April 29, 2019

Things change

Views: 3209 Devampi
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Items  |  Smitefire  |  Guide
Hello again and welcome to apparently what has become my weekly Sunday blog (or well it was when I started writing this however hadn't finished it before noticing the time and deciding enough sleep was more important). Am I going to keep this up? No idea depends if I have things to talk about. This was just a funny thing I noticed when clicking on blog instead of new blog XD.

So I have played more Smite lately the rustiness isn't going away quickly enough. My mechanical skill has been severely deteriorated even though I played a lot of LoL (however mechanical skill is something that deteriorated there too not long ago, however I'm almost back to were I left of last season with me premade team).

However, that wasn't what I wanted to talk about. While my skill is rusty, I have been enjoying the games I have played. Mostly being Assault and Joust (Arena with friends here). Have done a game of Clash however I still don't really like the game mode. Being a bit reluctant to start solo queuing conquest.

During this time there was a thing I noticed. Items changed a lot. While this was to be expected and in a lot of cases was a good thing it gives me some problems. As people may expect it are mostly building problems. What are the reasons for this well...

First of the biggest thing that changed is the amount of items. I'm talking mostly about the total amount and items per role. While the last thing is a good thing compared to stale S1 item building, the second has become a bit of a problem. There are a lot of items I deem unnecessary. While they do have a function I either find the function worthless or non-noticeable (when it sounds like a noticeable effect). Sometimes items are to niche that only 1 god could use it in only several scenarios that are very rare.

The second reason is off course items changing a lot. This off course brings meta changes in build paths. While not every role being a problem with building or reasoning behind build order others do.

Hunters: Honestly they feel the most straight forward mostly because the Transcendence Asi build is a thing again. And a lot of other kind of build make quite some sense for me even though I don't really like the hammer tree there (which apparently more people had a problem with).

Warriors: These guys changed a lot becoming way more defensive or hybrid items. I have no idea if building things like Titan's Bane or Jotunn's Wrath is a thing however seems like Void Shield and Breastplate of Valor changed them. Also not always sure which relics to get, most cases I get Blink Rune and Shield of Thorns.

Assassins: Uhm, honestly haven't really looked into them yet. However, looking at the coming categories I think I will need some explanations for some paths (even though last time I got Bakasura in assault I felt like building the full katana tree? didn't do it in the end The Executioner was more beneficial than Stone Cutting Sword.)

Guardians: They went more to an aura support from what I noticed, which is nice. Still not really an idea how to go about building them apart from aura items.

Mages: A class that was extremely straightforward for me in S1. However, with all the changes I have no damn clue anymore. I still know the things about pen etc. However those are just stats. Items give more than stats and I can't fully wrap my head around it. both for basic attacking and mostly ability based.

As end opinion on this I will have to state IMO the amount of items has to go down again, mostly cause I feel certain items are just "existing". Could also be my understanding dropped so much for certain roles that this could be wrong. However, for items per role I feel there are to many options for certain things you want to have, however not enough slots. This ins't a problem I have been experiencing in LoL as severe as in smite.

Well so far for talking about Smite. However with the changes in Smite and my understanding of MOBAs, I feel like I have some work to do. There is still a thing attached to my account called a guide. Which I didn't expect to feel the need for updating for (or at least this soon). At this point in time I'm thinking about slowly updating it. Probably updating it section per section I finish.
However, at this point I'm kinda thinking about what I want to do with the lay-out. I'm considering to make it more like "losely" based tips instead of trying to combine a lot of them. Probably ordering them more to encounter rate or at which point in the game you can encounter them. (think about ordering mistakes by skill leveling, general gameplay, item building, etc.) Mostly because this will fit better with the way I'm planning to update it.
The order I'm going to do it isn't fully clear. Things I have clear is that:
  • I will start with updating the introduction, conclusion and other material around the guide. Also tagging outdated articles for the first update.
  • Rereading sources I used and change/add onto where necessary. Also gotta read the guide itself again.
  • Sorting out/making an order of current articles for editing and start editting them
  • Maybe formatting and grammar, however I will probably need help with this (or at least grammar).
  • Start adding new stuff that I learned or other people noticed.
So yeah this is gonna be a long term thing.

Lastly one other thing has changed that I wanted to talk about. You may have guest it it's Smitefire itself.
I'm still happy to be back even though sadly most activity changed to guides and blogs instead of the forums. Which I'm kinda sad about. However it's not a bad thing because feedback etc.

Still one other thing has changed which I feel conflicted about. These are of course the guides and how we handle them nowadays. I do have to say I like the better moderation against the pure troll guides. This certainly has been an improvement.
However, I sometimes fear we're starting to "meta-shape" slightly off-meta builds. Which isn't really what the site was supposed to be. So let me collaborate a bit on this. First of I kind of have an older way of looking at guides and guide building than most other people here. Older peeps that have changed to the new ways will notice this and there are still guides going with that mindset. The new format kinda looks like smites shop screen if you ask me if we're talking build section. (guide is a full different story however this stayed quite the same). Also I'm not looking at the just an example build builds people quick post.

What do I mean by new format is pretty much: A starter build, offensive and defensive options and an example build. Honestly this is a quite confusing one. The only good parts which pretty much all other formats share are example build and the starter build. Don't get me wrong I do get the use of this format and why it is the most common, even though it's a bit to open. That's why either a big item explaination section is needed or multiple scenario example builds.

Honestly looking at some of my preferred format we sorta have 2.
One is the build using the "core format". It's a bit of a harder one to use on some classes or oyu take away some freedom. Pretty much what this includes (without making boots an optional point):
  • Start items including consumables and relic options
  • First back or early items, think bridge items or using LoL as an example a component you want to get ASAP (optional)
  • Core build. aka THE items you got to have/get every game (or most of them). Like The Executioner for adc. In most cases boots are listed here also.
  • Defensive and offensive situational/additions. The item that are (very) interchangeable
Example of a guide would be prism's Athena guide.

the second is a bit more limiting in freedom which is an item option format. Not my preferred one (which is the core format), however also a solid format especially for newer players. This one is pretty much giving you several items in 1 (life steal) or multiple groups (think protections). Giving advise on when to pick up which item in an item section (or notes as those are a thing nowadays). Just look at bran's Medusa guide.

Wait I kinda side tracked, ah well that is one thing that changed partly a build (or item changes from hi rez) thing however less guiding than before if you ask me.

Let's go back to enforcing the meta. I sorta have a kind scale I sorta have been people putting in on criticism they are giving. Before people get mad I don't mean the quality of the criticism as that is pretty solid IF it's actual criticism, not a sarcastic comment as several are prone to doing. I get you won't put effort into a longer comment on an obvious troll build and I'm not asking you too.
This scale uses names, because numbers would look a bit more negative imo. The people their names I used are for several reasons. So there will be a bit of user discussion here.

So the scale is pretty much called the Kriega-Salad scale. Why? Let me elaborate.

What I know and have seen about/from Kriega is that he mostly uses pro and current-meta material. Which is a pretty good thing looking at some of the suggestions I have seen him make (even though sometimes it looks more like orders XD). For guides this is a pretty solid thing for both new and older players. New players will understand a bit more about item building in general and older players find ways to tweak their build towards "perfection".
Just as a spoiler alert most of the active members end up at this side of the spectrum. Not only in criticism but also in what sort of builds they like to see. Also it is easier to argue for meta stuff than for non meta stuff.

On the other side of the spectrum is Salad. Looking at his knowledge and backgrounds he can find himself better in reasons for viable but off-meta from what i have noticed. This can help new players and old players in another way. His knowledge would be able to create/advise towards builds that make use of a more niche or different playstyle for older players. For newer player I would see him make suggestions that would be good at a certain elo or less punishing on short term mistakes.

A fun thing to note is that during my time here I have seen Bran going more towards the salad side of the spectrum, Since he started looking behind the playstyle lately. Which sort of reflects things from the old part of the community.

So like i already said most people are more on the kriega side of the spectrum, which kinda means any feedback could change viable offmeta builds. Looking at how rough criticism is given nowadays I feel that a lot of guide makers go towards the point of just changing it instead of discussing it. So honestly see this as a request of mine, however look at how Bran makes up his comments, Since they don't look as forceful as several others write them.
The effect of this won't scare people away as much and, since you have made good arguments about why item y is better as x. It helps people learn and depending on how they react you can also see if it's "a waste if time" to argue with a certain creator.

Im gonna leave it here before I turn this even more vague because of how tred and the amount of sleep i have gotten (my english probably is quite broken right now).

Some end notes I wanted to make: I didn't mean to cast any bad light on either kriega or salad with my scale both types of persob are valuable knowledge and criticism on guide. If for any reason I did I apologise for it.

And as last endnote apparantly I joined exactly 5 years ago. To think that smite isn't officially 5 years yet (since it was only released for a month at this time)