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Hachiman SPL Builds

27 7 380,746
by DV-8 updated October 2, 2023

Smite God: Hachiman

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Hachiman Build


Notes Unfinished build


Unfinished build

Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

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Kriega1 (143) | August 28, 2018 5:38am
First of all one, your arena "crit" build has odyseuss' bow.

Second, your conquest qins build should have executioner before qins.
DV-8 (35) | August 28, 2018 11:58am
Kriega1 wrote:
First of all one, your arena "crit" build has odyseuss' bow.

Yes, it does.

Kriega1 wrote:
Second, your conquest qins build should have executioner before qins.

I feel that the build order for Qin's Sais and The Executioner can be situationally interchangeable.

After establishing my core of Devo's and Boots (and perhaps Ichaival), whether I buy Qins or Exe next usually depends on how I'm farming. Since they both derive from the same tier 2 item Balanced Blade, there are times when you can be farming for Exe but end up with enough gold for Qins when you back, in which case I usually buy it.
Kriega1 (143) | June 30, 2018 3:51am
Remove Silverbranch Bow, Atalanta's Bow and Toxic Blade as optional items please.

Also I recommend getting Deathbringer before Wind Demon but it's personal preference.

One more thing, Magi's Cloak can be a good situational against heavy CC on enemy team.
DV-8 (35) | June 30, 2018 11:55am
Silverbranch Bow can work in a Qin's build in my experience as an alternative to Ichaival if you think you'll be lacking in attack speed.

Atalanta's Bow is basically a situational alternative to Odysseus' Bow (actually provides more DPS in most cases).

Toxic Blade can function in a Qin's build as a situational hybrid item, as it provides you with solid offensive capabilities and a bit of utility. Good against certain comps.

Magi's Cloak I'll consider. Don't think I've ever had to build it in ranked conquest. It may be more needed in higher ranks though. Purification Beads and a CC-immune ultimate has usually been enough to feel safe when I'm playing defensively (unless I'm playing ranked Joust and lagging my brains out, lol).
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 13, 2018 10:16am
So, from our game/convo last night, here's a slight build adjustment idea to rush Qin's, which, as we've reviewed, still provides a better DPS boost overall as a single item.
DV-8 (35) | May 17, 2018 1:26pm
So I tested/tinkered around with this idea and I think I like it.

I think Hachiman has the ability to farm for Qin's over Exe easily as he has inherent mana sustain from his kit along with health sustain from Devo's.

The only drawback to delaying Executioner in my mind is your inability to cooperate effectively with your jungler during ganks, although this problem disappears if your jg is a magical user such as an Ao Kuang.

That being said, I decided to implement it as my standard build in the showcase. Thanks for the suggestion!
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 2, 2018 11:48pm
FYI, BaRRa and you think similarly.

Also I love this guy. He's so positive and happy.
DV-8 (35) | May 3, 2018 12:09am
Whaaa? Awesome!

Maybe he was creepin on my guide, lol.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | May 3, 2018 12:51am

or maybe you are him...
DV-8 (35) | May 1, 2018 12:21am
Finally updated.

Decided to keep this guide simple and showcase how I personally recommend building. I originally set out to make this an all-encompassing build guide that could account for all types of builds, even some more unorthodox ones that I wouldn't typically recommend.

At the end of the day, decided to just stick with my building philosophy and offer only that. I realize that not everyone will agree with it, but I think a lot of the fun of this game is finding what works for you and applying it. I'm just sharing for those who don't know what to consider when building and at least point them in a general direction, rather than confuse them by overloading them with information.

I'm happy with the turnout :)

Thanks, everyone!
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 1, 2018 3:50pm
Hey DV,

On your "key elements" section, the AS should read 1.000 (+0.013 per level). His base AS is 1, and so any AS multiplier needs to use that base value. At level 1, it would be 1.000 + 0.013.

Very interesting that you've adjusted again, more interesting about the actual adjustments.
  • Is the reason you now are opting more for Warrior Tabi to start based on the chart I did? It does have a better balance early and Hachi likely doesn't need that extra mana Ninja provides.

  • I like your writeups on the 3 "bridge" type items. I agree that late game The Crusher's passive is underwhelming...but the rest of it is a great balanced combo of power, AS, and flat pen.

  • I wanted to check...and I can't be sure that everything that SMITE Builder calculated is accurate, but DPS (not including the O-Bow passive) shows as being a bit better against both squishy and tanky gods, if you keep Crusher instead of replacing with O-Bow.

  • In addition, DPS jumps even further if you do an official swap of Warrior Tabi to Ninja Tabi. If you keep Crusher, I'd say this is an essential late-game replacement. Right now, your write-up of Ninja talks about replacing, but only "if you are looking for more attack speed." I'd say it's a mandatory switch. Do you agree? (FYI, O-Bow in place of Crusher makes you situationally go 0.06 AS over the cap, if you've got Heavenly active AND you're in its's just slightly over the cap, so I don't think it's bad, especially in combo with Qin's.

    So...if you value that early game DPS, it's seeming that Hunter's -> Devo's -> Warrior -> Ich -> is a great path. If you don't mind a slight early dip, getting Ninja instead of Warrior and then getting Qin's before Exe will give you a solid DPS advantage by that stage.

  • Based on that further analysis, if you have enough gold, you might consider getting Qin's Sais even before Exe. Based on some quick calcs, it's better at that stage if you got Ninja, though...almost 30 DPS less if you got War. FYI, your full build via SMITE Builder says average 465 DPS. Switch Crusher for O-Bow and Ninja for Warrior, and it's 534 (these are against mirror Hachis).

  • Back down the list a bit...I know you'd been a strong proponent of The Executioner + Titan's Bane in S4...but with the S5 nerf of Bane no longer affecting towers/phoenixes, it's become a lot less appealing to many.

    So I'm wondering why you keep gravitating back to this. You were saying in our last game together that you were going for a...spicy (?) build...? I forget the word you used, but then you pulled that item combo I know you'd already had it on your mind.

    TB absolutely makes things very nice against those annoying tanks.
DV-8 (35) | May 1, 2018 8:01pm
Hey, Bran. Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to address this point by point.

On your "key elements" section, the AS should read 1.000 (+0.013 per level). His base AS is 1, and so any AS multiplier needs to use that base value. At level 1, it would be 1.000 + 0.013.

Good catch! I will fix this.

Is the reason you now are opting more for Warrior Tabi to start based on the chart I did? It does have a better balance early and Hachi likely doesn't need that extra mana Ninja provides.

Yes, actually. Both boots can work, but your chart influenced me to reconsider starting boots. Thanks!

I like your writeups on the 3 "bridge" type items. I agree that late game The Crusher's passive is underwhelming...but the rest of it is a great balanced combo of power, AS, and flat pen.

Thank you!

I wanted to check...and I can't be sure that everything that SMITE Builder calculated is accurate, but DPS (not including the O-Bow passive) shows as being a bit better against both squishy and tanky gods, if you keep Crusher instead of replacing with O-Bow

Yes, The Crusher is the only #3 item that doesn't necessarily have to be upgraded late game. Personally, I find the Odysseus' Bow passive very useful in late game situations where enemies are bunched up under structures and near objectives in cramped jungle corridors. This build does very well against tanky frontlines, and as an added effect, your damage can potentially jump behind tanks and chain their squishies that they are trying to protect.

In addition, DPS jumps even further if you do an official swap of Warrior Tabi to Ninja Tabi. If you keep Crusher, I'd say this is an essential late-game replacement. Right now, your write-up of Ninja talks about replacing, but only "if you are looking for more attack speed." I'd say it's a mandatory switch. Do you agree? (FYI, O-Bow in place of Crusher makes you situationally go 0.06 AS over the cap, if you've got Heavenly active AND you're in its's just slightly over the cap, so I don't think it's bad, especially in combo with Qin's.

So...if you value that early game DPS, it's seeming that Hunter's -> Devo's -> Warrior -> Ich -> is a great path. If you don't mind a slight early dip, getting Ninja instead of Warrior and then getting Qin's before Exe will give you a solid DPS advantage by that stage.

Both boots have their advantages and it really comes down to user preference.

Additionally, there could be attack speed increases coming from outside sources. Examples include Shogun's Kusari, Fafnir's Coerce, etc..

On that same note, the enemy could be building several anti-attack speed items, and you may find it necessary to compensate with certain items.

If we assume no buff or debuffs are present, then yes, I would agree that you almost always want to replace Warrior with Ninja late for the DPS increase.

Based on that further analysis, if you have enough gold, you might consider getting Qin's Sais even before Exe. Based on some quick calcs, it's better at that stage if you got Ninja, though...almost 30 DPS less if you got War. FYI, your full build via SMITE Builder says average 465 DPS. Switch Crusher for O-Bow and Ninja for Warrior, and it's 534 (these are against mirror Hachis).

Oops! The reason I combined those two in the build showcase was to show that they can be built in either order, as long as you build them both. I forgot to make the note for it though. Thanks for mentioning this.

Back down the list a bit...I know you'd been a strong proponent of The Executioner + Titan's Bane in S4...but with the S5 nerf of Bane no longer affecting towers/phoenixes, it's become a lot less appealing to many.

Most of my matches as of late have been following a common trend:

Squishy, ranged damage threats hang in the back line while tanky supports and warriors distract and protect in the frontlines. This goes for defending under structures and attacking.

When defending, if you can force enemy tanks out of tanking tower/phoenix aggro, your chances of success on defending that objective significantly improves.

When attacking, weakening enemy frontlines causes them to fall back and allows your frontline to charge forward and harass squishies so that you can attack structures.

Even with The Executioner, the penetration it provides is hard to match.

Let's take a target with 275 physical protections for example. Hitting them with 3 basics using The Executioner reduces their prots to 176. Titan's Bane will provide 40% penetration in that scenario, equaling 70 flat pen... pretty significant.

Use that example with someone who has about 150 physical defense, and you end up with Titan's providing somewhere in the 20-30ish range flat pen, so squishies will still be burst down by your attacks.
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Gulfwulf (81) | May 1, 2018 6:21am
I thought Titan's Bane was no longer effective against objectives.
DV-8 (35) | May 1, 2018 6:50am
Good catch! The description has been edited.
BestMinionEver (69) | April 26, 2018 6:08am
I miss the Shifter's Shield meta :(
DV-8 (35) | April 26, 2018 11:40am
Tlaloc1050 (17) | April 25, 2018 5:16am
Hey DV-8, nicely presented guide! Wouldn't it be better to obtain lifesteal first over penetration? The reason being the sustain in lane, and that most tanks' protections would be that high at the moment.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 25, 2018 11:23am
Tlaloc, confused...Devo's is very standard as early item before common pen items such as The Crusher, The Executioner, etc...and this is reflected in his example build. Am I missing something?
Tlaloc1050 (17) | April 26, 2018 12:12am
Whoops, my bad lol. I thought he was building using trans
DV-8 (35) | April 25, 2018 10:00am
Thanks, Tialoc1050!

Building some Lifesteal before Penetration is a viable option, but not your only option.

My general build guideline is as follows:

  1. Boots / Raw Power

  2. Raw Power / Boots (whichever was not built in #1)

  3. Bridge* / Attack Speed

  4. Attack Speed / Penetration / Lifesteal / Critical Strike Chance

  5. Attack Speed / Penetration / Lifesteal / Critical Strike Chance

  6. Attack Speed / Penetration / Lifesteal / Critical Strike Chance / Defense
Tlaloc1050 (17) | April 26, 2018 12:21am
Thats pretty interesting, I like all the effort you've put in!
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 24, 2018 3:01pm
Now you've done it...I see your template moving you away from the concept of simple build guide and turning this into a full blown I like where it's headed =)

What about The Crusher in your example build before The Executioner? Thoughts?
DV-8 (35) | April 24, 2018 4:01pm
Thanks :)

I finally got around to working on this and making it a more comprehensive guide.

As for the example build, I think The Crusher before The Executioner is great. I think I like that better as a general build example. I do feel that the two can be switched depending on the situation though.

For example, if the Support is hanging around and getting in my face, or perhaps built an early Sovereignty, I might opt for The Executioner sooner rather than later.
DV-8 (35) | April 24, 2018 8:42pm
Also, you should play a match as the Hachinator so I can feature you in my new Example Builds section :D
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sleepyman | March 22, 2018 8:10am
Can you show moveset for abilites points? Thanks
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 22, 2018 1:03pm
Do you mean skill leveling? The word "moveset" throws me off.

If I might chip in on this question, I would say, like any other god, your normal progression is going to be prioritizing wave-clear (in Hachi's case, Heavenly Banner). Depending on how things are going, your next priority will be either Iaijutsu or Eagle Eye. If able to exchange/box confidently or am just undecided, I'd get Iaijutsu for the higher damage potential and stun...but if I'm having to play very safely and far back, I won't get as much out of it, and so I'd probably consider Eagle Eye for the poke potential. If nothing else in these cases, you could get Eagle Eye up to level 3 for the added ammo, and then finish off Iaijutsu before completing Eye.

As for Mounted Archery, I'd level that as can either get it at every available level (5, 9, 13, 17, 20), or you could delay just a bit here and there to level other abilities as preferred. Normally, I'd prioritize the ult except perhaps at level 9, where I might do a point-skip at level 8, and finish off Heavenly Banner and get a 2nd point into Mounted Archery at level 9.

The reason for point-skipping? He's very reliant on Heavenly Banner for his wave clear, and it also provides so much more added benefit compared to his other skills, due to the increased attack speed and duration.

So...suggested skill leveling order:

2 (wave clear), 3 (escape), 2, 1, 4 (ult), 2, 2, point-skip level 8, 2 + 4 at level 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4.

Make sense?
DV-8 (35) | March 22, 2018 1:00pm
It has been added to the guide. Thank you for the suggestion!
boogiebass (46) | March 13, 2018 8:25pm
Although I suggest making your guide a bit more aesthetic, It's short, sweet, and to the point.
boogiebass (46) | March 13, 2018 8:29pm
Also, regarding laijutsu, after you say that the stun allows you to get a few basics in, you should mention that if you proc wind demon and poison star from your crit build, you've pretty much sealed the enemy's fate.
DV-8 (35) | March 14, 2018 7:38am
Thank you.

Alright, I'll add that in there.

I made this with simplicity in mind. Just wanted to give a general skeleton for the builds while providing options to suit different playstyles.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | September 9, 2017 9:51am
Yo DV, so I know that in HR's own presentation of Hachiman, they also suggested both The Executioner and Titan's Bane, but I still think that build option should be situational at best.

And in a Conquest situation, you'll get your escape 2nd, like you suggest in your build order, but depending, I think it's a bit risky to delay Boots until item 2 (what HR also suggested). Personally, I'd feel more comfortable with Boots first, but that's me. As for which boots, I think in this case, he's probably okay with Ninja Tabi, even though many would opt for Warrior first...his scaling on his clearing ability is somewhat low, so the 20 extra power won't do much (8 added damage on his Heavenly Banner).

With a somewhat low level of attack speed steroid, I might consider 3x crit in his case as more standard... Poisoned Star or Wind Demon first, Deathbringer 2nd, and then Poisoned Star or Wind Demon 3rd (whichever you didn't get before). Why? He's got that long range poke in Eagle Eye, and being able to burst them before they get away with the added attack speed and higher crit chance would be helpful.

So, TB 6th only against very tanky teams...situational option, but not only option. Thoughts?
DV-8 (35) | September 9, 2017 12:47pm
Hey, Bran!

Thanks for the feedback! I saw that the overlords say that Hachiman was now available for building so I figured, "Meh, why not?" lol. Can you link me to the HiRez stream you are referring to? That might be what some of the players that I have been watching play Hachiman have watched.

My first impression was that he could definitely make use of the Devour's Gauntlet / Crit build that has been run so frequently in the new meta. Very true that you could build Devour's Gauntlet before or after boots and be fine (edited the build to reflect this). Personally, I like to rush Devo's for several reasons. Hachiman has a decent dash escape (with a stun if you play it right) to get out of bad situations, and an ultimate which is a dash. On top of that, he has long range abilities that allow you to position him further away and allow you more safety. Devo's is very cheap so getting the early stacks, power, and lifesteal is very strong in my opinion. At this stage of the match, the furthest you will really be travelling is the Gold Fury, so with good warding, I feel safe for the most part. The jungler at that stage of the game tends to be very occupied with the Solo and Mid side of the map as well, and you may not see much of them at all in the duo lane for some time. That is just me though, so if people feel that they cannot safely do this, boots first are fine. As for Warrior Tabi and Ninja Tabi, I agree that Warrior Tabi is best, but then replaced late game for Ninja Tabi for higher DPS (edited build to reflect this).

The 3x crit you suggested is also good advice. Yes, replacing Titan's Bane with an additional crit item would give you better damage, but I feel the need to defend my Titan's Bane as I have been running it on ALL my hunters and liking the results (even when I build The Executioner). There is really only one main reason I build this item, especially in this slot. That reason is for objective takedowns. As a carry, I feel it my responsibility for demolishing towers (if there are any left), phoenixes, and the Titan. The protection penetration from Titan's Bane will give you the greatest single item increase in objective takedown, which is huge. The Executioner, while great against gods, can't do that against objectives. For ADC's, if you're looking for more damage to gods, yes, there are better options elsewhere. But as opposed to building more god damage (I feel that after Deathbringer my damage is pretty solid), I really am a strong advocate for Titan's Bane for objectives. I will change the build though for those who want this extra crit and damage option (maybe if your team has to be defensive for a while and isn't pushing objectives).

Again, great feedback. Thanks!
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 9, 2017 1:37pm
My whole thing about Boots first is because his dash/escape is somewhat short, and to get the stun you need to be basically right on top of the enemy at the end of the dash, which is NOT where you want to be if you're running for your life lol. And his ult is absolutely a great escape, but before level 5, it's going to be consistently dangerous. Also, I'm not a great player, so I need all the escape advantage I can get, since I find myself out of position (see my ranked games haha).

I did say that going Ninja instead of Warrior might be okay for him, because of somewhat low scaling not helping quite as much...but Warrior first and switching to Ninja works fine as well, of course.

I almost never suggest 3x crit, but it just seems to make sense to me in this case...high chance for a nice killing blow at distance, with the attack speed to back up the opportunities to crit.

Titan's Bane is fine, and I get your argument for it especially vs. objectives. My opinion here is that, if you do want TB, it's often better earlier, because at the point you're finishing your last item (you have it as item #6), many of those objectives are already down, right? Guess it depends on the game.

Anyway, the video is just the standard God Reveal that HR puts out:

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DV-8 (35) | September 9, 2017 2:17am

I haven't actually tested the new god or build out yet. In theory though, this build should work fine.
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Hachiman SPL Builds
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