these abilities cannot be used until lvl 2 as you cannot switch stances without levelling Grounding Dive at lvl 1.

Death Begets Life
Effects: While in grounded stance Tiamat gains hardened scales from nearby deaths. The scales break after taking a certain amount of damage but provide 60% damage reduction while they are active.

My Thoughts:This is what gives Tiamat's melee stance any real viability if you are playing as a mid-laner and it helps you be super tanky in any role you play her. Just keep in mind that when your scales break you will suddenly start taking a lot of extra damage. If you're trying to run around and want to get some scales, you should know that you can get them from large jungle monsters dying such as the oracles or buff monsters.
Usage: Deal damage in a cone that can execute minions. Also allows you to duplicate buffs by absorbing a buff executed by this ability while also dropping the buff like normal.

My Thoughts:While being your highest source of damage in you ground stance, this is also just a really neat ability. It can allow for you to hold two different buffs at once without upsetting the natural balance of your teammates and their respective buffs or you can simply split the red buff with your support as they rotate into mid with you. Generally speaking the easiest buff for you to split is going to be speed if you are in solo or mid, at least in the early game. At the end of the game, or if you're jungling, when you're all over the map anyway you can split whatever you want with whoever. It should be noted that it's fantastic for clearing the red buff because you negate a lot of the beserk damage that it gets.
Usage: Deal damage in a line as well as knockup enemies.

My Thoughts:Honestly, I don't have a whole lot to say about this ability other than that it feels like it belongs on a guardian more than a mage, especially because it feels a lot like shockwave but with less(?) damage. Its kind of a strange ability, but it is a great disruption tool against gods with channeled abilities that can be knocked up.
Rising Flight
Usage: Jump backwards backflip style and return into your ranged, flying stance.

My Thoughts:There isn't much to say about this ability either. Its damage is more confirmable than its counterpart Grounding Dive, but 9 times out of 10 you aren't using this for damage. It's either a movement ability or a stance switch depending on your needs. Just remember that it does share a cooldown with Grounding Dive.
Tempest of Undoing
Usage: Deal damage in a circle around Tiamat and gain 1 hardened scale for each enemy god hit.

My Thoughts: This ability may be so much simpler than Tiamat's other ultimate Children of Creation, it still is very useful. It comes with a cooldown of 20 seconds and has CC immunity while casting, making it a very valuable tool for you. On top of the CC immunity, it also does a lot of damage between the burst and the burn and the hardened scales are no laughing matter either. If there are enemies to use this on, I'd say you may as well send it, since it's on a super short cooldown anyway.

Items and Building

My goal here is to help you understand what to build and when. No two games are the same and as such, its likely that you won't build the exact same thing every game. I'm going to talk about the items down below and sort of explain why I like them or what they're good for. In some cases, I'll also discuss item synergies.







That should make for a semi-comprehensive guide on what the heck you're doing in mid or solo with Tiamat.

I really hope it helps and I'd love to hear what could be done better!

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