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Guardian blessing for losing lanes, mages blessing for safer lanes. Remember not to last hit the minions with guardians blessing. Warriors blessing isn't bad either, you can use it if you want. Works into most matchups. Susano loses level 1 really hard and blue buff gives you enough mana sustain if you play smart.
The last item is usually a filler, I like more pen but you can take whatever. Sometimes I get void shield. The tanky build is pretty optimal since heartseeker can help output a lot of damage against tanks.
Tap each threat level to view Susano’s threats
Susano is a very mobile assassin that feels like a combination of Riven and Yasuo from League of Legends. In the right hands, he can tear apart tanks, burst squishies, and chase you to the end of the earth.
Also be sure to check out my YouTube channel for more Susano related content []
Also check out the susanomains discord server for additional help! The link can be found on the r/susanomains subreddit page.
1. Susano cannot teleport to his Jet Stream after popping beads when silenced or crippled.
2. Casting the 3rd cast of Storm Kata as it goes on cooldown will stop it midway instead of carrying out the entire dash.
3. When teleporting to a marked target that has been knocked up, Susano will be knocked into the air as well, slowing your combo. However, this allows for some creative escape methods.
4. The timer for Jet Stream is inaccurate. When trying to recast for a teleport when only 20% or less of the indicator is left, you are unable to recast.
Start mages if you're confident and level your 3. Take advantage of the cooldown reset when teleporting to it. You can use it about twice on the first wave. Clear the melee minions and let your opponent push up. Stand between where your next wave crashes with the enemy archers you left and near blue buff. That way you get clear exp for blue and for the archers. Back for boots first item.
Start lane and try to damage all the minions. Guardian's blessing is really good for lane sustain. Don't be afraid to let minions die to tower. Help jungle get blue after the first wave and then just farm. Play smart. Try to hit lvl 5 first, or try to get a cheese kill through level advantage pre 5.
I usually start blue buff with my jungler, go to the harpies, and then grab my blue buff. You can start double health potions since blue buff gives enough mana for your early levels. Warriors blessing against targets with a lot of sustain or unsafe matchups and mage's blessing for more damage early, even though your clear is pretty miserable. Start with Jet Stream as your first ability to clear camps faster, and then upgrade
Storm Kata. You can also reverse this order for better wave clearing, my preferred leveling order. Try not to lose too much hp before you hit lvl 3. Once you do hit lvl 3, pull your enemy laner and his archer minions, then cast
Storm Kata and dash away. Progress as usual from there on. Welcome to Season 5
In the jungle, you want to focus on your first 2 items the most. As a jungler, it is much harder to get stacks on items like Transcendence. This is also the reason why a lot of mage jungles won't opt for items like
Book of Thoth. In the jungle, you should start with
Assassin's Blessing and either
Mace or
Morningstar depending on whether you want
The Crusher or
Hydra's Lament as your first item. You can also start with
Boots but the extra potions you can carry feels more like a burden than a benefit. If you are extremely far ahead, getting
Transcendence can be an option.
I'm no expert on jungle, but I have a bit of experience on Susano and his camp clear. For early clearing, use 2 autos and then cast Jet Stream on the buff monster. Auto twice again, and cancel your third attack by reactivating
Jet Stream. This will reduce the cooldown of
Jet Stream and increase your clear time since the third auto attack takes x1.5 the normal cast time.
Skill Order
Always start with a point in Jet Stream at level 1. If you want to set up for an early gank on a god with a weak early game and no escapes, you can put a point in
Wind Siphon second. However, usually you will level up
Storm Kata second and max it out first.
Lanes to Gank and Focus On
Gank lanes with squishy targets that lack excapes. Usually this means you can pop into mid or duo lane for an easy pick on the mage or adc. Susano can have a very strong level 2 and 3 depending on your skill order, so try for an early gank if your lanes are winning or if the enemy is overextending.
Items are pretty simple on Susano. No you don't need to max out on CDR. You should almost always start Mage's Blessing into a Crusher or Transcendence for early damange and mana, unless it's a gamemode like arena where you can return to the fountain relatively quickly. In those alternate gamemodes, you can just pick up Attacker's Blessing instead.
Core items are Warrior Tabi, Hydra's Lament, Crusher, Transcendence and Jotunn's Wrath. If you're ahead, go with a more damaging build whereas if you're behind, go tankier. A little attack speed in your build is fine, but you don't need that much of it. Disclaimer, you don't have to build all of these core items. Season 5 changes to trans made it crazy strong, but clogs up your build path.
Warrior Tabi - The go to shoes for almost every assassin.
Transcendence - The new meta item on Susano. Try to finish this item as fast as possible for maximum efficiency.
Hydra's Lament - Very important item to increase your dps. The mana regen also helps a lot early-mid game in many gamemodes.
Heartseeker - With Heartseeker becoming a physical version of Soul Reaver, it has become way too strong. However it's still an expensive item so pick it up as a later luxury item if you can afford it. Otherwise it slows down your build too much.
Jotunn's Wrath - CDR, early pen, and power. Extremely solid item and helps with mana issues.
The Crusher - Season 5 changed this item into a better bluestone. The base stats are still amazing and the passive is really easy to proc with Kata 2 and your ult.
Brawler's Beat Stick - Antiheal, pen, power. Build against Hercules, healers, etc.
Titan's Bane - Only build it if the enemy team has too much defense. Getting flat pen items and skipping titan's bane can actually be stronger in some situations. Season 5's changes to Titans and
Obsidian Shard make them a bit more situational. Only build if there are 2 or more hyper tanks.
Bloodforge - Luxury item. Get 5th or last. The heal can surprise a lot of people and the shield + mvmnt speed you can get is fun.
Soul Eater - The new alternative item for lifesteal. It gives slightly less power than bloodforge. If building trans, bloodforge gives 75 power wheras soul eater gives 68.
Void Shield - Pen aura and defense. Solid choice but has fallen out of the meta.
Shifter's Shield - Solid mixed defense item when hp is low and the power it gives is quite nice.
Gladiator's Shield - The CDR is good and the passive is very easy to proc with Storm Kata. Build as an early item. The nerfs starting Season 7 will hurt quite a bit but it will remain a viable lane item and falls off in teamfights and when antiheal is purchased.
Hide of the Urchin
Spirit Robe
Mantle of Discord Magi's Blessing - Mixed defense and CDR from some of them. Good against heavy CC teams depending on which robe.
Frostbound Hammer - Better in a tanky build. The slow isn't too necessary in a burst build as the enemy will probably be dead and because Susano can just burst down squishy targets.
Masamune - Allows for safer team dives.
Stone Cutting Sword - Weaving autos in between abilities allows Susano to easily get this passive off.
Ancile - Amazing item that allows diving on mages easy. This item is heavily underused and should be recognized as a very strong pick.
Pridwen - Absolutely amazing tanky item to take. Works really well with the dive playstyle and has great synergy with the ultimate.
Arondight - Works alright on jungle Susano but isn't necessary. A bit pricy but it's a possible option if you're ahead.
Other items are more situational but can work.
Your primary relics on Susano will be Purification Beads and
Blink Rune.
Aegis Amulet isn't that great because you can usually opt for popping beads and running away. Aegis can be used on bruiser Susano for stalling cooldowns.
Solo Lane
I usually start beads for safety reasons. Blink is hard to use as a laner, and most solo laners will opt for Teleport Glyph. That is also an option you can go for, as Teleport Glyph gives you plenty of map presence on top of your amazing mobility. You can play as a split pusher, forcing the enemy team to send 1 or 2 players to deal with you. Susano can 1v1 most people and with your solo farm you should be able to fight off 2 players. This gives your team a great numbers advantage in teamfights. If things swing the wrong way, you can always try and help clean up the fights.
Most junglers start Blink Rune first for aggressive early plays. If you do start blink, you can also grab
Wind Siphon second and attempt a level 2 cheese kill on the enemy mid laner. Make sure you communicate this with your mid ahead of time, as good communication between a mid and jungler is very important.
Quick Summary
Swift as the Summer Storm: Hit god, get stacks. Next ability removes stacks, doing damage.
Storm Kata gives 1 stack per hit, but
Jet Stream only gives 1 stack despite ticking multiple times. There are some visual bugs with the passive still.
Storm Kata 1st cast is cone. Second cast is circle. Third cast is dash. Cooldown starts AFTER third cast. Weave autos between. Save dash. Triple AA reset.
Wind Siphon Cone shaped damaging ability. Only the middle portion pulls. AA reset and guaranteed AA after.
Jet Stream Teleport. If recast while on enemy, cooldown reduced to 8 seconds.
Typhoon Typhoon pulls slightly. Pull strength got nerfed quite a bit. After one second, tornado can knock up.
More Ability Details
Passive: Storm Kata grants 3 stacks, Wind Siphon grants 1 stack, Jet Stream grants 1 stack, Typhoon grants 1 stack.
1.Triple AA reset. 4 potential AA. If all in combo, dash through enemy and 180 AA.
2. Can AA before casting but not reliable. Guaranteed AA after cast, be sure to AA as it procs hydras. Be sure to pull at max range. Damage and pull hits through walls but you can't pull players through walls.
3. 3 potential AA. Guaranteed at least 1 AA reset. Casting after 2 is very good. SAVE FOR CHASING. Do not always immediately recast. Building CDR does not effect the 8 second cooldown from recast.
4. Relatively basic ability. Nothing super special. Full charge is not necessary. You cannot change the direction after death. Can be used to peel for teammates.
Focus on taking out lone stragglers. Susano will win almost every 1v1 against squishy targets. Don't overcommit by using your ult to burst them. Saving the ult for peel or teamfights is much more worth.
My combos video can be found here [] Typhoon has been buffed as of 5.24 which reduces the likelihood of it being canceled. Combos can be slightly faster with this addition.
There is more than one way of auto attack canceling in Storm Kata for Susano. I have 2 ways I like to do it. The first way takes advantage of server lag so it doesn't work in jungle practice where your ping should be 0. The second method is harder to learn but much more reliable.
What is an auto attack cancel?
Well, every ability and basic/auto attack has 3 parts to the animation. The pre-fire animation, the impact animation, and the post-fire animation. Some abilities can interrupt the post-fire animation, slightly reducing the amount of time it takes to get your damage out. It may not seem like a lot, but that one extra basic attack can be game changing. This holds true for Susano as people believe he is an Ability based assassin when in fact his main damage is his powerful Basic Attacks. By weaving in basic attacks between your abilities you can double, sometimes even triple, your damage output.
Server Lag Method
Storm Kata must be on normal cast. After clicking for each cast of Storm Kata, continue holding down your left mouse button. That same click that you used to activate one of the Storm Kata casts will continue and let you basic attack. Before that basic attack finishes, but after the damage appears, click and hold again for the second cast, and repeat for the third. Practice this against bots as again, this does NOT work in jungle practice. I'm not completely sure as to how or why this works but it works so I do it. I think it is because the mouse hold gets immediately input as a command, sliding right in between the first and second cast. This is possibly due to the slight "cooldown" between each cast of Storm Kata. You cannot instantly cast SK1 and SK2 in quick succession.
Problems: Sometimes, that basic attack just won't register, slowing down your combo. Fear not, as canceling the targeter with right click and immediately following up with the rest of your relentless assault will make up for some lost time.
Alternating Mouse Method
After the first cast of Storm Kata, you can keep holding your left mouse button down and use right mouse button to cancel the targeter for the second cast. After making the targeter disappear, immediately click for the auto attack and follow up with another click for the second cast, and repeat.
Jet Stream Auto Cancels
After Jet Stream connects with an enemy, if you are within melee range, tap 3 as soon as your basic attack connects. You can also fit in an auto attack before and after Jet Stream but those are self explanatory.
Jesus Christ this took a long time to make.
I'll rate threat level from 1 to 5, 1 being low threat and 5 being high threat.\
1/5 - Safe 1v1 easy to kill. Low threat
2/5 - Relatively low threat. They can't usually kill you unless you play stupid.
3/5 - Medium threat. Usually comes down to mechanical skill.
4/5 - Relatively high threat. Don't fight this target by yourself unless they are extremely low. Caution
5/5 - Massive threat. Avoid unless you need to fight them. Never fight alone.
A lot of Achilles players opt for a more assassin style build. Avoid getting stunned or run circles around him while close up. This makes it difficult for the Achilles player to land his 1 and 4.
Agni is a medium range mage. Avoid the stun as that's his only CC. Use Jet Stream to follow his dash and don't immediately pop the teleport. If his dash is down, you can burst Agni easily.
Ah Muzen Cab
AMC's slow and cripple can a huge nuisance. Wait for him to pop everything before comboing him as he has no mobility. You can also try to initiate the fight onto him with your ult since he can't do anything when knocked up.
Ah Puch
Despite being a low mobility mage, Ah Puch's slow, low cooldowns, and decent tankiness can be a pain to deal with. Never engage on a full health Ah Puch as they usually get a defense item or a few HP items making him hard to kill. His Corpse Explosion isn't too scary but
Undead Surge is a big threat. Try to dodge it.
Her damage is on the lower side of things, but the silence and big CC ultimate can be annoying to deal with. Ama shines in teamfights, not 1v1 trades. Try to single her out and burst her. Even if she does silence you, that means she wasted her only escape. If she ults, dash through her with the third cast of Storm Kata.
Don't stand under him,,avoid the pillar. Mark Anhur with your Jet Stream. If he jumps away, follow him. If he stays to fight, combo him until he jumps, then chase. If he goes over a wall and the teleport is down, you can cast your ult and finish him off. Be careful as if he does jump and you teleport, Anhur's team could be waiting for you or he could stun you into the wall you just teleported in front of.
Immobile target and usually stationary. If goobis ults, just run circles around him. Try not to get slowed or stunned and it's a win. Get caught and get bursted.
Ao Kuang
Usually ends up in a stalemate. Ao has no hard CC in his basic kit but he can easily escape with his Water Illusion. Run circles in melee range to dodge his
Wild Storm.
Easy easy kill. Relatively low damage. Build brawlers, try not to get stunned, and don't waste abilities when she ults. It's usually safe to pull Aphro after she ults. Aphro usually isn't alone though, in which the threat level goes up to 3/5.
Has a mez that gives protections, has strong boxing potential, and has a very solid escape that knocks up. Either you win the fight, or he gets away. Nothing much to lose.
Arachne is surprisingly hard to deal with. Her slow makes it easy for her to chase you, and she is strongest within melee range and her heal is pretty massive. Her ult can also follow you very easily and it can be used to avoid your ult. Try to avoid fighting Arachne. Use the escape combo if she engages on you. A good Arachne player will tear you to shreds.
Ares can kill you if you don't build any defense and the cripple is very annoying. The escape combo doesn't work either as you are crippled and Ares is immune to knockups when using Searing Flesh and knockups are your only CC. If he lands a chain, you're dead. Just get beads and run.
If you walk into traps (like me) you're gonna die. If Artemis ults, just try to disengage or charge your ultimate. By the time her CC immunity wears off, she'll get knocked up. Other than that, it's a pretty fair matchup. A good Artemis may trap where your Jet Stream ends so be cautious when teleporting.
Artio is the biggest pain to fight, along with Ares. Her cripple is really annoying, her damage is scary, and she has a lot of healing and cc. Just don't fight her at all. Don't be afraid to use your ultimate to peel for yourself or teammates when being chased.
Athena usually won't have enough DPS to kill you. She is very tanky and block stacks can be annoying. If she has teammates supporting her, her threat level goes up to 4/5. Getting caught by the taunt will kill you very quickly. If she is low, you can easily chase with Jet Stream.
Just don't get knocked up. She is mobile but you can good chase potential.
Very high damage, very tanky, and lots of CC. Bacchus is a living nightmare to deal with. His knockup can cut your dash short and you have to waste a lot of abilities to get away from a good Bacchus. Try not to fight him.
Wait out his Butcher Blades. You can also pull him to waste the
Butcher Blades buff timer. Use your ultimate or
Storm Kata to clear out the minions from his ultimate.
Wind Siphon also reduces the amount of auto attacks Baka can get out, greatly reducing his DPS.
Baron Samedi
Baron has long cooldowns on his key abilities. Avoid getting hit by autos because they stack up hysteria. Don't start a fight if you have high stacks of hysteria. If Baron ults, try to get away from your team.
Her cats can't be easily killed without your ultimate. Bastet is also pretty slippery. Don't be stupid and time your teleport well. Bastet without her jump dies pretty easily but she's still annoying to deal with.
She's tanky but you can cancel her bludgeon. The disarm is annoying but it's bearable. You probably won't be focusing on Bellona to kill anyways
You can cancel Tremors with
Wind Siphon. Cabrakan's wall can stop your escape so but most of your abilities hit through it. Don't try to 100-0 Cabrakan, it doesn't work.
Low mobility compared to Susano. Brawlers counters his healing, and other than that it's a pretty easy kill.
Don't get stunned, but it's pretty hard to get stunned within melee range. The biggest threat is his ult, but even that isn't a huge issue. Wait out the protection shred debuff.
Don't get ulted. Don't get rooted. His autos chunk, but relatively easy matchup.
Chaac's slow is very annoying to deal with. His ult having both a silence and a knock up is a pain. Chaac is also pretty mobile, especially when building Shield of Regrowth.
Chang'e can dodge a lot of damage and avoid your CC. If you think she is going to ult, dashing through her can help you dodge it.
Very easy matchup. His escape can be canceled by Wind Siphon and when ulting he is very vulnerable. Don't play stupid and Chiron is a very easy kill to secure.
Bait out his Stop Time. Being within melee range makes it very easy to hit his stun. Other than that, Chronos has no CC or mobility so it's pretty easy.
Cu Chulainn
He's tanky and has a lot CC, but he can't chase you down. Try to avoid fighting him or trying to assassinate him.
If heart bomb lands, immediately disengage. His ultimate is a massive pain to deal with so get Sprint or Purification Beads to escape it.
Da Ji
Her burst and mobility is surprisingly annoying. Da Ji wants to fight up close. Very much a skill match up.
Easy kill. Don't get hit by Strife and she's an easy kill. Her ultimate is easy to dodge but not in close range. If the apple lands on you and Discordia is low, just keep attacking her or pull her closer.
Erlang Shen
Knockup, healing, taunt, etc. Erlang is a pain to fight. You can cancel his escape with Wind Siphon. Don't 1v1 Erlang when
Spot Weakness is active.
Fafnir is surprisingly tanky and does a good chunk of damage. His CC is also pretty annoying so try not to get hit.
A good Adaptin.. I mean Fenrir will ruin your day. High base damage, decent lifesteal, and defensive items makes him extremely difficult to kill. Fenrir has to be one Susano's hardest counters if we don't count gods with cripples and hard slows.
Freya has the potential to kill you before you even get to her. If you teleport to her using Jet Stream, she can just "WHOOP" you into the air. Her ult can also allow her to lifesteal a bit and avoid tons of damage. Try to get her to waste a lot of her mana before you fight her.
Slows, silences, and CC galore. If Ganesha is silencing an ally, pulling him cancels it. Try not to get caught by Ganesha or else you'll get bursted by his team very quickly. Never dash out of Dharmic Pillars. The debuff from it is massive, and it's much safer to use
Jet Stream to get out.
Geb can't hurt you much but his teammates can slaughter you if the Geb is good. If Geb isn't CC immune yet, you can pull him out of Roll Out. If you think he's going to initiate with
Cataclysm, precast
Jet Stream as an escape route.
Guan Yu
Guan is too tanky to fight and you can't cancel his abilities. He can also chase you down very easily. Guan isn't meant for 1v1s and in a teamfight he is deadly.
Don't get stunned. Other than that and the range advantage, Hachiman is pretty easy to fight. Biggest problem is that he can ult away.
Hades isn't hard. He's a very close range mage and you have two options to escape his ult. Two cons in this match up are that Hades has a silence and is relatively tanky. Other than that, it's hard for him to kill you.
He Bo
He Bo can one shot you, but you can also burst him very quickly. Without the knock up, He Bo is very vulnerable. The carpet slow can be avoided with [Winged Blade] or just by teleporting onto him.
Heimadallr's ult and knock up give him a lot of survivability and set up but his 3rd ability The Bifrost can also put him into bad situations that can lead to easy set up from Susano. It's a who catches who first fight. Heimdallr's vision control also makes him a bit harder to gank. As of release, Heimdallr's numbers are very overtuned and with the knockup immunity on his 2, Susano can't actually cancel the ability which allows it to work as a great zoning tool
Brawlers. Done.
Getting through Argus is going to be your biggest problem. He has a pretty big hitbox and can take Jet Stream for Hera, and he's gonna be all up in your face. Hera also has her
Polymorph which will cut 2 seconds from your teleport window and storm kata combo at max rank.
Brawlers. Don't fight Herc 1v1 ever.
Horus is really tanky and has a lot of sustain. He's also got a good amount of mobility so catching a Horus might be a bit tricky, although most of the time he will engage with ult and stun. The stun can be annoying as if you get hit, his team will collapse and kill you.
Hou Yi
Try not to fight Hou Yi 1v1. His suns are great at zoning people and his knock up stun combo is deadly. If his ultimate is down, your best option is to get behind him and burst. Try to save Jet Stream as an escape when things go south.
Hun Batz
Hun Batz can completely destroy you when his ultimate interrupts your flow. Without it, hes pretty vulnerable but still quite mobile.
Easy matchup but her CC is very annoying. A good Isis can cancel her Wing Gust to stun or silence you so be cautious. Other than that, not a huge threat, just annoying.
Izzy can't do much besides silence and slow you for a bit, and both are easy to dodge. Follow Fade Away]} with [[Storm Kata and you'll be good.
If you get caught, you're dead. Chasing Janus is sometimes a bad idea as he has more mobility and can slow you. Janus is very squishy so catching him alone and on cooldown is an easy win.
Jing Wei
Don't get knocked up and follow Jing with Jet Stream. Her best escape option is her ultimate, but you can kill her during the channel duration.
All of Susano's CC is a form of displacement. Jorm is immune to displacement CC and has a lot of mobility.
Very much a skill match up. Kali will usually win the auto trade, but Susano has better mobility.
King Arthur
He's hard to lock down, being knock up immune in one of his spins. He also has a cripple. It's better to just avoid fighting a good Arthur because it'll be really hard to kill him anyways.
If Khepri grabs you, just keep auto attacking him. If he grabs a teammate, just pull him off of them. Khepri is probably the weakest guardian vs Susano.
Kuk puts up a decent fight. He's easy to chase, but his slow and tornado are very annoying. Initiating with Typhoon makes it very easy to kill him. Be careful when fighting in melee range, as Kuk's ult is much easier to land when up close.
Cancerous for everyone. ***bha can completely cancel Storm Kata if you stay asleep. Not as annoying as Ares or Artio but still a pain.
Kuzenbo can't do too much without Shell Spikes. Don't get caught by
Sumo Slam.
Watery Grave has a continuous knock up that can interrupt your combo.
Depends on who lands the CC first. Invisible Loki isn't a problem but his damage is. Get a Void Shield or something of the sort to deal with him.
Not a huge issue. Just remember to turn around when she ults and to dodge Viper Shot.
Same as Loki. If Merc grabs you and punches, you're gonna have a bad time. Other than that, remember your Jet Stream follows Merc through
Sonic Boom so you can chase him pretty easily.
Merlin can easily explode you and slows are annoying. He's also really squishy and it just depends on who's further ahead.
Ne Zha
Late game Ne Zha's sash ult combo will probably kill you. The banish can also interrupt your combo. Overall though, not a huge issue to deal with.
Are there any good Neith players? On a more serious note, most of Neith's abilities are very predictable. Don't get caught in a weave trap and you'll be fine.
Remove Nemesis's shield with Wind Siphon. If she starts chasing, don't run unless you're low. Susano can usually beat Nemesis in a 1v1.
Cancel Nike's Rend with
Storm Kata and she loses all of her damage. You still probably can't her due to her natural tankiness and safe escape.
Purification Beads Magi's Blessing
Nu Wa
Be careful when fighting Nu Wa when she summons her Clay Soldiers. If you try dashing through them, she will usually still land the stun. Going around them is the safest option. You can also dash through them but it's a bit riskier. She's a low mobility mage so waiting out the soldier life timers or killing them is the safest option.
Jet Stream to escape
Ring of Spears. Odin is tanky and mobile so you can't kill him. Don't get bird bombed. That's pretty much it.
Olorun is extremely squishy and easy to kill. However, if you are fighting an Olorun who has his ult up, predict when it will be cast and use Jet Stream to escape it. This slow shuts down Susano really hard. A fight can go either way, favoring Susano in most situations. Olorun's heal is a HoT and doesn't heal much. He also has no reliable escapes.
You can't kill him, he can't kill you. Break Tether ASAP.
Fighting Pele can be a pain since she she also wants to be up in your face. Susano uses a katana so his autos have a little more range than Pele, so use this to your advantage. If you time Jet Stream correctly, you can completely avoid her knock up.
Persephone is one of those hard to dive mages. She has mobility and can throw a bunch of stuff in your face. A good Persephone will probably be able to kill you even without her ult, which pretty much instantly shuts him down.
Poseidon has great peel with his Tidal Surge and can lock you down with
Purification Beads and Aegis are a must.
Winged Blade is also very strong.
Pull Ra out of his Solar Blessing. Other than that, Ra's slow moving abilities won't find their mark. Dash through and behind Ra when he ults for maximum tilt.
His mobility, CC, and massive burst damage is annoying but his cooldowns are relatively long. Try to surprise the Raijin player rather than fighting him head on.
Cripple arrow from Rolling Assault is annoying. If you do get crippled, back off and re initiate. When Rama goes up in the air, you can trap him with a pre planted
Rat vs Susano feels like a hunter boxing match. No tips, just land your abilities.
You can't kill him and he probably can't kill you but boy is he tanky. In a sustained fight, Ravana will usually be victorious. Try to avoid.
Scylla is extremely squishy. Easy to chase and easy to dodge. Just don't get hit by Sic 'Em and you'll be fine.
Serqet will usually be the one to try and fight you. Dodging even one of her abilities will swing the fight in your favor. She has more mobility so chasing Serqet isn't always the best idea.
Set is kinda weird right now so he's pretty easy to kill. He's too squishy but he has sustain and a good escape. Even with buffs, I don't think Set will be an issue for Susano.
Dead Kaldr = Dead Skadi. Fast AA cancels destroy Kaldr.
Naturally tanky. Don't fight Sobek when your minions are nearby as he has a pretty surprising amount of healing. Try not to get thrown into the enemy team as you can be damaged when in mid air. Sobek is too tanky to fight alone.
When Sol's Disapparate is about to end, charge up
Typhoon to guarantee a knock up. Don't stand in her abilities and use common sense. When you see Sol ready
Stellar Burst, immediately juke in the opposite direction you were traveling to dodge it completely.
Sun Wukong
Pull cancels Wukong's 72 Transformations. He doesn't do too much damage but is hard to fight due to being so tanky and his ult is a great getaway.
Mirror match is usually a skill match up.
Sylvanus with his team is very scary. His root isn't a cripple so just dash or teleport out of it before he grabs you.
Terra's insane gap closing potential and giant AoE slow is really hard to deal with. She is also immune to all of your CC whenever she has a standing stone up due to her passive Standing Stones.
Thana's silence is very short. His death scythe is also easy to dodge. Just run circles around him, similar to how you fight Ao Kuang.
The Morrigan
Dodging Morrigan's stun is really easy and she doesn't do that much damage after that. Easy win. DoT from Storm Kata also cancels her invisibility.
Thor usually builds pretty tanky making him hard to kill. When Thor goes up in the air, get Jet Stream ready. Cast it, but don't teleport. If Thor is going to land on you, recast to avoid it. If he lands on your cloud, pm him "get jebated" (don't actually). Don't try pulling Thor when he is spinning as he's knock up immune. Best time to pull Thor is when he throws his hammer because he can't teleport when knocked up.
Try to get close up on him. Thoth will try to run. Dodge the stun and Thoth will die. You can cancel his ult channel with Wind Siphon and
Tyr can't be pulled out of his dash. Stay clear of it and fight. Tyr without Assault Stance Fearless can't do anything to you but he is tanky.
Don't get hit by Thrown Axe. Best time to fight Ullr is when the axe is on cooldown or when he is in bow stance. Ullr then needs to switch stance while you kill him.
Vamana is stupid tanky as he gets bonus power from physical defense. Get Titan's bane and run away from his ultimate. DO NOT FIGHT VAMANA IN HIS ULTIMATE.
Surprisingly annoying to deal with. Be sure to dodge the meatball or else you won't be able to fight him.
He's got some mobility and his autos hurt but if you're on him, Xbal is probably gonna die. Don't play stupid and it's an easy kill.
Xing Tian
Xing is too tanky to fight alone. Just avoid his ultimate and try not to get hit by Hook Slam.
Yemoja has a lot of sustain, cc, and an annoying ult. In a 1v1 scenario she should lose to Susano but in a teamfight her abilities will be all over the place. Try to catch her with low omi to guarantee a kill.
Storm Kata and
Wind Siphon damage can go through Ymir's wall. If he freezes teammates, pull Ymir to prevent him from doing too much damage.
As long as Chain Lightning, Zeus will die. Get away from the shield when he throws
Aegis Assault to prevent getting slowed and detonated on.
Zhong Kui
Zhong is very tanky. Remember he is knock up immune when ulting.
I took a pretty big hiatus, Cerb patch was the last one I was updated to. I'll continue to try and keep this guide as up to date as possible.
I forgot to publish my updates oops :P
Updated to Patch 5.19, Hera's patch.
Updated to Patch 5.24, King Arthur's patch. Typhoon buffs
Updated to Patch 6.1, Jormungander's Patch.
Updated to Darkness Falls Patch, Terror of the Deep Scylla Patch. Laning strategy updated
Updated to Sand and Skies Update, Set and Horus Patch. Primary build set to conquest build and updated Set and Horus matchups.
Updated to Ruler of the Heavens Patch, Olorun Patch. Added Olorun matchup rating.
Updated to Queen of the Underworld Patch, Persephone Patch. Added Persephone matchup rating. Added Arthurian items.
Updated to Odyssey: Underworld, Underworld Arena and Baron T5 Patch. Added Heartseeker changes.
Updated to RWBY Update Notes, RWBY skins and the first Susano nerf in a while. Adjusted for Storm Kata and Typhoon scaling nerfs.
Updated to Heimdallr Patch, Heimdallr matchup rating added.
Updated to Season 7 Update Patch, nerfs to Jet Stream and Hydra's Lament.
Updated to Final Boss Patch 7.5, nerfs to runic shield, nerfs to blink, heartseeker, and transcendence from previous patches.
Updated to The Great Dreamer Patch 7.6, nerfs to adventurer's blade tree, nerf to traveler's shoes, changes to katana tree and warrior's blessing. Fenrir matchup correction.
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Titans bane should often be enough to deal with tanky teams. If you want defense, void staff is good too. Qins is not necessary. I don't usually have trouble dealing with tanks. Heartseeker rush is also really good, and if you can get the 3k pot you'll shred
Not long time ago I thought about making an in-depth guide, but well, you took my idea and man, you made it so crystal clear! Excellent job.
I've been playing Susano in solo recently, and they went extremely well (at least for me). Have you tried building more like a "proper" solo laner? For example, my go-to build usually is:
Ok, then, I would hugely recommend putting
About god matchups... I agree with most of them, but well, some here they come some suggestions:
2. I usually have easy times against
3. You can interrupt everything from
4. Against
And I think I have nothing else to add. I've written a lot... thanks in advance if you read this and I have a final question:
Don't you think
1. Jing isn't too big of an issue and I don't see her too often. Susano's damage is usually enough to kill her
2. Sol isn't the worst matchup but her knockup is annoying. AMC's stupid slow also makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes. All my ratings are a bit bias
3. Pulling Artio DOES stop her abilities but it also pulls her into range of her cripple. Crippled Susano is near useless so you usually have to think twice before pulling her.
4. Nem is rated because of personal reasons. I love playing Nemesis but despise going against her since the standard build is bruiser and she still hits crazy hard. Oh and slows. Winged Blade isnt always up :(
5. Susano isn't the best at fighting adcs late game but not the worst either. My personal style of using his Jet Stream combo is to dance circles around the enemy (similar to my IRL sparring style lol). Someone like Artemis can be a bit harder to fight against, but if you initiate with an ult the enemy is usually dead before they touch the ground.
either way decent guide
Having only played Susano once prior to reading this, I played a match after reading to try and apply what I read. I had relative success, with my biggest obstacle being getting familiar with him mechanically as a newer Susano player. The other challenge I had was awareness and keeping track of my ability usage, as there were times that I would have 3 abilities active at the same time in a combo attack. I could have my
My only critique for this guide for now is that, while it is a very direct guide, some newer players who are unfamiliar with Smite and certain terminologies might not be able to grasp all of the information due to lack of elaboration.
If you are considering on ever expanding this guide (I noticed at the end that this guide is a work in progress), I would be happy to offer ideas for discussion. I was thinking that you could perhaps consider including information about certain game modes (such as Conquest), and your insights on the finer details of a match that would be relative to Susano.
Overall, a solid first guide with potential to grow.
That said, I did check your guide and build a bit. Things look generally good, and from what I can tell you know what you're talking about. I'm not a
The one thing that might help readers is preventing your writeup just being a full grey wall of text. One quick BB coding trick is to just put double brackets around any / all item, god, and ability names. Just make sure you spell it exactly as it reads in the database.
Anyway, I think DV-8 provided some great feedback. Welcome to the site and hope you stick around!
1) You HAVE mastered every game mode: Enough to the point where you are competent enough to write overarching guides.
2) You have every god in the game to at least mastery I
3) You have good knowledge of skills (evident through the long, detailed comments you leave on various guides).
4) You have good knowledge of items-you wrote a guide on it.
5) Your ELO is higher than average. (more about making a guide, but still helpful) (specifically about coding) (this is the one that's in the drop down menu when you hover over the "god guides" button at the top of the site/page)
You know, the one thing I want to say is that you shouldn't feel required to make something fancy. That's great if you enjoy it and have the free time, but otherwise, just organization and just a slight amount of simple coding and color would be great for readability. Use the colors, sizing, and standard bold/italics/underline that is in the quick tools in the text space.