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Aphrodite Support (S6, Conquest)

3 8 20,670
by LumielGR updated June 1, 2019

Smite God: Aphrodite

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Aphrodite Build


Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion


Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chalice of Mana Chalice of Mana
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion


Notes Chronos' Pendant is mandatory and should be rushed. Next item is preferred to be defensive, but it mostly depends on the situation:

Spirit Robe if you feel they are doing more damage than you can handle. In most cases its enough protection against a physical team.
Pythagorem's Piece if your team is ahead and you don't need more damage.
Spear of Desolation against 3 tanky players.
Stone of Fal against teams with 3 mages (support not included).

When you get to 40% CDR or if you are struggling with mana, replace healing potions with 2 mana potions. Replenish mana potions at each back or death.


Chronos' Pendant is mandatory and should be rushed. Next item is preferred to be defensive, but it mostly depends on the situation:

Spirit Robe if you feel they are doing more damage than you can handle. In most cases its enough protection against a physical team.
Pythagorem's Piece if your team is ahead and you don't need more damage.
Spear of Desolation against 3 tanky players.
Stone of Fal against teams with 3 mages (support not included).

When you get to 40% CDR or if you are struggling with mana, replace healing potions with 2 mana potions. Replenish mana potions at each back or death.

Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Stone of Fal Stone of Fal
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation


Notes Pick Cursed Orb along with Rod of Healing. Finish Rod of Asclepius first, unless there is a reason not to. If you are not wasting too much mana, Cursed Orb should give you enough MP5 at this point to not need the extra mana potions.

Sell Guardian's Blessing for Rod of Tahuti


Pick Cursed Orb along with Rod of Healing. Finish Rod of Asclepius first, unless there is a reason not to. If you are not wasting too much mana, Cursed Orb should give you enough MP5 at this point to not need the extra mana potions.

Sell Guardian's Blessing for Rod of Tahuti

Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti


Notes Divine Ruin against healers.
Gem of Isolation if you are getting focused in mid - late game. If not, you should not pick it up. Shaman's Ring can be useful if the enemy team has a lot of slows.


Divine Ruin against healers.
Gem of Isolation if you are getting focused in mid - late game. If not, you should not pick it up. Shaman's Ring can be useful if the enemy team has a lot of slows.

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Shaman's Ring Shaman's Ring

Common Build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti


Hello I'm LumielGR, I have about 650 hours played as Aphrodite support, and this is my Aphrodite support guide. It's based on my playstyle so you might not like it. Reminder, this guide is not working in Conquest, it's only working for me, my playstyle, and my goals, which are not necessarily about winning, but having fun and challenge myself with a squishy support mage.

!!!! Attention !!! This guide is not viable for normal conquest or ranked conquest. It's just the way I play and it's only effective if your team members are fully aware of Aphrodites capabilities and how to help her support the team without a need for defensive items. - Spoiler - They won't.
Establishing concept and recognizing limitations

- Aphrodite is NOT a meta Support, and this build is NOT meant for higher levels of play (e.g. serious ranked games).

- This build is for a very specific and aggressive playstyle. This playstyle's success also depends in part on your ADC (god choice) and being aggressive to take advantage of the sustain Aphrodite brings to outlast or force the enemy to back/lose on farm.

- Best success is likely to be seen in a pre-made team where you can balance the Aphrodite support choice with specific picks in other roles.

Aphrodite's shortcomings as a Support

- Aphrodite lacks damage (only 2 abilities with damage) and CC (only a 1s stun and a very minor knockback with a fairly minor slow). The lack of CC is what makes her a fairly lackluster Support in the meta vein. Typical Supports provide good amounts of CC to help set up kills or peel for teammates, and need to be able to tank some damage to survive long enough to be a deterrent in a fight, or to be the focus of an objective push/secure.

- When building her with no major protections and lacking a strong escape ability (the increased movement speed does help some but isn't a true solution against high mobility junglers or hard CC), she can easily be the target of any group fight/gank. It also imbalances the team in that there's a lack of a frontline tank typical to that role.

- Aphrodite's strength is healing, and this can also be very easily countered by both god abilities and items, drastically reducing its effectiveness.

- Since she can't really dictate the flow of the game herself, she's going to need to rely a good amount on the skill of her ADC, and also on their choice of god. She also will need to hope that her Jungler can keep tabs on the enemy Jungler (Ward and warn of incoming danger), or keep them occupied and off her back.

Aphrodite's advantages as a Support

- Obviously, her strength is in her healing and buffing. She is the definition of a complimentary utility god. High single target healing (along with self-healing), situational damage increase from Jealousy, increased movement speed for her and her soulmate, and a get-out-of-jail Beads/Aegis rolled into one. To take advantage of this, you AND your partner need to be aggressive, take some hits to deal some hits, and try to outlast them in lane with the healing. Unfortunately, with this build, you can't take too many can take a couple, then back off and heal, but you can't take multiple shots.

- Her passive can help a bit by providing some protections in a fight with multiple enemies.

Team requirements for highest chance of success

There are too many variables in each match to say this build doesn't work. That said, in dealing with the disadvantages of choosing Aphrodite in a Support role, and additionally in building her squishy, the best success will come with a pre-made that knows how you're planning to play/build Aphrodite. Having a standard tanky Solo (rather than a bruiser or squishy off-meta pick), and possibly a bruiser mid (e.g. Zhong) and/or Jungler with some CC will help give the team back some frontline presence and control.


Center of attention
Aphrodite's passive. It looks great because it can give you up to 36 physical / magical protections, but in reality you will die anyway.
Probably the most important Aphrodite ability. It gives movement speed to you and your soulmate, helps them escape, stuns an enemy for just enough time for you to attack with Love Birds and Back Off!, and for your soulmate to kill the enemy player. Has second priority in ability upgrading.
Back off!
Does damage and pushes back the enemy. Try to use it only when originating from your soulmate, so a slow is also applied, and your soulmate can chase and kill the enemy player. Also enables the evolved passive of Shaman's Ring in combination with Love Birds. Love birds is a slow moving ability so it needs to be used first in the combo so you can get the additional damage over time.
Love birds
A powerful ability, but sometimes hard to hit successfully. Should be used in a combo after Kiss and before Back Off!. To use it effectively you need to go deeper into the fight, Kiss the enemy, then return back to your original position by turning 180 and Back Off!. It can also heal allies, and yourself, so it has the first priority in ability upgrading.
Undying love
A powerful ability with a low cooldown. It makes you and your soulmate invulnerable to damage, for just enough time to escape a fight. There are multiple ways to use this effectively, I usually keep it until the last miliseconds before the soulmate or myself die. The reason is players usually ult when you are at very low health, so by doing this you can also force their ults which will do no damage to your or your soulmate. Use it in combo with Love Birds so you can heal up while moving away from the enemy team

Threat analysis

Before listing all gods I need to explain about what are threats to Aphrodite.

Aphrodite relies on movement to defend herself, since she needs items with power to heal effectively. This means to counter her the enemy needs items like Gem of Isolation or Abilities like Hinder. She is also very vulnerable to burst damage, since her healing is over time, and basic attacks from hunters with a lot of attack speed.

Aphrodite has non-existent early game. She can only stay in duo lane and can barely defend against 2 gods, and that is true until she gets to 40% CDR with Chronos' Pendant. To add to that, Aphrodite with a "normal build" has very little movement. This means she can't rotate easily, especially in early game. An enemy team can and should exploit that to either push another lane (solo or mid), or just attack the duo lane repeatedly and keep Aphrodite from getting any XP.

Aphrodite will be unable to carry her team if they have trouble succeeding in early game. A good enemy mid will be lvl 20 by the time Aphrodite manages to get to lvl 15 as a support, and that 5 lvl difference can be devastating. She will be able to stay alive in these situations, but she will be unable to heal her teammates at that point.


Soulmate analysis






Build Analysis


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LumielGR | June 1, 2019 10:08am
I made a build update for the new patch. It's still too soon so there is always room for adjustments, but I like Aphrodite in this patch.
Kriega1 (143) | June 1, 2019 1:08pm
Where’s the example build?
LumielGR | June 1, 2019 4:03pm
Are you being serious or trying to flame me again? If you are being serious, I can add one now. I just think that this reduced CD for birds opens possibilities for more builds now.

edit: I've just added one. The problem with this example build is that it lacks 400 health than going with Pythagorem's + Gem of Isolation. So you should be aware of that before picking it up.
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LumielGR | April 30, 2019 1:27pm
Added Set and Horus to soulmate chapter. Will slowly start adding threats now.
Vini_sds (13) | April 30, 2019 2:22pm
I have to disagree with one of your Soulmate Analysis.

"Susano: Susano is usually not a good soulmate for Aphrodite."
In a similar way to Achilles, it's very frustating to play against a Susano when he's linked to an Aphrodite. His high mobility + high burst makes him hard to lock down, and when you finally manage to do so, Aphro will grant him a free Aegis + Beads and heals. Definetly not a bad link.

For threats, I'd add any god with anti-heal on their kits: Chang'e, Bacchus, Cerberus (this is a big one), Cu Chulainn, etc.
LumielGR | May 1, 2019 5:23am
Susano can be good but my rankings are mostly from experience with queuing as solo. I plan to make the descriptions bigger for each god, and add information about how all their abilities affect Aphrodite. But it will take time :)

Vini_sds wrote:

For threats, I'd add any god with anti-heal on their kits: Chang'e, Bacchus, Cerberus (this is a big one), Cu Chulainn, etc.

Yeap, I will add these today, and maybe more, since I will have some free time today.
Devampi (105) | April 30, 2019 11:15pm
I think the thing you say what makes Susano good is also why it doesn't make him that well of a soulmate: His mobility. Aphro isn't as mobile and the link can easily be broken. Also considering he is melee and you will need to be more at the front for it too.
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LumielGR | April 27, 2019 3:09pm
I've removed the super aggressive build for now but maybe I will add it again later. Going to make more tests before I come to a conclusion. I have a lot of success with this updated build but I've been extremely lucky with match making, so it's hard to see if it's really working. Currently placed #1 Aphrodite in the world just by playing ranked for 1-2 days.
LumielGR | April 28, 2019 9:11am
When I deleted the build I forgot about the threat tabs that is now gone. So I've decided to add a chapter for threats and one for soulmates. Since I've hit this milestone (Diamond frame and #1 Aphrodite for now - I'm super happy with both !!) I can relax playing other gods and writing more of this guide.

Any tips about the soulmate analysis chapter are welcome. I can copy from another guide because I'm not great at designing :D
Kriega1 (143) | April 28, 2019 9:12am
No.1 Aphro in what? Ranked Conquest God Leaderboard?
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Branmuffin17 (401) | April 24, 2019 4:54pm
PsiGuard's non-Admin account for testing?
PsiGuard (1) | April 24, 2019 4:55pm
Shhh, don't tell anyone. :P
LumielGR | April 24, 2019 3:46pm
I've added a new build to the guide. It's a bit more defensive but doesn't ruin the experience completely. It's not battle tested, however I'm having trouble losing with this build so far. Unfortunately is also more boring. I also haven't find the time to make the guide more thorough but I plan to do it soon.

In case I want to make this the default in the future (if it proves to be a good build), is there any way to reorder the builds? or I will have to delete the first one and create it again?

p.s I'm subscribed to this guide but I see no notifications, any tips why are welcome!

Branmuffin17 (401) | April 24, 2019 4:36pm
The subscription functionality on the website is broken and has been since I've ever known, unfortunately. I can ask if the devs can look into this.

As for reordering builds...unfortunately you can't do that either. You'll have to delete or alter the first when you want to reorder. I find it helps to keep 2 windows open. 1 with the page as it's viewed, and 1 with in the editor. You can then quickly reference and recreate in a different order.
LumielGR | April 24, 2019 4:48pm
Branmuffin17 wrote:
The subscription functionality on the website is broken and has been since I've ever known, unfortunately. I can ask if the devs can look into this.

Thanks, that would be great if possible :)

Branmuffin17 wrote:

As for reordering builds...unfortunately you can't do that either. You'll have to delete or alter the first when you want to reorder. I find it helps to keep 2 windows open. 1 with the page as it's viewed, and 1 with in the editor. You can then quickly reference and recreate in a different order.

It's OK, not a big deal, I will probably do it anyway to make it more friendly to new Aphrodite players.
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Vini_sds (13) | April 24, 2019 4:24pm
LumielGR wrote:
In case I want to make this the default in the future (if it proves to be a good build), is there any way to reorder the builds? or I will have to delete the first one and create it again?

AFAIK, you can't reorder the builds, so the only way I know is to swap the builds manually (deleting and re-adding items).

LumielGR wrote:
p.s I'm subscribed to this guide but I see no notifications, any tips why are welcome!

You're subscribed here in the comments section? I don't think anybody commented on the guide since the last time you logged in, but you can test now to see if you get notified.
LumielGR | April 24, 2019 4:38pm
Vini_sds wrote:

You're subscribed here in the comments section? I don't think anybody commented on the guide since the last time you logged in, but you can test now to see if you get notified.

Yes, I'm subscribed in the comments but I get nothing, I only count the comments each time I log, how do you get notified? by email? Or in the top right corner? I get nothing in both :(
I've also tried to unsub and resub but nothing changed. Thanks anyway
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Kriega1 (143) | April 24, 2019 4:19pm
So somehow gem of iso, Pythags and Asclepius makes a build defensive?
LumielGR | April 24, 2019 4:45pm
Well they don't just add up to the build, they replace offensive items with pen and a lot of power. It's more fun to see the enemy panic from damage than chase you for the kill :)
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Gulfwulf (81) | March 25, 2019 1:35pm
I know you've stated that you don't really like to build defense on Aphrodite, but I think you should consider the following:
  1. Celestial Legion Helm. This item provides power and a stacking defense buff that's easily refreshed. Plus it has good MP5, which will help with your skills.
  2. Void Stone. Extra power, magical defense, and protection reduction for any enemy within 55 units (basic attack range). This, combined with Spear of the Magus, can really melt a squishy and help against magical gods that have to get in close like Ao Kuang.
  3. Jade Emperor's Crown. An early item with some power, physical defense, health, and physical power reduction aura. Sell late for something else.
  4. Rod of Asclepius. Sure the passive keeps getting "adjusted", but the power, health, and MS do come in handy.
  5. Reinforced Shoes. The passive really helps with tick damage.
  6. Pythagorem's Piece. Why Pythag's? It has power, CDR, health, lifesteal, and it turns Aphro into a team healer instead of just a single target one. If you don't like Pythag's, there's always Soul Gem, but I think the former is more useful on Aphro.
  7. Stone of Binding. This item really fits into your very aggressive play-style because Kiss and Back Off! will activate the passive (I'm not sure about Love Birds, but I don't think it does), making both you and you allies do more damage. This is also a bridge item and probably should be sold late.
  8. Mantle of Discord. You're going to be focused, so why not make your attacker pay? Also has CDR and very good protections. It also helps you when Undying Love is down.
  9. Ethereal Staff. Power, health, CCR, plus you steal health and mana from your target. The enemy won't target you if they're afraid of dying.
  10. Traveler's Shoes. For when you want to rotate quicker. Can be sold for an Elixir of Speed or Shoes of Focus late.
  11. Bumba's Mask. Don't be a pansy* and stop at Messenger's Mask, go hog wild! Sure you might take more damage, but they have to catch you first. ;)


*That's a joke. Don't kill me.
Kriega1 (143) | March 26, 2019 5:14pm
Jade Emperor's Crown is worse than Sovereignty. Do not buy it over it if you choose between the two.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 25, 2019 2:42pm
Celestial is a great consideration. Building early will allow her to take more damage, whether from minions or a standard hunter ADC, while also covering her mana sustain enough to possibly not have to buy the extra mana potions or maybe the Chalice. I will continue to maintain that not getting wards because you have Chalice of Mana and extra mana potions is an awful idea.

Void is situational (maybe great early against a magical duo). Don't like Jade here. Rod as I also stated in my other comment is an obvious option. I'd probably stick with Focus over Reinforced, honestly, cuz the CDR and mana early is gonna be important.

Pythag's is definitely better than SG if she wants to go that route, but it's probably a bad choice as it just screams for even more anti-heal to be built by the enemy, unless you're playing against people that don't counter-build at all (in which case damage Support Aphro is probably okay, LOL).

Binding is an interesting one, and something you could activate mid-game if you're roaming with the Jungler and looking for ganks.

Mentioned Mantle. Ethereal is also interesting. Don't like Traveler's. And again, don't really like Bumba's unless trolling.
LumielGR | March 25, 2019 2:39pm
Thanks for the suggestions, to be honest I haven't tried most of these items because they didn't look very appealing, but I can definitely try them. From a first look, the problem with most of the items is that they don't address the MP5 / CDR problems that Aphrodite has, and picking them will definitely reduce the scaling of Aphrodites power (you can't have everything, right? :D). Ethereal staff looks interesting. I didn't remember it having that passive, and I will try it out instead of Gem of isolation for a change.

Bumba's Mask is a strange item :) It's not easy to find out if it helps or not. I've used it a couple of times in mid successfully, but I'm still afraid of using it more regularly.

Mantle of Discord is always on my build page, but I rarely use it :) One scenario which helps is if a bursty enemy Zeus or Ra is on the enemy team.

Rod of asclepius is a nice item. I used to use it all the time, but the damage scaling nerf to Aphrodite makes this not so appealing any more. I will have to calculate the math to see if I'm right or wrong though :)
Kriega1 (143) | March 25, 2019 7:58pm
LumielGR wrote:

Rod of asclepius is a nice item. I used to use it all the time, but the damage scaling nerf to Aphrodite makes this not so appealing any more. I will have to calculate the math to see if I'm right or wrong though :)

As you said it was a scaling nerf. Her base healing values are unaffected. Again, as has been suggested multiple times, Lotus Crown exists.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 25, 2019 1:18pm
Alright, Lumiel, some feedback on the build as you intended. TL;DR.
  • Establishing concept and recognizing limitations: I know you said you'd update when you have time/ideas. I think a bit more writeup at the beginning, when proposing off-meta concepts, is helpful to get the point across. Some won't even read that or care, but it at least legitimizes the concept with a bit more explanation, and gives newer players a warning/heads-up.

    In that vein, not sure you'll agree, but I would have these points:

    - Aphro is NOT a meta Support, and this build is NOT meant for higher levels of play (e.g. serious ranked games, etc.).

    - This build is for a very specific and aggressive playstyle (as you briefly stated but could expand upon). This playstyle's success also depends in part on your ADC (god choice) and being aggressive to take advantage of the sustain Aphro brings to outlast or force the enemy to back/lose on farm.

    - Best success is likely to be seen in a pre-made team where you can balance the Aphro support choice with specific picks in other roles.

  • Aphro's shortcomings as a Support: Aphro lacks damage (only 2 abilities with damage) and CC (only a 1s stun and a very minor knockback with a fairly minor slow). I'm sure you know this, but making sure this is clear...the lack of CC is what makes her a fairly lackluster Support in the meta vein. Typical Supports provide good amounts of CC to help set up kills or peel for teammates, and need to be able to tank some damage to survive long enough to be a deterrent in a fight, or to be the focus of an objective push/secure.

    When building her with no major protections and lacking a strong escape ability (the increased MS does help some but isn't a true solution against high mobility junglers or hard CC), she can easily be the target of any fight/gank. It also imbalances the team in that there's a lack of a frontline tank typical to that role.

    Also, her greatest strength can be very easily countered by both god abilities and items, drastically reducing its effectiveness.

  • Aphro's advantages as a Support: Her passive can help a bit by providing some protections in a fight with multiple enemies. 16 of each protection in the beginning of the game in the Duo lane isn't bad.

    Obviously, her strength is in her healing and buffing. She is the definition of a complimentary utility god. High single target healing (along with herself), situational damage increase from Jealousy, increased MS for her and her soulmate, and a get-out-of-jail Beads/Aegis rolled into one. To take advantage of this, you AND your partner need to be aggressive, take some hits to deal some hits, and try to outlast them in lane with the healing. Unfortunately, with this build, you can't take too many can take a couple, then back off and heal, but you can't take multiple shots.

    Since she can't really dictate the flow of the game herself, she's going to need to rely a good amount on the skill of her ADC, and also on their choice of god. She also will need to hope that her Jungler can keep tabs on the enemy Jungler (Ward and warn of incoming danger), or keep them occupied and off her back.

  • Team requirements for highest chance of success: There are too many variables in each match to say this build doesn't work. That said, in dealing with the disadvantages of choosing Aphro in a Support role, and additionally in building her squishy, I feel the best success will come with a pre-made that knows how you're planning to play/build Aphro. Having a standard tanky Solo (rather than a bruiser or squishy off-meta pick), and possibly a bruiser mid (e.g. Zhong) and/or Jungler with some CC will help give the team back some frontline presence and control. And again, I think pointing these things out in a quick writeup would really help.
Now, onto the build.
  • I can understand the Chalice of Mana. That said, it's a chunk of money, and a lot of her priority probably should be to get some wards up, as there are likely to be some gank attempts. Your notes in the "Mid" items list say to continue buying more mana potions after you get Chronos, which I assume is on top of the Chalice of Mana you already built. There's no room there for any wards, individual or Chalice of the Oracle, and that's a bad move IMO. Warding is especially the Support's job (but is EVERYONE's job TBH), and I can't endorse this concept.

  • You put in Messenger's Mask, when I'm pretty sure you meant Bumba's Mask. That should be fixed. And that also makes it pretty rough. The CDR and MS is nice, but taking extra damage when you're already squishy makes things pretty damn risky. MS might not help much if you get jumped from behind (cuz you don't have wards up) or you get hard'll need to make sure you don't miss your stun, and that they don't have additional mobility to get around your temporary slow...and that's only talking about might get away, but your ADC might be screwed.

  • There's an MS soft cap once you hit 457 MS, and ANOTHER one once you hit 540.5. I'm not going to bother doing the calculations, but when you consider the 18% MS from Shoes of Focus, 35% MS from Bumba's Mask, and 10% MS from Shaman's Ring, not to mention the 20% MS from Kiss, I'm pretty sure you're getting some major inefficiencies in MS overall. I find Shaman's Ring to be overkill, and the other stats just don't make up for it. I think it's a very poor item for her in this concept and not well thought out...she's not a damage dealer, and isn't going to get all that much from the situational damage increase, especially as you're basically only canceling out the -10% damage dealt from Bumba's Mask.

  • Spear of the Magus is a questionable item for her. Yes, she can build those stacks with Love Birds, but unless she's right up on the enemy or the enemy is stunned/easy to hit (maybe Kiss -> Birds combo), there's a good chance she'll completely miss it. And getting close to the enemy to more easily confirm the kill means she's in more danger herself, without a way to survive much burst due to no added item protections and increased damage taken from Bumba's.

    Those protection reduction stacks CAN be extremely effective, perhaps if you're paired with a magical ADC or Jungler, or you have 3 magical gods on your team (including yourself). But in a squishy build, unless you're absolutely steamrolling the enemy, I find this a hard item to suggest.

  • In the same vein of other MS items, Doom Orb is also doing less for you due to the soft MS cap. The power is very nice for the heal scaling, but I just don't think it's a good item for her here. If you want the power for the scaling, Rod of Tahuti might be the better choice, especially as the passive comes into effect for teammates getting healed from below 50% health.

  • Spear of Desolation is maybe an alt to Magus if you want a bit of pen for more damage, but also not sure it fits in this build. It's okay as an option, I guess.

  • Gem of Isolation is perhaps one of the smarter choices, in that it can at least provide a bit of extra CC (long lasting if you hit them with Birds) to her general lack thereof.

  • But what's missing is Rod of Asclepius to either boost her healing, or at least counteract any anti-heal to some small degree. Yes, it also provides MS, but maybe that allows you to start altering the build to balance MS, or you possibly try to drop Bumba's or something. Lotus Crown can be another option. Shield of Regrowth is another MS option, all trying to help get rid of Bumba's if you still want that burst of speed.

  • And at least one or two protection items should be in consideration. Mantle of Discord if you're getting jumped, or something.
In general, I'm okay with the off-meta concept if you're warning your team/you're in a pre-made and they're cool with this choice, but I think the build needs improvement to get better effect.
LumielGR | March 26, 2019 4:18pm
I've updated the guide with your comments, and tweaked the build a bit. I've played several games replacing mana potions with chalice of the oracle yesterday and today, but I'm feeling the loss of sustain isn't worth it. I will add buying wards as a recommendation in the guide but I don't think it will ever work as expected. Aphrodite is just that mana hungry.

I've also started playing ranked again. I was Platinum II in S5 for a while, but I doudb't I can make it this far in S6 with the current meta. This will help me make better adjustments and write guide suggestions about ranked as well - which you should never try with this build anyway -
Kriega1 (143) | March 26, 2019 5:02pm
LumielGR wrote:

I've also started playing ranked again[. I was Platinum II in S5 for a while, but I doudb't I can make it this far in S6 with the current meta. This will help me make better adjustments and write guide suggestions about ranked as well - which you should never try with this build anyway -

Here's a tip, don't play Aphrodite support. Then maybe you will climb higher in ranked.
boogiebass (46) | March 26, 2019 4:54pm
Hit save and publish. I Don't see your changes
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LumielGR | March 25, 2019 2:13pm
Thanks, these are some great suggestions, and about the advantages / disadvantages I probably couldn't have typed it better myself. It is alright if I copy some of these on my guide? I still need to familiarize with the editor and bbcode and write an introduction chapter.

I actually meant Messenger's mask, the idea is to spend only 1200 gold and have both CDR and MS. At that point of the game you are usually still at duo lane so it also gives you the ability to rotate to mid and follow the enemy support. It's just the cheaper item for this job, and it gives you the early boost that Aphrodite lacks. Soon after buying it you will probably be near mid lane at that point of the game, and you can start slowly buying Chronos pendant and run back to mid without losing any fights. You can replace it later with a spear of desolation or a similar CDR item. But I could also investigate how selling boots later in the game and upgrading it to a bumba's mask can affect the build, but I'm not confident I can take 10% more damage as a squishy support.

I will probably phase out Shamans ring and replace it with Gem of isolation as a 5th item, it's something that I haven't been able to try yet since all the games today finish before 25 minutes :)

Not having wards is a big disadvantage, but Aphrodite is in a very bad state at the moment and this is the only build I've thought of that looks slightly viable for a damage support.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 25, 2019 2:35pm
I'm okay with you copying into your guide, no problem.

Interesting that you don't build fully into Bumba's. Cuts out a lot of danger in one sense (10% more damage), but also doesn't give you that huge MS boost that can make you dance. I think, and this is only theorizing as I usually do, but I think it's something where, if you're not willing to go into the full T3 item, it's questionable to be purchased in the first place. T2 items, unless replaced late, just don't have good enough stats to hold up in the later parts of a build. The question then Messenger's Mask worth it to not have a full T3 item through the majority of the match? 1,200 gold for 10% CDR and 10% MS (and a piddly amount of power) seems almost worth it (mostly for the CDR), but...I would just have reservations about choosing a T2 item without planning to go into T3. I'd prefer to build toward a T3 item always.

Also, with a planned 30% CDR in Focus + Chronos, I think it's important to consider the final 10% CDR. Later, you can always pick up a Potion of Magical Might, or you might want the CDR from another item, but you probably shouldn't need to rush max CDR that quickly.

What do you usually do once you break off from the ADC? Are you clearing camps and staying next to the mid? Are you tagging along with the Jungler? Are you wandering between Mid and ADC and just helping where needed? Curious to hear what you typically do.
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Vini_sds (13) | March 25, 2019 1:39pm
God, how I missed these huge walls of text <3
xmysterionz (72) | March 25, 2019 1:41pm
This isn't a huge wall it's the entire Great Wall of China
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Gulfwulf (81) | March 25, 2019 1:43am
Is magus even good on her? She only has the one tick ability and it's pretty easy to avoid. I think Obsidian shard would probably be a better choice.
Kriega1 (143) | March 25, 2019 7:52pm
Yeah Magus is decent on Aphro, but not in a support build (most circumstances).
LumielGR | March 25, 2019 5:32am
Gulfwulf wrote:
Is magus even good on her? She only has the one tick ability and it's pretty easy to avoid. I think Obsidian shard would probably be a better choice.

Thanks Gulfur for your suggestion. I usually select my builds by trying items, so I'm not sure about the math on Magus. There is possible there are items that I might miss that can improve Aphrodite. So I'm always open to suggestions. So far I find magus pretty good for peel. Along with a soulmate, one combo (Kiss - Birds - Back off) can reduce a tanky solo or a support to half health or less.

The "easy to miss", is also part of this guide. I try to make this guide based on a near perfect Aphrodite game, so it's not expected to work on someone with little Aphrodite experience. I think of it as the end goal build. Meaning there are a lot of things you need to do perfect for this playstyle / build to have a slight chance of succeeding. I always initiate with a stun kiss, then hit the enemy with birds. This way it's almost guaranteed it will make damage, or it will force an enemies ult / relic to defend it.

I'm not trying to kill people with Aphrodite, I'm trying to force them into panicking and making mistakes. This will help my team to chase and kill them (your kiss gives them movement speed so it's easier to catch up). There are a lot of things I need to add to the guide, and I also need to record a youtube video as an extra step.

Also keep in mind that these items are not the optimal build for Aphrodite. Most of these items are forced on Aphrodite because of the recent nerfs to her power / damage, recent released gods, and the meta. I've been using Lotus crown since S3, but I can't find a place for it at the current meta. Gods like Chernobog and Jurmogandr can out rotate you easily, gods like merlin, hera and arthur will make you super squishy, so there is a need for improved mobility that wasn't needed in S5 for example.
Kriega1 (143) | March 25, 2019 7:53pm
LumielGR wrote:

I'm not trying to kill people with Aphrodite, I'm trying to force them into panicking and making mistakes.

And you're going to achieve that by building squishy and get instantly deleted unless you have your ultimate? The delusion is strong with this one.

LumielGR wrote:
I've been using Lotus crown since S3, but I can't find a place for it at the current meta.

That's your problem and self-difficulty then. Others are more capable.

LumielGR wrote:
gods like merlin, hera and arthur will make you super squishy,

Well no suprise there, look at the build! Of course you're going to be super squishy built like that.
Vini_sds (13) | March 25, 2019 4:49am
It's good for boosting your magical allies damage, if they're not building Magus already.

Also, it enchances the damage of her combo ( Love Birds > Kiss > Back Off!).
LumielGR | March 25, 2019 12:30pm
I never thought of this that way. I just updated the guide to pick after chronos, I think it can help mid laner in mid game a lot.
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Kriega1 (143) | March 24, 2019 5:58pm
Look at the example builds here for how to better build Aphro for support role:
Vini_sds (13) | March 24, 2019 7:15pm
I’m flattered that you linked something I did as a recommendation.
Kriega1 (143) | March 28, 2019 12:33am
I've only ever had a problem with your "Neith Solo" build. Anything else was fine or needed minor tweaks.
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LumielGR | March 24, 2019 6:55pm
Thanks for your comment. This is how I like to play Aphrodite (as a single target healer) so it won't change.
Vini_sds (13) | March 24, 2019 7:18pm
LumielGR wrote:
Thanks for your comment. This is how I like to play Aphrodite (as a single target healer) so it won't change.

Well, that’s exactly what she is, a powerful single target healer. The build won’t change that.

LumielGR wrote:
Btw you linked a build with a million items, I don't even understand what he is trying to build.

I listed all of the items I consider viable/worth mentioning for Aphro, that’s why there are so many options. If you want a “cookie cutter” build, check the “example build” section. I’d also recommend that you read the notes of each section.
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