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Odin - Conquest, Schmonquest (S7, Non-Conquest Modes, Patch 7.3 "Grim Omens" Bonus Balance)

74 7 927,498
by Branmuffin17 updated March 10, 2020

Smite God: Odin

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Odin Build

Example Ult-Bot Build (vs. Balanced Enemy Compositions)

Notes Reinforced (as opposed to Warrior Tabi) allows you to rush Relic Dagger for your main function as a blink-ult bot.

Follow that up with protections and CDR as you see fit.

This example employs 2 items with mitigations (Oni and Spirit), good health + balanced protections, max CDR, and a bit of extra pressure from Void's protection reduction aura.


Reinforced (as opposed to Warrior Tabi) allows you to rush Relic Dagger for your main function as a blink-ult bot.

Follow that up with protections and CDR as you see fit.

This example employs 2 items with mitigations (Oni and Spirit), good health + balanced protections, max CDR, and a bit of extra pressure from Void's protection reduction aura.

Build Item Reinforced Greaves Reinforced Greaves
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield

Item #1: Mobility (Choose One)

Notes If you plan to get at least one more power/pen based item, consider getting Warrior Tabi to maximize your damage potential.

Otherwise, if you're going full tank and are just looking to control the field, the added tankiness from Reinforced Greaves will make you very tough to kill.


If you plan to get at least one more power/pen based item, consider getting Warrior Tabi to maximize your damage potential.

Otherwise, if you're going full tank and are just looking to control the field, the added tankiness from Reinforced Greaves will make you very tough to kill.

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Reinforced Greaves Reinforced Greaves

Item #2: Relic CDR

Notes Rushing this (which is nice and cheap) will help you start spamming your ult quickly, in combination with Blink Rune.

If preferred, you CAN delay this and get protections first, but if you can learn to go without for a bit, your team is likely to get more kills.


Rushing this (which is nice and cheap) will help you start spamming your ult quickly, in combination with Blink Rune.

If preferred, you CAN delay this and get protections first, but if you can learn to go without for a bit, your team is likely to get more kills.

Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger

Item #3: CDR / Protection (Choose One)

Notes Both choices offer mana for extended ability use.

Choose whichever item based on the potential damage threat.


Both choices offer mana for extended ability use.

Choose whichever item based on the potential damage threat.

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard

Additional Physical Protections

Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Contagion Contagion

Additional Magical Protections

Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb

Balanced Protections

Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen

Offensive / Utility Items

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Masamune Masamune
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker

Relics to Consider (Blink Rune Is Essential)

Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Example Build (vs. 4+ Magical)

Notes Balanced protections are a bit less important due to having 4 magical enemies, so Warrior Tabi is chosen over Reinforced Greaves to provide a bit more damage potential.

Brawler's Beat Stick at the end is a situational item for anti-heal.


Balanced protections are a bit less important due to having 4 magical enemies, so Warrior Tabi is chosen over Reinforced Greaves to provide a bit more damage potential.

Brawler's Beat Stick at the end is a situational item for anti-heal.

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick

Example Build (vs. 4+ Physical)

Notes Balanced protections are a bit less important due to having 4 physical enemies, so Warrior Tabi is chosen over Reinforced Greaves to provide a bit more damage potential.


Balanced protections are a bit less important due to having 4 physical enemies, so Warrior Tabi is chosen over Reinforced Greaves to provide a bit more damage potential.

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail

Odin's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 13 14 15 16

Raven Shout

2 A B
Raven Shout
2 8 10 11 12

Gungnir's Might

3 B A
Gungnir's Might
3 4 6 7 9

Ring of Spears

4 Y X
Ring of Spears
5 17 18 19 20
1 13 14 15 16


1 X
Odin lunges to his target location, doing damage to all nearby enemies.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 / 300 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Radius: 20
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Raven Shout
2 8 10 11 12

Raven Shout

2 A
Odin summons a flock of Ravens that create a shield around him. When the Shield expires it explodes outward, dealing damage to nearby enemies based on how much Health it had remaining. The shield will not expire while Odin is using Lunge, and will always detonate upon landing, dealing bonus damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Shield Health: 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 / 340 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 4s
Bonus Damage: 15%
Radius: 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Gungnir's Might
3 4 6 7 9

Gungnir's Might

3 B
Odin begins empowering Gungnir with Runic Magic, becoming immune to knockbacks. Every second, Gungnir changes runes and Odin pulses out damage around him, slowing enemies for 2s. When Odin releases Gungnir it travels forward, damaging enemies and stopping on the first god hit. The first rune causes allies around Odin to gain Attack Speed for 3s. The second rune allows Gungnir to stun.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Pulse Damage: 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Pulse Slow: 20%
Gungnir Throw Damage: 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Attack Speed: 30%
Stun Duration: 1.2s
Range/Radius: 60/20
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 12s
Ring of Spears
5 17 18 19 20

Ring of Spears

4 Y
Odin summons a wall of spears that blocks his enemies movement. Enemies inside the ring cannot heal, and their power is reduced by 15%. Odin is immune to Slows and Roots while in his Ring. A portion of the wall can be destroyed when hit by 5 Basic Attacks. Enemies that leave the ring through or over a wall are chased by Gungnir, taking damage and becoming slowed for 2.5s. Enemies that die inside Ring of Spears grant Odin a permanent bonus to Physical Power.

Ability Type: Area, Buff, Damage
Damage: 120 / 190 / 260 / 330 / 400 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 5s
Physical Power: 5 Power per stack, max 10 stacks
Healing Reduction: All Healing
Slow: 25%
Radius: 30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s


Recent updates:

2020/2/20: Guide is current as of Patch 7.3, "Grim Omens"(Bonus Balance). Odin's gotten some significant nerfs.

2020/2/20: Guide is current as of Patch 7.1, "Season 7." Sorry, but I'm still not ready to do a full conversion of this guide for Conquest (Solo/Jungle/Support) for now, builds have been updated and I've added fancier ability videos. Odin got a significant rework to his ult and 3, and went from underpowered to quite effective. Rejoice!

Revision History

Hello everyone! My name is Branmuffin17 (PC IGN: Muffinman17, PS4 IGN: Branmuffin17), and I'm a SMITEFire moderator and casual SMITE player on PC and PS4. Welcome to my fourth venture outside of my original project, The Overarching Assault Guide.

Although this guide focuses on the Arena mode, it will absolutely work with almost any other non-Conquest mode. And yes, eventually, I'll get un-lazy enough to convert this into a full Conquest guide as well. Just don't hold your breath.

I'll assume you know the basic gist of Arena gameplay, so I won't be teaching or talking much about tickets, minions, etc. in this guide, except in the direct context of Odin's gameplay. If you want general Arena information, I invite you to check out my other guide:

The Overarching
Arena Guide

This is a work in progress, as it should be. I'm always open to new ideas and different approaches.

Odin is an interesting one. He's got strong early-to-mid game burst, good protections, and a low CD, zoning ultimate that can completely control a teamfight and/or secure a kill or two with each use.

........ Strengths ........

+ Strong early/mid-game damage
+ Great initiation/escape abilities
+ Controls teamfights
+ Built-in protections
+ Low CD ult
..... Weaknesses .....

- Damage falls off late game
- Have to get in close to be effective
- Ult is countered by Phantom

My suggestion when playing him is to be the main tank. Odin is a strong initiator, and carries the constant threat of his ult trap, so it just makes sense to beef up your protections and health. Also, anytime enemies are focusing on you, they're not focusing on your teammates! Let's get into it.



Path to Valhalla
Whenever any god dies on the battleground, Odin gains 8% move speed and power for 8 seconds. Can stack up to 5 times.

This is a passive that you'll never have to think about. It makes building items with power more rewarding, and also gives him more mobility to chase or get out of sticky situations when his abilities are on CD.
Skill #1:

Odin lunges (okay, jumps) to his target location, doing damage to all nearby enemies. CD 15-11 seconds. 70% scaling.

Max this 3rd or last.

This ability can do some good burst damage, especially in combination with Raven Shout, but it's also your only true escape ability. Can be difficult to hit, as the jump is a bit slow. Consider your situation before using it, as the CD is moderate at best.

Skill #2:

Raven Shout
Summon a flock of ravens that create a shield around him. When the shield expires, it explodes, dealing damage to nearby enemies based on how much health it has remaining. If the shield is at full health, it deals additional/bonus damage (15%). The shield will not expire while he is using Lunge, and will always detonate upon landing. CD 15-11 seconds. 60% scaling.

Max this 2nd.

Defensively, it provides a strong shield that can help you weather some damage. As an offensive weapon, it turns your Lunge into a massive AOE bomb (aka the infamous "Bird Bomb"). As with Lunge, consider exactly how you are going to engage the enemy before activating.

*NOTE* Certain abilities / effects can delay the burst... Nox's Siphon Darkness, dropped where you're about to land, can stop the damage until the ability has ended, and a perfectly timed displacement ability (like the knockback from Anhur's Impale) also delays it (and makes it explode in a position you didn't plan!).
Skill #3:

Gungnir's Might
Odin begins empowering Gungnir with Runic Magic, becoming immune to knockbacks. Every 0.7s Gungnir changes runes and Odin pulses out damage around him, slowing enemies for 2s. When Odin releases Gungnir it travels forward, damaging enemies and stopping on the first god hit. The first rune causes allies around Odin to gain 30% Attack Speed for 3s. The second allows Gungnir to home onto enemy gods. The last rune allows Gungnir to stun for 1.2s. CD 10 seconds. 20% pulse scaling, 60% Gungnir damage scaling.

Max this 1st.

Other than your ultimate, this is your only CC ability. It has a nice AOE slow for 2 seconds, and various utility or damage potential depending on when you activate.

Activate it quickly when you and teammates are focusing structures / objectives, activate on the 2nd rune to finish off a low health target. Otherwise, it's best to wait until the last rune is active, and you can target an enemy to stun.

Keep in mind that you can hold onto the stun throw indefinitely, so line your target up well...or if your targets are out of range, use it up so you can start the CD count.


Ring of Spears
Odin summons a wall of spears that blocks his enemies movement. Enemies inside the ring cannot heal. Odin is immune to Slow and Root effects while in his Ring. A portion of the wall can be destroyed when hit by 5 Basic Attacks. Enemies that leave the ring through or over a wall are chased by Gungnir, taking damage and becoming slowed for 2.5s.

Enemies that die inside Ring of Spears grant Odin a permanent bonus to Physical Power. CD 90 seconds. 75% scaling on the damage.

Max this 3rd or last.

THIS is the reason you choose Odin. When your CDR is maxed, it has an extremely short ~45 second CD, which is helpful to counter enemy gods that choose the Phantom Veil relic. Synergizes well with Blink Rune. You and your teammates can walk through your wall, which greatly enhances its potential without sentencing your team to death in your own trap! Enemies that want to escape need to have the Veil or a leap, or take the time to basic attack a section of the wall 5 times. If they leap over the wall, they will take damage.
  • Use on gods with no teleports/leaps.
  • Use on gods that have healing abilities.
  • Time its use AFTER seeing an enemy use their escape ability to ensure they don't escape (without additional help from Phantom Veil).
  • Use as a zoning tool, to prevent escape, separate the enemy team, or help a teammate escape to safety.
I strongly recommend Blink Rune as your first relic, no matter the enemy team, to help you trap as many enemies as possible in the ring at the right time. You can also use it to help zone the enemy and keep them away from you or retreating teammates.

Ability Combos

There really isn't anything that complex about Odin's kit. The standard damage combo is just Raven Shout followed by Lunge. Nonetheless, there are a few combos where timing and choice can absolutely make a difference.

Blink Combos

Non-Blink Combos

Tank Builds (Items & Relics)

Example Tank Build vs. Balanced Enemy Compositions

Tank Builds & Discussion:



Bruiser / Damage Builds (Items)

Example Bruiser Build

Bruiser / Damage Builds (Details):

Gameplay & Tips

Further Discussion On Abilities

Ring of Spears

Lunge & Raven Shout

General Gameplay As The Main Tank

Aggressive Harrassment

General Gameplay As A Bruiser

You Go First

Gameplay Videos

Okay, this is the first one (S2)

Team Domination (S2)

Controlling the Field (S2)

Lore & References

Nevercake's SMITE Lore Ep. 62: Who is Odin?

Trendkill's Know Your Enemy Ep. 21: Odin

Smite Builder: If you haven't seen or used it before, check out this site by EliteOwnage. Similar in purpose to KrettCalc, but with an easy-to-use interface, you can theory-build to your heart's content, and set up head-to-heads to see how your build will fare against different enemies and builds.

Some Of My Guides

If you liked this guide, check out my other ones below!

The Overarching Series

Arena Guide

Assault Guide

Conquest Guide

Individual God Guides

An Alcoholic's Chugging Guide

Pulsing to
the Beat

Gifting Kills

Shifu Guan Yu:
The Battle

Loki: The Backstabbing Bastard

Medusa: Getting Everyone Stoned


So that's it! If you like what I've done and how I try to improve the guide, anyone is welcome to suggest a god for me to work on next...and of course, I have to own them and/or want to play them =P but I'll let you know...

Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, etc. Feel free to add me/invite me if you want to play!

Brandon / PC IGN: Muffinman17 / PS4 IGN: Branmuffin17


Thanks to the following people:

For general Arena knowledge and in-depth help with builds / calculations

For general knowledge and in-depth help with builds

For aesthetic ideas and templates to make the guide prettier (just like Bacchus)

Also, thanks to Covertactician, SpectralTangent, Nanoyam, and UltraSuperGenius for their input.

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Revenant7755 (1) | January 23, 2020 3:42pm
Since Odin is getting a huge buff in season 7, could you not only update this guide, but also add conquest builds/section for him?
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 23, 2020 3:56pm
Dammit I was hoping no one would ask's soooo much work! I will consider as time permits, but in the meantime, I'll point out that Stuke also has an updated Odin guide and it's for Conquest, found HERE.

That said, I've also given some feedback in his discussion section about my feelings about the default build and options, so if you want my opinion, read that too.
Revenant7755 (1) | January 23, 2020 5:06pm
Ok I understand.
Diego Henrique | November 27, 2019 6:00am
Hi there. Read you guide, very resourceful.
If you permit, i sugest in the tank build to add the runic shield in case of magical enemies, to reduce their power and increase your HP, power (not the core of the tank build) and 50 to magic resistance;
For the bruiser, i build it this way: reinforced, hide of urchin (both protections, health and mana), jotun's, soul eater (CDR+mana+ life steal on skills), void shield (reduces enemies protections) and runic shield (for reasons already explained before).
Hope you can analyse my sugestions and comment on it.
(English is not my native language, i apologize for any wrong text i may have done).
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 27, 2019 11:11am
Hello Diego, and thank you for the comment.

You're absolutely permitted to offer your opinions, whether I agree with them or not. They are always welcomed. Here are my thoughts:
  • Runic Shield: Honestly, I just never really liked this item. I know it offers solid all-around stats (35 power, 50 mag prots, 200 health), and the price (2,150 gold) is cheap.

    That said, although the aura of 50 reduced magical power seems high, I consider it this way. That 50 power reduction is good, but magical gods building power typically have much higher power than physical gods. And that power applies to the scaling of ability damage (and 20% goes to basic attack damage in most cases), not the base damage. In a slower, more methodical mode like Conquest where you might use this well in the early game in the Solo lane or Jungle, I feel it gets somewhat quickly outclassed in a teamfight mode like Arena (and keep in mind, this guide is mostly for Arena, and is not designed for Conquest). Late game, it's just not nearly as strong of an item, and your build listing has it built last, where I think it would be weakest.

    In the end, I can agree it's a pretty good bruiser item, but as you're talking of this for the tank build, I feel I'd give my team a stronger advantage if I went with Heartward Amulet and added to their prots, rather than reduce power of the enemies. I know they work differently (teammates close for Heartward, while enemies close for Runic), but I didn't even mention Heart in the tank builds. Basically, I personally (personal preference) place more value on items that provide magical prots + CDR, or damage mitigation like Oni. Even in tank builds, CDR is your key to being as effective as possible, and Runic doesn't provide that.

  • As for the bruiser build itself, I personally don't want to build Soul Eater. In arena, I don't need lifesteal...sustain is more important for the longer modes like Conq where the base is far away. Here, you can just zip back to base quickly and refill health...and you've got your shield. Lifesteal...I just don't value it for Odin in Arena. I feel lifesteal is key for very specific gods...AA hunters, bruiser mages (e.g. Zhong) or mages that often rely on Bancroft's (e.g. Anubis, Hades).
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I might just have a weird aversion to Runic Shield, but I think I also have some good reasons as to why I just prefer other items. Hope that helps explain. I don't mind adding it as an item option, but I'll need to be convinced with some very specific points.
Diego Henrique | November 28, 2019 4:48am
You make good arguments.
I utilize the soul eater to run for the base less times, so i can stay in the fight a little more and help a bit in a team fight (besides CDR and mana, odin is mana hungry).
Thanks for making great guides, especially the arena one (most of the times, people go to play arena to spoil matches, making trash builds or worst, just fo fun).
silentshell (5) | July 15, 2019 12:54am
Odin's ult/blink is every bit as devastating as ares, if not in the same direct way all the time. I had this toxic neith player just now in a match. We were down like 30-35 points and he wanted a surrender and stayed in base. We kept whittling away and i kept isolating enemies and my team slowly started taking advantage and we took the lead and the guy finally came out. Your build worked awesome and gave us time to overcome that player. He is surprisingly sturdy in a bruiser build.
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 15, 2019 9:06am
+1 Nice.
silentshell (5) | July 14, 2019 3:27pm
all i want to know is why Gulf did not give you the same treatment he gave me by speaking on behalf of Reinforced Greaves due to your inclusion of Reinforced Shoes in your top build example similar to what i did on my Bellona guide at one point. :P

oh yeah, and here's a +1

Also, i look forward to fusing your knowledge here with my incessant arena tinkering to gain myself another build i'll be happy with.
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 14, 2019 5:39pm
Oh HAHAHA I totally screwed that up. Thanks for catching it. I'll update shortly.
silentshell (5) | July 14, 2019 5:49pm
Branmuffin17 wrote:
Oh HAHAHA I totally screwed that up. Thanks for catching it. I'll update shortly.

lol. np.
jordand19 | April 1, 2019 8:26am
I Bran
Im french and i didn’t understand all of the discussion or the build but i think i understand the most important part , for you what is the best item for Odin in Conquest ?
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 14, 2019 5:44pm
Oh ****, jordand19, I totally missed this comment. Sorry about that.

In Conquest, Odin is considered extremely low tier right of the worst gods. They nerfed his ult a couple of times, dropping duration, allowing certain gods (*cough* Vamana *cough*) to walk straight through, and dropping the AS reduction.

In Conquest, you've got 2, maybe 3 potential roles...Support, Solo, and Jungle. I wouldn't really use him for any at this point, but the key item might change depending on role.

Right now, I'd say that Blackthorn Hammer might be one of the more important items for him. He can be very mana hungry, and that helps things, while also making him significantly tankier and giving him CDR, all things he appreciates.

Past that, it's really dependent on team and enemy comps and counter-building. For now, I'll say Blackthorn.
boogiebass (46) | July 14, 2019 8:48pm
Last seen: April 29th. You missed your chance, Bran.
Kriega1 (143) | April 1, 2019 8:30am
"Best item" depends on the match itself, who you're facing in lane, who's on the enemy team, who's on your team etc... builds are situational, and you're usually going to counter build if you're playing Odin in presume, Solo. (unless you meant jungle or support).

I can mention one solid item though, Blackthorn Hammer. Provides a nice bulk of health in the build, a little cooldown reduction, a bit of power, and mana sustain through the passive. Good to build after/before boots and then build the rest of your defensive items afterwards.

Honestly though, Odin isn't doing very well in conquest right now.
Ciik | June 16, 2018 10:34pm
Would you use same skill sequence for jungle?
boogiebass (46) | June 17, 2018 2:39am
Most likely. This skill sequence is the best way to clear camps the fastest early game.
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 17, 2018 12:38pm
Agreed in general. Lunge is your best first clear, and it solves you getting your escape. Raven Shout is next for the synergy and utility. Getting a 2nd point into Raven at 3rd level is great for additional clear damage, or you could put a point into Gungnir's Might for a bit of control if you're looking to help gank a lane.

But looking to max Raven Shout first is going to always be best. It has both offensive and defensive function, and will be more reliable in what it does compared to Lunge. In a bird bomb, it'll provide a great damage boost. In defense, the increasing shield with leveling is just going to be really helpful. Lunge can also be used defensively, but when you use it to escape, you don't get any greater benefit from leveling it.

Gungnir's Might won't be nearly your main damage ability, but after you max Raven Shout, if you are working a lot with teammates, you might appreciate the slightly longer slow duration you get when leveling the ability, so consider alternating Lunge and Gungnir's if it fits your needs.

In general, probably very similar leveling style for Jungle to what I have listed for him.
Time2medicate (4) | April 13, 2017 1:25pm
I use his alt for taking towers putting around the tower and damaging the tower. I also use it as an escape to put distance between me and enemies
Time2medicate (4) | April 7, 2017 11:42am
Technotoad64 (46) | April 7, 2017 12:44pm
About half of them are:
"You should do (this) because (this)"
"Okay, I'll do that."
And the rest of them are:
"You should do (this) because (this)."
"No, I would rather do (this)."
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 7, 2017 1:08pm
Are you saying my responses are boring and predictable?
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IceColdPappsi (13) | October 11, 2016 10:51pm
Muffin, try this! Transcendence, Ninja, Jotunn's, Stone of Gaia, Runeforged, Hide of the Urchin.
My personal build on Odin, and omg, the damage.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 12, 2016 12:41am
Hey Pappsi, thanks for the comment and suggestions!

The specific things I'd point out on your suggestion (keep in mind this is a guide specifically for Arena):
  • Odin's basic attack is so slow, that it's probably just better to get Warrior Tabi.

  • I've never built Transcendence on him...usually others on the team have better clear in Arena, and I don't want to waste Lunge on the wave when I need it for initiation and/or escape. It's also a bit expensive for a short game like Arena, and can slow him down from getting Tabi, Jotunn's, etc. There could be cases where it would work, perhaps, if the rest of the team had little clearing power...and the high power works pretty well with the decent scaling of his abilities. He's also mana hungry, but that base is so close, he can refill when he needs, without being away for too long.

  • Hide of the Urchin is another stacking item. Not that I've never gotten it as item #6, but I usually get it earlier when I build it...usually 3rd or 4th, after Tabi and Jotunn.

  • Stone of Gaia is a huge HP5 item for modes like Assault where you can't heal back up at base. The health and everything is nice, but the rest of it isn't so great for Arena, where base is so close. In THIS situation, I'd probably consider Mail of Renewal if I needed the extra health/healing, as you'll get a lot of procs of the passive to keep you going in a teamfight.

  • Yes, I like the idea of Runeforged...I think it's perfect for him in a teamfight, especially with his Ring and whatnot.

  • I prefer trying to max or get close to maxing CDR whenever possible for Odin in Arena...spamming his ult will secure kills at least every other one.
Further thoughts?
Liverslices (1) | November 9, 2016 2:50pm
Branmuffin17 wrote:

[*]I've never built Transcendence on him...usually others on the team have better clear in Arena, and I don't want to waste Lunge on the wave when I need it for initiation and/or escape. It's also a bit expensive for a short game like Arena, and can slow him down from getting Tabi, Jotunn's, etc. There could be cases where it would work, perhaps, if the rest of the team had little clearing power...and the high power works pretty well with the decent scaling of his abilities. He's also mana hungry, but that base is so close, he can refill when he needs, without being away for too long.

I regularly build Transcendence in arena. Stacks are easy to get, especially since its only 50. It's key to keeping him as a legitimate threat.

Also want to point out that Hide of the Urchin stacks are incredibly easy to get because of Ring of Spears.
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UltraSuperGenius (1) | April 12, 2016 3:09pm
Bullfrog323 wrote:

If you picked Brawler's Beat Stick only for the raw stats, you could just take The Crusher, it's 100g cheaper.

I should've rephrased what I said, and instead say you shouldn't consider not getting this item based on the passive alone. :P It has a strong passive and the stats are great. 100g is only 10 sec worth of waiting in Arena.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 12, 2016 7:12am
the idea isn't to get it for the passive(Though it is a strong passive)

If you picked Brawler's Beat Stick only for the raw stats, you could just take The Crusher, it's 100g cheaper.

Branmuffin17 wrote:
I didn't choose Brawler's Beat Stick, other than not providing any health or protections, was because when his ult had such a low CD (changing with next update), it did the same thing with regard to anti-heal.

Also, against a healer like Hel or Aphrodite, Brawler's Beat Stick is not useless when combined with Ring of Spears.
That's because Odin ultimate does not negate completely healing (despite the description), but rather reduces the healing by 100%.
That means if the enemy healer is using Rod of Asclepius or Gauntlet of Thebes, they can still heal for a bit.
With Brawler's Beat Stick, your ultimate plus any ability ( Gungnir's Might is easy to land in the ring) completely negates the bonus effect.
UltraSuperGenius (1) | April 11, 2016 8:07pm
It's my pleasure! Thank you for creating a great guide for the most pub stompy warrior in the game! As far as Brawler's Beat Stick goes as an offensive replacement for Runeforged Hammer the idea isn't to get it for the passive(Though it is a strong passive). You get it instead for the 40 physical power and 20 flat pen. It will go well with your Jotunn's Wrath and Titan's Bane, and is a lot cheaper than Shifter's Shield, though this item isn't a bad pick on him either.

I personally don't like Mystical Mail price either. Considering they nerfed the protections, they should've reduced the price, but since you're in the arena it wouldn't take terribly long to acquire the funds to purchase it and it's just a more reliable source of damage than Runeforged in my opinion. This however, is assuming that you want to build extra bonus magical damage on the side as there are cheaper healthy alternatives to Mystical Mail. :P
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