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Mage Mid/ADC Conquest builds Patch (8.10)

59 3 73,529
by Kriega1 updated November 12, 2021

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 44 More Guides
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Note 1: If needing a 20% penetration option, you can choose Charon's Coin or Obsidian Shard. If your god is very mana hungry, or if you use the movement speed well (on evolved version), or just want the cheaper option, or you're going a Pendulum of Ages build then you can get Charon's Coin. If you use the passive well on Obsidian Shard, and also since it's tier 2 item ( Spell Focus) has 10% pen on it, you can opt to build it instead.

Note 2: Aphrodite, Hel, Chang'e, Ra, Baron Samedi, Olorun can all use Lotus Crown to some extent (with the item likely replacing one of your early flat pen / Soul Gem) as well as Rod of Asclepius (although I would be more hesistant to build it on Olorun). Do note though that Rod of Asclepius passive does not stack with Caduceus Shield's passive.

Note 3: General situational / niche defensive items you can build: Mantle of Discord, Winged Blade, Breastplate of Valor, Magi's Cloak, Sovereignty, Relic Dagger, Spirit Robe, Stone of Fal, Bulwark of Hope, Spectral Armor. Would substitute for the less necessary damage items in your build (so not your main percentage pen / tank shredding items like Charon's Coin / Soul Reaver etc...). Stone of Binding could also be considered as an early bridge item on some mid laners who appreciate the protections and can reliably proc the passive.

Note 4: While standard relics in Mid tend to be Purification Beads and Aegis Amulet, on some characters in some matches you can consider going Blink Rune instead of Aegis Amulet if the god you're using can get away with it as an offensive relic and uses it well in fights (though it is more niche / risky and would only really be ideal if you're familiar with the character), the main examples being He Bo, Scylla, Chang'e, Janus, Anubis, Zhong Kui.

Note 5: Tainted Breastplate can be considered late situationally in starter skip builds (e.g. Coin Rush builds) into a very heal heavy enemy team comp, and you think you will need a bit of (physical heavy) defense.

Note 6: Sentinel's Embrace can be considered late situationally in starter skip builds (i.e Coin Rush builds) into heavy dive comps and if you don't need to worry about damage, and if you're playing around your ADC to survive in fights. Would be less efficient for yourself though (at times) if your Support went it over another starter upgrade.

God Shortcuts:

Agni , Ah Puch , Anubis , Aphrodite , Baba Yaga , Baron Samedi , Chang'e , Chronos , Discordia , Eset , Freya , Hades , He Bo , Hel , Hera , Janus , Kukulkan , Merlin , Morgan Le Fay , Nox , Nu Wa , Olorun , Persephone , Poseidon , Ra , Raijin , Scylla , Sol , The Morrigan , Thoth , Tiamat , Vulcan , Zeus , Zhong Kui




Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Archmage's Gem.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Sands of Time for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Sands of Time for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Ah Puch:


Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Charon's Coin for Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Chronos' Pendant, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Vampiric Shroud, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Chronos' Pendant.



Build Path (Shroud)

Start - Talon Trinket, 1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion (Bancroft's Rush) or Vampiric Shroud, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Variant) or Vampiric Shroud, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Magus Variant).

Build (Bancroft's Rush) - Bancroft's Talon > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Mantle of Discord > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Charon's Coin / Spear of the Magus for Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Divine Ruin, Mantle of Discord for Magi's Cloak.

Build (Pythag's Variant) - Pythagorem's Piece > Typhon's Fang > Spear of the Magus > Rod of Tahuti > Mantle of Discord > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti for Obsidian Shard / Charon's Coin / Spear of the Magus, Mantle of Discord for Magi's Cloak.

Build (Magus Variant) - Spear of the Magus > Typhon's Fang > Obsidian Shard > Rod of Tahuti > Mantle of Discord > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin, Mantle of Discord for Magi's Cloak.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Spear of the Magus > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Baba Yaga:


Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Charon's Coin for Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Chronos' Pendant, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Vampiric Shroud, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Chronos' Pendant.

Baron Samedi:


Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Charon's Coin for Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Chronos' Pendant, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Vampiric Shroud, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Chronos' Pendant.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions (Pythag's Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions (Coin Variant) or Conduit Gem, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Hastened Ring / Ring of Hecate / Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff.

Build (Burst Coin Variant) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Polynomicon > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Polynomicon for Soul Gem, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (AA Coin Variant) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Ring of Hecate > Typhon's Fang > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin, Ring of Hecate for Hastened Ring (only if going Spear of the Magus early).

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Telkhines Ring > Charon's Coin > Ring of Hecate > Typhon's Fang > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Charon's Coin for Demonic Grip, Charon's Coin AND Ring of Hecate for Demonic Grip AND Pythagorem's Piece / Spear of the Magus.

Item note for Build Path 1: Can alternatively for the AA Coin Variant build path consider Winged Blade instead of Spear of the Magus into heavy slows. You can also instead skip Spear of the Magus and use the free slot as a late defensive item filler slot.

Build Path 2 (Arrow):

Start - Gilded Arrow, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush) OR Gilded Arrow, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Gilded Arrow, Uncommon Staff, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions / Multi Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Hastened Ring.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti / Hastened Ring for Ring of Hecate / Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Polynomicon > Hastened Ring.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Polynomicon for Soul Gem, Hastened Ring for Typhon's Fang.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Ring of Hecate > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti.

Item alternatives: Demonic Grip AND Rod of Tahuti for Charon's Coin AND Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff, Rod of Tahuti for Pythagorem's Piece.

Item note for Build Path 2: Can alternatively for the Pythag's Rush and Warlock's Rush build paths sell Gilded Arrow lategame for a situational defensive item (e.g. Winged Blade) instead of selling it for Hastened Ring / Rod of Tahuti.

Build Path 3 (Sands)

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Magus Rush), OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush) OR Sands of Time, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Polynomicon > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Polynomicon for Soul Gem, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Magus Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Telkhines Ring > Charon's Coin > Ring of Hecate > Typhon's Fang > The Alternate Timeline.

Item alternatives: Charon's Coin for Demonic Grip, Charon's Coin AND Ring of Hecate for Demonic Grip AND Pythagorem's Piece / Spear of the Magus, The Alternate Timeline for Pendulum of Ages.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > The Alternate Timeline.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Hastened Ring / Ring of Hecate / Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff, The Alternate Timeline for Pendulum of Ages.

Build Path 4 (Bumba's)

Start - Restored Artifact, 1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion (Coin Rush) or Bumba's Dagger, Magic Focus, 2 Healing Potions, 3 Mana Potions (Magus Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Polynomicon > Bumba's Hammer.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Polynomicon for Divine Ruin / Demonic Grip / Winged Blade.

Build (Magus Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Polynomicon > Bumba's Hammer.

Build Path 5 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Hastened Ring.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti / Hastened Ring for Ring of Hecate / Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff / Blood-Soaked Shroud / Sacrificial Shroud.

Item note for Build Path 5: Can alternatively for the Pythag's Rush build path sell Vampiric Shroud lategame for a situational defensive item (e.g. Winged Blade) instead of selling it for Hastened Ring.

Build Path 6 (Death's Toll):

Start - Death's Toll, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Death's Embrace.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Hastened Ring / Ring of Hecate / Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff, Death's Embrace for Death's Temper.

Build Path 7 (Eye):

Start - Eye Of The Jungle, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Tahuti Rush) - Rod of Tahuti > Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Protector Of The Jungle.

Item alternatives: Protector Of The Jungle for Seer Of The Jungle.

Item note for Build Path 7: Can opt to sell Eye Of The Jungle late for Hastened Ring or Ring of Hecate or an alternative instead of upgrading it to Protector Of The Jungle.

Build Path 8 (Manikin's):

Start - Manikin Scepter, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Tahuti Rush) - Rod of Tahuti > Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Manikin Mace.

Item alternatives: Manikin Mace for Manikin Hidden Blade.

Item note for Build Path 8: Can opt to sell Manikin Scepter late for Hastened Ring or Ring of Hecate or an alternative instead of upgrading it to Manikin Mace.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Spear of the Magus > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Charon's Coin for Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Chronos' Pendant, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush) OR Sands of Time, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Soul Gem > Pendulum of Ages.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Vampiric Shroud, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Soul Gem, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Chronos' Pendant.


Eset Note: Generally by lategame / full build, you don't need more than 20% CDR from items in an Eset build, because her passive Funeral Rites at max stacks gives 10% CDR, and you get the last 10% needed to reach the 40% cap from a Potion of Power. However if you really want another 10% CDR item item for it's passive like Soul Gem or Spear of Desolation you could still opt to build it, like I have in some build paths.



Build Path 1 (Death's Toll):

Start - Death's Toll, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build (Haste Rush) - Hastened Ring > Ring of Hecate > Demonic Grip > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti.

Item alternatives: Ring of Hecate AND Demonic Grip for Demonic Grip AND Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Spear of the Magus / Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Death's Embrace / Death's Temper.

Build Path 2 (Arrow):

Start - Gilded Arrow, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build (Haste Rush) - Hastened Ring > Ring of Hecate > Demonic Grip > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti.

Item alternatives: Ring of Hecate AND Demonic Grip for Demonic Grip AND Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Spear of the Magus / Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin.

Build Path 3 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build (Haste Rush) - Hastened Ring > Ring of Hecate > Demonic Grip > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Ring of Hecate AND Demonic Grip for Demonic Grip AND Spear of the Magus, Pendulum of Ages for Rod of Tahuti / Spear of the Magus / Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin.

Build Path 4 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build (Haste Rush) - Hastened Ring > Ring of Hecate > Demonic Grip > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Ring of Hecate AND Demonic Grip for Demonic Grip AND Spear of the Magus.

Build Path 5 (Manikin's):

Start - Manikin Scepter, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 1 Mana Potion.

Build (Haste Rush) - Hastened Ring > Ring of Hecate > Demonic Grip > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti.

Item alternatives: Ring of Hecate AND Demonic Grip for Demonic Grip AND Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Spear of the Magus / Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Manikin Mace.

Build Path 6 (Bumba's):

Start - Enchanted Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Haste Rush) - Hastened Ring > Ring of Hecate > Demonic Grip > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Bumba's Spear.

Item alternatives: Ring of Hecate AND Demonic Grip for Demonic Grip AND Spear of the Magus.

Build Path 7 (Eye):

Start - Eye Of The Jungle, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Haste Rush) - Hastened Ring > Demonic Grip > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Seer Of The Jungle.

Item alternatives: Demonic Grip AND Spear of the Magus for Ring of Hecate AND Demonic Grip, Seer Of The Jungle for Protector Of The Jungle.

Item note for Build Path 7: Can opt to sell Eye Of The Jungle late for Ring of Hecate or an alternative instead of upgrading it to Seer Of The Jungle.


Freya Note: Can optionally consider Chalice of Mana at some point if the build path you're going lacks mana sustain (starter lacking it or not going Rod of Tahuti / Pendulum of Ages late).



Build Path (Shroud)

Start - Talon Trinket, 1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion (Bancroft's Rush) or Vampiric Shroud, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Variant) or Vampiric Shroud, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Magus Variant).

Build (Bancroft's Rush) - Bancroft's Talon > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Mantle of Discord > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Charon's Coin / Spear of the Magus for Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Divine Ruin.

Build (Pythag's Variant) - Pythagorem's Piece > Typhon's Fang > Spear of the Magus > Rod of Tahuti > Mantle of Discord > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti for Obsidian Shard / Charon's Coin / Spear of the Magus.

Build (Magus Variant) - Spear of the Magus > Typhon's Fang > Obsidian Shard > Rod of Tahuti > Mantle of Discord > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin.

He Bo:


Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Soul Gem > Pendulum of Ages.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush)

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build Path 4 (Bumba's):

Start - Restored Artifact, 1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Bumba's Hammer.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Obsidian Shard / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Chronos' Pendant / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Mantle of Discord / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Coin Rush / Breastplate) - Charon's Coin > Breastplate of Valor > Spear of Desolation > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Chronos' Pendant / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Mantle of Discord / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush / Breastplate) - Spear of Desolation > Breastplate of Valor > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation / Mantle of Discord / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Coin/Doom Orb Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Deso Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Mantle of Discord / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Coin Rush / Lotus) - Charon's Coin > Lotus Crown > Spear of Desolation > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Lotus Crown for Mantle of Discord / Spirit Robe / Winged Blade, Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Mantle of Discord / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush / Lotus) - Spear of Desolation > Lotus Crown > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Lotus Crown for Mantle of Discord / Spirit Robe / Winged Blade, Charon's Coin for Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Doom Orb Rush) - Doom Orb > Mantle of Discord > Soul Reaver > Obsidian Shard > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Mantle of Discord for Lotus Crown / Spirit Robe / Winged Blade, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.


Hel Note : Use Breastplate builds only against heavy physical damage enemy teams. Lotus builds can also be used for the same purpose though the option to swap Lotus for a different defense item (e.g. needing Mantle for mixed damage type heavy dive) also exists.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Coin Rush / Breastplate) - Charon's Coin > Breastplate of Valor > Spear of the Magus > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush / Breastplate) - Spear of the Magus > Breastplate of Valor > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Spear of the Magus > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Soul Gem, Soul Reaver / Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.


Hera Note 1: Use Breastplate builds only against heavy physical damage enemy teams.

Hera Note 2: Argus, the Defender does not proc Soul Reaver or other on-hit item effects.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Chronos' Rush)

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Soul Reaver / Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Spellbook, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Book Rush) - Book of Thoth > Spear of Desolation > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Archmage's Gem.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Polynomicon / Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Polynomicon / Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Chronos' Pendant / Obsidian Shard, Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Spellbook, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Book Rush) - Book of Thoth > Spear of Desolation > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Polynomicon / Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Polynomicon / Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Spellbook, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Book Rush) - Book of Thoth > Polynomicon > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Polynomicon for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Polynomicon / Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Chronos' Pendant.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Soul Gem > Pendulum of Ages.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Morgan Le Fay:


Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Soul Gem > Pendulum of Ages.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Spear of the Magus > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Spear of the Magus > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Soul Gem, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus for Divine Ruin / Soul Gem, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Nu Wa:


Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Archmage's Gem.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Archmage's Gem.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti / Soul Reaver for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Arrow)

Start - Gilded Arrow, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions.

Build (Hecate Rush) - Ring of Hecate > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Diamond Arrow.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti / Diamond Arrow for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus / Pythagorem's Piece.

Build Path 2 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions.

Build (Hecate Rush) - Ring of Hecate > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Pythagorem's Piece.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti / Pythagorem's Piece for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus.

Build Path 3 (Death's Toll):

Start - Death's Toll, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions.

Build (Hecate Rush) - Ring of Hecate > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Death's Embrace.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus, Death's Embrace for Death's Temper.

Build Path 4 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Emerald Ring, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build (Hecate Rush) - Ring of Hecate > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus.

Build Path 5 (Eye):

Start - Eye Of The Jungle, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Hecate Rush) - Rod of Tahuti > Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Protector Of The Jungle.

Item alternatives: Protector Of The Jungle for Seer Of The Jungle.

Item note for Build Path 5: Can opt to sell Eye Of The Jungle late for Ring of Hecate or Hastened Ring or an alternative instead of upgrading it to Protector Of The Jungle.

Build Path 6 (Manikin's):

Start - Manikin Scepter, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Tahuti Rush) - Rod of Tahuti > Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Manikin Mace.

Item alternatives: Manikin Mace for Manikin Hidden Blade.

Item note for Build Path 6:: Can opt to sell Manikin Scepter late for Ring of Hecate or Hastened Ring or an alternative instead of upgrading it to Manikin Mace.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build Path 4 (Bumba's):

Start - Restored Artifact, 1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Bumba's Hammer.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Obsidian Shard / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem.


Poseidon Note: Although not mentioned here in a build path, some attack speed items like Demonic Grip, Toxic Blade and Ring of Hecate have some viability on Poseidon.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Archmage's Gem.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Polynomicon / Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Polynomicon / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Archmage's Gem.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Polynomicon / Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant, Rod of Tahuti for Polynomicon / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard. Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Archmage's Gem.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Polynomicon / Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Polynomicon / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Polynomicon / Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Polynomicon / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Polynomicon, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Polynomicon.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Arrow)

Start - Gilded Arrow, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Gilded Arrow, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Magus Rush) OR Gilded Arrow, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Diamond Arrow.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang.

Build (Magus Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Diamond Arrow.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang, Charon's Coin for Demonic Grip / Obsidian Shard.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Diamond Arrow.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus.

Build Path 2 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Magus Rush).

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Charon's Coin / Obsidian Shard / Spear of the Magus.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang.

Build (Magus Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang, Charon's Coin for Demonic Grip / Obsidian Shard.

Build Path 3 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Magus Rush) OR Sands of Time, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Mana Potions (Pythag's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Magus Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang, Charon's Coin for Demonic Grip, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Telkhines Ring > Soul Reaver > Pendulum of Ages.

Build Path 4 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Vampiric Shroud, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion and 2 Mana Potions (Magus Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang.

Build (Magus Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Typhon's Fang > Charon's Coin > Telkhines Ring > Rod of Tahuti > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang.

Build Path 5 (Death's Toll):

Start - Death's Toll, Tiny Trinket, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions.

Build (Pythag's Rush) - Pythagorem's Piece > Telkhines Ring > Demonic Grip > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Death's Embrace.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti for Toxic Blade / Divine Ruin / Obsidian Shard / Charon's Coin / Spear of the Magus, Death's Embrace for Death's Temper.

Build Path 6 (Eye):

Start - Eye Of The Jungle, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Protector Of The Jungle.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang, Protector Of The Jungle for Seer Of The Jungle.

Item note for Build Path 6: Can opt to sell Eye Of The Jungle late for Ring of Hecate or Hastened Ring or an alternative instead of upgrading it to Protector Of The Jungle.

Build Path 7 (Manikin's):

Start - Manikin Scepter, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Telkhines Ring > Typhon's Fang > Rod of Tahuti > Manikin Hidden Blade.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang AND Rod of Tahuti for Divine Ruin AND Spear of the Magus AND Typhon's Fang, Manikin Hidden Blade for Manikin Mace.

Item note for Build Path 7: Can opt to sell Manikin Scepter late for an alternative upgrading it to Manikin Hidden Blade.

The Morrigan:

Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Deso Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Polynomicon > Rod of Tahuti > Soul Reaver > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti / Soul Reaver for Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Chronos' Pendant, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Deso Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Polynomicon > Rod of Tahuti > Soul Reaver > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti / Soul Reaver for Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potion (Deso Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Polynomicon > Rod of Tahuti > Soul Reaver > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti / Soul Reaver for Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Deso Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Polynomicon > Charon's Coin > Rod of Tahuti > Soul Reaver > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Rod of Tahuti / Soul Reaver for Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem.

Build Path 3 (Manikin's):

Start - Manikin Scepter, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Polynomicon > Rod of Tahuti > Soul Reaver > Manikin Hidden Blade.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti / Soul Reaver for Spear of the Magus / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem.

Build Path 4 (Bumba's):

Start - Restored Artifact, 1 Healing Potion, 1 Mana Potion.

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Polynomicon > Rod of Tahuti > Soul Reaver > Bumba's Hammer.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation for Divine Ruin, Rod of Tahuti / Soul Reaver for Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Spear of Desolation.


The Morrigan Note: Instead of 20% percentage pen (Charon's/Shard), you can consider a high power or flat pen item instead to increase the likelihood of one shotting a squishy.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Chronos' Rush).

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Obsidian Shard > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Obsidian Shard for Charon's Coin, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin/Chronos' Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Chronos' Rush) - Chronos' Pendant > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.



Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of Desolation > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of Desolation > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of Desolation / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant / Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti for Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Charon's Coin for Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Chronos' Pendant, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Vampiric Shroud, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Chronos' Pendant, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Chronos' Pendant / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti / Chronos' Pendant.

Zhong Kui:


Build Path 1 (Conduit):

Start - Conduit Gem, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Conduit Gem, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Gem of Focus.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Charon's Coin for Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Gem of Focus for Archmage's Gem.

Build Path 2 (Sands):

Start - Sands of Time, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions, 2 Multi Potions (Coin Rush) OR Sands of Time, Magic Focus, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Flat Pen Rush) OR Sands of Time, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Flat Pen Rush) - Spear of the Magus > Charon's Coin > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Typhon's Fang / Ethereal Staff / Spear of Desolation / Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Rod of Tahuti > Pendulum of Ages.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti for Soul Gem / Ethereal Staff / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard, Pendulum of Ages for The Alternate Timeline.

Build Path 3 (Shroud):

Start - Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions / Mana Potions (Coin Rush) OR Vampiric Shroud, Uncommon Staff, 1 Healing Potion, 2 Mana Potions (Warlock's Rush).

Build (Coin Rush) - Charon's Coin > Spear of the Magus > Soul Gem > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Spear of the Magus / Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

Build (Warlock's Rush) - Warlock's Staff > Soul Gem > Charon's Coin > Soul Reaver > Typhon's Fang > Sacrificial Shroud.

Item alternatives: Soul Gem for Divine Ruin, Typhon's Fang / Sacrificial Shroud for Blood-Soaked Shroud / Ethereal Staff / Soul Gem / Spear of the Magus / Spear of Desolation / Obsidian Shard / Rod of Tahuti.

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michalos9000 (3) | September 26, 2021 4:23am
I think you must change Archmage's Gem for Gem of Focus if you going to CDR build.
Kriega1 (143) | September 26, 2021 5:40am
Most of the Conduit Gem builds do have Focus over Archmage's.
Caimael | July 8, 2021 7:06am
Hi Kriega,

Great work as always! Is it ever viable to buy Gem of Isolation on gods like Ah Puch and Zhong Kui who have huge area abilities and are also relatively immobile and squishy?

Kriega1 (143) | July 8, 2021 7:09am
I'd generally avoid that item in Conquest, it's slow utility is not as strong as it used to be, plus it's better to have a straight up defense item on someone like Puch if you want survivability (though Puch is a pretty bad god in Conquest), or a pure damage item instead (Also Zhong had his scalings buffed semi-recently).

Not completely useless but not really good or meta to build Gem of Iso in Conquest. Also it's hard to fit in without gimping your damage a lot outside of *maybe* as a boots replacement in builds. And at times, if you want a similar item stat wise you can get Ethereal Staff instead.
Kriega1 (143) | April 6, 2021 2:29pm
Page loading issue should be fixed.
Nurse disko | April 3, 2021 6:16am
Hi Kriega1 can’t see any gods past Janus unless it’s just me. Thnx for the update
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 3, 2021 11:55am
Hi Nurse, it may just be a caching issue. If you're on PC, please try pressing SHIFT-F5 on the page and seeing if that fixes it. If you're on mobile, see if you can go into the settings and clearing cache. Let me know if those don't work.
CombatSquid | April 4, 2021 7:25am
Not the same guy, but I also have the same exact issue on desktop and Shift+F5 didn't resolve anything. :/
E: typo
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Kriega1 (143) | April 3, 2021 6:31am
Yeah I found about it yesterday, will be trying to fix it soon when I can find out what's causing the issue, cause it happens for me too if I log out from SF and view the page.
GetNoSkopedd | March 27, 2021 1:37pm
This is really helpful, I'm just now getting back into Smite. Someone told me Soul Reaver was bad now, why do you still build it?
Kriega1 (143) | March 27, 2021 1:59pm
It's less prioritised because it lost the percentage pen, however it did receive a price decrease and did have the upper scaling end of it's passive increased, making it still effective lategame against high health / tanky targets. But it's best utilised on gods that can spam the passive, it's less instant burst (in 1 proc) than something like a Sundering Axe or Ethereal Staff proc would give, it's better for consistent tank burst to both tanks (Magus for instance is single target focused and has a cooldown, which isn't bad, but the passive may not always be procced at an ideal time), especially Ethereal having a longer cooldown than Sundering Axe (Also Ethereal best utilised on long range gods that can keep procs ongoing over, Reaver and Sundering better if you get less chances to poke over a longer period, though Sundering is kinda just strong in general, also Reaver is nice if you have several damaging abilities / one's that can proc item effects). But yeah, due to the loss of pen, and the passive being best at the max HP threshold requirement you'd usually get it later than before if you are building it.

Compared to the S7 version of this guide though (which had Reaver as core for 95% of builds), I do have Reaver as an item that can be swapped out for something else.
Beaxner | January 16, 2021 8:44am
Love the help
Big Damage (37) | December 1, 2020 9:16am
Now that Rod of Asclepius has changed to increase lifesteal healing, do you think it could be a solid pickup not only on Olorun, but also Chronos, Freya and Sol?
Kriega1 (143) | December 1, 2020 10:20am
Well mage adcs aren't really good atm, but Olo i'd likely say yes, Sol could, I would be more hesistant on Chronos/Freya but they can. Would mainly consider though if my team had fire giant buff. And I mean this as a 6th/7th item.
Devampi (105) | December 2, 2020 1:34am
And I assume this is only when you have a solo that won't consider picking up cad as it's still the superior item
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Caimael | September 26, 2020 12:39pm
Great guide! Are the builds for each god in a specific order - so the 'best' build at the top - or is there no order?
Kriega1 (143) | September 26, 2020 12:42pm
Some of them yeah, I don't think every build covered was in optimal viability order but I could tweak that. Also some of it comes down to a case by case basis as well as personal preference / playstyle to an extent.
Caimael | September 26, 2020 3:57pm
Yeah, I think having the builds in order of viability (or popularity in the meta) would be a great addition! But, like I said, this guide and your Hunter builds guide are incredibly useful as is, so many thanks for putting in the time.
Kriega1 (143) | September 19, 2020 2:40pm
Big Damage (37) | September 8, 2020 1:05pm
What do you think of Incon's Janus build? (48.00 full build)
Kriega1 (143) | September 8, 2020 2:13pm
I would have got Soul Reaver over Doom Orb but the rest is fine.
Big Damage (37) | September 8, 2020 9:44pm
Seeing as his core build was Chronos' and Doom, can that full build be viable? Or would you swap out maybe Tahuti for Reaver.
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Big Damage (37) | May 8, 2020 4:37pm
Do you consider the waiting in spawn for Shoes of the Magi worth it?

Also I was wondering in what cases would you go alter from the Chronos' Rush for either Doom Rush, Double pen rush or BoT rush? Or is it just preference?
Kriega1 (143) | May 8, 2020 4:45pm
Big Damage wrote:
Do you consider the waiting in spawn for Shoes of the Magi worth it?

Im not a personal fan of it, but the main point of it is for the early power spike, and you still hit level 2 from first wave as long as you reach outside speed wall quickly before the camp is killed using the speed boost. And it's kinda totem reliant for early levels 1 to 5 mana sustain.

Big Damage wrote:

Also I was wondering in what cases would you go alter from the Chronos' Rush for either Doom Rush, Double pen rush or BoT rush? Or is it just preference?

Flat Pen rush is the general build used right now, Chronos' Rush is pretty good for certain gods and for farming, BoT rush isn't very good except on certain gods (e.g. Kukulkan) or if you're running the Thoth + Breastplate build and don't value the movement speed from Doom Orb on that god, though Thoth early is a meh power curve until it's stacked and you have 1 or 2 mana items online like Reaver or Poly.
Big Damage (37) | May 9, 2020 12:32am
Okay that makes sense thanks
Hadeyan (2) | April 10, 2020 3:38pm
Great quick and accurate summary for all magical mids & adcs. Thx for this rich content.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kriega1
Mage Mid/ADC Conquest builds Patch (8.10)
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