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Sub's Tier List

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Forum » General Discussion » Sub's Tier List 189 posts - page 6 of 19
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 1, 2014 2:53am | Report
Greenevers wrote:

Um, who cares if Nemesis' shield is useless outside of dueling? Loki's kit is pretty much entirely meant for dueling except for his 2. Nemesis' shield is one of her most valuable things and that is the reason why she has less of a damagé output than some other assassins. Then again, I think you underestimate Nemesis' damagé.

And no I'm not suddenly being a ****, it's the fact that you are pretty much the only person who thinks Nemesis is complete garbagé and saying she has low damage. I'm telling you to try her out again to see if your opinion will change. That's the best I can do for you for Nemesis. Also, Mercury is overrated. I've easily been able to out-duel most Mercs, even late game. Serqet's Deathbane is easily Retribution'ed along with a magi's blessing. After that, Serqet has nothing.

Serqet does technically have some AoE from her ult and Ambush.

As for Arachne, I can confidently say a speed buff and slow are a hell of a gap closer. Enemies with dashes have literally no effect and I'm always able to catch up. I'll admit leaps may be a problem over walls but just to seperate you two? Futile. If you have a 50% movement increase while they are 25% slowed and you're dealing damagé, it's more than enough to be a gap closer. I've played enough matches with her to realize that. If someone dashes/leaps they still have the slow and the more they get away from you the longer your speed buff/enemey slow debuff will last. You understimate this.

You did question Arachne's damagé saying "I still maintain she can't gank anyone who has their monitor and brain turned on, who isn't at 20% health." which indicates her lack of damage. Um I'm not sure what you're thinking of by tanking the towers? You don't need your ult wtf... You put your tangled web under their tower so if they walk into it, you are scotch-free to attack them. And you don't take tower damage until your spiders die. Which surprisingly can take a lot of hits late game. You have a combo as Arachne - 3,2,1. 3 is essentially the gap closer so you can advance. 2 is the stun and you can simultaneusly use your 1 to buff your AA's to deal your damagé. Arachbaé's ult is never really a gap closer, I use it as a disengagement and escape.

Please Sub, I really want to know why these gods suck. None of your reasonings make sense to me.

At this point, further discussion is pointless, because you seem to be playing a different game than I am. So now I'll just mock your posts with direct quotes.

"Loki's kit is pretty much entirely meant for dueling except for his 2." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

"Nemesis' shield is one of her most valuable things and that is the reason why she has less of a damagé output than some other assassins." Quick comparison of Assassin's utility skills: Loki's stealth, Serq's stealth and CC, Batz' teleport, and Merc's CC and range. Compared to these, how good is Nem's shield? Answer: It's ****. Yeah, the shield's valuable, but it's still ****.

"you are pretty much the only person who thinks Nemesis is complete garbagé and saying she has low damage." lol, people, what do you think? Do you agree?

"I've easily been able to out-duel most Mercs, even late game." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

"Serqet's Deathbane is easily Retribution'ed along with a magi's blessing. After that, Serqet has nothing." Haha, you really think that a full late game Deathbane doesn't rip right through a 500 health shield? And that she has nothing else? Guys, Greenevers is saying that Serqet has only one ability. No passive, no ultimate, no 2 or 3. No crit basics, either.

"a speed buff and slow are a hell of a gap closer." HAHAHAHA, as apposed to an actual gap closer. Guys, apparently, Greenevers thinks a speed buff with a slow is just as good as other gap closers like Sonic Boom or Swift Vengeance or Assassinate. Because those are also "a hell of a gap closer." HE BO BEST ASSASSIN NA NEW META

"You did question Arachne's damagé saying "I still maintain she can't gank anyone who has their monitor and brain turned on, who isn't at 20% health." which indicates her lack of damage." Are you being deliberately ignorant? I was meaning her completely lack of gap closer or ability to make the enemy stay in melee range meant that you can't gank people since they can just run away, stun you, or use an escape, forcing you to ult them for damage.

"Last paragraph" You say you use it to tank tower and then you say you use it mostly to escape. Make up your mind. Stop shoving words in my mouth and pretend its coming from me, since YOU are the one who said you dive towers with it.

tl;dr: You don't understand MOBAs, apparently. Loki's kit is meant for assassinations or it wouldn't have the ****ing teleport or stealth. Nem's shield is **** compared to other assassin's gimmicks. You somehow think Serqet's crit deathbane deals less than 500 damage. You're wrong in thinking that a speed/slow is a good gap closer, and that's just common sense. You can't understand my words for some reason. And you need to stop shoving words in my mouth and perhaps play a MOBA other than Smite. Oh, and I bet 99% of players on these forums disagree with your opinion.

Greenevers wrote:

Actually, Isis has one of the fastest clears if not the best clear out of all the mages in SMITE. Mid to late game, you won't require your full length of Wing Gust to clear your wave which can be used as free poke.

Isis is in a better tier than Agni (not your tier list)... A good Isis should always be feared.

Any yes Swampmist, pretty sure he was.

lol, Isis is better than Agni? Are you playing NA?

Don't forget that it also has the disadvantage of being pretty easily interrupted, though.

Thank you for the injection of common sense.

HiFromBuddha wrote:

Just another example of bad character design I suppose... I mean, I'm glad that they put it on a more sustained damage mage, but the MR shred would make a lot more sense on a burst mage. It feels really tacky on her kit right now imo, but I guess they need to make the ability do more than just silence and slow.

Isis isn't sustained damage though. I'd classify it as delayed burst damage, because Isis' damage is in no way consistent, with her spamming her 2-3-1 combo every few seconds, with a long period of no other damage.

IMO, Isis is just a mess of weird random **** they slapped on from a list of generic attributes. I'd love a real sustained damage character for once, too, and Nox doesn't count.

Sub you're right.

I hate to admit it, but my Eset is "garbage" T_T

I'm so blinded by my love for her that I forgot that a 25% movement speed buff for 3s means absolutely noting in Smite.

Thanks for being you.

And yeah, I'm sad too. Now the noodle is little more than a piece of overcooked spaghetti.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » December 1, 2014 3:47am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

At this point, further discussion is pointless, because you seem to be playing a different game than I am. So now I'll just mock your posts with direct quotes.

"Loki's kit is pretty much entirely meant for dueling except for his 2." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

"Nemesis' shield is one of her most valuable things and that is the reason why she has less of a damagé output than some other assassins." Quick comparison of Assassin's utility skills: Loki's stealth, Serq's stealth and CC, Batz' teleport, and Merc's CC and range. Compared to these, how good is Nem's shield? Answer: It's ****. Yeah, the shield's valuable, but it's still ****.

"you are pretty much the only person who thinks Nemesis is complete garbagé and saying she has low damage." lol, people, what do you think? Do you agree?

"I've easily been able to out-duel most Mercs, even late game." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

"Serqet's Deathbane is easily Retribution'ed along with a magi's blessing. After that, Serqet has nothing." Haha, you really think that a full late game Deathbane doesn't rip right through a 500 health shield? And that she has nothing else? Guys, Greenevers is saying that Serqet has only one ability. No passive, no ultimate, no 2 or 3. No crit basics, either.

"a speed buff and slow are a hell of a gap closer." HAHAHAHA, as apposed to an actual gap closer. Guys, apparently, Greenevers thinks a speed buff with a slow is just as good as other gap closers like Sonic Boom or Swift Vengeance or Assassinate. Because those are also "a hell of a gap closer." HE BO BEST ASSASSIN NA NEW META

"You did question Arachne's damagé saying "I still maintain she can't gank anyone who has their monitor and brain turned on, who isn't at 20% health." which indicates her lack of damage." Are you being deliberately ignorant? I was meaning her completely lack of gap closer or ability to make the enemy stay in melee range meant that you can't gank people since they can just run away, stun you, or use an escape, forcing you to ult them for damage.

"Last paragraph" You say you use it to tank tower and then you say you use it mostly to escape. Make up your mind. Stop shoving words in my mouth and pretend its coming from me, since YOU are the one who said you dive towers with it.

tl;dr: You don't understand MOBAs, apparently. Loki's kit is meant for assassinations or it wouldn't have the ****ing teleport or stealth. Nem's shield is **** compared to other assassin's gimmicks. You somehow think Serqet's crit deathbane deals less than 500 damage. You're wrong in thinking that a speed/slow is a good gap closer, and that's just common sense. You can't understand my words for some reason. And you need to stop shoving words in my mouth and perhaps play a MOBA other than Smite. Oh, and I bet 99% of players on these forums disagree with your opinion.

lol, Isis is better than Agni? Are you playing NA?

Thank you for the injection of common sense.

Isis isn't sustained damage though. I'd classify it as delayed burst damage, because Isis' damage is in no way consistent, with her spamming her 2-3-1 combo every few seconds, with a long period of no other damage.

IMO, Isis is just a mess of weird random **** they slapped on from a list of generic attributes. I'd love a real sustained damage character for once, too, and Nox doesn't count.

Thanks for being you.

And yeah, I'm sad too. Now the noodle is little more than a piece of overcooked spaghetti.

You hit the nail on the head. He IS playing a different game to you, because based on your judgement you're not playing smite.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » December 1, 2014 4:30am | Report
HammaSmite wrote:
A TRUE Thanatos is smart, knows how to use his ultimate in the right times, and knows when to retreat and when to attack.

Same can be said for pretty much every other Assassin, or character at that. Sorry, but that doesn't necessarily make the god/goddess that good compared to the other picks. If you like him and can do well with him, more power to you, but yeah, he's generally not seen as very good.

And I suppose the same can be said for Isis. Sure, there are others that can do things better than her, but I very much enjoy her and think she brings quite a bit to team fights especially. Again, I rarely play CQ, but when I do, I try to grab mid so I can mid with her, and I usually end up doing pretty well with her. Her wave clear definitely is not the best, but it does work very well in getting a few pokes in on an enemy that decides to come in a little too close since it's not just one stream of damage, but a couple waves of damage, allowing her to easily control it toward multiple directions in its use.

So granted, she's not the best, but I still think she's being underrated here.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » December 1, 2014 4:36am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

So now I'll just mock your posts with direct quotes.

Good thinking, that will help convince him you're right!

Sub, the reason he WANTS you to explain your reasoning is because your way of reasoning is doing this:

"Quote from somebody who doesn't agree with you" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

And then you wonder why everyone is always pissy at you?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Covertactician » December 1, 2014 4:40am | Report
I'd try to explain all of the ones you got wrong in detail, but I'm going to give short and simple responses instead.

Zhong kui - Massive team fight, Healing, Decent cc and a lot of damage.

Nemesis - Anti protection ultimate, Healing shield, High mobility, Decent cc

Anhur - Damage, Good cc, Can out box any adc

Bacchus - CC, Damage

Ymir - CCCCCCCCCCCC, Damage, and a damn wall.

That's just a few, I'd list more but I don't have the time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » December 1, 2014 5:02am | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Good thinking, that will help convince him you're right!

Sub, the reason he WANTS you to explain your reasoning is because your way of reasoning is doing this:

"Quote from somebody who doesn't agree with you" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

And then you wonder why everyone is always pissy at you?

He did explain his reasoning though. That's why he quoted Green, so he could more easily respond to each statement not to "mock him".

The reason he responded to some statements with "AHAHAHAHAHAHAH" is because (No offence Green) Those statements very just completely wrong.

I mean come on, Loki's kit is based around dueling? That's just completely incorecct! I don't even play Loki and I can still tell just by looking at his skill descriptions that kit is based on on-shooting someone, then running away until another opportunity for you to one-shot somebody arises. You should never give your opponent an opportunity to fight back (which is what a dual is, two people ), just kill them before they can even hit Q to activate Aegis.

Also guys its called "Sub's Tier list". Not "The Ultimate and Official Tier List that should be taken 100% seriously".

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » December 1, 2014 5:32am | Report

He did explain his reasoning though. That's why he quoted Green, so he could more easily respond to each statement not to "mock him".

Subzero008 wrote:

At this point, further discussion is pointless, because you seem to be playing a different game than I am. So now I'll just mock your posts with direct quotes.

I'm simply pointing out the facts from an observer's point of view.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » December 1, 2014 5:40am | Report
HiFromBuddha wrote:

I'm simply pointing out the facts from an observer's point of view.

****, I missed that he actually posted that. I though dacoqrs miss-quoted him.
Well don't I look like a butt now.

My points still stands though: Sub dose put good reasons behind his argument (though he can be a bit rude at times) and you shouldn't take any tier list super seriously.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » December 1, 2014 8:42am | Report
To be honest, if it's one thing I've learned from playing both of these great assassins to diamond, it's that Nemesis can get into a teamfight and last more than Serqet, not to mention that she can carry a team through the late game. Let's face it, Serqet is no pentakill material.

Nemesis is fine

I'm not saying that Nemesis is better than Serqet, but that both are great assassins, each of them have their pros and cons ofc, but in the end both of them can get their job done properly and better than someone like Arachne to point out an example.

Also, I don't think one needs to play other Dota-like games in order to understand Smite properly.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 1, 2014 10:39am | Report
Greenevers wrote:

Actually, Isis has one of the fastest clears if not the best clear out of all the mages in SMITE. Mid to late game, you won't require your full length of Wing Gust to clear your wave which can be used as free poke.

Isis is in a better tier than Agni (not your tier list)... A good Isis should always be feared.

Any yes Swampmist, pretty sure he was.

fastest wave clear? you know Ra That ra has an even faster wave clear: his ult on a full cdr build. Yes it's possible for Ra to get his ult CD to clear waves with it. so ra clears a wave in (without charge time) an instant.


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