Defensive Items
Solo Viability: High
This item provides a good CDR reduction, good defenses and a nice passive that works pretty well with your ulti for engaging or disengaging. Almost core. TIP: You may use your ulti on defensive stance to get a bigger shield (+100 extra shield).
Solo Viability: High
This item provides a decent counter for almost any solo laner you may face today since all of them are trying to get some sustain in solo/has a giant sustain in kit. If you face this guys, you no longer needs to wait until get pest.
Breastplate of Valor
Solo Viability: High
In solo this item is very good, mainly if combined with
Gladiator's Shield. This item will provide everything you need including the high CDR, something essential to [[tyr].
Solo Viability: High
Useful item used to stop enemy healing and sustain. Since almost every solo has source of healing/sustain, this item is useful even when you are facing physical enemies, just build the physical protection (as
Breastplate of Valor) first. Combining this item with
Brawler's Beat Stick will remove a good amount of healing from your enemy, but again, if there aren't healing/double or triple lifesteal, you don't have to build both (brawler's and pest). Pestilence usually is more than enough to reduce the enemy healing.
Stone of Gaia
Solo Viability: Medium to High
This item will help you with team comps that uses a lot of knock ups/backs, grab and other things that activates this passive. This item can be very useful. It provides a huge HP pool and also nice HP5/MP5 + the healing from the passives that can make you really hard to kill. Remember that
Tyr does not have the higher HP pool of all warriors so this item will definitely help you still alive. Also, be careful with the anti heals!!!
Hide of the Urchin
Solo Viability: High
This item offer really nice stats for you. In solo this item provides everything a solo laner needs so, it's high viable. This item is better be built as 3rd or 4th item since you need to stack with kills and assists (unless your conq match is more like an arena match).
Mantle of Discord
Solo Viability: High
Provides CDR, high protections and a useful passive that can really help you stay alive/secure a kill. This item is very efficient and is recommended you build it as an late game item (5th or 6th) or even the replace for your boots late game after (and if) you buy the
Elixir of Speed due the high cost it has.
Spirit Robe
Solo Viability: High
An item to consider instead of
Mantle of Discord. This item provides less protections than discord, however, it also provides 20% CC reductions, that is awesome in teams with a lot of stuns, fears, taunts...And also a decent passive that can make you even more tanky, when you are catch by CCs. In teams with high CC, do this item instead of
Mantle of Discord, in other cases you can go by discord way, but this item still a good option and can also be considered. Remember that you has a passive the reduces some cc times, but not eliminate it.
Magi's Cloak
Solo Viability: High
Provides a good amount of health, minor protections and a passive that can be helpful on Hard CCs comps or when there are people that would burn your
Purification Beads easily like a
Xing Tian. This item is so useful that can be used in both roles most part of the times as a 3rd or later item.
Bulwark of Hope
Solo Viability: Medium to high
Provides a reasonable amount of health, decent magical protections, some cc reduction and a passive that can be helpful on saving your life/stay you alive for some extra time giving you a max shield of 350 HP capable for 20secs when you are dying. (internal cooldown of 60secs). Can be extremely useful to keep you tanking something like a tower for a little more and can be also used in jungle if you are facing a mage that has a heavy burst on his kit.
Genji's Guard
Solo Viability: Medium to High
Provides a decent amount of health, high magical protections, some cdr reduction, a very good amount of MP5 and a good passive that can make your skills become online faster. In solo, can be a strong item 'cause all the stats are welcome on a solo
Tyr, so, if you are not building
Ancile or
Pestilence, consider this.
Oni Hunter's Garb
Solo Viability: High
Provides an amount of health, good magical protections, some cc reduction, a very good amount of MP5 and a good passive that can make you be more tank when in the middle of your enemies, applying extra mitigation when enemies are near you. It is useful if you are being kind of suicide and jumping in the middle of the teamfight trying to push someone and the enemy team focus you.
Hide of the Nemean Lion
Solo Viability: Medium to High
Provides a good amount of physical protections, some mana and a good amount of MP5. This item has a good passive that can punish basic attackers like any hunter, AA junglers or solos, reflecting part of the damage of a basic attack back to them. Situational to when you have multiple AA attackers, but functional.
Midgardian Mail
Solo Viability: Medium to High
Provides a good amount of physical protections and a good amount of health. This item has a good passive that can punish basic attackers like any hunter, AA junglers or solos, slowing then and also decreasing their attack speed. Situational to when you have multiple AA attackers, but functional. Combine this item with
Hide of the Nemean Lion will destroy enemy AA attackers.
For obvious reasons :p
Gonna check this and later I might update it
Also you would get Talaria but start Blink Relic, and get beads 2nd relic.
Obviously Tyr has massive mana problems, at least in my experience playing him. he can crank out a 4 ability combo as early as lvl 2, but doing it is prohibitively expensive. With enough mana to do it though, its hard to stop Tyr from clearing a whole wave in one go, or beating the Christ out of his opponent (1-2-3-2-1 especially now that guard stance
Again though, my issues here all come around to mana. With
Getting around to a point, I like Blackthorn, and I like that it's included early. It has everything Tyr could ever want, big health, 200 mana (enough for 3-4 extra casts), big mana regen buff once your mana gets critical (when you'll probably be waiting for cooldowns anyway) and CDR whenever you aren't critically low on mana (and you'll obviously be casting more abilities while not super low on mana, and waiting for cooldowns once getting below 25%.) I think it's f***ing phenomenal, and so glad to see it in the build. My problem, it's third. Tyr's mana problems are horrific early (or I'm just horrible at playing him), and harshly discourage the aggressive play you recommend. I'd like to do some more math, on just how long it takes to get mana help from
Summing the mana matter up, to make the suggested first two items viable, when I've tried, I had to make Tyr chug blue Gatorade until he begged me to kill him. Which is costly, and probably not good for my favorite boi's mental health.
Now about the skill leveling. I get that why you might max
I understand that the mana issues I mentioned before can be managed by buying blue gatorade or blue gatorade with unlimited refills, but in my opinion blue gatorade is much worse than grape gatorade, which combined with Tyr's healing makes him nigh-unkillable. Yet, buying the fantastic grape gatorade is scarely an option, given the big reduction in mana restoration. (This is all in my personal experience, I could honestly just be awful, but unless there's a secret "restore 300 mana instantly" button, I can't be too far off.)
Sorry if this ended up sounding like a rant, I'm honestly just looking to understand. I might suck. I admit. But I really believe in what I'm pointing out, and most of all I just want feedback and better understanding about this fantastic boi. Better understanding would help me learn him, and see how this build ticks. As a little final point, do you think building
I read you entire comment and you complain about Tyr mana but you didn't mentioned on any line one of the most important objectives of Solo Laners on the early game, the "Totem of Ku". If you don't know (well now you know :p), there's a uhh, totem, you can hit near solo you can check on the following picture and by hitting it, upon applying enough damage it will desapear and you when inside your tower you will gain extra movespeed and MP5 (up to 30 extra) and this bonus persist for 10 secs after leaving the tower are which means you can just walk inside the area and return to lane to keep your mana sustain.
I know and understand your points about Tyr being a mana hungry god but and I'm aware of all benefits from
Also notice that
Talking about the skills my recommendations are upgrade
So, in conclusion I can say:
Do you have any additional thoughts? Did you understand?
EDIT: I gonna be honest to you, I didn't put as much efforts on this guide as I did with My cupid guide so you may find some stuffs wrong or missing information, sorry, it's hard keep all the 9 guides I have all up to date and with tons of details.
On top of that I don;t know how you clear waves but it sounds like you blow a lot of your kit every time while the opponent is not near. Which you wouldn;t really do unless you want to go for totem.
gonna say that the lvling depends, however I myself prefer
Like Mysterionz, I strongly discourage the OP from bypassing
I feel that the OP is placing too much emphasis on Mana sustain, which leads me to wonder how he is playing and managing his Mana. This could be where a lot of the problems lie, which makes it tough for us to say exactly what changes you could make to see greater success.
One thing that I didn't see included in the guide is the option to build
Also Cupid is the most annoying adc to deal with, so, he kinda deserves it
So I personally would never build HL on him, that's why I didn't listed it.
(This guide needs a lot of adjustments, I'll take care of this later). Done!AA stands for auto attack/auto attack cancel
Assault stance with max cdr:
To you have an idea, I can't even imagine this combo in game.
Although I will try and maybe put in the guide.
Let me know what kind of luck you have on your end.
I was also on instant cast for everything.
4 (Still requires good aim)
There's also Zagboks video. It was pretty interesting.
I was inspired by your guide to start playing
I struggled at first with him, but I am starting to get more familiar and comfortable with him now. Your guide has helped too (you can check my SmiteGuru matches if you're interested).
Some feedback that I recommend would be to include
I'm glad to see you were inspired by my guide :)
I was thinking about gladiator and I would do a bridge items section but I forgot about it :v
I will add it, thanks for your feedback ;)
Solo Role: No
Relics: List
Can also list
Assassin Builds: Im just going to re-do these and give a start:
Build 1:
Build 2:
Also I really don't recommend
Bruiser build is ok but build order can be improved:
Alternative Build:
Another Alternative build:
And lastly, your introduction banner/image thing says "introduciton" and not introduction.
Power options reduced.
With the Assassin build does not mean I want to make a Jungler build. It's just a full damage build to people have fun in Arena or Clash or even in Joust. If someone wants a Tyr jungle of course he will do
Alternative builds are specific builds for some situations and I will added it later for all 3 cases (Solo builds, Damage builds and Bruiser Builds) ;)
For your solo build, i think there are better options than genjis guard and stone pf gaia. The solo laner should split responsibility with the support. So like bran mentioned, pestilence would be preferred to genji.
For your damage/bruiser builds, i dont know how i feel about transcendence on tyr. But i like the other options you listed.
Nice power scale for skills and huge mana pool and cooldown. Everything you need in a
But yea, id just recommend another penetration item (youve listed plenty of alternatives)
But i mean, if you like transcendence, then more power to you. Ive never built it on him before.
But yea you're right.
Howevever, i do think that a beat stick for healers or shifters shield for added peotections and power would serve you better. I mean, in non arena/clash game modes, do you really need max cdr?
You don't need max CDR, but as Jungler in Conquest, you're likely still not going for max CDR. Likely, you'll get