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No Step on Snek | In-Depth Medusa Guide (All Modes, S4)

19 1 163,186
by Shlappz updated August 3, 2017

Smite God: Medusa

Build Guide Discussion 30 More Guides
Choose a Build: [Conquest/Joust/Clash/Seige] General Carry Build
[Conquest/Joust/Clash/Seige] General Carry Build [Arena] Welcome to the Mosh Pit [Assault] A War of Attrition
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Medusa Build

Full Example Build (sell Bluestone, Asi for Bloodforge is optional)

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet


Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Alternative Start (Rush Transcendence, Skip Bluestone)

Build Item Charged Morningstar Charged Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Items

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence

Item 3 (pick 1)

Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow

Mid-Late Game Items

Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Options For First Relic

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Options For Second Relic

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh

Medusa's Skill Order

Viper Shot

1 X Y
Viper Shot
4 8 11 12 14

Acid Spray

2 A B
Acid Spray
1 3 6 7 10


3 B A
2 15 16 18 19


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Viper Shot
4 8 11 12 14

Viper Shot

1 X
Medusa gains increased attack speed and her basic attacks become augmented, shooting Vipers that poison the targets hit dealing damage over time.

Ability Type: Ranged Basic, Buff, Damage
Damage: 18 / 23 / 28 / 33 / 38 (+8% of your Physical Power) every 0.5s for 1.5s per charge
Attack Speed Increase: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%
Viper Shots: 4
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Acid Spray
1 3 6 7 10

Acid Spray

2 A
Medusa hurls back and spits out acid that damages the first enemy hit and sprays out acid in a cone behind them. Enemies hit by Acid Spray will have their healing taken reduced. Acid spray will explode on statues Medusa has created.

Ability Type: Line, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 100 / 155 / 210 / 265 / 320 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Healing Reduction: 40%
Healing Reduction Lifetime: 5s
Range: 45
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
2 15 16 18 19


3 B
Medusa quickly slithers forward, damaging enemies she passes through. The first enemy god she encounters causes her to stop before she damages and roots the god hit.

Ability Type: Dash, Root, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1s
Range: 55
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Medusa removes her mask revealing her true face, delivering a powerful blast from her horrifying Gorgon gaze. Enemies take damage and are stunned if they are looking at Medusa. Enemies not looking at Medusa take 85% damage and are slowed. Enemy gods that are killed during Medusa's gaze will turn to a stone statue and remain behind as a reminder to others.

Ability Type: Cone, Stun, Damage
Damage: 270 / 365 / 460 / 555 / 650 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration: 2s
Movement Speed Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 3s
Range: 70
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100s


Hello, and welcome to my first guide on SMITEFire for my first diamond ever, Medusa! This is an all-purpose guide that attempts to cover every little detail of our reptilian beauty queen in as much depth as possible. If you have questions or advice about the guide, please feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for reading!
As of March 7th, 2017, this is now an AWARD WINNINGguide!

Who is Medusa?

(credit to MattRhodesArt)


Pros and Cons

+ Reasonably strong in all stages of the game
+ Easy wave clear and poke
+ Strong ultimate for team fights
+ Passive makes her good at boxing and juking out enemies
+ Has a small niche against healers with her dash
+ Statues from ultimate are fun to look at
+ Arguably the best diamond skin in the game

- Mana hungry until she gets Transcendence stacks
- Squishy
- Ultimate is easily countered if the enemy is paying attention
- Trying to escape with the dash and hitting an enemy can get you killed if not careful
- Ugliest goddess in the game (but don't tell her I said that)


Base Stats
Health: 470 (+77)
Mana: 220 (+34)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 55 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.95 (+1.4%)

HP5: 8 (+0.68)
MP5: 4.4 (+0.25)

Magical: 30 (+0.9)
Physical: 12 (+3)

Basic Attack
Damage: 38 (+2.6) (+100% of Physical Power)
Progression: None

*Numbers in parentheses represent the amount gained with each level.
(You probably don't care about the numbers, but I'm including them for the sake of completeness.)

Skills and Combos

~ Skills ~

Passive - Sidewinder
I love passives you don't have to think about. Sidewinder helps Medusa with boxing by allowing her to better dodge enemy basic attacks. It also allows her to be more forgiving to newer players, to an extent. The downside is that it becomes pretty useless when slowed.

Ability Showcase

1 - Viper Shot
Use Viper Shot in boxing scenarios, or if you really need to clear the wave and your Acid Spray is on cooldown. Also, get in the habit of activating it before leaving the base, since you immediately get the mana back for free. Also, using this before engaging allows you to save precious time in battle, considering it isn't a timed steroid like that of Artemis. That isn't really combo specific, just a general thing to remember. The Damage over Time (DoT) that is applied can help snag some early kills, but otherwise isn't extremely useful.

Ability Showcase

2 - Acid Spray
This ability is your main way to clear minion waves. Simply hit the front minions and it'll spray back into the archers and maybe even poke the enemies if they are close enough. It does a decent amount of damage and is effective against squishy gods.

Ability Showcase

3 - Lacerate
This is both your initiator and escape, so use it wisely. Offensively, it does a lot of damage for a dash and puts you in point blank range to throw out either your Viper Shot or Acid Spray, or both, for unexpected burst damage, considering hunters generally have great sustained damage instead. With 50% healing reduction upon striking an enemy, this ability gives Medusa a small niche against healers. Defensively, it is a normal dash with the exception that enemy gods can block it. Be careful to get out of the way before using it. Wards are your friends.

Ability Showcase

Ultimate - Petrify
Petrify is Medusa's most unique ability. It's essentially just a big cone stun/slow, but it also comes with the added bonus of turning actively stunned enemies into statues upon death! It can, however, be easily countered. Simply turn around, and the stun is negated and replaced with a slow which does 75% damage. In 1v1 scenarios, it is easy to counter, but in team fights, enemies may not see it coming because they are distracted. It also synergizes well with taunts or stuns from allies like Athena, because enemies literally cannot look away.

Ability Showcase

~ Combos ~

Use this to get up in the enemy's face and do a lot of poke damage. Chances are they will be caught off guard and flee, but if they don't, then keep up the aggression either through basic attacks or Acid Spray. Again, your dash is also your escape, so only use it offensively when you know you won't need it to run away. Keep in mind that Acid Spray is your main waveclear ability, so don't waste it if a wave is approaching. To clarify, activate your Viper Shot, then dash in, then actually shoot the vipers. It saves time this way. One key to doing well with Medusa is managing all her abilities and not putting yourself in bad situations.

The ally taunt + ultimate basically guarantees a successful stun, but if not, then you likely burned the enemy's Purification Beads or escape anyway. Once they are stunned, either shoot them dead or dash in and finish them off with whatever else you have available. Keep in mind it can be any taunt from any god, not just Athena's Confound, although she does have great synergy with our scaly antagonist, as mentioned below in the "Lane Synergies" section.

This combo is the "dump everything you have" combo. Only use it when you know you can get away safely, primarily in a 1v1 scenario. If you do it in a team fight, you will be vulnerable for about 10 seconds until your cooldowns reset, and you will likely die. This combo is your trump card of crazy burst damage in "do or die" situations, but it is also fun to use in simple 1v1 boxing matches. Just keep in mind that your ultimate may be blocked in those cases. You activate the steroid early to save time in battle, as explained above.

Remember, teamwork makes the dream work!

(credit to Marsalinapocalypse)


~ [Conquest/Joust/Clash/Seige] General Carry Build ~

In-Depth Build Discussion

~ [Arena] Welcome to the Mosh Pit ~

In-Depth Build Discussion

~ [Assault] A War of Attrition ~

In-Depth Build Discussion

Relics and Rituals

~ Relics ~

In-Depth Relic Discussion

~ Rituals ~

As of Patch 4.5, Rituals have been removed from the game. For now, I am leaving this part here in case they return.

In-Depth Ritual Discussion


~ Conquest Gameplay ~

In-Depth Gameplay Discussion

~ Other Modes Gameplay ~

In-Depth Gameplay Discussion

Lane Matchups

Easy Difficulty

He isn't too much of an issue until late game due to his lack of mobility and easy to destroy hives. This make him very easy to shut down. A well coordinated gank or two is enough to put him behind all game. Just remember to watch out for his hives, because they act like mini Wards.

She has a very weak early game and struggles to clear minions until she gets a few items online. Because you are stronger earlier, you can bully her into her tower and shut her down by denying her gold. If you fail at this, however, she will make you regret it later on due to her extremely strong late game.

Another ability-based Transcendence builder. He is similar to Medusa in that he is fairly decent during all stages of the game. His Training Exercise can cleanse your ult, so be careful. Also, watch out for his homing missiles and his sniping ult.

Note: He was recently buffed. I'm not sure if he has risen in difficulty yet, but I will keep an eye on him.

The infamous magical ADC. Similar to Artemis and Xbalanque, she has a very weak early game. You have a strong early game, and now Silverbranch Bow exists, so use that to your advantage. She does, however, have the strongest late game of any ADC in the entire game, without exaggeration. Force her under tower and shut her down or you will regret it.

He is a late game hyper-carry like Freya. That means he has an extremely weak early game, so bullying him should be easy. He is slippery, however, so scoring early kills isn't so easy. Try to keep him pressured during the early to mid game so he gets behind. Like other late game carries, he will punish you severely if you fail at this.

Medium Difficulty

He is one of the most versatile gods in the game because of his ability Wheel of Time. He can use an ability and get the mana refunded, so he can save mana easily. He also has built in healing, meaning he is very hard to force out of lane if he is good at managing his passive. His combo is to stun you with Stop Time and blast you with Time Rift, and it hurts even more if he uses the boost from Wheel of Time, so either get Purification Beads or just be careful and avoid it..

Her Rapid Reincarnation allows her unparalleled mobility around the map and allows her to shrug off poke damage. Her Persistent Gust + Explosive Bolts combo allows her to clear minions very well, but makes her fairly mana hungry. This is not a huge deal, however, because of her passive. Agility also makes her very hard to catch, and can let her chase kills. She is more late game oriented, but can still cause trouble early and mid game, so be aggressive but careful.

She is another one who tends to build Transcendence. Be wary of her Broken Weaves and World Weaver as they can catch you off guard and result in swift, annoying deaths. She has some built in healing with Unravel, so you may want to incorporate lifesteal into your build to keep up with her.

He has pretty much always been a strong ADC. The one thing you should note here is that getting pierced with Astral Strike mid-dash will stop you dead in your tracks because it cripples. It can completely throw off your combo if not careful. Also, watch out for his ult, Astral Barrage, because it can snag him some free kills.

She is very similar to Medusa in that they are both ability based hunters who can viably play ADC, Mid, or Solo. She usually builds Transcendence, too. This matchup should usually be a stalemate where the outcome is decided by player skill, but her ult was nerfed a while back and ever since then she's been in a weird spot, so you may come out on top.

She used to be one of the three magical ADCs, but Hirez has adjusted her in a way that favors playing her as a conventional mage. Her Stellar Burst gives her very easy to land poke damage and her ult is good for securing kills. Her Disapparate is basically an Aegis Amulet with a 3 second delay, so she is fairly hard to kill. If left alone in the late game, she can melt towers like jet fuel can melt steel beams.

He is arguably the hardest hunter to play, but a diamond Ullr is scary. His Hail of Arrows in bow stance has a long range and is good for poke or for securing kills on enemies who thought they got away. He is heavily reliant on his Thrown Axe to stun you and do poke damage, and most players either land it every time or whiff it every time, so it is kind of hard to rate his difficulty to play against.

Hard Difficulty

He has great waveclear with his So Beautiful and Audacity. He can stop your combo by stunning you with Serenade, so be careful. His ult, Across The Sky, also allows him to get free kills from low health enemies. He can also use it to split push later on and be a nuisance even from behind.

Pretty much every build seems to work on him and he has plenty of CC and damage. His Bramble Blast is easy damage and CC, he has multiple strong basic attack buffs, a fast and long dash which can be cancelled, and a crazy ult that turns enemies into wild boars. The general consensus is that he is a massive pain to fight, despite multiple nerfs.

His Heart Bomb is his most annoying ability. Combined with his passive stun, he can be a real nuisance. Back when Hou Yi was the top hunter and boxer in the game with a 25% pen mark, Cupid was considered his only counter due to Lovestruck, that's how strong it is. Early game, you'll both be about even, but you will have a stronger mid game than him. Use that to bully him and get ahead for the late game. He is one of the few hunters who is good at boxing you, so be careful. Also, he has sustain, so build lifesteal. Cupid and Sylvanus together is one of the scariest lanes to face, so watch out.

He is a very good boxer, despite the nerf to his Mark of the Golden Crow, and has one of the best and most annoying escapes in the game in Divebomb. He also recently got a buff to his ult, Sunbreaker, so he is still very dangerous. Be careful when fighting him, because the tables can easily be turned on you.

She has decent waveclear due to her boomerang basic attacks and very high scaling abilities. Her early game is fairly decent, and around mid game she comes online and starts chunking your health like a mage would. For this reason, it is very important that you dodge her abilities. Try to shut her down early or else it will hurt.

Note: She's fallen slightly in the meta, but she's not terrible, so I might move her down in difficulty. I'll keep an eye on her.
Very Hard Difficulty

It turns out Anhur is the perfect counter to Medusa. He can make your passive useless with his AoE slow in Shifting Sands, and he can totally counter your dash (and, therefore, most of your combos) with Impale. To make matters worse, he can easily dodge your Petrify and retaliate by either leaping or using Desert Fury. Even a player of just average skill can totally shut you down. Watch out.

Note: He had fallen by the wayside for a while, which was nice, but he just recently got big buffs to his ult and leap. You'll be seeing more of him now, so be careful.

Lane Synergies

Great Synergy

Despite their hostile relationship in lore, Athena and Medusa are a tried and true duo lane "Wombo Combo." So much so, that I even mentioned it above in the Combos section, using it as an example. All she needs to do is land her taunt, and you have a captive audience for Petrify. Worst case scenario, the enemy's Purification Beads are used up.

He has a lot of damage and CC, enough that people make jokes about him being an assassin. He hits hard and fast, and hurts like hell. Who else does that sound like? Medusa! There isn't really a combo here, just let Bacchus initiate and go to town.

His passive makes it literally impossible to killsteal and can even give carries free kills. His dash can go through player made obstacles, so he is a good counter to Ymir, Cabrakan, Odin, and Thor. His Turn of Fate damages minions while also buffing nearby allies so that they do up to 10% extra damage themselves, so he has great waveclear. His silence in Ohm is great for locking fown mages and fleeing enemies. He also has Nu Wa's old ultimate from before her remodel and rework, so it's great to see old stuff returning.

He doesn't do a lot of damage, but his waveclear is decent and he can easily set up kills with his root and pull in Solar Flare and Abduct. And if you make a big mistake, he can save your scaly butt with Scarab's Blessing. He may not be the most aggressive support, but he still brings a lot to the table.

The killer croc pairs very well with Medusa because of his ability to displace and disrupt the enemy. All he has to do is land his pluck, and enemies will fall right into your claws. Do this successfully two or three times, and you start to snowball with a gold and experience advantage. Play off this advantage and you could end the game nice and early. Even if you don't do that, Sobek scales well into the late game and can be just as relevant then.

He has great waveclear early on due to his AoE basic attacks, and if he can land his root and pull on a weakened enemy, then he's practically serving up free kills. Sylvanus can provide the added boost you need to pressure the enemy and just generally be a lane bully. His healing is an added benefit which allows you to consider skipping lifesteal items for other more powerful options.

Medium Synergy

The newest guardian, and a true stance switcher to boot. She has a lot of CC in her Druid stance, and a good amount of damage and mobility in her Bear stance. She seems to work well with any ADC so far, and brings a lot to the table. In the same vein as Ymir and Kumbhakarna, there isn't much to make her stand out with Medusa specifically, but she's great in general.

He has a really loaded kit with a lot of intricate interactions, so going over it all here would be impractical. His Cursed Strength does a great amount of damage for waveclear, but can be blocked by enemies. He is also more oriented toward the late game, so he isn't such a big help early on. He is probably the hardest support to truly master, but a really good Fafnir can turn the entire game around for his team.

He plays similarly to Khepri in that he isn't very aggressive. He is more focused on passively helping his team succeed by displacing and disrupting enemies and cleansing crowd control effects. Since Medusa likes to be more aggressive, he doesn't work super well with her, but he can still help her out with a cleansing shield and by setting up kills. That is, unless he builds damage. Bruiser Geb is something to be feared.

Definitely the most annoying support in the game. He has good waveclear and can lock down enemies really well, but he can do that regardless of the carry he's supporting. He's good in general, but nothing really makes him stand out when paired with Medusa.

He is seen more in the solo role than support. Similarly to Ares, he has a really cheesy ult where he literally sweeps up and throws enemies. This can burn the enemy's Purification Beads, so if he follows up with a Hook Slam or if you can land Petrify, then you'll have an easy kill, similar to Sobek or Athena. His waveclear is average and his double leap is kinda short and can't go through walls, so his pros and cons kind of average out.

Similarly to Kumbhakarna, he is a great support in general, but nothing makes him stand out when paired with Medusa. He has good waveclear, easily spammable CC, a giant wall to single out enemies or protect allies, and a high damage zoning ult. He's also very easy to play, being unlocked for all players, so that's a bonus.

Poor Synergy

He doesn't play very much like a support. He's more of an ability-based bruiser with a cheesy ult in No Escape. His waveclear is mediocre at best. He is an aggressive bully and can set up kills, so he isn't totally awful, but his cons outweigh his pros, so he isn't up higher. You're also much more likely to find him outside of Conquest, in modes like Arena and Joust.

Similarly to Ares, he doesn't play much like a support. He is more of a hybrid bruiser who hits hard and is very annoying. Unfortunately, he is hard and risky to play and is well past his prime, having been much more potent and scary during the Season 3 power pot meta. Combined with some nerfs since then, he isn't a great partner in lane. He may, however, be seen in the solo lane sometimes.

The King Kappa himself would be higher up if it weren't for his inherent problems. He has great waveclear with his NeNe Kappa, but the rest of his kit has no synergy with itself. He could, theoretically, set up kills by pushing enemies into Medusa, but he has no way of getting behind the enemy in the first place, making him overly reliant on Blink Rune. Similarly, his ult, Watery Grave, is good for pushing enemies around, but without a way to get behind them, he'll just be pushing them away from his team. His Shell Spikes look good on paper, but in practice it causes enemies to disengage from him and attack his allies, which is the opposite of what a support wants.

Note: He got buffed so his Watery Grave doesn't push enemies away as much, and his push now has a better turning radius. Some of his problems have been slightly alleviated, but not really enough to change anything.

She is definitely a late game oriented support, and needs to almost be supported herself early on. Right off the bat, that hurts her synergy. Her waveclear is poor unless she uses two abilities, Monolith and Force of Nature, which naturally leads her to be very mana hungry. Her early game healing is also literally worse than a Healing Potion. If Terra gets to late game, she more than makes up for her weak early with plenty of easily spammable CC, healing, and a global buff to her allies, so shes not terrible in general, just hard to work with in lane.


Oct-Dec 2016

Jan 2017

Feb 2017

Mar 2017

Apr 2017

May 2017

Jun 2017

Jul 2017

August 3, 2017
- Fixed having a wrong item in the General Carry Build
- Added spoilers to the "Gameplay" section and the Relics part of the "Relics and Rituals" section to help unify and streamline the formatting of the various middle sections
- Updated Artio's description in the "Lane Synergies" section
- Added Witchblade into the builds, because I forgot it existed
- Added discussion of Witchblade to the "Items" section
- Fixed a few lines of broken BBCode in the "Items" section

This guide is pretty much complete and I am happy with it. I will continue to update and revise it, but only after two or three patches and when relevant things change.
I just recently hit the milestone of 100,000 views, so I will say this again:
Thanks for reading!

Here's a bonus gif for making it this far!

(credit to CutiChan)

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AdamMcNasty | July 23, 2017 2:46pm
No more hastaned fatalis what should i use now?
Technotoad64 (46) | July 24, 2017 12:03pm
Wind Demon and Atalanta's Bow put together can approximate Fatalis, assuming you're hitting all your shots. Build Atalanta's where you would have built Fatalis, then incorporate Wind Demon sometime late.

" Transcendence, Warrior Tabi, Atalanta's Bow, The Executioner, Wind Demon, Deathbringer" should work, but I haven't tested it.
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 24, 2017 12:28pm
It BARELY approximates Fatalis, and only at max stacks...combined with Wind Demon, when that passive is active, you'll see upwards of 606 movement speed...which is subject to diminishing returns, per The Word of Thoth.

It doesn't have base move speed, as it's only attached to the passive, so it doesn't help with rotations, chase, or escape.

If you get Atalanta's Bow, it means the following:
  • Lifesteal: no option of this... Asi or takes that spot, in case you like lifesteal.

  • Boxing: Witchblade is a significantly better boxing option when facing basic attackers, due to the attack speed slow. You don't get this either.

  • Early boxing: Ichaival or Silverbranch Bow, in the 3rd spot, is more effective if you want to start boxing earlier in the match.

  • Higher DPS: at least depending on the god, Rage is going to provide better DPS overall...looking for a semblance of the Fatalis effect means you need Ata AND WD, meaning no Rage.
In essence, it's better to just completely forget Fatalis ever existed, and focus on bursting enemy gods quickly and safely in the presence of other gods for protection purposes.
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sunny108108 (3) | June 5, 2017 1:43am
great build for medusa!
Shlappz (4) | June 5, 2017 8:22am
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 27, 2017 1:54pm
Hey Shlappz,

Providing some feedback on your current build. Take it as you will; I continue to like discussion, and want to hear your thoughts.

S4 Feedback

Edit: new vid from DukeSloth talking about the current state of hunter builds...just thought I'd throw it in, he talks quite a bit about Medusa, but how overall the various hunter builds have never been more balanced.
Shlappz (4) | March 1, 2017 7:42pm
I love feedback! Do feel free to stop by again in the future. Your math looks good and provides a good representation of DPS for my build vs your version. Honestly, I like both versions, and I'm debating adding a second example build. I fear that may be too cluttered, though.

I do have a few questions if you don't mind me asking:

Your standard build has additional lifesteal (though of course Lacerate has it built in).

Does Lacerate really have lifesteal built in? I never knew that. I thought it only had healing reduction, but maybe I was wrong (unless you misspoke or something).

When you replace Asi, you have 0 sustain from ANYTHING.

I have indeed noticed this in my games using my build. You'll also be glad to hear that in the time since our last lifesteal discussion, I've warmed up to it a bit more ;p

I've been tossing around the idea of Devourer's Gauntlet, but I think I love Transcendence too much. The other option is just not selling Asi, but that doesn't help if you buy Ichaival or some other early item. What do you think?

Anyway, one minor visual thing to fix is the boots options in your first build breakdown...give that middle column some added space so it doesn't move to 2 lines.

I don't exactly understand what you mean. On my end everything seems perfectly fine with the formatting of the discussion.

One other thing, on your writeup for The Crusher, you say it's an item that basically sucks on almost every other hunter, but to me, this makes a hell of a lot of sense for Ullr, Neith, and Chiron too...doesn't it?

I did say almost every other hunter. I was referring to ability based hunters like Neith, Chiron, etc, but maybe I wasn't clear. I'll touch up that section in my next update.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 1, 2017 8:06pm
Ahhh Hahahaha I totally meant anti heal, not lifesteal! Was going too quickly trying to get through a lot of guides, my bad. But that anti heal goes in line with the item in question, Brawler's. Will comment more in a bit once my kids are in bed.
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WolvenKyuubi | February 21, 2017 11:10am
Hey, thanks for posting this, it really helped me in making my medusa build, the NCV (Nimble Critical vampire) witch i run with the Devours Gauntlet, Hastened Fatalus, Wind Demon, and Death bringer hands down, but the last 2 items are a issue for me

On one hand i have the option to use the original build ive been running with since the new season (newish player), Malice and Shifters shield, cause i do find myself to still be rather squishy even with the good lifesteal that a fully stacked Devours gauntlet can bring, especially against assassins whop pop out of nowhere and hit me HARD

on the other hand i can go with The Executioner and Transcendence, witch at max stacks give me more Power(and damage) and attack speed than the other option, however the reduce crit chance and lack of protections for the improved mana are a bit rough for me, as most of the time i dont find myself hurting to bad for mana

Im curious to hear your opinion on this matter, and any other person who wants to throw there two cents in this : )
(just for completions sake i run with Meditation cloak and as of recent the purification beads as my relics, with the chalice of healing and eather the revealing ritual or the Chalice of the Oracle as my second go to item)
Shlappz (4) | February 24, 2017 6:41pm
Ya know I'm so used to Transcendence that I forgot Devourer's Gauntlet was a thing. Trans has just worked so well I never needed anything else I guess. Maybe I should try it and then redo my builds for like the third time :p

You'll also notice in my most recent revision all defense items are out. That is both to simplify things and because you're better off just going full offense and learning good positioning/dodging skills.
Farthus (15) | January 11, 2017 9:00am
This is a powerful carry build indeed.

The only thing I find necessary on Medusa Is Hastened Fatalis. It synergizes so well with her passive and overall juking potential. Yes, you will sacrifice a little damage, but your survivability will be better and you will be able to stay in teamfights longer.

Maybe im am just too used to it that I can't play without it anymore though maybe you could give it as an option in your normal build.

Nice well-explained buildd anyway!
Shlappz (4) | January 12, 2017 6:31pm
I personally prefer not to lean on Hastened Fatalis as a crutch. It is a viable option, but I feel you can do more with a different item and good positioning.

And consider what you'd swap out for it?

- No Asi or Soul Eater means no lifesteal. I'd say the loss of survivability approximately cancels out the gain from HF.

- No Titan's Bane and/or Qin's Sais and tanks become a big issue for you.

- No Brawler's Beat Stick and/or The Executioner and squishy carry gods/healers become more of an issue (especially healers).

- Taking it over Ichaival or Odysseus' Bow might cause issues early/mid game. You may be able to avoid attacks, but what happens when you can't do enough damage back?

In the end, it comes down to personal preference and the current game you're playing. Maybe if the enemy lacks a certain type of god you can slot HF in there.
Farthus (15) | February 24, 2017 3:19pm
Well since Hastened Fatalis got the 10 penetration you can esily swap it for Brawler's Beat Stick. Healers will not be countered enough anyway by anti healing.
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DucksRock (41) | December 19, 2016 6:15am
This guide is great, you really do understand Medusa and this guide clearly shows it. Nice job!

Charged Morningstar's price is 1200, Boots's price is 300. which means that if you buy both you have no room for potions. i recommend removing the Boots from that start, potions are actually pretty much move valuable that early on in the game.

Odysseus's bow is actually pretty weak for an early game pickup. it's actually used best as a late game pickup, where you can use that 40% better, rushing it early usually results in your opponent having more power than you do. You could actually accomplish more dps if you use Ichaival earlier on and sell it late for oddy's.

Going straight in with Lacerate isnt always the best thing to do. i recommend holding on to it until the enemy uses their escape, if your intention in that combo is to poke, dropping your only escape for it may hurt you later on.

Other than that, this guide is solid. 8.5/10, which is an upvote.
Shlappz (4) | December 23, 2016 7:06am
Thanks for the feedback! I will update the guide and remove Boots and also update the combo descriptions to be a little more flexible and warn about the escape.
masterricu (12) | November 11, 2016 10:27am
I have to say, very nice job on the structure of the guide! Theyre like the opposite of mine, where I focus on the numbers on build rather than going into gameplay detail... something I need to work on. :(

I'd say overall your build 2 is better than your build 1, with only difference Id make is Ichaival instead of 2 lifesteal items. I would want people to see that first. Another thing to take into account is build cost $. Be sure to remember that people might try to build these in conquest where gold is scarce and how big of a difference items like Ichaival make.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 27, 2016 9:37pm
Hi Shlappz,

I see that you're a new member...welcome!

I like the god of choice for your first guide =)

Definitely be good to spend some time to learn some BBcoding basics, just to make it something that draws the eye. If you have specific questions, you're welcome to ask. I'll also point you this BBcoding thread by Mowen, and I'm sure xZero can spam you with his coding comment (mwahaha, take that, Zero!).

If you don't know, you can really break down your build order, and more fully detail your starting items, etc., all in the top build section. That way you can throw in the # of potions you get, instead of just hoping someone reads the body of the guide instead of leaving after glancing at your build. Same goes with detailing your alternate item options (you mention items like The Crusher, Shifter's Shield, etc.).

Although it's pretty obvious you're going for as much damage on your abilities as possible, I would say that Ninja Tabi will increase your basic attack DPS, compared to Warrior Tabi, even when considering the short steroid Viper Shot provides. You've only got one more attack speed item ( Qin's Sais), so one more attack speed item won't hurt at all. I'll point out this writeup from Melodica256 of Team Dignitas as a reference that you have room to build more attack speed (55% without overcapping). After all, the 20 extra power Warrior Tabi provides will only give you perhaps 20 more damage from your abilities, due to scaling. Just a thought.

Regarding Malice, I spot an error in your explanation. You say it's a good choice because it synergizes with Bluestone Pendant...but in fact, you'd be replacing Bluestone with Malice.

The other thing about Malice, which may just be your personal preference, is that, for any crit build, it's generally much more damage efficient if you build 2 crit items, getting your crit chance to 40%. 20% just isn't enough chance for it to reliably crit.

In your main build, the other big issue I see, at least if you're talking about Conquest or Siege, is that it has no lifesteal, anywhere. Your sustain is going to be terrible, and if you get hurt and end up at 1/2 health, staying out is just going to be risky. It's your build, so you'd have to figure out what you'd want to sub out, but lifesteal really is recommended for those types of modes. And of course I'm not talking about your "conservative" build, I see Soul Eater there. That's not my preference, and I think for that build you probably want to eventually detail an option to replace Ichaival, but again, this is your build, so it's your call.

Anyway, welcome again to SF, and look forward to seeing you flesh this guide out some more!
Shlappz (4) | October 28, 2016 5:12am
Thanks for the welcome! I will fix the Malice thing, since that was a slight oversight on my part. As for Warrior vs Ninja Tabi, I guess either could work really, but I prefer Warrior. I just don't feel as much of a benefit from Ninja. My personal view on Lifesteal is that it isn't really necessary if you pick your fights carefully, but I guess I should throw in an option for it for other people.
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 10, 2016 10:36pm
I like how this is turning out...I still have concerns about lack of lifesteal in your usual build, even if it works for's almost a necessity for most players, and remember, this is a guide to help others. That said, it won't prevent me from voting. +1
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xZeroStrike (46) | October 27, 2016 11:35pm
Mwahaha take that ↓ Bran!
xZeroStrike (46) | October 27, 2016 11:35pm

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Branmuffin17 (401) | October 28, 2016 12:27am
Well done.
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