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Season 4 Patch Notes & Comments

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Season 4 Patch Notes & Comments 28 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 19, 2017 12:02pm | Report
FYI, I've downloaded the patch notes as a PDF, and am going to add some personal commentary. I'll link in this thread, and if you're interested, you can provide your own general thoughts on S4, your thoughts on my commentary, etc.

Depending on how my day goes, I'll update this thread with the PDF link shortly.

Original patch notes are HERE.

My comments here:

Further comments about specific items in the spoilers:

Magical Lifesteal

Magical Penetration

Magical Power & Magical Protection

I'll skip over Chronos and create a separate topic specifically for that...and I'll continue this later...

Magical Power & Health

Let me stop for a second and consider core items for a Healing Mage Support... Shoes of Focus or Reinforced Shoes, Stone of Binding (the 10% CDR, protections and team pen buff), Rod of Asclepius as core...additional items depending might include Spirit Robe, Ritual Dagger, Breastplate of Valor / Genji's Guard, Shogun's Kusari (attack speed aura for the ADC), Shield of Regrowth. That doesn't seem all that bad...maybe not a lot of damage in there, but a TON of utility. I dunno, if they can put healers in the right area (definitely needs adjustment right now, maybe higher base damage on abilities with low scaling), it can open a pathway.

Magical Power & Attack Speed

Physical Lifesteal

Physical Penetration

Physical Power & Physical Protection

Physical Power & Magical Protection

Physical Power & Health

Physical Attack Speed

Physical Power & Move Speed

Physical Power & Crit

Attack Speed & Crit

Attack Speed & Move Speed

Not gonna really comment on PhysicalProtection & Mana or Magical Protections & Health...everything remains pretty standard, nothing really that new, and the new/revised items are a bit meh.

Magical Protections & Mana

Health & HP5

And that's it for the items. Let me know your thoughts!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » January 19, 2017 12:09pm | Report
I feel like my main is ready for the changes being brought this season. Prepare your anuses

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » January 19, 2017 12:18pm | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » January 19, 2017 12:25pm | Report
Just asking, when Freya is ADC and assuming she picks Hastened Fatalis second, after boots.
Which level are you about when you completed fatalis usually ? (Assuming a normal encounter (you don't feed and you are not fed)

5 ?
8 ?
10 ?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 19, 2017 1:08pm | Report
Hey Bull, these days (final days of S3), I would tend to aim for Hastened Fatalis first as ADC, as long as I've got a Support with good CC to save my sorry ***. Reason for this is that, with her somewhat weak clear, the added power from Shoes of the Magi or whatever doesn't do nearly as much for her clear potential as additional attack speed providing more hits from Pulse (and Soul Stone is helpful too, which I've been defaulting to more and more).

So, preferred start right now (again S3...won't be so in S4 probably) would be Soul Stone, Ancient Blade, 2 potions. Hopefully those are 2 mana potions, and I don't need health because a kind healing Support like Terra or Guan Yu or Sylvanus can keep me healthy.

Depending on how long I'm able to stay out, the plan would be to back once I had at least 1,600 gold (to buy a full Hastened Fatalis. Better yet would be 1,900 (to get Shoes to help with the slightly lower move speed at that point) or 2,100 (to add on some Wards and Mana Potions at that point).

This is how I'd probably build in Solo lane as well, and just make sure I was playing conservatively close to the tower until I got both level 5 (for ult) and both Hastened Fatalis and T3 shoes.

Does that answer your question, in a different way?

I don't really keep track of what level I am at the time I get certain items (I'm not on-the-fly analytical, and don't often revisit my gameplay (as you know, though your feedback when I did provide your recordings was so awesome), but I'd guess I'm probably level 7 or 8 by the time I'd have both full shoes and Fatalis, unless I'm getting some nice kills from a player even worse than me, lol.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » January 19, 2017 1:09pm | Report
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » January 19, 2017 1:22pm | Report
I don't think that question can be answered with an exact, not even with the multiple choices you gave. There's to many factors that can change that'll dictate how fast you'll finish an item, even excluding fed/feeding factors.

Some examples would be:

- Clearing camps?
- Jungles "leeching" gold?
- Support dealing killing blows?
- Type of boots (this case specific)
- Starting gear?

And many more. Also, you didn't mention what gamemode. I'm assuming Conquest.

Boots vary in prices, which creates a rather large possibility for variation in how much gold you'll have at a given time right of the bat.

Players start with a 1.500 gold. Say they'll buy Shoes of Focus, which is an exact 1.500g, they'll need to save up 2140g to afford Hastened Fatalis.

Since most minion waves exist out of 1 brute, 2 melee's and 3 archers, a single minion wave would net 129g. For the sake of making this easier, let's say you last-hit every single one of these, no jungler leeches anything, and the tower doesn't hit any. You also don't take any camps or get any kills/get killed.

Since minion waves spawn every 30 seconds, you'd get 129g every 30 seconds, which results in 258g a minute tops, excluding potential minion travel times. The aforementioned minion wave would also give 165XP, granting 330XP / minute, excl. minion travel times.

2140g divided by 258g equals around 8,2 minutes, so let's take 8 minutes.

8 x 330XP (8 minutes, for 330xp each minute) = 2640XP, which is around level 7.

TL;DR, in most optimal case scenario, you'd finish Hastened Fatalis at round level 7, tops 8.

Edit: Well, it seems that Bran actually answered this as I was typing/researching. Bran probably knows better. Listen to the muffin, bullfrog, listen to it! (But don't eat it.)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 19, 2017 1:31pm | Report
LOL Zero.

You're absolutely right on all that...many variables in a game, but my assumption was Conquest (clarifying that now), and that the Support would likely not last-hit and would have Watcher's Gift and whatnot so not PURPOSEFULLY dealing killing blows. Jungles definitely not leeching, but if they come and help gank, an assist will give me a bit of gold anyway, which is nice.

Clearing camps standard...boars generally when they're up, possibly back harpies or helping with Damage camp when it's up, if I'm on my way back to lane.

Will also clarify that if I DO get Soul Stone instead of Vampiric Shroud, my preference is to get Shoes of Focus for the extra mana and CDR...the lack of pen early is something to deal with, but 10 is relatively minor overall, and since I usually get both Demonic Grip and Spear of the Magus, I don't need the extra pen later in the match.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » January 19, 2017 1:43pm | Report
Yueah. I just assumed a straight up Shoes of Focus into Hastened Fatalis.

Too many variables to calculate something like that, but I gave a calculation based on the assumption of 'this & that', which is all described in my comment.

If you buy Soul Stone or Vampiric Shroud, which both cost an 800g, you'd need some more time to finish Hastened Fatalis

If this build: Shoes of Focus > Hastened Fatalis requires around 8 minutes, around level 7...


Soul Stone or Vampiric Shroud > Shoes of Focus > Hastened Fatalis would need
(2140g + 800g) / 258g = 2940g / 258g = 11,3 - Let's assume 11 minutes.
11m x 330xp (11 minutes, with 330xp each minute (est.)) = 3630 XP, which is in between level 8 to 9.

So, to sum up:

Shoes of Focus > Hastened Fatalis = finished level 7 ~ 8
Soul Stone or Vampiric Shroud > Shoes of Focus > Hastened Fatalis = finished level 8 ~ 9.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » January 19, 2017 2:08pm | Report
Well, thanks guys for answering my question.

The point of my question was about Freya in Season 4.

Shoes of the Magi gives 10 penetration
Hastened Fatalis (a core item for Freya gives 10 penetration
Purple buff will give 10 protection reduction.

So, basically, with the 2 first items and purple buff, she gains 30 penetration early game.
Since magical protection is scaling lower than physical protection on most gods, we can even say that she will be dealing almost TRUE damage after those 2 items.

So my question is ... how fast can she get those 2 items online ?

Oh, and that is without considering your support be picking Stone of Binding.


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