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Unfinished build
Unfinished build
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Second, your conquest qins build should have executioner before qins.
Yes, it does.
I feel that the build order for
After establishing my core of Devo's and Boots (and perhaps
Also I recommend getting
One more thing,
I think Hachiman has the ability to farm for Qin's over Exe easily as he has inherent mana sustain from his kit along with health sustain from Devo's.
The only drawback to delaying Executioner in my mind is your inability to cooperate effectively with your jungler during ganks, although this problem disappears if your jg is a magical user such as an Ao Kuang.
That being said, I decided to implement it as my standard build in the showcase. Thanks for the suggestion!
Also I love this guy. He's so positive and happy.
Maybe he was creepin on my guide, lol.
or maybe you are him...
Decided to keep this guide simple and showcase how I personally recommend building. I originally set out to make this an all-encompassing build guide that could account for all types of builds, even some more unorthodox ones that I wouldn't typically recommend.
At the end of the day, decided to just stick with my building philosophy and offer only that. I realize that not everyone will agree with it, but I think a lot of the fun of this game is finding what works for you and applying it. I'm just sharing for those who don't know what to consider when building and at least point them in a general direction, rather than confuse them by overloading them with information.
I'm happy with the turnout :)
Thanks, everyone!
On your "key elements" section, the AS should read 1.000 (+0.013 per level). His base AS is 1, and so any AS multiplier needs to use that base value. At level 1, it would be 1.000 + 0.013.
Very interesting that you've adjusted again, more interesting about the actual adjustments.
So...if you value that early game DPS, it's seeming that Hunter's -> Devo's -> Warrior -> Ich -> is a great path. If you don't mind a slight early dip, getting Ninja instead of Warrior and then getting Qin's before Exe will give you a solid DPS advantage by that stage.
So I'm wondering why you keep gravitating back to this. You were saying in our last game together that you were going for a...spicy (?) build...? I forget the word you used, but then you pulled that item combo I know you'd already had it on your mind.
TB absolutely makes things very nice against those annoying tanks.
Good catch! I will fix this.
Yes, actually. Both boots can work, but your chart influenced me to reconsider starting boots. Thanks!
Thank you!
So...if you value that early game DPS, it's seeming that Hunter's -> Devo's -> Warrior -> Ich -> is a great path. If you don't mind a slight early dip, getting Ninja instead of Warrior and then getting Qin's before Exe will give you a solid DPS advantage by that stage.
Both boots have their advantages and it really comes down to user preference.
Additionally, there could be attack speed increases coming from outside sources. Examples include
On that same note, the enemy could be building several anti-attack speed items, and you may find it necessary to compensate with certain items.
If we assume no buff or debuffs are present, then yes, I would agree that you almost always want to replace Warrior with Ninja late for the DPS increase.
Oops! The reason I combined those two in the build showcase was to show that they can be built in either order, as long as you build them both. I forgot to make the note for it though. Thanks for mentioning this.
Most of my matches as of late have been following a common trend:
Squishy, ranged damage threats hang in the back line while tanky supports and warriors distract and protect in the frontlines. This goes for defending under structures and attacking.
When defending, if you can force enemy tanks out of tanking tower/phoenix aggro, your chances of success on defending that objective significantly improves.
When attacking, weakening enemy frontlines causes them to fall back and allows your frontline to charge forward and harass squishies so that you can attack structures.
Even with
Let's take a target with 275 physical protections for example. Hitting them with 3 basics using
Use that example with someone who has about 150 physical defense, and you end up with Titan's providing somewhere in the 20-30ish range flat pen, so squishies will still be burst down by your attacks.
lol xD
Building some Lifesteal before Penetration is a viable option, but not your only option.
My general build guideline is as follows:
What about
I finally got around to working on this and making it a more comprehensive guide.
As for the example build, I think
For example, if the Support is hanging around and getting in my face, or perhaps built an early
If I might chip in on this question, I would say, like any other god, your normal progression is going to be prioritizing wave-clear (in Hachi's case,
As for
The reason for point-skipping? He's very reliant on
So...suggested skill leveling order:
2 (wave clear), 3 (escape), 2, 1, 4 (ult), 2, 2, point-skip level 8, 2 + 4 at level 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4.
Make sense?
Alright, I'll add that in there.
I made this with simplicity in mind. Just wanted to give a general skeleton for the builds while providing options to suit different playstyles.
I think the stun thing is a very situational thing about "sealing the enemy's fate," and personally don't feel it's applicable to being in a guide like this. Having
Regarding the builds, some comments:
Additionally, in terms of build flexibility, Devo's provides more overall function for sustain. Trans is for mana and power. Devo's is lifesteal and power. If you get Trans you'll usually want lifesteal elsewhere, which means
In the end, what am I saying here? I feel your example build should show Devo's rather than Trans.
Confirmed in jungle practice: Level 20, no items. Base AS is 1.26. Dropping the banner increases AS to 1.41. Moving inside the banner increases AS to 1.56.
Anyway, solid overall info, DV. I realized I didn't upvote, so I've done now.
Even if they do have something to fight back, you'll still have the steroid from WD to help you.
What if it's
At the end of the day, I decided to change my showcase build, as well as add a Build Order table in the guide section to help newer players. Again, thanks for the feedback, guys!
With the stun, after rethinking it, I agree with your thoughts. I don't believe it "seals their fate", but it does give you an offensive edge in a boxing match. If anything, the stun gives you a better chance of landing a
As for Devo's vs Trans, I'd be willing to discuss this further.
Adding core items is a good idea. I will edit this as well.
As for
I could elaborate on the ultimate a bit more I suppose. I will edit this guide soon.
Again, thanks for the feedback!
Good comparison, interesting to see the actual values.
I think one other thing should be considered...value at different stages of the build.
With Devo's, what I feel gives it the stronger overall build value is that the lifesteal is there in the beginning...that's a great amount of sustain so even if you get hurt to some degree, you can still potentially heal up with minion waves or nearby camps.
The other thing there is that, although prices aren't hugely different, consider where you're at at similar gold incomes. Devo's can be built a bit earlier than Trans.
(3 items not including Hunter's, let's say level 14 cuz I dunno...also not listing all stats, just the main points)
Trans build:
You're right though. Devo's can typically build lifesteal and Qin's sooner than a Trans build.
I might add though, the mana sustain from Trans isn't completely useless on him. Yes, his passive helps him in the early game, but as Hachimaan levels up his skills, he will be using more mana. If he is spamming his abilities while out farming for a long time (perhaps for one of the more expensive items), it isn't a stretch for him to deplete his mana.
In conclusion, Trans is viable, but Devo's is preferred.
You could delay lifesteal until the later stages of the game if you want to powerspike earlier. Lifesteal is preferred, but not essential in my opinion. If your focus is boxing, then it becomes important, but if you are hiding behind your tanks and letting them initiate while you follow up... less crucial.
But, I digress, Devo's for the win :P
And in a Conquest situation, you'll get your escape 2nd, like you suggest in your build order, but depending, I think it's a bit risky to delay Boots until item 2 (what HR also suggested). Personally, I'd feel more comfortable with Boots first, but that's me. As for which boots, I think in this case, he's probably okay with
With a somewhat low level of attack speed steroid, I might consider 3x crit in his case as more standard...
So, TB 6th only against very tanky teams...situational option, but not only option. Thoughts?
Thanks for the feedback! I saw that the overlords say that Hachiman was now available for building so I figured, "Meh, why not?" lol. Can you link me to the HiRez stream you are referring to? That might be what some of the players that I have been watching play Hachiman have watched.
My first impression was that he could definitely make use of the Devour's Gauntlet / Crit build that has been run so frequently in the new meta. Very true that you could build Devour's Gauntlet before or after boots and be fine (edited the build to reflect this). Personally, I like to rush Devo's for several reasons.
The 3x crit you suggested is also good advice. Yes, replacing
Again, great feedback. Thanks!
I did say that going Ninja instead of Warrior might be okay for him, because of somewhat low scaling not helping quite as much...but Warrior first and switching to Ninja works fine as well, of course.
I almost never suggest 3x crit, but it just seems to make sense to me in this case...high chance for a nice killing blow at distance, with the attack speed to back up the opportunities to crit.
Anyway, the video is just the standard God Reveal that HR puts out:
Yeah, I feel Warrior Tabi better for early game DPS. More power for crit, etc..
Obviously it depends on the match how many structures are still standing. As long as the enemy titan is still standing though Titans Bane can be useful.
Ah, thats the video. Not bad, solid breakdown. I thought u meant a stream or something. Shoutouts to HiRez for giving him a kind of meta build lol.
With Ninja, Devo's, Exe, Poison, DB, Wind, at level 20 with him inside his
Feel like the added damage from his 1 isn't, in a 1v1 engagement, I'd probably plop down Banner, box, use his dash situationally, and if they look to escape, then use his 1 to try to pick them off (with his horsie as backup).
He looks super fun. His basic attack animation looks really nice and clean too. I can't wait to use him.
I haven't actually tested the new god or build out yet. In theory though, this build should work fine.